
The Deductive Detective

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The Deductive Detective

This is a fantastic group of people and I am always impressed with the book recommendations they have. You can find more details here. Mouse Grows, Mouse Learns. The hosts reserve the right to delete any links to homepages, commercial links, repeat links or otherwise inappropriate links. Thank you for your understanding. This looks like a great one!

The Deductive Detective – Children's Book Council

Math and puns and ducks and a mystery to solve! What more could you ask for?! She might go for that one.

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This sounds like a fantastic book! I also love the interview. So funny that your son memorized the facts in the book. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. What inspired you to write The Deductive Detective? My daughter has a stuffed buddy named Quaky.

Sea Turtles Get Sick Too! Dogs Get Cancer Too! Tundra Tale Turtle Summer: Which Animal is Fastest? Whistling Wings Yodel the Yearling. Someone stole a cake from the cake contest—who could it be? Follow along as he subtracts each suspect one at a time to reveal just who the culprit was. This clever story will have children of all ages giggling at the puns and the play on words.

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