
QD Tome 1 (FICTION) (French Edition)

However, as I kept reading, I kept encountering more and more problems. For example, on page 49, "A nanny pushed a pram while blushing at the admiring whistles of workmen up scaffolding. ALSO I thought this was a children's book, so I was super upset that lines like this were used without being challenged, but as I read more and more of the book, I realised this is certainly NOT a children's book. We have another character calling a woman a slut just because she was sleeping with her brother and we have another character who Archibald finally let out a deep sigh.

It would have been frightfully amusing to have Thorn's betrothed at my disposal. I'm just done with this book. View all 5 comments. It has won numerous awards in Europe so it was no surprise that it has recently finally been translated into English. I don't read many translated books and was excited to give this one a go! I have read some wonderful reviews about the French version.

I wanted to see what sort of atmosphere it had. It did not disappoint! In a unique universe, the world has been smashed up into different "arks". Ophelia is a young 4. Ophelia is a young woman living on Anima. She has the ability to travel short distances through mirrors and can also read objects histories by touch.

When against her wishes she is betrothed to a man on another Ark, Ophelia has to leave her secure and loving home and travel to a cold and desolate ark to marry him. Thorn is a powerful man, and has many enemies who will stop at nothing to see his and his future wife's demise. I have read a few reviews commenting on the misogyny A Winter's Promise and its characters. While I agree, yes there is a lot of it, I must say I took it differently than a lot of those reviewers.

I believe it is a story of a young woman finding her power in such a landscape and navigating her way through it. I feel like the story line has a purpose. And I feel it will take much more than one book to get there. The scene is set, and yes it's depressing to be a woman in this book, especially Ophelia. But there are three more books coming, and I am really excited to see how strong she becomes, and how she can change her world for the better. Honestly I didn't find it any more misogynistic than The most popular YA franchises generally have the mistreatment of women as a theme.

If a YA book can bring this to light I am all for it, provided there is an adequate resolution of the story line and at least permits young readers to recognise the issues and feel inspired to change their own world. It reminded me a lot of The Selection, and The Red Queen series in certain ways, but I really disliked those series, I don't really like books that deal with competing for a man's love.

I found The Mirror Visitor to be much more encouraging. She doesn't even want to be with the 'hero' of the book, and has so many other strengths going for her than the love of a man, and I think that is made perfectly clear. The author has created such a unique and expansive world for her characters. I absolutely loved reading about the scenery and what on earth she was going to get herself into next!

It had so many twists and turns! I found getting through this book extremely easy, completing it in just three sittings. I liked the characters even more than I was expecting, even Thorn I gradually warmed to slightly by the end, even though he was a grump of a character. I can't wait to find out more about him in subsequent books!

Because it was translated from French it had a very unique vibe to it which I can only imagine is due to the authors background and talent. It was eerie and imaginative, detailed and the universe was so expansive! I thoroughly enjoyed it and imagine most fans of YA will feel the same way. For more reviews check out my Blog Facebook Instagram Twitter Jul 24, Sophia. If you read a lot of Y.

QD Tome 2 (FICTION) (French Edition)

The whole story is just a washed-out copy of those books. Everyon If you read a lot of Y. Everyone is super flat and one-dimensional. The bad guys are very mean, the good guys are very kind. But you know what? Can you seriously imagine someone like him? The dialogues were awkward, nobody talks like that either.

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And could anyone really picture what the Family Spirits looked like? These descriptions were terrible. The writing was really clumsy. A couple of times I actually went back and re-read the previous page to try to understand where she was coming from! She would jump to conclusions that had strictly no correlation to what she was saying beforehand, or her feelings especially when Thorn was concerned were just hard to follow because she would change her mind every other page. Also, sooo many repetitions.

Mattéo, Tome 1 (French Edition): Jean-Pierre Gibrat: bolstergroup.com: Books

Berenilde is gorgeous and has tattoos. The aunt has "horse-like teeth". All of these are repeated a hundred times throughout the book, the most important one being….. The author learned her lesson from reading so many YA books: She has zero redeeming qualities. Meaning she has a cold during the entire storyline.

Is that supposed to make her relatable? She blew her nose three times.

Even Bella Swan was more lively. Come on, get a grip girl! I felt nothing towards her but annoyance. Yet, everyone is just obsessed with her and she seems to be the key to saving everyone. He could help you, you idiot! Does she warn Berenilde? And I know her marriage was arranged but since she had no other option than to just, well, roll with it, I got annoyed at how she refused to try and work with Thorn. You have no choice so why not try to make the best of it? He watches out for you. The overall reading experience felt very childish. The world building was okay, but I liked Anima better than the Pole.

Honestly my two-stars are for the scarf, because that was freaking cute. Forget about the rest. The whole book is just so goddamn dull. Nov 22, prettybooks rated it really liked it. En qui avoir confiance? Pourquoi ne peut-elle pas dire qui elle est? Bref, un coup de coeur. View all 13 comments. Jan 12, Yasmine rated it it was amazing. Dec 04, Marine rated it it was amazing. Jan 07, Marine rated it it was amazing Shelves: Cette saga est tellement prometteuse.

En fait, j'adore tous ces personnages. Mi auguro e spero che tutto questo accanimento sia in qualche modo funzionale al prosieguo della storia. View all 9 comments. Wow, finalmente un fantasy che dopo tanto tempo riesce a conquistarmi! Fosse per me, leggerei immediatamente il seguito! Jan 12, Lulai rated it liked it. Cependant je n'ai jamais vu une intrigue aussi lente de ma vie. Check out more reviews Perspective of a Writer Long ago, a cataclysm shattered the world into many floating celestial islands. These Arks, have each developed in distinct ways, possessing its own unique relationship to time.

Beneath her worn scarf and thick glasses, Ophelia hides the ability to read and communicate with the souls of objects, and the power to travel through mirrors. Her peaceful existence on the Ark of Anima is disrupted when she is promised in marriage to Thorn, from the pow Check out more reviews Perspective of a Writer Ophelia is NOT an adventurer. She is NOT badass. She is not cool, neat and no one can claim she is a special snowflake!!! Ophelia is a museum curator. She is responsible in the same way an absent minded professor is, that is dedicated to their work and otherwise floating through life, not worrying much about material possessions, lovers or appearances.

Then she is thrust into the most incredible of worlds!!!! But we HAD to see what kind of person Ophelia is and what her circumstances are and the horrible situation she is thrust into The world that Ophelia must navigate otherwise she won't survive to see herself married. So what is this world like?! Ophelia is forced by her family to marry this man who for all intents and purposes lives on the moon! She has no idea what to expect and her fiancee does NOT enlighten her. We get the sense right off that Thorn is not going to be a man who makes you swoon because he knows how to treat a woman No in fact Ophelia realizes quickly that she will have to rely on herself.

It is quite a modern treatment for what starts out with an old-fashioned idea. I came to really appreciate how he relied on Ophelia being a capable young woman who is no slouch in his politically pitfalled world. I won't say much more because as the book opens up, like Ophelia, you come to understand how life at the Pole works. It's political, about illusion and appearances being the opposite of what you expect and no one is safe! In fact, every single person she meets is morally grey, thank goodness her godmother came with her!

There are no easy fixes no one has answers for her and yet Ophelia does come to find some allies This is the first book of a series We've gotten the best start, a well thought out solid one, that will serve us well through the entire series This is a world that I want to get even more deliciously complex and strange And I want to see Ophelia continue to grow and come into her own as a woman of action!

That is what attracted me to it at the first, it sold the premise and it didn't disappoint as I read. I loved that I got an idea of what the setting looked like from the cover. And I love that the other covers in the series follow the same solid color with ink drawing of a location pattern that is established with A Winter's Promise. I NEED this series on my book shelf! What are a couple of the many highlights in A Winter's Promise?

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This is the dirty, underhanded, morally grey way politics should be done! There is social rivalry, warring clans and romantic scandals, oh my! It makes for a rather treacherous world to maneuver through and its NOT terribly action oriented though there are plenty of backstabby events and horrid situations instead It is an embassy where the different rivals can come and not be killed off Well there are some magical things like taking rooms to their own spaces, that do a good job at maintaining safety but there are always ways to get around those features Thorn and his aunt Berenilde can flay Ophelia with their minds And Archibald, the ambassador, is mentally connected to his family!

There is another clan all about illusions, and Ophelia gets up close and personal with one magical outfit! It's all deliciously dangerous One of the things I really appreciate about A Winter's Promise as a writer as well as a reader is her characters! I've shared my loving adoration of Ophelia, but I'll say again that I love how she jumped into this world that is everything she is not and is dealing with it. She is not in her natural habitat and that is what made her so great I adore the cold and hard Thorn and his very subtle softening toward Ophelia.

It doesn't happen swiftly and it isn't evident very much. He is a hard worker though and comes to respect Ophelia and that I really admire! The harder they are the more gooey they are inside Berenilde, hahahhahha, you won't know if she's you alley or your enemy! I did wonder at her incredible crush on their patriarch It's a hard world that Thorn has lived in if this is his only ally I come to appreciate Ophelia's godmother as much as she does, when she continually is outraged for her nieces sake! And there are so many more characters that will take you by surprise Archibald, the architect, the mechanic, the servant that shows Ophelia the ropes, the Knight, Thorn's sister!

It's a lush, lush world with complex characters Oh and I can't forget to mention Ophelia's scarf that is animated and lively like a squirmy pet!! If you want a heroine who is not gorgeous, scintillating and super talented then you need Ophelia, who has a couple gifts but with only rather limited uses Yet she persists none-the-less!

If you want a world that is an intriguing mix of politics, magic and back stabbers then you need A Winter's Promise!! It has not influenced my opinions. Customer reviews There are no customer reviews yet.


Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Like it, don't like it, at this point I really don't care. It's like you want people to think that French don't know how to deal with criticism, honestly? Oh, and no, "you read it wrong" does not in fact equal constructive criticism. It doesn't prove anything, except that for some reason you can't let it go.

It's been two years. Give it a break maybe? Now if you'd please stop acting like my review is "harming" a tremendously popular novel, it'd be great. Have a good day. This review will be divided into two parts: Let me start by saying that my two parts won't be sole translations: I still needed to express my opinion this way because I believe that this book demonstrated something that we find in a fair amount of YA novels: What we're told is that the society pictured is matriarchal and somehow empowering for women. What we get is a misogynist piece of shit.

I am not exaggerating. The members of her family repeatedly state how she must: Almost all the women we meet are vapid, superficial, and often straight on mean. All cheaters are women , and the whole thing stinks of double-standards. The men's actions are overlooked when the women are called bitches. I mean, for fuck sake. He manages to force the hand of the heroine when she wants to come back home by using force to get her to follow him , crack a rape-joke and explain her that no woman can resist him in the span of 3 pages. Let me tell you that it took me less than two sentences to despise him.

I could have done without her crazy interpretation of his actions, though, even if it made for a good laugh: And then she thinks that he is falling in love with her. I do not "get used" to people I love. They deserve better than poor characterization and sexist stereotypes.

Franchement, en , je suis abasourdie de trouver encore ce genre de conneries. Ce n'est pas suffisant. J'en peux plus de ces gens. Donnez moi des nuances, faites moi croire en vos personnages. For more of my reviews, please visit: View all 61 comments. Avrei preferito meno starnuti da parte della protagonista ma per il resto lavoro encomiabile. Ambientazione e trama sicuramente fanno la parte del leone rispetto ai personaggi che rimangono alquanto enigmatici.

Ma forse anche questo fa parte del fascino di questo libro che richiama alla mente Alice nel paese delle meraviglie in una cornice fantasy e dalle tinte lievemente steampunk. View all 3 comments. Ho adorato proprio le famiglie ed i vari poteri che ereditano! Si va dal poter leggere gli oggetti e la loro storia a poter provocare dolore col solo pensiero, o a poter condividere pensieri e attraversare specchi. Ho adorato Ofelia, la protagonista, goffa ma forte e coraggiosa! Sua zia Roseline e Thorn sono stati altri personaggi che ho apprezzato tanto, mentre devo ancora inquadrarne altri come Berenilde, Archibald e Faruk.

View all 4 comments. Apr 22, Tiffany Miss. La scrittura sostiene benissimo e in maniera elegante tutto l'arco narrativo. Ho, diciamo, apprezzato molto meno i suoi viaggi mentali e i numerosi vaneggiamenti.

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