
Ich wünschte, ich hätte dich besser gekannt (German Edition)

Es gibt bessere Alternativen. It works perfectly well in English. Aber das ist mMn nichts als eine schlechte Angewohheit. Comment Oh dear, Robert! Now wonder just how many times I informed American business contacts that my boss was out to lunch Mein Kollege ist zu Tisch und wird um I didn't say 'man sagt das', in German OR in English; I said "It works perfectly well in English", which is not remotely the same thing.

I certainly won't let a non-native lecture me on what does and what doesn't work in my own language. Comment You really need to learn how to parse simple syntax. Your ditto is silly, completely irrelevant and just childish na-na-nanana. Aside from that, I think it really would behoove you to rein in your arrogance a bit. You may think you're God's gift to literature and everything it encompasses including translation , but trust me, you're not.

Comment 5 hat, soweit ich sehe, noch keiner beantwortet When I think of "out to lunch", I think of the person having left the building, does the German "zu Tisch" imply that? Vielleicht soll es den Amtsschimmel menschlicher erscheinen lassen That would depend entirely on just who was calling. But not some salesperson, no way! Comment 35 Das finde ich nun total indiskutabel.

Das geht ja wohl gar nicht. Comment Dude, you are the very last slimy, rude, arrogant poster who should be lecturing others on manners and arrogance. Comment sticks and stones Comment Carly, that's a complete strawman. You are putting words in my mouth. The issue was whether it's appropriate at all, ever. Well, it is in some situations. That's what I was commenting on. In the UK, it's perfectly normal to tell even a salesperson 'He's out to lunch'.

There's no state secret involved. Comment Or in your case, Dude, Pot. Stop addressing yourself in the mirror. Jeder lernt gern von jedem - aber bei Deinem Habitus Das sollte Dir zu denken geben, wenn Du anderen Nutzern die Schuld an diesen Auseinandersetzungen in die Schuhe schieben willst.

Comment 42, Why can't you see that you started the nastiness in 25? Hast Du Dich jetzt auf mich eingeschossen? Comment 43, I assure you that I have a whole folder of incoming private messages from several posters, going back a couple of years, in which they tell me how much they detest Dude's constant arrogance and rudeness. Moreover, you seem unaware of our history. Dude has been, intermittently, stalking me from thread to thread, intervening in linguistic disputes between me and third parties that did not in the least concern him, and making sure that the atmosphere got worse and worse by insulting me for no reason.

Finally, your implication that no conflicts ever arise when I am not posting is manifestly counterfactual. There have been many, many fights between other posters in which I wasn't even present. I had no reason to react in the same way, since you have not been rude to me over a long period as Dude has been.

Perhaps a BE-AE difference? Anyway, I'd probably just say something such as "Ms. X isn't here at the moment. Wir sagen das immer in meiner Firma. Comment In UK-based companies, lunch is often a rather snatched affair, taken at no particular time. A caller will typically ask a follow-up question along the lines of "Do you know when she'll be back? It may well have been AE originally but is pretty well-known and used in the UK now. Comment Ist doch klar, dass in diesem Fall keiner denkt, dass "absent-minded" gemeint ist ;-.

Comment Depending on who's calling, "out to lunch" could conceivably be a catalyst for funny comments or jokes, or at least a chuckle. Comment imo it's nobody's business what the person is doing Dass er sich nun gezielt auf Dich eingeschossen haben soll - na ja. Comment I don't see a problem with telling a caller the person they asked for is having lunch.

It's got a more personal touch than "not available at the moment" and is clearly understandable to any human who's ever had lunch. If it's not lunch time and the person is consequently not at lunch but otherwise unavailable, that's a different story. In that case, "in a meeting" is always a good one, or simply "away from the desk at the moment. Comment at lunch is ok I just want to point out inexperienced people are often better advised to err on the side of discretion I am not interested in stalking him or anyone else, for that matter ; he is, after all, no more to me than fly poop on this radar screen called LEO.

Mehr mag ich dazu nicht sagen, auch wenn es mich in den Fingern juckt, wenn ich 38 lese. Und, nochmal zur Klarstellung, damit John nicht meint, es ginge hier um das Hegen irgendwelcher Sympathien oder Antipathien: Formulierungen wie in 38 sind einfach indiskutabel. Und dabei ist es vollkommen egal, von wem sie kommen.

Und es ist vollkommen egal, was da vorher seit Adam und Eva irgendwann einmal zwischen irgendwelchen Nutzern vorgefallen sein soll. When did I ever say that it bothers me? I don't believe I did. I simply pointed out that many posters have written to me over time in support and sympathy, after Dude doing his usual thing of pouring petrol on the fire and then, of course, pretending that he is Persil-white and butter wouldn't melt in his mouth , and told me that he'd also been spectacularly nasty to them or to other posters. Despite your special pleading, Dude has been rude to a great many people, and that's a fact.

I have been posting here for many, many years, but originally without being a registered user hence my relatively high user number, which I only obtained about 18 months ago, if memory serves. Of course, Dude saying "as you seem to be aware of very little on this forum", or even "he is, after all, no more to me than fly poop", sure, that's the very model of politeness, innit. Comment Der fly poop war auch nicht gerade die feine Art, da gebe ich Dir Recht. Wenn Du meinst, Du wirst hier gestalkt, dann nimmst Du Dich schlichtweg zu wichtig. Ich glaube, jeder hier hat was Besseres zu tun, als Dir hinterherzulaufen.

Comment I am an empiricist shrug. I look at the evidence. I have lost count of the number of times Dude has waded in to pour petrol on the fire and vilify me in far stronger terms than I or anyone else had used in the thread before his intervention. This one is a case in point. His claim that I am so unimportant to him that I am beneath his attention is a classic case of protesting too much.


Comment I thought long and hard before deciding to post. Normally I try to ignore the arguments but decided not to do so this time. My comments are general in nature and not directed at any one person or in reference to any one post. Some of what I am going to say will sound trite; that makes it no less true.

What you say and how you say it reveal who you are. They say nothing about who someone else is. Even if you believe you must defend yourself against an attack, how you do it shows the rest of us who you are. You cannot justify your response on the basis of what someone else posted and how they phrased it; that reveals who they are, and what you do reveals who you are. They are completely separate matters. Those of us who are not directly involved will ultimately draw our own conclusions and form opinions of people based on what we see them posting, not what others may say about them.

Once you have a certain reputation, it will take a long time and great effort to change that reputation. Far more than it did to create the reputation in the first place. You have to decide if you care how people perceive you. If you don't care, then don't complain if the perception is negative.


If you do care, consider why the perception exists. Ad hominem attacks do not further the goals of LEO and do nothing to help people who are asking questions. Refutations of erroneous information are a different matter. However, once again we all need to consider how we do that. Now, to address some aspects of the discussion pertinent to the original question: There is obviously a difference or there are differences in perception of how much information is acceptable. The corporation or business should decide that.

In some places it is perfectly acceptable to indicate that a person is unavailable because he or she is at lunch; in other places it is not. That's corporate culture, not something this forum is designed to solve - though I believe it is appropriate for people to express their own experiences with the matter. BTW, I also think there is no problem with taking a thread in a new direction once the original query has been addressed; it often brightens the day, brings a certain camaraderie and often leads to new insights and appreciation of forum participants. This is far different from attacks.

The various translations offered also are perceived differently. I made my comment about the double entendre of "out to lunch" because I know both meanings of the phrase. Yes, it can be used absolutely innocently to express that the person is eating. On the other hand, for some people there will also be the slight smirk because of the double meaning, even when they know that this was not what was intended.

This is a useful piece of information to have so that someone doesn't inadvertently imply something they don't wish to imply. There are plenty of alternative phrases, and people have suggested a number of them. Oreokeks's original query was how to translate a particular German phrase. That should be the focus of the thread, coupled with how the various translations may be perceived.

Comments about the appropriateness of giving that piece of information are slightly off topic though not necessarily inappropriate. Oreokeks might want to make sure that giving that information is all right in his or her setting. Off topic but not unimportant. All opinions expressed are my own. Do with them as seems right and just. Comment Now that "out for lunch" is in the mix, I support whyme, that it's used in AE. But as I myself stated way up above, 8, solves the whole problem. Let's put it that way.

Comment Thank you, Ffive. I heard a loud "ping" too when reading Robert's post: Comment Ich finde auch, dass Robert die Sache in 65 genau auf den Punkt gebracht hat! Sagt man das heute in der einen oder anderen Firma noch so? Seeing how you have an ax to grind here, I'm not taking your contribution to this thread too seriously.

Phineas und Ferb/Episodenliste – Wikipedia

After all, you are someone who's been booted from this forum several times and has always come back with a new nick. Or am I wrong about this, opine and whatever else you've called yourself? Wobei es in der Mittagszeit ohnehin nahe lag. Comment No, the insults started in 25 with "warum habe auf einen solchen Kommentar nur gewartet? Comment Fragezeichen,, your memory is good on this point. As your probably also remember, these sorts of things are or should be part of the training for a new employe. What does that particular company consider appropriate?

On the one hand, callers don't need to know everything that someone is doing; on the other hand, it is courteous to give them some idea of when they can expect a reply if they are a customer or client or a regular contact.

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I don't think you owe random sales callers much at all. Ffive is only the most recent incarnation of opine, feinmain, tastymorsel, cryme, and whatever other nicks he might have had during his illustrious LEO career. And yes, I know he doesn't like me much because I've called him out more than once on his often asinine questions and his behavior, for which as I said he's been booted off the forum many times now. That's not slandering or insulting someone in my book; that's simply stating the facts. Comment I've called him out more than once on his often asinine questions So now a poster is fair game for your insults because you don't like his questions assuming it's even the same person, but in any case Cryme or whatever is fair game by your own admission?

Comment Doris has removed him more than once because of what I just explained, so it wasn't just me who thought his questions were "inappropriate," if you like that adjective better. And anyone who changes his nick like other people change their underwear is indeed "fair game," as you so nicely put it. Obviously, a lot of people got tired of him. And once again, where did I insult Ffive in Comment Be a man and point it out to me The words of the playground bully through the generations: You are a sissy, you are not a real man, where are your cojones, my brother is bigger than yours.

Comment Well, I guess it takes one to know one. Comment Except that you uttered those words, I didn't, tiny 1"-dude who thinks someone died and he's been made king. Saying whoever is "out of the office" is OK obviously, but why saying they are at lunch e.

Comment but why saying they are at lunch e. Es gibt wohl Branchen bzw. Harter Hund und so Irgendwann hat er den Salat: I guess you're right, but I can't take that sort of thing seriously myself Comment why saying they are at lunch e. Du rufst Dienstag um Du probierst es am Mittwoch um Was ist Dein Eindruck als Anrufer? Die Frau macht nur Pausen. Mittagspause offenbar von Ich stelle mir vor, dieser Eindruck soll wahrscheinlich vermieden werden, wenn man diese Formulierung nicht benutzt.

Comment Was ist Dein Eindruck als Anrufer? That may be your impression, but it's not mine; if I took time to think about it at all, I'd assume she has flexible working hours. Taking a lunch break is nothing to be ashamed of IMO Comment 92 That may be your impression, but it's not mine Ich meinte ja auch nicht, dass jeder Anrufer zwangsweise so schlussfolgert.

Seit er von dir geschieden, zur Schlacht nicht mehr schickte uns Wotan: In dismay and fear at his word they assembled; around him ranged, the hall was filled by his heroes. So sits he, speaks no word, on high enthroned grave and mute; the shattered spear-shaft fast in his grasp; Holda's apples tastes he no more. Awestruck and shrinking sit the gods in silence. Forth on quest from Walhall sent he his ravens; if with good tidings back the messengers come, then forever shall smiles of joy gladden the face of the god.

Round his knees entwining cower we Valkyires; nought recks he nor knows of our anguish: He closed his eyes, deeply sighing, and as in slumber spoke he the words: Then I took thought: Now, o sister, to thee I pray: Seine Raben beide, sandt' er auf Reise: Da sann ich nach: The cloudy heaven of gods on high have I, poor fool, now escaped; I grasp not what thou dost tell me. Dark and wild seemeth thy speech: With cheeks so pallid, thou white-faced sister, what wouldst thou, wild one, from me?

Waltraute vehemently Upon thy hand, the ring, 'tis that: Waltraute To the Rhine daughters give it again! Mit blasser Wange, du bleiche Schwester, was willst du Wilde von mir? Lost are thy senses? Waltraute Hear me, hear my despair! The world's ill-fate surely hangeth thereon.

Cast it from thee, away in the waters; so shalt thou end Walhall's anguish: How canst thou grasp it, loveless maid! More than Walhall's rapture, more than the fame of gods is this my ring: For blissfuly there shineth the love of Siegfried. O might but its rapture be told thee! Go hence to the holy council of gods! And of my ring tell o'er to them my words: Bist du von Sinnen? Der Welt Unheil haftet sicher an ihm. Wirf ihn von dir, fort in die Welle, Walhalls Elend zu enden, den verfluchten wirf in die Fluth!

Denn selig aus ihm leuchtet mir Siegfrieds Liebe, Siegfrieds Liebe! Sie wahrt mir den Reif. Von meinem Ringe raune ihnen zu: Waltraute This is thy truth then? So thou leavest unloved in her sorrow thy sister? The ring thou winn'st not from me! Woe to thee, sister! Woe to Walhall's gods! A storm cloud soon rises from the wood with thunder. From below, the light of the fire shines gradually brighter. Twilight of evening hides the heaven; brightly flameth the rampart of fire round the fell. The firelight approaches from below. Tongues of flame, growing continually brighter, shoot up over the rocky wall.

Waltraute Diess deine Treue? Bald erhebt sich unter Sturm eine Gewitterwolke aus dem Tann. Es ist Abend geworden. Why leap so wildly the blazing billows on high? The mountaintop is girt by the fiery sea. She starts up in delight. She hastens to the rocky parapet in the highest delight. Siegfried, with the Tarnhem on his head, which hides the upper half of his face, leaving only his eyes free, appears in Gunther's form.

A wooer comes, whom thy fire doth not fright. Thee seek I now for wife: Seinen Ruf sendet er her! In meines Gottes Arm! Wer drang zu mir? Ein Freier kam, den dein Feuer nicht geschreckt. Dich werb' ich nun zum Weib: Siegfried as before A hero who shall tame thee if force alone may serve. To rend me in pieces cometh an eagle! Who art thou, awful one? Art thou a mortal? Com'st thou from Hella's darksome host? Siegfried as before, beginning with a slightly trembling voice, but presently continuing with more certainty A Gibichung am I, and Gunther is his name whom thou shalt follow now.

Thou ruthless, merciless god! Now my sentence shines clear to me! Siegfried springs down from the stone and comes nearer. Ein Aar kam geflogen, mich zu zerfleischen! Wer bist du, Schrecklicher? Stammst du von Menschen? Nun erseh' ich der Strafe Sinn! Siegfried The night draws on: Fear thou this token! Thou shalt not force me to shame so long as this ring is my guard.

Siegfried Husband's right so shall be Gunther's: Stronger than steel makes me the ring: Siegfried From thee now to take it teach me thy words! He presses toward her. Siegfried seizes her again. She flees; he reaches her. Both wrestle violently together. He seizes her by the hand and draws the ring from her finger.

Siegfried Die Nacht bricht an: Siegfried Mannesrecht gebe er Gunther: Erfreche dich nicht mir zu nah'n! Er dringt auf sie ein. Sie ringen mit einander. Siegfried greift sie von Neuem an. Sie flieht; er erreicht sie. Beide ringen heftig mit einander. Sie schreit heftig auf. As she sinks down into his arms, as if broken, her unconscious look meets Siegfried's eyes.

He lets her fainting body slide down onto the stone bench at the entrance to the cave. Now art thou mine. Siegfried drives her on with a gesture of com- mand. Trembling and with wavering steps she goes into the cave. Siegfried draws his sword. Siegfried in his natural voice Now, Nothung, witness thou that I in bonds have wooed.

Keep thou my troth to my brother, let thy blade safeguard his bride! Jetzt bist du mein. Zitternd und wankenden Schrittes geht sie in das Gemach. Siegfried zieht das Schwert. Die Treue wahrend dem Bruder, trenne mich von seiner Braut! An open space on the shore in front of the Gibich- ungs' hall: There Fricka's altar stone is visible: Hagen, with his arm around his spear and his shield by his side, sits asleep, leaning against one of the wooden pillars of the hall. Here the moon suddenly shines out and throws a vivid light on Hagen and the objects immediately sur- rounding him; Alberich is seen crouching before him, leaning his arms on Hagen's knees.

Uferraum vor der Halle der Gibichungen: Alberich softly Sleep'st thou, Hagen, my son? Thou sleep'st and hear'st me not, whom rest and sleep betrayed? Hagen softly, without moving, so that he appears to sleep on, although his eyes are open Thy voice I hear, evil Niblung: Alberich Forget not the might that thou possessest if thou art valiant as they mother bore thee to me!

Hagen still as before Though might through her was mine, no debt of thanks I owe her, that prey she fell to thy craft: Alberich as before Hagen, my son! Hate thou the happy! This joyless and sorrow-laden one lov'st thou so as thou shouldst. Be thou crafty, strong and bold! Those whom with weapons of darkness we fight, e'en now are dismayed by our hate. And he who ravished my ring, Wotan, the ravenous robber, by one of his heroes himself was vanquished: I fear him no more: Sleep'st thou, Hagen, my son?

Hagen remains motionless as before. Alberich Gemahnt sei der Macht, der du gebietest, bist du so muthig, wie die Mutter dich mir gebar! Alberich wie zuvor Hagen, mein Sohn! Mich Lustfreien, Leidbelasteten, liebst du so wie du sollst. Hagen The might of the gods, who then shall win? Alberich I and thou! The world will be ours, for in thy truth my faith is firm; thou sharest my wrath and hate. Walhall and Nibelheim still mysteriously bow before him.

On the boldest of heroes in vain lies my curse; for to him hath the ring no worth, he knows nought of its wonderful might. Laughing in ardor of love burns his life aye away. Hagen as before To work his undoing me doth he serve. Hagen Der Ewigen Macht, Wer erbte sie? Alberich Ich und du! Walhall und Nibelheim immer heimlich neigen sich ihm. Lachend in liebender Brunst brennt er lebend dahin.

Ihn zu verderben, taugt uns nun einzig! Hagen wie zuvor Zu seinem Verderben dient er mir schon. A woman wise holdeth him in her love: Then without stint strive thou for the ring! I fostered thee fearless for this, that against heroes safe thou shouldst hold me. Swear to me, Hagen, my son! From this point a gradually darkening shadow again covers Alberich.

At the same time morning twilight begins. Hagen still as before The ring will I gain me; rest thou in peace! Alberich Swear to me, Hagen, my son! Hagen To myself swear I; trust thou and fear not! As, during the following bars, Alberich's form gradually disappears, his voice becomes more and more inaudible. Alberich Be true, Hagen, my son! Alberich has quite disappeared. Hagen, who has remained in the same position, looks, with fixed eyes and without moving, toward the Rhine, over which the light of dawn spreads itself.

Alberich Den gold'nen Ring, den Reif gilt's zu erringen! Von hier an bedeckt ein immer finsterer wer- dender Schatten wieder Alberich. Zugleich beginnt das erste Tagesgrauen. Hagen immer wie zuvor Den Ring soll ich haben; harre in Ruh'! Wie mit dem Folgenden Alberichs Gestalt immer mehr dem Blicke entschwindet, wird auch seine Stimme immer unvernehmbarer. Alberich Sei treu, Hagen, mein Sohn!

Scene Two From this point the Rhine becomes more and more deeply colored by the glowing red of dawn. Hagen makes a convulsive movement. Siegfried comes suddenly from behind a bush close to the shore. Wake thou and greet me! Siegfried appears in his own shape, but has the Tarnhelm on his head; he now takes this off and hangs it on his girdle as he comes forward. Hagen rising leisurely Hei! Whence stormest thou now? Toiling more slowly a pair by boat behind me to come! Hagen macht eine zuckende Bewegung. Sieh'st du mich kommen? Siegfried ist in seiner eig'nen Gestalt; nur den Tarnhelm hat er noch auf dem Haupte: Wo brausest du her?

Dort sog ich den Athem ein mit dem ich dich rief: Langsamer folgt mir ein Paar, zu Schiff gelangt das her! Hagen calling toward the hall Hoiho! Gutrune comes from the hall to meet him. Now give me welcome, Gibich maid! Gutrune Freia greeteth thee in name of woman's honor! Siegfried Freely grant thou grace to thy wooer! Siegfried Light was his wooing, I ween. Gutrune Came he unharmed through the fire? Siegfried Safe in its blaze had he been, had I not dared it for him, for so I sought to win thee. Hagen in die Halle rufend Hoiho! Gutrune tritt ihm aus der Halle entgegen.

Ein guter Bote bin ich Dir. Siegfried Frei und hold sei nun mir Frohem! Siegfried Leicht ward die Frau ihm gefreit. Gutrune Sengte das Feuer ihn nicht? Gutrune But thee hath it not harmed? Siegfried I laughed in the tumult of flames. Siegfried Like were we to a hair: Hagen I gave thee goodly redes. Gutrune Thy force tamed the valiant maid? Siegfried She felt Gunther's force. Gutrune And she gave herself to thee? Gutrune But the right in sooth was thine!

Siegfried With Gutrune sojourned Siegfried. Gutrune Doch dich hat es verschont? Siegfried Mich freute die schwebende Brunst. Siegfried Ihm glich ich auf ein Haar: Hagen Dir gab ich guten Rath. Siegfried Sie wich Gunthers Kraft. Gutrune Als ihr Mann doch galtest du? Siegfried Bei Gutrune weilte Siegfried. Siegfried 'Twixt the east and west pointing to his sword the north: Gutrune How from thee came she to Gunther's arms?

Siegfried Through the fast fading glow of the fire, as day dawned, in the mist she followed me down the vale; when near the shore, soon the bridegroom's place to Gunther I gave: A driving wind now brings the lovers to Gibich's home. Then welcome give to the pair. I shrink with fear of thee! Hagen calling from the shore From afar a sail draweth hither! Siegfried Then grant the herald thanks! Gutrune Let us give her worthy greeting, that blithe and fain she here may tarry! Thou, Hagen, call the men for the wedding in Gibich's hall together!

Mirthful maids to the feast I call: Siegfried Helping Gutrun' is my rest. He gives her his hand and goes into the hall with her. Gutrune Wie empfing Gunther sie nun von dir? Ein starker Wind nun treibt die Trauten den Rhein herauf: Hagen vom Ufer her rufend In der Ferne seh' ich ein Segel! Siegfried So sagt dem Boten Dank! Du Hagen, minnig rufe die Mannen nach Gibichshof zur Hochzeit! Frohe Frauen ruf' ich zum Fest: Siegfried Dir zu helfen, ruh' ich aus. Er reicht ihr die Hand und geht mit ihr in die Halle. Scene Three Hagen has ascended a rock at the back; he seats himself there and puts the cowhorn to his lips.

Ye Gibich vassals, gather ye here. Arm through the land! Hagen remains in the same position on the rock. By different paths armed Vassals rush on hastily; first singly, and then in continually increasing numbers together. The Vassals Why brays the horn? Who calls us to arms? We come with our arms. We come with our weapons. Tell what need is here! Tell what foe is near! Who brings us strife? Is Gunther in need? Who is in need? We come with our weapons, with weapons sharp, with weapons of might.

Hagen still from the rock Arm yourselves well and loiter not! Welcome give to your lord: Ihr Gibichsmannen, machet euch auf! Die Mannen Was tos't das Horn? Was ruft es zu Heer? Wir kommen mit Wehr. Wir kommen mit Waffen. Welche Noth ist da? Welcher Feind ist nah'?

Wer giebt uns Streit? Ist Gunther in Noth? Wer ist in Noth? Wir kommen mit Waffen, mit scharfer Wehr, mit schneidiger Wehr. Gunther sollt ihr empfahn: Vassals What is his need? Who is his foe? Hagen A Valkyrie wife bringeth he home. Vassals Her kinsmen and vassals follow in anger? Vassals Then his peril is past? Then the fight has been fought? Hagen The dragon-slayer brought him the bride.

Siegfried, the hero, held Gunther safe!


A Vassal Why call'st thou the host then together? Ten Others Why call'st thou then the host? Mannen Drohet ihm Noth? Mannen Ihm folgen der Magen feindliche Mannen? Mannen So bestand er die Noth? So bestand er den Kampf? Siegfried, der Held, der schuf ihm Heil! Ein Manne Was soll ihm das Heer nun noch helfen?

Zehn Weitere Was hilft ihm nun das Heer? Hagen Sturdy steers now shall ye slaughter; on Wotan's altar pour forth their blood! Vassals What, Hagen, what more dost bid us do? What more dost bid us do? What do we then? Hagen Then a boar I bid you strike down for Froh; and a goat in his prime kill ye for Donner, sheep I bid you slaughter for Fricka, that grace she may grant to the marriage! Vassals with increasing hilarity Say to us, Hagen, what then must we do? Hagen The drink-horn take that fairest women with mead and wine gaily have filled! Vassals The drink-horn in hand, what have we then to do?

Hagen Freely carouse until tamed by drink. So to the gods give all honor, that grace they may grant to the marriage! The Vassals break out in ringing laughter. Vassals Good hap and health greets now the Rhine, if Hagen, the grim one, so merry may be! The hedge's thorn pricks now no more; as wedding herald plays he now his part.

Hagen, who has remained very grave, has come down to the Vassals and now stands among them. Was soll es dann? Mannen in immer mehr ausbrechender Heiterkeit Schlugen wir Thiere, was schaffen wir dann? Mannen Das Trinkhorn zur Hand, wie halten wir es dann? Der Hagedorn sticht nun nicht mehr; zum Hochzeitsrufer ward er nun bestellt. Hagen, der immer sehr ernst verblieben, ist zu den Mannen herabgestiegen und steht jetzt unter ihnen.

Hagen Now cease your laughing, valiant vassals! He points toward the Rhine. Some of the Vassals hasten to the height, while others arrange them- selves on the shore to see the arrival. He turns slowly aside toward the back. Those who have been looking out from the height come down to the shore. Some Vassals spring into the water and draw the boat to land. All press closer to the bank. Er deutet die Mannen nach dem Rheine hin: Er wendet sich langsam zur Seite in den Hintergrund. Einige Mannen springen in das Wasser und ziehen den Kahn an das Land. Health to thee and to thy bride!

Welcome, bridegroom, home and welcome bride! They strike their weapons noisily together. By man ne'er was won a nobler woman. On Gibich's glorious race shone ever grace from the gods; to highest fame now shall we rise! Vassals clashing their weapons Hail thou, happiest Gibichung! Gunther stops before the hall. Mannen Heil dir, Gunther! Heil dir, und deiner Braut! Heil sei Gunther dir und deiner Braut! Sie schlagen die Waffen tosend zusammen. Ein edleres Weib ward nie gewonnen.

Gunther I greet thee, hero mine, and thee, lovely sister! Gladly I see thee beside him who now hath won thee for wife. Two pairs in wedlock here shall find blessing: Vassals What ails her? Women Is she distraught? Dich seh' ich froh ihm zur Seite, der dich zum Weib gewann. Zwei sel'ge Paare seh' ich hier prangen: Mannen Was ist ihr? Siegfried Gunther's gentle sister, won by me as thou by him. She appears about to fall. Light fades from mine eyes. In Siegfried's arms, she looks faintly up at his face.

Siegfried knows me not? Gunther comes to them. Here stands thy husband. The ring upon his hand! Hagen coming from the back among the Vassals Now give good heed to the woman's tale! Sie schwankt und droht umzusinken: Mir schwindet das Licht. Sie blickt in seinen Armen matt zu ihm auf. Siegfried kennt mich nicht! Hier steht dein Gatte. Der Ring an seiner Hand! Hagen aus dem Hintergrunde unter die Mannen tretend Jetzt merket klug, was die Frau euch klagt! How came then from him the ring to thy hand? Siegfried attentively observes the ring on his finger.

Siegfried The ring came not to me from him. Gunther in great perplexity The ring? I gave him nothing: Gunther, greatly confused, is silent. He it was who from me did rob the ring. Wie mochtest von ihm den Ring du empfah'n? Siegfried betrachtet aufmerksam den Ring an seinem Finger. Siegfried Den Ring empfing ich nicht von ihm.

Ich gab ihm keinen: All look expectantly at Siegfried, who is absorbed in distant thoughts while contemplating the ring. Siegfried No woman's hand gave me the ring, nor woman was't from whom I wrested it: Is't that Gunther took from thee? Then it is his, and Siegfried hath won it by guile, rather broadly that the traitor must now atone! Guile beyond all revenge. Gutrune, Vassals, Women Deceit? Have ye ordained this dark decree? Ye who have doomed me to anguish so dire! Siegfried Von keinem Weib kam mir der Reif, noch war's ein Weib, dem ich ihn abgewann: Gutrune, Mannen, Frauen Verrath? Rauntet ihr diess in eurem Rath?

Lehrt ihr mich Leiden, wie keiner sie litt? Schuft ihr mir Schmach, wie nie sie geschmerzt? Rathet nun Rache, wie nie sie geras't! Hearken then, all men: Vassals Wedded to her? Siegfried Thine own fair name dost hold so lightly? The tongue, then, that reviles it must I convict of its falsehood? Say if I broke my faith! Blood-brotherhood have I plighted to Gunther: Nothung, my goodly sword, guarded the holy vow: Vainly thou call'st as witness thy sword! Its biting blade well know I, the sheath too that wards it, wherein as friend reposed on the wall Nothung, the trusty sword, when his true love was won by its lord.

Siegfried Achtest du so der eig'nen Ehre? Nothung, das werthe Schwert, wahrte der Treue Eid: The Vassals and Women crowd together in indignation. Tainted is Gunther's honor? Women Siegfried a traitor? Gunther to Siegfried My fame were sullied, stained with disgrace, were not her slander cast in her teeth!

Gutrune Faithless Siegfried, false to thine oath? Bear witness that wrongly thou art charged! Vassals Right thyself now, if thou art wronged! Sworn be the oath! Siegfried Stilled be her slander! Whose spear shall serve me as witness and ward? Hagen Here I hold my spear-point! The Vassals form a ring around Siegfried and Hagen. Hagen holds out his spear; Siegfried lays two fingers of his right hand upon the spear-point. Brach er die Treue? Frauen Brach er die Treue? Gutrune Treulos, Siegfried, sannest du Trug?

Phineas und Ferb/Episodenliste

Mannen Reinige dich, bist du im Recht! Hagen Meines Speeres Spitze wag' ich daran: Siegfried Shining steel, hallowed weapon! On this piercing spear-point sworn be my oath: If weapon e'er shall pierce me, thine be the point; whene'er death comes to strike me, thine be the stroke. Devoted be thy might to his undoing! I pray that by thy point he may perish! Send us thy thunder! Send us thy thunder, to silence this crying disgrace! Siegfried Helle Wehr, heilige Waffe!

Bei des Speeres Spitze sprech' ich den Eid: Spitze, achte des Spruchs! Wo Scharfes mich schneidet, schneide du mich; wo der Tod mich soll treffen, treffe du mich: Look to the woman who lying slanders thy name. Grant her rest a while, the tameless mountain maid, till her unbridled rage be bated, that by some demon's evil craft here against all hath been roused! Ye vassals, turn ye away! Like cravens gladly we yield when 'tis a battle of tongues. He comes close to Gunther. Sooth, more vexed am I than thou that ill was she beguiled; the Tarnhelm, by its spell, methinks but hid me half.

But women's spite swiftly is sped: He turns again to the Vassals. Follow, ye vassals, blithe to the feast! Let your delight laugh now aloud! In house and field freest of light-hearts shall ye find me today. Ye whom love hath blest, gaily share my gladness, be ye as blithesome as I! Siegfried, in exuberant merriment, throws his arm around Gutrune and draws her with him away into the hall.

The Vassals and Women, carried away by his example, follow him. The stage is cleared. Gunther, with covered face, has seated himself on one side in fearful dejection. Ihr Mannen, kehret euch ab! Als Zage weichen wir gern, gilt es mit Zungen dem Streit. Er tritt dicht zu Gunther. Doch Frauengroll friedet sich bald: Er wendet sich wieder zu den Mannen. Folgt mir zum Mahl! Wonnige Lust lache nun auf!

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In Hof und Hain, heiter vor Allen sollt ihr heute mich sehn. Die Mannen und Frauen, von seinem Beispiele hingerissen, folgen ihm nach. What wizard's hateful spell stirred up this storm? This knot to unravel where is my wisdom? Where shall I discover runes for this riddle? All my wisdom gave I to him! Who lendeth me now the sword wherewith I may sever the bonds? I will avenge thy wrong on him. Hagen On Siegfried, traitor to thee. Hagen But on my spear-point sworn was his falsehood?

With stronger spells seek to arm thy weapon, when at the strongest thou strik'st! Welches Zaubrers Rath regte diess auf? Wo ist nun mein Wissen gegen diess Wirrsal?

  • The Sister and McGuire!
  • Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (The Penguin English Library);
  • Wealth and Happiness;

All' mein Wissen wies ich ihm zu! Wer bietet mir nun das Schwert, mit dem ich die Bande zerschnitt? Hagen An Siegfried, der dich betrog. Hagen Doch meinem Speere spart ihn sein Meineid? Hagen Well know I Siegfried's conquering might, how hard to slay him in battle; then whisper me now some goodly rede that he before me may fall. No single art to me was known but his life is safe through its spell.

Unwitting he walks, by my charms enwound, and now they hold him safe from harm. Hagen Then no weapon's point can pierce him? Never that knew I will he give way, nor turn his back upon a foe-man: Hagen And there striketh my spear! Up Gunther, noble Gibichung! Here stands thy valiant wife: Gunther starting up passionately O shame! Woe is me, of all men living the saddest!

Hagen In shame thou liest; truth to tell. Nicht eine Kunst war mir bekannt, die zum Heil nicht half seinem Leib'! Hagen So kann keine Wehr ihm schaden? Hagen Und dort trifft ihn mein Speer! Auf, Gunther, edler Gibichung! Hier steht dein starkes Weib: Gunther leidenschaftlich auffahrend O Schmach! Wehe mir, dem jammervollsten Manne! Hidden behind the hero wert thou, that victory's guerdon he might win thee! Deep had sunk the glorious race that bore such faint-hearts as thou! Gunther beyond himself Deceived am I, and deceiver!

Betrayed am I, and betrayer! Now crushed be my bones, and broken my heart! Help for my honor! Help for thy mother, for thee, too, did she bear! Hagen Here helps no brain, here helps not a hand, nought helps but Siegfried's death! Gunther seized with horror Siegfried's death! Hagen Nought else purges thy shame!

Gunther staring before him Blood-brotherhood truly we swore! Hagen The broken bond blood shall atone! Gunther Broke he the bond? Hagen In betraying thee! Tief wohl sank das theure Geschlecht, das solche Zagen gezeugt! Zermalmt mir das Mark! Hilf deiner Mutter, die mich auch ja gebar! Hagen Dir hilft kein Hirn, dir hilft keine Hand: Gunther Brach er den Bund? Hagen Da er dich verrieth! Gunther Am I betrayed? Were I but just, all the blood of the world could not atone for your guilt!

But the death of one now shall content me. Siegfried falleth atonement for guilt of all! Hagen to Gunther His downfall secretly brings thee gain! Might o'er all the world were thine, if thou from him win the ring that but death will wrest from his hand. Hagen The Niblung's golden charm. Gunther sighing deeply Must this be Siegfried's downfall? Hagen His death will serve us all. Gunther Yet Gutrune, ah! How should we stand before her, with his blood upon our hands?

Gutrune is the passionately spell whereby my hero was beguiled. Gunther Verrieth er mich? Hagen zu Gunther gewendet Er falle heimlich dir zum Heil! Hagen Des Nibelungen Reif. Hagen Uns Allen frommt sein Tod. Gunther Doch Gutrune, ach! Was wiesen mich Runen? Im hilflosen Elend achtet mir's hell: Hagen to Gunther If this dole must be dealt her, then hidden be the deed. We hie tomorrow merrily hunting; the hero, struck by a boar, may haply come by his death.

Gunther So shall it be! Gunther Purged be the shame cast by his crime! Hagen So shall he fall, the hero so famed!