
In Defense of Israel, Revised: The Bibles Mandate for Supporting the Jewish State

Herzl and Hechler, while true friends, were also a model of the mutualistic utilitarian relationship forged between Jewish and Christian Zionists of the era. Evangelical Christians and Jews. And why are they at the center of a recent heated catfight between leading Jewish organizations?

Why did God choose the Jewish people? For over 25 years Bye has split his time between North America and Israel, attempting, on the one hand, to help Christians better understand Jews by overcoming their ingrained traditional Christian teachings, and on the other, to use Christian support to settle Jews in the State of Israel.

Like many modern Christian evangelicals, Bye became involved in aliya in the s with efforts to bring FSU Jews to Israel after the fall of communism. Taking time from his packed Israel itinerary for a telephone call from a hotel room in Tel Aviv, Bye explains some of the motivations behind his work.

Hagee is an important figure in contemporary Christian Zionist support in part due to his famous spiritual awakening while at the Western Wall in So some Christians volunteer to go onsite, and in their dedication even learn to speak Russian. And then the flight to Israel, by still another. He chose this time. He has a purpose for each of us.

It was Theodore Herzl, the father of modern Zionism, who first used the term Christian Zionist in recognizing Christian participants in the First Zionist Congress in He gave the land to Abraham and to his descendents through Isaac as an everlasting possession Genesis And through this nation He revealed to a lost world the Word of God, the prophets, the covenants, and the Messiah Romans 9: We also read in the Bible that though God said the people of Israel would be exiled from that land due to disobedience, that He promised to bring them back - and not just once, but a second time as well Isaiah God is not finished with the nation of Israel for she will one day become the chief of the nations.

From Jerusalem the word of the Lord will go forth to the nations and the knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. We as Christians must comfort Israel Isaiah Christian Zionists recognize the immense spiritual debt that Christianity owes the Jewish people for from them came all that we hold dear.

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And as one author titled her book: We are indebted to the Jewish people and owe them honor, respect and support. As Christians, we also recognize with sorrow and repentance the role that many Christians have played in the persecution of the Jewish people throughout history. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem?

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Why We Support Israel | ICEJ International

Return to Book Page. In Defense of Israel, Revised: Why is the Middle East in such turmoil? Is the modern State of Israel in the plan of God? Can and should Christians do more than pray for Israel? In the near-thirty years John Hagee has been a lover of Israel, he has grappled with each of these questions. Most Christians today don Why is the Middle East in such turmoil? As Hagee guides readers through the scriptures that explain why Christians need to stand with Israel and the Jews today with as much fervor as God does, they will encounter a man deeply passionate about loving this historic people of God.

In Defense of Israel, Revised: The Bible's Mandate for Supporting the Jewish State

Paperback , pages. Published September 7th by Frontline first published January 1st To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about In Defense of Israel, Revised , please sign up.

Who Was Abraham? Israel: The Land and its People Part I

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  1. Geological and Mud Logging in Drilling Control: Catalogue of Typical Cases.
  2. Christian Zionists funding Israel immigration still scares Jews.
  3. In Defense of Israel, Revised: The Bible's Mandate for Supporting the Jewish State by John Hagee?
  4. See a Problem?.
  5. Why We Support Israel?
  6. Christian Zionists funding Israel immigration still scares Jews | The Times of Israel.

Aug 23, Joel rated it did not like it. A symptom of the dangers in some parts of evangelical Christianity. Contradicts many well-known facts to fit his own agenda. Dec 18, Rebecca rated it liked it. The author makes a good attempt at defending Israel. This book comes basically with a crammed history lesson, a summary of everything that was and is Israel and everything that surrounds it. I enjoyed that part.

Even though he defends Judaism he rejects the idea that Jews will never recognize Jesus as their messiah. Even though his intentions are hone The author makes a good attempt at defending Israel. Even though his intentions are honest I think he fails at respecting what Judaism and the Jewish nation is and represents by even suggesting the foretold. Apr 30, Skylan rated it it was amazing Shelves: Jul 10, Clint Heitz rated it really liked it Shelves: Fantastic explanation as to why Israel deserves everyone's support, especially that of Christians. Mar 31, Barbara rated it really liked it.

Christians need to support Israel now more than ever. Jan 13, Brad rated it it was amazing Shelves: Quite simply, a book every Christian should read Jun 17, Sandra Hersey rated it it was amazing.