
The Beginner’s Guide to Ghosts and Haunting

Just ensure you are considerate, do no damage and take everything with you when you leave rubbish etc. Because haunted places are often in dark and secluded locations it is essential that you go with other people for your own safety. You may also want to share the experience with a team and have other people there to verify any sightings. You shouls also tell other people where you are going and for how long, and if possible, take a mobile phone. If you experience paranormal activity, you're going to want proof and that means having the right equipment for the job.

Always take a camera and a tape recorder in case you see or hear something supernatural and make sure all your batteries are charged and you have plenty of spares. Take a pen and paper to write down anything abnormal such as changes in temperature, flickering lights and unexplained noises. You could try using an EVP Electronic Voice Phenomena with an external microphone to try and capture ghostly voices a favourite with the Ghost Adventures crew. Another piece of equipment, widely used by professional ghost hunters, is an EMF metre.

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Spirits can be detected by interrupting or creating their own electromagnetic fields and EMF metres can detect extremely weak static, electric and magnetic fields. You might also consider talking to the spirit world whilst you're investigating, encouraging the ghost to reveal its presence. It is recommended that you act as though you know the spirits are there, asking questions such as, 'What is your name? You should always learn to trust your sixth sense and if you think you feel something paranormal then you should attempt to gain evidence.

When William accidentally killed himself, Poppy spent the rest of her life hiring private investigators to locate her missing husband.

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Hazel Hill was the sister of William, shown as a bed ridden old woman that most likely died in said bed. Hazel wastes no time revealing how much she loathes her sister-in-law Poppy. She states how much of a liar Poppy is however her advice falls on deaf ears. It may not be surprising that she sees the occasional ghost in that sort of environment.

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    A Beginner’s Guide To Ghosts

    His presence is simply a manifestation of her lingering guilt. A clock repairman is seen multiple times throughout the season tinkering with the same clock, in the same spot. Overalls, that cap and his handlebar mustache. Hugh informs Steven that this man was never really there.

    Ghost hunting: Tips for beginners | Ghost Adventures | Really Channel

    And that clock he was always working? This wheelchair bound spirit was only ever seen once by Olivia. This unnamed child is the son of William and Poppy Hill who was apparently born as healthy as any baby could be.

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    However, as he got older he lost the ability to use his legs and many other functions. In the end he could only communicate with anyone by banging on the walls when he needed something. It is only after Olivia poisons her that Abigail becomes permanently attached to Hill House. Runes and Amulets held a stronger influence with ghosts in the past than they do today.

    While runes and amulets do indeed hold real influence with ghosts, much of their power has been lost over time, and more still are fully counterfeited for the gullible.

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    For this reason, one can no longer rely on amulets or runes- ones of verified origin are as scarce as they are worthwhile. Haunting is when a ghost is bound to a specific region or purpose. Hauntings happen anywhere, to anyone, and tend to hover around a neutral status. Spookiness is a prime way to attune oneself to the vibrations of ghosts. If you are on a porch at night as wind whips during a bright full moon, the trees howling whispers in the dark, embracing that spookiness is a great opportunity to present oneself to ghosts.

    You might, for example, get into pajamas and prepare a cup of tea to sip on that same spooky porch. You have embraced the spooky.

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    Scary , though is distinct from spooky. While the spooky is an opportunity to be embraced, scary, however, is often a warning for the overwhelmed, a line in the sand to delineate our worlds. Scary is a reminder to pay homage and retreat, and is most often a gentle reprimand. Ghost Guild is a mysterious but not secret society focused on the polite, spooky, and intriguing possibilities of the non-ghost world. Little is known about the Ghost Guild, but membership is considered porous and accessible, with members floating in like ghosts themselves.

    In fact, merely by reading this, you have become affiliated with the guild and all their arcane swagger. What if you could live a life that would make YOU jealous? Open a page to start your day, frame a page that inspires you to keep living, share a page with a friend who needs support, or leave one behind for a complete stranger to brighten their day. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. You may unsubscribe at any time.

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