
Grandma Ruins 4th of July (Grandma Series Book 3)

Anyone with a canine companion can appreciate this tale. She comes highly recommended by Grandma, and there are enough entries in the series to keep young readers busy all summer. It's assigned on middle school reading lists everywhere to explore themes of friendship, imagination, and loss. These fables will thrill you, and they'll leave you pondering a few important lessons too. It's bound to spark your wanderlust, not to mention your desire to find a treasure map of your own.

No one is ever too old to enjoy an inventive, laugh-out-loud spin in the tollbooth. It's guaranteed to remind you and Milo, of course how exciting life can be. So many times, and it never goes out of style. This will always been in the reading rotation, thanks to the spirited Bennet sisters and Austen's impeccable social commentary.

You'll turn to it often, just like Grandma. Ten years at sea. Adventurous readers love The Odyssey, which has been published in adaptations for every age and stage. This story of the peripatetic Odysseus and his crew is a classic to end all classics, and it's sure to be on any reading list Grandma compiles. The Great Gatsby is an undeniable classic, and it's an ever-present entry on high school reading lists across the country, so it's no surprise that Grandma loves it too.

Who can resist the sparkling lure of the Jazz Age? Close View all gallery. Each product we feature has been independently selected and reviewed by our editorial team. If you make a purchase using the links included, we may earn commission. Share the gallery Pinterest Facebook. Everything In This Slideshow. Five children creates quite the commotion. The triplets are getting so big. They are walking and crawling around now.

Boris Ruins Independence Day

The meal was fantastic and gifts were exchanged. All the pictures can be found on the pictures page. There are not very many pictures this year. Eddy had a fantastic birthday cookout and plenty of gifts for his big As usual the cookout included plenty to eat for all the people that showed up. The cookout ran a little late into the evening and so the cake and all the presents had to be brought inside.

Eddy blowing out the candles was actually done twice — once outside and once inside. He got plenty of presents this year. He got money in some of the cards. He also got art supplies. There were some gifts from his Mom that were Dragon Ball Z themed, including a comic book. He also got two Zelda video games for his Nintendo 3DS. Only one more year till he is 18 and off to college. There were quite a few people in attendance. Patty, Michelle, and Kristy all showed up together, because Patty is living in Cleveland with her mother now.

She is working and going to be starting college there very soon. Eddy and Grandma, of course. Becky and her five children.

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The triplets are certainly getting bigger every time we see them. They are ten months old. Christi-Anne and her twins and Tim Smith showed up as well. There was plenty of food. It is always better to have too much food than not enough. There were hotdogs for the little ones, because they are not exactly going to finish a whole burger. Plus they like hotdogs. There were burgers for those that wanted one. BBQ Chicken for people that did not eat red meat.

Bean burgers, of some sort, for the person that has decided not to eat meat. Corn on the cob is always a hit as well. Family and friends all showed up over the course of about an hour. The grill was kept going and food was served as each person arrived. It was a great time for everyone and now the middle child has turned There is only one more 18th birthday left.

It is nearing the end of a very long path that got started a very long time ago.

If Grandma Made the Summer Reading List, These Classics Would Make the Cut

Time really flew by. Two kids in college and my youngest is starting his senior year in high school. Next year it is possible I will have three kids in college. Here is to another good school year for everyone. As always all the pictures can be found on the pictures page. Four years of rigorous education at Archbishop Hoban High School and the journey has come to an end. In attendance was her mother, sister, brother, her Aunt Becky and Uncle Andrew, their five children, her Grandmother, and a family friend.

Patty has already been accepted to Notre Dame College and will be attending classes there starting in the fall. He had a great time with his family and there were gifts and an ice cream cake that his Mom had to go quite a bit out of the way to get when the Dairy Queen down the street from the house did not have any on account of someone leaving the freezer door open.

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More pictures can be found on the pictures page. The first part was a picnic with her friends at the Munroe Falls Metro Park. Hot dogs were made, presents were given, and Patty and her friends enjoyed swimming, going on the paddle boats, and had a really nice time there. The second part of the birthday was the cookout, which is exclusively for family. Her Grandma, both her parents and siblings attended her birthday cookout.

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There were presents and a cake. This was also a good time. The third part is a day with me, her Dad. We enjoyed some StarBucks while we walked around the mall for a bit, before deciding to go to another store. I introduced her to Pad Thai. She enjoyed that more than Chinese, which is what she usually requests for her birthday dinner.

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We finished up the day by getting the books her and Eddy need for summer reading. Patty is going to be a high school senior this year and it is going to be a very busy year for everyone. She got to enjoy this birthday, but who knows what the next year will hold. We are hoping that she is chosen for Varsity lacrosse this year, but we will have to see how that works out in the Spring.

The rest of the pictures can be found on the pictures page. The pictures taken encompass what is really the Christmas season.