
Family Devotions: with Helpful Hints for Parents

E very child has just hours in a week, and on average, the church has only 1 of them, which leaves other hours remaining, the majority of those being spent with their families. Who do you think has the most influence?

Christian Reformed Church

Who do you think has the most opportunity to infiltrate the heart and mind of a child with the truths of God and life-long godly habits and Christian character? One of the greatest tools you can use as a parent to consistently develop the spiritual foundation and godly character of your children is a Family Altar , or more commonly known as Family Devotions. This is a component of family life that has become a real help to our family, having become a cornerstone for spiritual growth and training in our home.

It just says to do it. Partly, because God has given us instincts as a parent. When you became a parent, did anyone have to tell you what to do?

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  5. A Busy Parents Guide To Doing Family Devotions - Part 2 - Godly Parent!

You instinctively knew certain things that were your responsibility to clothe, feed, and educate your kids. And those things that you have learned intuitively, you have passed on to your kids. The same applies spiritually as well. As we grow spiritually, we teach them.

Editorial Reviews

Deuteronomy 6 commands us to pass on our faith to our children when we sit down in our house, when we walk by the way, when we lie down, and when we rise up. The spiritual training of our children is supposed to be an everyday part of life, not something we simply relegate to Sundays or Wednesdays. And one of the best ways that we have found to help us do that is through having consistent family devotions. No perfectly right way.

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  • Our children are the hope of the future, and much of our hope rests in our God-given responsibility to pass down our faith from one generation to the next. Notice these important reminders from the book of Psalms: Give ear, O my people, to my law: That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments. Below are two free resources that you can use to springboard into your family devotion time: Simply click on either of the graphics below to save or download these resources.

    The Gospel Coalition has combined the best of those two while making them a bit more Baptist-friendly with the New City Catechism.

    Dr James Dobson Daily Devotional for Parents

    Catechisms approach the Christian faith in a question and answer format and invariably include Scripture to go along with them. If you structure your time around a catechism, do ensure you give attention to an associated Scripture passage. Read Morning and Evening. You may have the best success with the edition edited and modernized by Alistair Begg.

    Consider deliberately mixing up your devotions for Perhaps spend a month reading a book of the Bible, then follow with a devotional book for a while. Maybe through the summer you can switch to the Proverbs, then head back to reading an epistle as you head into fall and the gospels as you approach the Christmas season. Variety is the spice of life, right? Variety will keep your children engaged and, equally important, keep their parents engaged. In lieu of a comments section, I accept and encourage letters to the editor.

    1. Der Bund der Fünf - Das Herz des Drachen (German Edition).
    2. Extra Credit — A Master Class in Summer Swinging (Muse of Shadow).
    3. A Busy Parents Guide To Doing Family Devotions – Part 2.
    4. 7 Tips for Starting a Family Devotion Time.
    5. Account Options.

    If you would like to write a letter to the editor, you can do so here. Reviews Latest Reviews By Category. Recommendations Let me help you find the best books on: Sponsor Show Your Support.


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