
When Life Hands You Lemons...

The difference between Timmy and the rest of the kids in the neighborhood was effort. Everyone gets lemons, some more than others, but at the end of the day nobody is left lemon-less. Everyone had the same amount of time to work with, everyone had access to water and sugar. But only a select handful were willing to mix them together and sweat through the afternoon.

Those who were too lazy to do the same, or were content to complain about their pile of lemons, probably ridiculed Timmy for trying so hard. They might complain that Timmy now had too much money and could buy himself the new toys that they wanted. If Timmy were a true entrepreneur, the cycle would continue ad infinitum, bringing more lemons to make more lemonade. But it is through these obstacles that we ultimately build strength. After all, life never fails to supply the lemons, tragedies, opportunities, friendships, or our next big break.

Inevitably they will all come around, and rarely do we have to ask for it.

When Life Gives You Lemons...

The difference between obstacles and opportunities, trials and triumph, luck and liability, is our preparation and our mindset. You know these events are coming, you know bad things will happen, so why not prepare for them? When life gives you lemons you squeeze them, hard.

Make an acid poison.

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Fling it in their eyes. If life deals you lemons, why not go kill someone with the lemons maybe by shoving them down his throat. When life gives you lemons, shut up and eat your damn lemons. You know, Dick, when life gives you lemons, just shut up and eat the damn lemons. So my Grandma Reynolds was always saying, "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Dave, haven't you ever heard the expression, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and then throw it in the face of the person who gave you the lemons until they give you the oranges you originally asked for"? I always say, when life gives you lemons - make lemonade.

'When Life Gives You Lemons ...'

You got any lemonade? When life gives you lemonade, make lemons. Life will be all like "What?! What do you make if life gives you crap? In Tyler the Creator 's song Goblin: Life's a cute bitch full of estrogen. And when she gives you lemons nigga throw them at pedestrians.

The Lemonade Machine

Pour the water into one, then to another several times. Strain through a clean napkin. You spun gold out of this hard life. Conjured beauty from the things left behind. Found healing where it did not live. Discovered the antidote in your own kitchen.

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Broke the curse with your own two hands. The prison guard in number 2: Then, after thinking about it, he realizes he's got a better idea: All right, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Yeah, take the lemons Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! Oh, I like this guy.

He says what we're all thinking! When freaky aliens give you lemons, make freaky alien lemonade! When life gives you lemons, reroll! When life gives you lemons , you close the bedroom door and read them all!

When life gives you crap, make Crap Golems, right? If I only could, sir.

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There are several kinds of citrus fruit. The most common are limes, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines and lemons. Out of all of them, it is the lemon that has found its way into a number of English language expressions. While eating an orange or grapefruit can be pleasant, we don't usually eat plain lemons. Lemons are really sour. The acid in them makes it really hard to eat them raw.

When Life Gives You Lemons - Left Brain Buddha

Lemons are so acidic they can actually take the protective enamel off your teeth. So, biting into a lemon does not bring a smile to your face. In fact, when someone is unhappy she may have a puckered look on her face. In this case we can say she looks as if she just sucked on a lemon. We can also call this person a sourpuss. This is a person who always complains and always looks unhappy.

With its really sour taste, sucking on a lemon is unpleasant. So, telling someone to " Go suck a lemon! It's not really nice and sounds childish. But there are worse things you could say! This expression means that you have cheated them. A "lemon" can also mean an unsatisfactory answer. As we said, a lemon can be something you bought that does not work.

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Americans often use the word lemon to describe a newly-bought, but defective vehicle. Let's say you go to an automotive dealership and buy what you think is a good car. On the streets around the dealership, it runs perfectly. But on the drive home, everything goes wrong.

The gas pedal sticks.