
Testament of Youth: An Autobiographical Study Of The Years 1900-1925

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Dubray Books. Testament of Youth: An Autobiographical Study of the Years

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Great book - one of the best memoirs about WW1 that I've ever read. Vera Brittain conveys the horrors and sadness of the War as well as it's pointless waste of human life with compassion and insight. It is a poignant and moving account of a generation catapulted into a conflict of which they had little real understanding of its underlying motives.

So very interesting and so well written - a real woman's struggle to achieve her dreams - but in the end gave it up to work as a volunteer nurse in the war - and all the deprivations that came with it. It's a true story about joy, loss, grief and eventual fulfillment. Her daughter became a politician in the 60s - an education minister in a labour government.

Brings much detail and descriptions of the horrors of the war in its effect on that generation of young men. A little bit too earnest and detailed om personalities, but engrossing and disturbing. Quite a long book very touching story and should be told to all generations.

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I can't help but feel that when But he never turned again. I imagined that life was individual, one's own affair; that the events happening in the world outside were important enough in their own way, but were personally quite irrelevant. Now, like the rest of my generation, I have had to learn again and again the terrible truth. People's lives were entirely their own, perhaps--and more justifiably--when the world seemed enormous, and all its comings and goings were slow and deliberate. But this is so no longer, and never will be again, since man's inventions have eliminated so much of distance and time; for better, for worse, we are now each of us part of the surge and swell of great economic and political movements, and whatever we do, as individuals or as nations, deeply affects everyone else.

Can one make a book out of the very essence of one's self? Perhaps so, if one was left with one's gift stripped bare of all that made it worth having, and nothing else was left It makes one tense and hard and disagreeable, and this means that one repels and antagonises people, and then they dislike and avoid one--and that means more isolation and still more sorrow.

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I remember him, at the age of seven, as a rather solemn, brown-eyed little boy, with beautiful arched eyebrows which lately, to my infinite satisfaction, have begun to reproduce themselves, a pair of delicate question-marks, above the dark eyes of my five-year-old son. Even in childhood we seldom quarrelled, and by the time that we both went away to boarding-school he had already become the dearest companion of thos brief years of unshadowed adolescence permitted to our condemned generation.

I have learnt to hope that if there be a Judgment Day of some kind, God will not see us with our own eyes, nor judge us as we judge ourselves. Not such bad qualities in adolescence after all, since most of us have to be self-righteous before we can be righteous. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.

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