
A Dear Little Girl at School

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Asperger's on the Inside. Boy Blue And His Friends. Kilmeny of the Orchard by L. Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, A Year of Intentional Parenting. A Dear Little Girl Illustrated.

A Dear Little Girl at School by Amy Ella Blanchard

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Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. For some time past, Edna and her sister had been going into the city to school every day, but this was the last week when this would be done, for after this they would go only on Mondays returning on Fridays till the days became long again. During the winter when it was still dark at seven in the morning, and when the afternoons were so short, it had seemed better that they should not come home every day.

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Therefore, as Aunt Elizabeth Horner and Uncle Justus wanted much to have them remain, it was so arranged. Edna was a great favorite with her Uncle Justus, for she had spent the winter previous at his house and had gone to his school.

A Dear Little Girl at School

Then, on account of Mr. Conway's business, the family had removed from the town in which they had formerly lived and had taken a house a little out of the city. Like most children Edna loved the country and was glad of the change.