
CREATE THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS IN 10 FUN, EASY STEPS: Step 8 - Remove Emotional Blockages

I AM your consciousness is the magical lost word which was made flesh in the likeness of that which you are conscious of being. We all want to create a life that is happy, meaningful, and abundant. A life filled with love and moments of awe. But unfortunately, many of us were led to believe that this way of living is quite impossible. As someone who was raised in an incredibly toxic environment where there was always a lack of good things, but an abundance of violence, and all that is dark and painful, I can honestly tell you that I used to believe the same thing.

I used to believe that life was meant to be hard and that the story of the past was going to determine the story of my life. And in that constant alignment, your Well-Being is certain. After struggling to escape the heaviness of the past and create a better life for myself, in I finally discovered a really powerful technique that was about to change my life in ways I never even dreamed was possible.

I was just a customer support specialist at that time, but not long after I started working with this technique, I was promoted to a different department and in a few months I became the head of the Product Development Creative Department at Mindvalley. I began working very closely with authors like Burt Goldman, Laura Silva, Mike Dooley, Lee Holden and many others on creating really amazing personal development courses. In April my blog post, 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy, was being shared all over the Internet, attracting a lot of new readers to the PurposeFairy blog and a lot of new fans on the social media platforms.

The PurposeFairy Facebook page went from having less than fans in to having over K fans at this very moment. I was also given the opportunity to be a photographer at Awesomeness Fest Bali — one of the most incredible and impactful personal growth and entrepreneurship events in the world.


And all of it because I started using this incredible clearing technique to remove the many subconscious blocks that were keeping the real me from shining. Your subconscious mind is a very powerful and mysterious force that can either hold you back in life or help you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams, goals, and intentions.

And in order for this powerful force to work with you, and for you, rather than against you, you first need to learn how to remove those hidden subconscious-self-limiting blocks, negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions that were largely formed in your mind before the age of 6. But just as easy as you get these fear, limiting beliefs and abundance blocks, you can just as easily remove them. Below you will find the top habit-reforming exercises that have helped me overcome my mental blocks and neurotic tendencies.

They create a more assertive, responsible, aware, purposeful, and accepting person in me, little by little, day by day. This is not the cross-fit of the mind promising you to kick the habit in 30 days.

How to Permanently Remove Your Hidden Abundance Blocks — Purpose Fairy

But the reality is that everyone has some negative emotional habit that they need to change. Even more damningly, everyone has excuses that will stop them from bringing any real change to their life. You already know that the first step is always conscious acknowledgment. Our automatic mental excuses seem so rational, so real, so weighty, until we write them down. The brain will just find a way to come up with new ones.

Before long, you are caught up in a circle of inventing excuses and dismissing them. The bottom ones will just fall out, naturally. Too tired from doing other important stuff first? It only knows the positive.

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You can only tell it to do something else. By converting your excuses into action, you are reversing the momentum of the inertia. Imagine a place where you go to mentally that is free of judgment from yourself and from the world. What would it be like if you have the same feeling in the real world, where people are losing their shit all around you? Do you feel calm? Do you feel confident? Eventually, no matter how many cold buckets of water reality hits you with, this calmness and serenity will be with you in the face of the greatest danger.

We all have a need inside of us to have a high value for who we are an d a striving to know we are right for life. This is not new-age thinking. This is your mind constantly trying to heal itself. Then you can start to develop these tools and grow your true inner self. Once your growth matches the level of challenges life demand from us, we play in it. We naturally become confident without even realizing it.

Sentence completion is when you start out with a particular sentence start called a stem , and write a few endings at a time. My bad emotional habits are slowly melting away. This will work in any particular arena of your life, or it will just raise your self-esteem in general. You can find out more here. Branden, we all have subconscious parts of our minds that are constantly striving to grow and become more self-confident. Sentence completion activates these parts of our minds and gently nudge them into the direction of positive mental habits.

This way, there is no rationalization and no resistance. I recently told one of my close friends that my life turned around when I identified neurotic beliefs and tendencies within me.

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However, hearing it from somebody whom I thought had her life so well figured out, really made me feel more assured of my methods. When you are able to stop yourself from acting on your neurotic impulses, they start to lose their powers over you. This is how you start to retake control over your life instead of running from one urge to another.

Are you doing it out of fear and anger, or out of love and altruism?

Luminita D. Saviuc

Are you doing it out of a false sense of justice or out of a need to collaborate? If you can stop yourself from propagating the negative circumstances that seem to control your life, you can finally see the power within you to change yourself and your environment. You can start taking the steps to free yourself from the neurotic impulses that were either given to you when you were young, or you had developed them yourself while growing up.

I recently finished a book that is probably the most influential one in my personal development so far. Your automatic subconscious brain does two things extremely well: As long as your emotional habit is tied to pleasure, you will perform it. When you tie it to particularly painful experiences, you will avoid it like the plague. This will only intensify his craving. He stops drinking when he comes face to face with the damage it causes to him when he loses control. Seeing his life in shambles, his family and friends avoiding him, and his passion in the gutters, will naturally push him towards quitting.

To kick these habits once and for all, we have to come face to face with the low self-esteem they cause us. Then and only then, the resolve to change is deepened upon us. Buried underneath this mountain of information is the real you, who is striving to grow and has all the necessary tools to do so. You simply have to make yourself visible in your hunger for information. A few times a day, practice looking at yourself in 3rd person.

A quick and easy way to do this is by setting reminders to yourself throughout the day.

Exercises for Healing Emotional Blockages and Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind

It allows you to snap out of whatever information trance you are being caught in. We travel to exotic locations to post pictures about it to show off to our friends. We do this because we think that they value travel, relaxation, and beautiful sights, just like us.

The conundrum is that when we seek to be visible to others, we become less visible to ourselves. This exercise makes us realize that if we are already visible to ourselves, by living out our values every day and every moment, there is no longer a need to be visible to others. Of course, anybody can tell me that this is a wrong notion. I ought to learn to project myself even when it seems dangerous and embarrassing to do so.

But no one can hear my inner voice except for myself.

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Most of the times, you are neither right nor wrong. Most thoughts are subjective. The benefit of training yourself to maintain this internal filter is that you are able to tip the subjective scale to your side. If you start to have self-reproaching thoughts, you can put the brakes on them and turn them into positive thoughts. If you are driven by some emotion to react negative to some matter, this becomes your cognitive reappraisal ability to change your perspectives on the fly.

Such power cannot be understated. Being wrong has nothing to do with your self-confidence. Being able to correct yourself is instrumental to being connected to reality.