
MySQL 5 (Spanish Edition)

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Tuning a MySQL server in 5 minutes

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MySQL Architecture (English version) - SPANISH SUBTITLES - subtítulos en español

Front-End Web Developer with extensive experience creating forward-facing shopping websites; Working knowledge in MySQL. Infogenix has open positions for a web programmer involving PHP Historically, MySQL took a different route: In other words, users were allowed to execute non-standard SQL queries and it was up to them to think and decide whether the query was non-sensical or not. Imagine that the user meant this reasonable query:.

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That was well explained by my former colleague Roland Bouman in http: For us then, it was a problem. But that also meant that our innocent users were left prey to the potentially dangerous default mode. Another headache was that our QA team, who runs many thousands of automatically generated queries every day, was also experiencing this non-determinism; query result differences between, say, MySQL 5.

So we were losing some testing depth, which was obviously not desirable. It was not an easy job, and it took a while to get it right, especially with outer joins and with views. The different types of functional dependencies are best explained with examples; so together with my colleague Paul DuBois we put them in a new section within the 5.

PHP: Funciones de MySQL - Manual

I really encourage you to read it as it shows well when columns are determined by other columns and when they are not, in spite of sometimes deceptive appearances! We used the world database there too, and our queries are understandable — so please check it out! Because this mode is now smarter than before, there is very little reason not to use it. So I have made it a default in 5.

MySQL Server Blog

This means that some old queries might return an error when upgrading. Should this happen, please check them; quite possibly they are non-deterministic and should be corrected remember the COUNT example earlier in this post. Implementing this feature was also an occasion to refactor the relevant code. It used to be scattered in several functions, accumulating pieces of information as resolution of the query progressed in Item:: Consolidating all this into one single entity of code, which looks only at the fully resolved query, made things clearer and automatically fixed an obscure bug with views.

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That was known as http: There was one last fix done as part of this Worklog. We also look forward to your feedback on this new feature! If you have any questions or encounter any bugs, please do let us know by opening a support ticket or filing a bug.