
Goodreads For Authors: How To Use Goodreads To Promote Your Books

Are your books similar to James Scott Bell? You can target his fans with an ad for your book. You can also use this tool to target people who have rated your books in the past. You may have fans who loved your other books and who have no idea about your latest book. Goodreads allows you to connect with those readers. This is one of the cheapest ways to let your readers know about your new book.

On average, people enter each Goodreads book giveaway. Goodreads has a book giveaways section designed specifically to help you raise awareness about your books. Goodreads allows you to host a book discussion about your book. This allows your readers to ask you questions and talk with each other about your book. This is a great way to turn lukewarm readers into passionate book evangelists. You can be as involved in these book discussions as you want to be. The key is to start the conversation and then let your readers take it from there. Did you know that Goodreads will email your fans once a week of all your new blog posts?

This is a great way to boost readers for you blog for little to no work. Blog integration is one of the perks you get when you join the Goodreads Author Program. GoodReads features books based on the number of reviews. So the more reviews the better.

8 Ways Authors Can Use Goodreads to Promote Their Books

Those actually help boost sales. The most important thing these days is the number of reviews. The more reviews your book has the more popular it looks. The more popular it looks the more people read it. This is a virtuous cycle. You can hijack it if you are afraid of negative reviews. This allows you to have reviews on your website while also boosting the number of reviews you have on GoodReads. Back in , Jill Williamson started using Goodreads as a reader.

Using Goodreads to Promote Your Book

At first she used it as a place to post her book reviews and connect with her friends and find out what they were reading. Other readers started to find her by reading her book reviews. Then when her first book came out, she claimed her author page see tip 1. This allowed her to host a book giveaways see tip 4 and connect with her readers.

Book Promotion & Marketing: How Authors use Goodreads

She also integrated her blog into Goodreads Tip 6 so that her book readers could become her blog subscribers. Her Blood of Kings Trilogy now has hundreds of positive reviews and she has built a solid reader following that is eager to buy her next book. Authors who have tested the Goodreads Giveaways program seem overwhelmingly pleased with their results, if a quick Internet search is to be believed. So why not run your own giveaway? One drawback is that the program only accepts print books right now, though it is exploring ways to include digital titles as well.

For those of you self-publishing, the exposure a giveaway provides could be worth the money spent on inexpensive POD editions. Brown strongly encourages authors to run their giveaways pre-pub and at publication for a powerful one-two punch. The more books you give away, the more your to-read adds multiply.

Goodreads for Authors

One of the secrets to a successful Goodreads Giveaway is to carefully build anticipation and awareness. Have you tried running a Goodreads Giveaway? This is the second installment in my series, BEA To read the introduction and other posts in this series, click here. Know Your Goal As with any effective marketing campaign, you must know your goal before you can plan a good strategy for achieving it, let alone measure your results.

Because the more reviews you get, the more you: Best Practices for Giveaways One of the secrets to a successful Goodreads Giveaway is to carefully build anticipation and awareness.

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