
The Blue Flowers

Delphinums, plumbago, bluebells, and some agapanthus, hydrangeas, dayflowers, morning glories and cornflowers. What they are looking for is a reward — like food — and blue flowers are just as capable of producing that as flowers of other colors. Plumbago auriculata is a shrub that prefers warm temperatures and produces blue flowers.

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The real challenge with blue, said Lee, is in the horticultural trade where there is intense commercial interest in the chemical basis for blue flowers in nature. Many of our favorite garden and cut flowers, such as roses , tulips and snapdragons, do not produce blue flowers. One result, he said, is a determined effort to produce a blue rose. The same is true with carnations, he added.

They self seed very quickly and are extremely easy to grow. Although these flowers are short lived, when they do bloom they are a stunning addition to any garden as they come in call colors of the rainbow. This flower is perfect if you want to attract hummingbirds to your garden. Each bloom lasts but a day, but the plant stays in bloom for a while since it produces so many — not only in blue, but also clear yellow, depending on the variety.

The tiny clustered flowers of lobelia look lovely in hanging baskets.

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Lobelia are most commonly blue although they may also be white. Tall spikes of flower clusters look spectacular at the back of a flower bed or lined up against your home. Most varieties prefer cool, moist conditions. Most commonly used in perfumes, the sweet pea makes a darling addition to any garden. Although they can be hard to grow, once they start they become very hardy and will be stick around for a while. A spiky plant which has small blue blooms on the end, they can get up to 3 feet tall and bloom all season long. They are perfect for anyone trying to attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

Glory of the Snow is true to its name.

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Also called Scarlet Pimpernel, this is a fascinating plant. The blossoms of the weatherglass close up when rain is near. It has been used for over a hundred years to help predict the weather before technology could. This bloom has a very descriptive name. Once in bloom , the flowers only last one day. Thankfully each plant will grow multiple blooms which will open at different times.

Blue Flower O beauty infinity Music of Sri Chinmoy

Larkspur are easy to care for, producing tall stalks of airy flowers. Plant these annuals in early spring as soon as the soil is soft for blooms that will last well into fall.

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Exotic passion flowers can be difficult to grow, if you want to try though, this is the one. It has 5 layers of petals that are different colors and sizes with a very unique looking stem. It is easy to grow and very hardy. It will continue to regrow even after being exposed to several winters. These bell shaped blooms are a bright shade of blue.

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They do great in areas with lots of sun and sandy soil. It is a very easy to grow flower that will attract an array of birds to your garden. Sometimes called pin cushions, these plants produce lacy blue or white flowers on small stems. The novel is based on the life of Friedrich von Hardenberg before he became famous under the name Novalis.

The couple become engaged a year later but never marry as Sophie dies of consumption a few days after her 15th birthday. The blue flower of the novel's title is the subject of the first chapter of a story that von Hardenberg is writing. In it, a young man longs to see the blue flower that "lies incessantly at his heart, so that he can imagine and think about nothing else".

The Blue Flower - Wikipedia

Von Hardenberg reads his draft chapter to Sophie and others, and asks "what is the meaning of this blue flower? Fitzgerald first came upon the notion of blue flowers having literary significance in " The Fox ", a short story by D. She first became interested in Novalis in the early s, after hearing a musical setting of his mystical Hymns to the Night.

Later she conducted research on Burne-Jones and his language of flowers , and discovered that his father-in-law, George MacDonald , was a Novalis enthusiast. At the end of Fitzgerald's earlier novel The Bookshop a gentian , a blue flower that has faded into colourlessness, is mentioned as having been pressed into one of two books.