
Letters to Famous People

We let the crowd determine who to write letters to. They chose Bill Cosby! While out on a pub crawl, the gang decides to record an episode of the show.

2. Steve Martin

This week, they plan out the upcoming live show that goes down this Friday at Prairie Brothers Brewing Company. Then, they randomly decide to write letters to Devyn's mom. This week on the show, the gang decides to get buzzed up and write letters to Tim Curry for Halloween!

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This week on the show, the gang write letters to Brett Kavanaugh. No one gets too political, but we got very drunk! Over the weekend the gang hit up a Pub Crawl to celebrate Oktoberfest and decided to record an episode at the final bar they were at. They found a deck of cards that was a random drinking game so they decided to play it. What ensued was a lot of shit talk! The crew sit down to get drunk and write letters to Kevin Hart. It becomes very clear, very fast that the majority of them absolutely hate him.

We are back in action and kicking off your week with a new episode of Drunk Letters to Famous People!

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This week, we write drunk letters to Kelly Clarkson with our special guest Kyle! December 14, Sometimes, there will be a general address to send fan mail to for the whole cast. Include the letter and a self-addressed stamped envelope if you want a reply. Fold up the letter and place it in an envelope. Include this envelope in the envelope that holds your letter.

That way, all the celebrity has to do is sign the autograph, put it in the envelope, and mail the letter back to you! If you need to, fold the pre-written envelope before placing it in the envelope with your letter.

The celebrities who reply to every letter

Address the envelope and add the stamp. Make sure it matches the address that you found for them! Then, put a stamp in the top right corner of the envelope. For example, for a letter to the United States, you would write the address as: Find a business email address for the celebrity to keep your message private. Most celebrities have a professional email listed on their official website.

2 Easy Ways to Write a Fan Letter - wikiHow

Simply copy your fan letter into the email, and send it to the email address listed for them. It tends to be a lot more work for the celebrity. Instead, use the email to establish communication and a relationship with the celebrity! Send a Facebook message for a better chance at getting a response.

Facebook accounts for celebrities are very popular, and can have a high response rate.

Search for their full name to find their verified Facebook account, which will have a blue checkmark, and tap on the messenger button on the top bar of the page. Then, add their name to the message, type your fan letter, and hit send. Keep in mind that most celebrities employ someone to manage their social media. However, the answer still might come from the celebrity, even if someone else is typing the message! Reach out on Instagram or Twitter to interact with them daily.

Find the person's public Instagram or Twitter account online by searching for their name. Leave a supportive comment on their picture, or respond to their tweet with a funny GIF. Send a direct message by opening the messaging function, and type their handle into the search bar to add them to the message. Then, type and send your message. They get a lot of messages every day on social media, so it can be difficult to keep up. Keep messages to once a week, and comments to one per picture.

A typed letter is easier to read for most people! If you can, type and print your letter, and then sign your name at the bottom with a pen. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 7. Is it too much to refer to the celebrity you're writing to as a hero? If they've been influential in your life, don't be afraid to tell them. Let them know how they've affected you and what makes you look up to them. Many celebrities like to hear that their work is making a difference in the lives of other people. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 6. Instead of asking directly, try making a polite suggestion or saying that you hope they can come.

You could say something like, "I really wish I could see you in concert! Hopefully, on your next tour, you can make it to my country! Not Helpful 0 Helpful 4. Try searching for their name and the words "P. Box" or "Fan Mailbox" online. There are also some databases online that contain the contact information for a variety of celebrities.

Not Helpful 0 Helpful 2. After writing the letter, is it okay to add designs to the envelope or the letter itself? The more attractive the letter, the more likely the person will pick it up and read it. Decorate it with things they like if you know , but try not to mess it up! Not Helpful 0 Helpful How long does it take to get a response, and what do I do if I never get one?

It can take a few months for celebrities to reply, as they get lots of mail and have a busy schedule. Don't be too discouraged if you don't get a response back -- it likely has nothing to do with you or your letter. Celebrities are only human, and it's hard for them to find the time to answer every fan letter. Not Helpful 2 Helpful This will depend on the celebrity and how busy they are. Not all celebrities will have the time to write back to you, especially if they are very famous. Some celebrities who are famous online ie: YouTube, Tumblr, etc may have more time to spare, and may be more likely to write back to you.