
The Spirit of a True Champion: A Look into the Mind of Jesus Christ (The Champion)

She reached her arms up to cradle the back of his head and, with the skill of a champion, she broke his neck.

Becoming God’s Champions

Then she dragged him into the bushes, took his gun and walkie-talkie, and kept moving. A moderately gifted person who would have been a community treasure a thousand years ago has to give up, has to go into some other line of work, since modern communications put him or her into daily competition with nothing but the world's champions. And they're the deadliest kind. Our victory is in Christ Jesus! Whoever was responsible for sending a championship team into virtual obscurity was either a serious egomaniac or just plain mean.

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After all, wasn't the story told at today's funeral the stuff of legacies? Of school lore passed on to the next class, and the next, building institutional pride as well as magical identities that made every kid in the state want to play there? It makes some fall, others rest and some pursue to the farther. The reason for the difference is not the size, shape, hair color or the style of the head but what is within the head, what fills the mind, what enters the ears; what the eyes look and see, what the ears hear and listen to; make some champions of life and others wanders of life.

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The Champion Spirit

Identify a bottom-up improvement or innovation in your organization, and interview the person who championed it. Chances are you will find a hero story of some kind. Why do we have to be heroes to implement perfectly good ideas? These films are very inspiring, because you see the hard work and determination of the coach and the team pay off. There are usually lessons for the coach, for the star of the team, for the parents , for the teachers, and for the team as a whole. You often see the rallying speech given by the coach to the team at the halftime of the championship game, when the team is behind and it looks as if they might lose.

Sometimes the coach yells and screams; other times he gives a gentle speech invoking the memory of a team player who has died or some past event about the school, which fires up the team to go out and win. When the game is over and the team has won, there is great jubilation. The team is thrilled, the parents are joyous, and the school is proud because their team won the championship. The players know that this was a great time in their lives, and many of them now go off to college to play for their new school.

There are many lessons to draw from those kinds of movies or stories, but there are two that stand out to me. To the contrary, leading up to the championship game you always see the coach being very demanding of the team.

11 Bible verses about Champions

He makes them work out, run, run, and run some more. The team is wiped out.

How to Become a Champion of Faith

Usually one or two members quit. Sometimes the parents complain, and sometimes they try to get the coach fired. And in the end, when the team starts winning, when there are positive results, and especially when they become champions, then it dawns on everyone else that it was precisely all that hard work and difficulty that brought about the victory.

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Because the team is a team of winners, who put their hard work and sweat into becoming winners. The second lesson is that the coach realizes that when the sports season has ended, he has to begin all over again with a new team, because most of the players have moved on to college. He has to put in the same time, the same work, the same sacrifice, to make his next team a winning team. He also knows that as he plans ahead for the next season, everything will be different, and he has to adapt his strategy. His team will be different as well.

These coaches have to begin almost from scratch each year.

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It takes the same, and sometimes more, blood, sweat, and tears, to win the next season as it did last season. I think it should be easier. I think I should be able to coast for a year or two on our last championship.

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You fought hard, you sacrificed, you laid down your life for others, and you have witnessed the fruit of your labors, or you will one day. Does He know how exhausted we are? Does He know that we have our limits? Sometimes He has to push us to the limit so that we can go beyond what we believe we can do and be victorious.

But the price of victory, the price of progress, the price of championship is sacrifice, hard work, dedication, obedience, perseverance and faith. And we have our Coach— Jesus —to thank for training us in these attributes. No one wins great victories without paying the price. No battle is won without pouring your all into the battle.

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