
The Immortal Now: Ascension and the Nature of the Present Time

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VER(P)LICHTE KOST: Ascension: We are an Immortal Race Now Activating ~ Romeo Baron

There was separation between human beings; separation between humans and nature; separation between humans and God through religions that have placed God outside of us ; separation between the people and the power. A society based on hierarchy, a pyramidal structure where at the bottom we have the weak and at the top the strong, the dominated and the dominant. This entire structure is about to collapse.

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We are awakening and our consciousness is ascending with earth to 4th and 5th dimension, which is heart-centered consciousness and Unity. We are moving away from the Age of Pisces and are about to enter the Age of Aquarius. Aquarius is the group, the community, the tribe, collaboration, partnership, sharing. The way I feel about this transition is this: This means we will start creating communities, we will experiment concretely this Unity and interdependence between all things. We will create new systems based on collaboration and mutual aid, new sustainable technologies in symbiosis with nature Aquarius is future technology.

Since we are currently in this preparation phase for the Age of Aquarius: As a side note: But the souls that participated in this movement were only here to anchor that New consciousness on earth, it wasn't meant to work at the time because humanity wasn't ready. What is unprecedented is that we used to have example of spiritual masters such as Buddha or Jesus that would come to teach us about our True Divine nature. Other masters, gurus or important spiritual figures embodied this higher consciousness because they were awake or enlightened. But apart from a handful of these teachers, the rest of humanity remained asleep and unconscious.

Today we are witnessing the awakening of an entire planet! So we become our own gurus and masters. The death of the Old. Nevertheless, in order for this New consciousness to emerge, the Old must die. And that is why our planet has entered a deep cleansing and purging phase. All souls are not ready to make the shift, a lot of souls will leave the planet in the coming years…But we should not judge those who are not boarding the ship, everyone has his own journey.

Ascension: We are an Immortal Race Now Activatin

In order to build a new society in accordance with this New consciousness, the Old must fall. This is why we will likely see a lot of chaos around us in the years to come, destruction for reconstruction chaos leads to creation look at the Big Bang! It is extremely important to stay grounded and centered during these chaotic times.

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There is a trap in which we fall easily when we start to wake up to the lies we have been served for thousands of years, and that is to stay focused on the dark forces that are behind the deception. By doing so, we remain in a vibration of fear and powerlessness that actually serves these same forces. Their goal is to make us believe they have more power than they actually have. But how could they ever have power over the multidimensional, immortal beings that we are? The nature of reality. When I came across these teachings several years ago, my entire reality shifted drastically and left me with a sense of freedom, relief and empowerment.

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