
Fat Is Not a Four-Letter Word

Learn how your comment data is processed. I love meeting new people and hearing their stories. Plant Fats virginia July 10, Fat is, from the American Heritage dictionary: Any of various soft, solid, or semisolid organic compounds constituting the esters of glycerol and fatty acids, and their associated organic groups.

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A mixture of such compounds occurring widely in organic tissue, especially in the adipose fatty tissue of animals and in the seeds nuts, and fruits of plants. Why is Fat Important? We have already talked about the importance of essential fatty acids in our diet, here are a few more fat facts: Fat insulates and protects your organs. When your body detects too high a level of something in your bloodstream, often a toxin, your body can isolate them into fat cells to clear out your bloodstream.

Some fats have a strong flavor, while others are more milk. Consider what you are using it for and whether the taste of that particular oil would compliment the other ingredients or not. The rate at which a fat or oil becomes rancid or oxidizes depends largely on the type of fat, but also on the method of storage. Saturated fats decay at a slower rate than unsaturated fats. Oxidation occurs when a fat is exposed to, yes, oxygen. Oxygen, heat, and sunlight begin to break down the fat, cause it to go rancid, and create free radicals.

Storing your fat away from heat, in a dark container, and in the smallest container possible will help delay oxidation. The smoke point is the temperature at which the fat becomes unstable and begins to break down and burn. Your oil has exceeded the smoke point. All smoke points given here are approximate and can vary.

Fat is Not a Four-Letter Word by Charles Roy Schroeder

Plant Fats Most fats from plants are considered oils, as they are liquid at room temperature. Expeller pressed coconut oil is flavorless and works well when you need a healthy oil without the coconut taste. Cold pressed oil is made from dehydrated flakes of coconut. The flakes are then pressed, and the oil is extracted.

FAT is Not a Four-Letter Word

It is then placed in a centrifuge to spin out any fine particles. The cold pressed oil from Wilderness Family Naturals is raw. Centrifuge extracted oil is made from the flesh and milk of the coconut. The coconut is gently expeller pressed, then the flesh and milk run through a series of 6 centrifuges to separate the oil from the water components. The result is a light, slightly coconutty flavored oil.

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  • Fat is Not a Four-Letter Word.

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil Coconut oil has been found to have more health benefits than I could possibly discuss in this article, but I will touch on a few things here. Olive Oil Olive oil is made from… olives! Health Benefits of Olive Oil Olive oil has been in the news for a long time because it is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseed Oil Flaxseed oil is made from the seeds of the flax plant. Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil Flaxseed oil has the natural foods community divided. Vegetable Oil The last time I was at the store looking through the oils they had on hand, I picked up a bottle of vegetable oil to see what the ingredients were.

How will you begin to use these healthful plant fats in your home? Now check your email to confirm your subscription. There was an error submitting your subscription. We use this field to detect spam bots.

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If you fill this in, you will be marked as a spammer. This is the writings of: Virginia is a firefighter wife and mother of 4. She loves Jesus, coffee, dark chocolate, essential oils, and inspiring women to love the Lord and themselves. Find her on her blog , Periscope , Instagram , and Facebook for encouragement in faith, motherhood, mental, and natural health.

Animal Fats - Modern Alternative Mama. In it, I discussed what fat is, why […] Reply. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

  1. “Fat” is NOT a Four Letter Word!;
  2. Annas Inspirational Poems.
  3. Unhallowed Ground: A Novel.
  4. A new social site, for natural minded families: The weights on insurance charts were not delivered from a mount on high. Society has taken a simple descriptive word and given it a derogatory meaning. The word should be viewed in its proper perspective. Marcia Millman, author of "Such a Pretty Face--Being Fat in America," says that not only is the term derogatory, but it is assumed that a person's fat is produced as a sublimation of other psychological problems, and that any problems a person has with being fat in our society are individually based and self-produced.

    “Fat” is Not a Four Letter Word: Plant Fats

    Just as with racism of old, even those enlightened enough to despise discrimination often still agree that the state of fatness previously, blackness is indeed an intrinsically inferior one. In the same way many antebellum abolitionists saw the Negro slave as their brother, but their lesser brother, so do current closet "sizists" consider their fat brothers, and especially their fat sisters, as somewhat weak-willed and out of control, at best. Prominently displayed ads for skin lighteners and hair straighteners used to beckon to blacks in much the same way as diet ads tell fat people to correct what makes them different and gain a chance at being accepted for what they are not.

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    The moderately fat are encouraged to pass for normal just as light-skinned blacks were sometimes encouraged to pass for white, rather than associate themselves with those in their group who are too far from the norm to be included at all. When objectively measured, weight and race discrimination size up about the same. Nikki Li marked it as to-read Jan 29, Kristen marked it as to-read Oct 29, Mary Quite Contrary marked it as to-read Jun 13, Korri marked it as to-read Apr 09, Clayborn marked it as to-read Oct 04, Malia Summers marked it as to-read Dec 20, Alejandra Oyosa marked it as to-read Feb 20, Stacy Metals marked it as to-read Apr 26, Lynnsie marked it as to-read Aug 11, Michelle marked it as to-read Jun 23, Cindy marked it as to-read May 23, Jenn added it Jul 21, Jill Woodward marked it as to-read Feb 23, Jenny Lee marked it as to-read Dec 23,