
Natural Kitchen Cleaners :The Ultimate Guide - Over 30 Green & Eco Friendly Solutions

You can also use old newspapers for your windows. Don't clean windows on a sunny, hot day. The solution will dry too quickly and leave behind a lot of streaks. Removing rust stains from porcelain or enamel sinks and bath tubs. Use the lemon as your scrubber.

Dip it into the borax and scrub the rusted surface and rinse off with water afterwards. Not suitable for marble or granite surfaces. Dip a sponge or mop into the solution and wipe the surface. Afterwards rinse off the area with just pure water. Kitchen counters, appliances and inside of refrigerator.

Dip a sponge into the solution and wipe the surface clean. Stained washable garments of different fabrics and colors. Spray on stained areas just before washing.

Never combine chlorine bleach with ammonia-based cleaners or with products containing bleach, such as certain powdered dishwasher detergent brands. This combo creates extremely dangerous fumes.

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Make sure you check the product ingredients first before mixing. Any surface with an unwanted water ring but excluding antiques, unfinished wood or lacquer. Dunk a dampened cloth into the mixture and buff with the grain to remove the ring. Afterwards wipe off with a dry cloth.

Gorgeously Green - How to Make Organic All-Purpose Cleaner

Finally shine and polish the surface with a soft, dry cloth. To remove the rust, pour the powder into the detergent cup and run the machine on a regular cycle. Repeat as often as necessary.

Homemade Cleaning Products: Natural, Green, Eco-Friendly Solutions | Eartheasy Guides & Articles

Bathroom fixtures, non-lacquered cabinet pulls and more. Dampen a sponge in the vinegar or lemon juice and then sprinkle the salt onto the wet sponge. Lightly rub the surface. Afterwards rinse off with water and immediately dry with a soft cloth. Dip a sponge in the mixture. Rub gently over marble surface, rinse off with clean water afterwards.

Do not let the marble air-dry, buff dry with a soft cloth. Never use any acidic cleaner such as lemon or vinegar on marble or granite surfaces, the solution will corrode the stone. Apply the paste to grout grooves and let it sit for a few minutes. You can get tiles, sinks and tubs just as clean with this natural option. This scrub can be used in place of Soft Scrub or other bathroom scrubs.

Use this paste on showers, toilets, and sinks. Apply it using a scrubby brush or a sponge. You can also let this solution sit overnight to get out the really tough stains. Cleaning windows is one of the most rewarding ways to use green cleaning methods.

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Use this as a substitute for Windex for a natural streak-free shine. It is a good idea to shake the bottle each time you use it as the cornstarch can sometimes settle to the bottom of the bottle and clog the spray mechanism. For brand new stains on the carpet, use club soda instead of an expensive spot cleaner.

Baking soda is a natural deodorizer. Keeping floors clean is easy with green ingredients. No chemicals, no perfumes, just a clean, shiny floor for only pennies. You can use the same solution, however, and simply spray it onto a cleaning cloth, rubber band the cloth to your dry mop and wipe up all those dust bunnies, dander mites and grime for a wood floor that lasts beautifully for generations, without harming the environment.

Commercial oven cleaning products are one of the worst culprits for toxic fumes in the home and the task is rarely pleasant, but these steps can make oven cleaning as inoffensive as possible while still getting the job done. Of course, prevention is worth its weight in gold when it comes to oven cleaning. Lining the bottom of your oven with aluminum foil can reduce the need for serious cleaning, simply replace the foil when it collects drips and spills.

Also, some ovens offer a self-cleaning setting which bakes the oven at extremely high temperatures, turning spills into ash that is far easier to wipe up. Set the oven at its highest temperature for minutes, making sure to turn the overhead fan on. Then allow the oven to cool to a comfortable temperature and wipe out as much as you can wipe damp sponge. Next, for those stubborn, caked on messes, create a paste with baking soda and water and smear it on, leaving it to sit overnight.

The next morning, those baked on spills will wipe away easily without any toxic fumes.

DIY Green Home Cleaner Recipes

With only a few ingredients you can switch out commercial cleaning products from your home and use safe, natural alternatives. Not to mention, save money — nearly all of these natural cleaning supplies can be purchased in bulk at a fraction of the cost of commercial and residential cleaning products. Cleaning your home with these natural ingredients will protect your health and the environment, while keeping your home looking and smelling its best.

Guide to an Environmentally-Friendly Office.