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Enabled Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Delivery and Returns see our delivery rates and policies thinking of returning an item? See our Returns Policy. Visit our Help Pages. Audible Download Audio Books. Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. Amazon Prime Music Stream millions of songs, ad-free. Three of the five largest U. One can't help but look at the current debacle and consider whether, just as we warned, The Cloward-Piven strategy is reaching a pivotal moment….

These initiatives, however, were driven by far more subversive and extreme motivations, and have been expanded on by every presidency since, Republican and Democrat alike. A Strategy To End Poverty'. This article outlined a plan that they believed would eventually lead to the total transmutation of America into a full-fledged centralized welfare state in other words, a collectivist enclave.

The spearpoint of the Cloward-Piven strategy involved nothing less than economic sabotage against the U. Theoretically, according to the doctrine, a condition of overwhelming tension and strain could be engineered through the overloading of American welfare rolls , thereby smothering the entitlement program structure at the state and local level.

The implosion of welfare benefits would facilitate a massive spike in poverty and desperation, creating a financial crisis that would lead to an even greater cycle of demand for a fully socialized system. The tactic can only decrease wealth security by making all citizens equally destitute. As we have seen in numerous socialist and communist experiments over the past century, economic harmonization never creates wealth or prosperity, it only siphons wealth from one area and redistributes it to others, evaporating much of it as it is squeezed through the grinding gears of the establishment machine.

Socialism, in its very essence, elevates government to the role of all-pervasive parent, and casts the citizenry down into the role of dependent sniveling infant. Even in its most righteous form, Cloward-Piven seeks to make infants of us all, whether we like it or not. Authored by Shepard Ambellas via Intellihub. I mean, what better way than to dupe the people yet once again by slowly conditioning them, over an extended period of time, to accept the fact that criminal factions of their very own government orchestrated the Pearl Harbor-like attack onto skyscrapers, buildings, in an American city.

And just to be clear, I am not saying that micro nukes were solely responsible for bringing down the towers — and IMO were likely only used at the base of Towers 1 and 2 and possible the base of building 7 and were strategically placed 50 feet below street level, somewhere in the basements of the buildings or subway access tunnels. It has also been proven that Nano-thermite was used and was present in dust samples, less than 2 microns in diameter, that were taken from the WTC site after the Sept.

Moreover there are also signs that advanced barometric bomb technology , which uses triggering devices derived from the U.

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One bomb specialist, who wanted to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, can be seen in the proceeding video, testifying to the existence of such technology and said:. Kenneth Summers told NBC what he saw just before being eject from the lobby by a massive explosion and stated:. In fact we can clearly see that this was not the case, because the tops of the buildings actually started to collapse first, dustifying themselves in mid-air as reported by Dr. Judy Wood who conducted an independent investigation. US Army Engineers would use the weapon to irradiate, destroy, and deny key routes of communication through limited terrain such as the Fulda Gap.

Troops were trained to parachute into Soviet occupied western Europe with the SADM and destroy power plants, bridges, and dams. The project, which involved a small nuclear weapon, was designed to allow one person to parachute from any type of aircraft carrying the weapon package and place it in a harbor or other strategic location that could be accessed from the sea.

Another parachutist without a weapon package would follow the first to provide support as needed. The two-person team would place the weapon package in the target location, set the timer, and swim out into the ocean where they would be retrieved by a submarine or a high-speed surface water craft. In the s and s, the United States developed several different types of lightweight nuclear devices. The main one was the W54, a cylinder 40 by 60 cm about 16 by 24 inches that weighed 68 kg lbs.

It was fired by a mechanical timer and had a variable yield equivalent to between 10 tons and 1 kiloton of TNT. In fact, seismic readings from that day indicate that at least 3 large man-made explosions, possibly nuclear by signature, took place underground inside the WTC complex. Could these be the actual blasts that took out the cores of buildings 1, 2 and 7? Is this what the U. Interestingly, previous tests have been conducted by factions of the U.

Ed Ward has documented what he believes is the use of micro-nukes on the World Trade Center complex attack that took place in September of One of the smoking guns in this case is that over 5. One video shows the penthouse on building 7 being demolished on the roof just before the building comes down. This proves that a top-down demolition process was being utilized, otherwise the buildings might have just twisted and naturally would have just fell over themselves.

But perhaps the most startling revelation that nuclear devices were used is the fact that vehicles that were found up to a half mile away from the WTC looked incinerated — not to mention the tens of thousands of tiny body parts that were found on the rooftops of neighboring buildings which is not indicative at all of a gravitational collapse.

The fact that many of the first responders are now dead, if not very sick, does not sound like the byproduct of a falling building, but rather sounds more like they got a massive dose of deadly radiation. Most of the responders have died of blood cancer and Thyroid cancer, consistent with heavy radiation exposure. Additionally the fact that the WTC buildings were pulverized into a fine dust cannot be ignored. This is a tell-tale sign of a high energy release typical of a nuclear explosion. Eyewitness accounts and personal testimony indicate that people were thrown an entire city block from what was described as a warm wind just as the towers begin to collapse.

This was a common occurrence in the Hiroshima blast. Major hot spots were also reported in and around the debris at the World Trade Center complex and were prevalent for up to six months after the attacks.


However, the explosions can be heard on many independent videos, now floating around the web and can all be accounted for. Not to mention the hijackers, some of which have still been proven to be alive, were recruited by the CIA, as can be seen in the following video:. From the Slope of Hope: When I was a boy growing up in Louisiana, our youth group at church had us do an enlightening exercise: No one is going to die from hunger.

When we met at the church the following night, we had all been fasting 24 hours. They joyfully ate their meal, while all the rest of us watched on with true envy. It was the first time I knew what it was like to be jealous of someone who had something to eat when I was hungry. That is a memory that has stuck with me my entire life. I will now tell you another story from the past to lead in to my general point.

Although I will not go into details, the family I married into was once one of the wealthiest in China. In the first part of the 20th century, the old man made a staggering fortune, and he enjoyed one of the privileges of wealth at the time, which was multiple wives. He had many, many children, and he had vast financial holdings. Once the Communists seized power, all of that wealth disappeared.

The descendants scattered to various parts of the world. China today, of course, has a somewhat similar situation as Russia: In my opinion, anyone rich from Russia or China has almost certainly garnered their fortune through corrupt means, and one glance at the air or water of Beijing will tell you just how much the businessmen care about the environment or the people who have to wallow around in it. They simply have access to it as an accident of birth.

I was reminded of a term that I heard on occasion in the deep south where I grew up. It has to do with a person who happens to have access to money, but they have absolutely no class. It has to do with attitude. A biblical phrase leaps to mind: Now, I am beginning to understand.

I have pondered, however, what it is I find unsettling about their very existence. As is so often the case, Mr.

Brandon Matthews

Spock provides the answer I need. I object to you. I object to intellect without discipline; I object to power without constructive purpose. Right as always, Spock. These tasteless, witless leeches will have a life of existential despair if, in their later years, they actually take a good, hard look at themselves.

In the meantime, there are plenty of vendors and service providers who will be perfectly happy to distract them with Lamborghinis, Gucci handbags, and countless other knickknacks from the Western world, just to keep their collective minds off of how utterly pointless their lives are. A year ago today, European equities hit their highest levels ever.

The trading pattern looks familiar: To Benedict Goette of Crossbow Partners, the odds of another crisis are higher than a rally to fresh records. Skepticism regarding central-bank operations has started to emerge. Deutsche Bank has admitted it rigged both the Gold market and the Silver market. Hopefully we get more details from Deutsche Bank soon. After all, interest rate risk could easily be controlled with a few timely phone calls from the Fed and ECB. And we can all count on the obvious fact that Dodd-Frank reform has fixed everything.

A new survey of the best and worst jobs in the country has declared that being a newspaper reporter blogger may or may not fall under the umbrella is the worst career you could be pursuing. Not surprisingly for an industry in its twilight days , it is the third year in a row that a newspaper reporter ranked as the worst job. It came in third worst on the list. The report says that one factor that has many media jobs among the worst is the decline of advertising revenue.

And, a drop in advertising sales translates to a decline in positions for advertising sales people. Advertising Sales Person appears on the 10 worst jobs list for the first time , after finishing just outside the bottom 10 a year ago. As for the best job of the year, that went to data scientists.

If you are lucky enough to find them , the top jobs will be in Information Technology, Healthcare, and Mathematics. First, the top 10 best jobs according to the Careercast rankings: And here are the top 10 worst jobs. As noted above, blogger — especially, and ironically, one chronicling the failure of a broken socio-economic system — may or may not fall into this umbrella definition. Every socialist is a disguised dictator Ludwig von Mises, Human Action.

Human progress has been three steps forward, two steps back. That a non-fringe candidate of a major political party in the United States can call himself a socialist constitutes a leap backward. That it can happen after a century of socialistic horrors: Socialism is a political system whereby the state owns or controls the means of production for goods and services. It can be partial—government control of some industries, or total—government control of all industries. No particular acuity is necessary to see the fatal flaw. They have to be coerced to produce, and something has to be done with those who object or refuse to submit.

Coercion sounds like slavery and that something has to be done sounds like repression. That is what socialism has produced—slavery, concentration camps, and slaughter—on a scale unimaginable prior to the twentieth century. Additional deca-millions are redundant blood on your hands, but the Titans in the Socialist pantheon—Lenin, Stalin, and Mao—killed around million between them, while lesser lights like Pol Pot and the Kim dynasty in North Korea killed single digit millions. The numbers are exclusive of war dead. What about Adolf Hitler? However, modern socialists try to distance themselves from Hitler by arguing that the Nazis allowed private ownership of the means of production, were supported by wealthy German industrialists and bankers wealthy Brits and Americans, too , persecuted Communists, and fought the Soviet Union.

Once the Nazis assumed full control, especially after Germany began waging war, the owners of businesses had to comply with their directives or else. Under the circumstances, full government ownership of the means of production versus full government control that allowed nominal private ownership was a distinction without a difference. Either fantasy socialism gets measured against fantasy capitalism or fantasy welfare-statism or some other fantasy, an obvious waste of time, or the real life socialism gets measured against other real life systems.

Industrial Revolution America from to It is indisputable that the Industrial Revolution produced the greatest economic growth and rise in living standards, as measured by per capita income which was not subject to an income tax—Happy Tax Day! It also produced the biggest scientific and technological explosion in human history. It is true that millions worked for very low wages while others made vast fortunes—income inequality. However, jobs were plentiful and upward mobility the norm. Whatever its flaws, there was no deca-million body count in Industrial Revolution America.

Many have died trying. The coercive foundation of socialism leads to slavery and slaughter. It is the economics of freedom. That conceptual foundation leads to progress and prosperity. In a political order where individuals and groups cannot forcibly or fraudulently take what others have produced, capitalism will be the natural evolution. Humans accomplish extraordinary deeds…when they are free to do so.

Modern education has for the most part abandoned teaching history, facts, or concepts, replacing them with toxic goo. The zombie minds at colleges and universities both students and professors fail or refuse to grasp the conceptual and ethical distinctions between capitalism and socialism. Only fools raise their hands when the call goes out for the able to pull the load, although someone has to. Welfare states are on a fiscally and demographically unsustainable course, de facto bankrupt.

Welfare states are unstable ideological halfway houses between capitalism and socialism, inexorably sliding towards the latter. Banking offers an example. Banks have been both captured and have captured governments , and when they run into trouble they become wards of the state and its taxpayers. Real reform would go the opposite direction: Uncle Bernie is peddling poison and calling it craft brew.

That, of course, is not what they have in mind, and those nations are not, of course, the intended models for the United States. You shall know socialism by its dark deeds. Nothing would be more gratifying than seeing its proponents discover darkness the hard way. Unless, of course, they take the rest of us with them.

Most of you are probably acquainted with the Internet-based real estate web site known as Zillow, which is a public company under the ticker symbol Z. One interesting aspect of the case is how much active and aggressive deletion there appears to have been just prior to the lawsuit being filed by the two executives; one snippet I saw read……. One would assume that with this kind of evidence, the two chaps being accused would be a little short of plausible excuses.

Special programs to wipe out data. Of course, a man using a computer on the Internet to look at porn is totally weird and freaky. I mean, what kind of sicko does that kind of thing? Oh, wait a second………. The full article with additional charts and tables is published on GoldMoney. The announcement was made at the end of a meeting of the G20 in Paris, which is hosted by China this year. In addition, the country will also consider issuing bonds denominated in SDRs. The change takes effect on October 1, However, when the SDR was introduced in , it was not based on a basket of currencies but linked to gold, 0.

The SDR basket based on the original weighting of 16 currencies declined around Similarly, the basket introduced in has lost The smaller 5 currency basket introduced in is down Taking interest payments into account hardly changes the outcome. It is obvious today that for net holders of SDRs, breaking the link to gold had a negative impact on their reserve value. This is hardly surprising as any currency has under-performed gold over the past 10 years and any timeframe beyond that. But while the impact of the inclusion of the RMB should not be underestimated, it is unlikely that this will change the trend that gold outperforms any fiat currency.

The post-data reaction was initially opsitive but then faded fast as reality hit on the lack of stimulus coming. And finally, a mere two weeks after quarter-end, China can calculate GDP confidently and with not a hint of manipulation… lowest since Q1 Now The Fed has a problem — solid inflation, solid wages, solid jobs, and no global turmoil — we are going to need some turmoil soon or rates are going up. Submitted by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market. If you are a longtime activist in the Liberty Movement then you are well aware that elections do not matter in terms of the future direction our nation takes.

Presidents are puppets of international financiers, and so are most legislators. Today, elections represent the illusion of choice; that is all. The leadership of both major parties seem different in terms of their rhetoric, but this is all cosmetic. Underneath the talk, Democrat and Republican leaders are nearly identical in their support for bigger government, more centralization, less constitutional protections, more globalism, more power to international banks and central banks, and less transparency and accountability.

For many decades now, the choice has been between the puppet on the left hand or the puppet on the right hand. This year is proving to be a little different , at least on the face of things, to the point where elections are becoming rather surreal. For younger generations with limited experience participating in the world of U. For older generations of Americans a consensus seems to be forming and the concerns commonly expressed in the mainstream and on the web appear to match — is turning out to be the strangest presidential election they have ever seen. The fact is, Trump is enticing to the public for the most part because the public has no idea what he really stands for.

We have no evidence that his rhetoric is false because he has no legislative history to contradict his claims. With candidates like Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Ted Cruz, the public is well aware of where they really stand on the issues — Clinton is hardcore globalist establishment, Ted Cruz is the same though he pretends to be opposite, and Bernie, well, Bernie is a damn socialist and his only redeeming value is that he is at least honest about it. The public knows what they will get with the other candidates; they do not know what they will get with Trump.

Thus, Trump enjoys an incredible level of popularity because many Americans would rather gamble on the unknown than stick with the status quo.

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The very presence of a candidate like Trump alone makes election extra weird, but this is only the beginning. Some might argue that any change in the atmosphere of our election process at this point can only be a good thing. I would argue that the fact that the establishment is allowing their long time control mechanism to evolve into an overwhelming reality television-style circus rather than the stiff and boringly predictable farce we are used to suggests that Americans are being deliberately distracted from dangerous geopolitical and economic developments.

Look at it this way; we have Trump who is an attack-dog candidate who ends up in the news every other day for something he said and who attacks a Democratic opponent with which he has in the past maintained a longtime friendship. We have a fully exposed international criminal in the form of Clinton, who has been under investigation and should be prosecuted. We have a full-blown socialist named Bernie whose supporters make up a majority of the crazed social justice and cultural Marxist crowd. Some Republicans accuse Trump of being an agent for the Clinton camp. Some Democrats accuse Sanders of being an agent for the Republicans.

Hillary barks like a dog at her own campaign events. Sanders supporters start fights at Trump rallies and then get their asses beat because cultural Marxists are abject weaklings. Cruz gets accused of repeated adultery while some idiot thinks that posting naked pictures of Trumps wife will actually hurt his campaign rather than help it. This whole situation feels like a soap opera gone terribly awry. How could one NOT be distracted? In the meantime, we have a global economy returning to extreme volatility after years of central bank manipulation which has failed to accomplish anything except make the rich and powerful more rich and powerful.

We have potential geopolitical hot spots in Syria, Ukraine and the South China Sea which continue to present possible triggers for global conflict. We have internationally organized terrorist supervillains in the form of ISIS, the same Islamic extremists that Western covert intelligence agencies trained and funded to destabilize the Middle East now attacking multiple countries in the West. And, we have Eastern and Western banks working closely with the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements while pretending to be at odds with each other.

Any of the above factors could set catastrophes in motion that could change the world for a hundred years or more, and yet we are fed a steady diet of campaign mega-drama. As stated earlier, elections in the U. I believe it is very possible, considering the already erratic nature of the elections so far, that we might end up with unexpected developments and outcomes designed to further mesmerize the masses. Here are just a few of those potential events. Trump has suggested in the past that he might run as an independent candidate in the event that the Republican Party uses a brokered convention to remove him from the race.

I am not convinced that the entire Trump vs. Republican Establishment situation is not a contrived Kabuki theater. Again, I believe the winner of the election is already predetermined, but assuming for a moment this is not the case, the Democrats have the same problem as the Republicans.

Bernie Sanders has said months ago that he was not interested in running under a third party if Clinton gets the nomination, but his supporters continue to call for him to do so, and, many of those polled have stated that they would refuse to vote for Clinton if Sanders loses the nomination. It is very possible that Bernie Sanders could receive the widest popular support among Democrat voters but still lose the nomination to Clinton through the super delegates. Given the already seething angst between supporters of Trump, Cruz, Sanders and Clinton, any railroading of a candidate at the conventions, whether real or fabricated for effect, could very well result in internal violence spilling into open riots.

Some candidates, including Trump, have suggested this will be the ultimate outcome.

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I tend to agree. The divisions between Americans are so pronounced now that I would be shocked if people did not react emotionally to a brokered or stolen convention. This would also be a fantastic method to continue the distraction of the public away from greater problems. This scenario had not struck me as realistic until last week; I'm not sure why perhaps it is too strange , but it is certainly plausible.

The idea that Trump and Cruz or Clinton and Sanders might actually combine forces at a brokered convention might sound ridiculous today, but keep in mind that most elections are nothing more than theater, and this includes fake rivalries. Beyond this, the argument could be made on either side that the only way to "win" is to unite the divided Democrats or divided Republicans through a truce. Such a scenario could stave off rioting and inner-party chaos, but the final election results would still be a guaranteed explosion of tensions.

Yes, there is already widespread election fraud in the U. However, what I am referring to is election fraud which takes a mainstream stage and which makes even the most oblivious Americans question the validity of the process. I am talking about the mainstream media deliberately pushing the meme of election fraud to help the establishment conjure the environment of instability they obviously want.

I am talking about the complete unraveling of the American presidential race. In the event of stolen conventions, election fraud or rioting, the election itself could very well be postponed. Keep in mind, this could also take place in the event of a national crisis outside of the election process. An economic collapse, large scale terrorist attacks, or general social breakdown could result in a postponed election.

Though this is an incredibly unlikely scenario, with the way has been going I would not rule anything out. Also take note that such a scenario would result in a prolonged Obama White House and of course the inevitable outcome mentioned below…. The level of hatred among conservatives for that woman is so stratospheric I cannot see any other outcome. It might not happen immediately, but a solid bet would be conflagration within her first term. With a Trump win, I could also see at the very least nationwide riots similar in tone to those that occurred in Ferguson, Missouri, with the social justice cultists running wild with their goofy slogans and molotov cocktails.

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These people are a paper tiger however, and are only a threat if they manage to convince a majority of the ethnic American population to follow their lead. The greater danger is if Trump is actually an agent for the establishment rather than anti-establishment. If Trump responds to rioting using unconstitutional measures or exploits the crisis to overstep the bounds of federal power, at that point we will know exactly who he works for. Some of the above theoretical scenarios might sound outlandish, but then again, if you traveled back in time a decade ago and tried to explain what the conditions of elections would be in , I doubt anyone would believe you.

I continue to hold to the premise that the elections have entered the world of the weird because America itself is on the edge of something that will shake its very core. What that event will be is hard to say because there are so many possibilities, but tensions of this caliber usually escalate to crisis before they deescalate, and tensions today are surely escalating. It is clear that we are in for a roller-coaster ride in the next year, so prepare accordingly, but also keep in mind that elections in themselves do not represent threats or solutions to threats.

You and I, the awake and aware, are the solution to the threats facing this country. The elections only serve as a gauge for how close to the bottom of the abyss we actually are. And that is why we said this was the scariest chart in the world for these reasons! A chronic job shortage in the region is one of the primary reasons, far ahead the presence of Western troops in the Middle East. Conversely, Bernie Sanders has a net favorable rating of 52, down slightly from recent April highs, but up from his November rating of just The Brooklyn debate comes just days ahead of the April 19th New York primary, which contains democratic delegates.

Given the double digit lead in the polls, and the relative bout of amnesia New Yorkers are having, it would appear that Bernie has a big uphill climb ahead of him to pull off an upset, if only in New York. The Clinton camp is already stepping up the rhetoric, trying to put a greater sense of pressure on Bernie to make something happen in New York. Panicked members of the elite are buying luxury bomb-proof underground survival bunkers because they fear mass civil unrest might be on the horizon.

Journalist Lynn Parramore said she also visited another site in Indiana which is a former Cold War communications facility. As we reported last week , millionaires are fleeing Chicago and other major cities due to concerns over racial tensions and rising crime rates. Paris and Rome are also seeing a mass exodus of millionaires, while wealthy elites are also installing panic rooms in their big city apartments due to fears over potential civil unrest and skyrocketing crime. In a somewhat stunning decision, SkyNews reports that a US judge has ruled that the families of victims in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School can sue the maker of the weapon used in the attack , arguing the Bushmaster rifle is a military weapon that should not have been sold to civilians.

As SkyNews reports ,. But Connecticut Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis said a federal law protecting gun-makers from lawsuits does not shield the companies from legal action in this case. She ruled that lawyers for the victims' families can still argue the semi-automatic rifle is a military weapon and should not have been sold to civilians. Gunman Adam Lanza used the Bushmaster to kill 20 children and six adults at the school in Newtown, Connecticut, in December Earlier this week a judge ruled that state police do not have to release to media some of Lanza's writings, including his spreadsheet ranking mass murders.

It contains a story he wrote in fifth grade featuring a character who likes hurting people, especially children. So an otherwise totally normal kid driven to massacre by the 'availability' of a weapon? Its move was designed to encourage banks to lend more, spurring higher spending and inflation. Things are not working so well…. And now, as The Wall Street Journal reports, some are already doubting the policy…. Money markets allow banks and other financial institutions to lend and borrow money for a period of less than a year, often not backed by collateral. If fewer banks invest cash in short-term markets, it is harder for other banks to get short-term loans to finance their operations.

Japanese trust banks that manage cash on behalf of mutual and pension funds have in recent weeks been placing excess money on deposit at the Bank of Japan rather than into overnight money markets, where it might now attract a negative interest rate. So — to sum up — NIRP has crushed liquidity in all markets , sent foreign investors piling into JGBs to front-run chaotic BoJ buying, has actually discouraged risk-taking breaking the back of Abe's crucial belief-based system of monetary policy , has strengthened the Yen screwing the exporters , and finally — drum roll please — begun to drain money-market funds placing the entire Japanese financial system in a much more systemically-fragile state.

As Alhambra's Jeffrey Snider once wrote ,. What none of those have amounted to is an actual and sustainable economic advance; NONE, no matter how you count them. This is not so much investing or even finance as it is a cult calling it a religion or even ideology is unjustifiably too charitable. And so finally, as if you had not had enough of the farce they call Japan, we get this headline tonight:. Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,. This is an English translation of an article that I wrote for the German magazine, Compact.

I was encouraged by the high level of intelligent discourse that Compact brings to its readers. If only the US had more people capable of reaching beyond entertainment to comprehending the forces that affect them, there might be some hope for America. Compact brings hope to Germany. Hillary has accepted massive bribes in the form of speaking fees from financial organizations and corporations.

She is under investigation for misuse of classified data, an offense for which a number of whistleblowers are in prison. Hillary has survived the bombing of Libya, her creation of a failed Libyan state that is today a major source of terrorist jihadists, and the Benghazi controversy.

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And, of course, there is a long list of previous scandals: Hillary Clinton is a bought-and-paid-for representative of the big banks, the military-security complex, and the Israel Lobby. As it became evident that Hillary Clinton would emerge as the likely Democratic presidential candidate, she was paid more. Hillary is a war-monger. She urged her husband to bomb Yugoslavia. She oversaw the coup that overthrew the democratically elected president of Honduras. She brought neoconservative Victoria Nuland, who arranged the coup that overthrew the democratically elected president of Ukraine, into the State Department.

In the United States government has been privatized. Office holders use their positions in order to make themselves wealthy, not in order to serve the public interest. For the Clintons government means using public office to be rewarded for doing favors for private interests. Hillary Clinton has escaped unharmed from so many crimes and scandals that she would likely be the most reckless president in American history. Considering the extraordinary destructive force of nuclear weapons, Hillary as president could mean the end of life on earth.

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