
Doppio ritratto: San Francesco in Dante e Giotto (Biblioteca minima) (Italian Edition)

Natale was a mere twelve days away, carissima mamma mia. Please advise us of any change of address.

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This is crucial in keeping our mailing lists up to date and eliminates unnecessary expenses. This is all I would have wanted with her, just one more. To tell her what I could not in the 46 years of my existence. This wonderful person whom I miss every single day of my life is my mother, Anna.

Needless to say, is how much I love her but unfortunately having been brought up in a family where affection and words were seldom demonstrated, I never got the chance to tell her until 1 week before her passing. Just to say these words that day took all the courage I had But her biggest lesson of courage and strength was when she was battling breast cancer for almost 5 years. Knowing she was dying, she found the strength to teach us never to give up until the very end. Just one more day to be able to hug you because I never had a chance Just one more day to be able to hear you say those words to me Yet, I knew you did.

I would have loved to spend one more day, not in that dreadful hospital room overlooking the city but rather along the shoreline where we could see the sun go down and the sun rise for one last time, reminiscing about life and things still left unsaid. Yes, things left unsaid Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write about this One More Day with my dear, dear Dad You were taken away from me so unexpectedly.

If I had one more day with you, I would repeat over and over how much I love you. I would listen to your stories and tell you how proud I am that you are my Dad. I sure understand all the sacrifices that you did, just to make my life a better one. If I had one more day, I would take you to Park Avenue for a walk, I would buy you an ice cream and I would hold your hand just like I remember you did when I was small. My love for you is forever. Till we meet again. Your loving daughter, Antonietta Clemente Del Gaudio v. One more day with my beautiful sister, Antoinette Like for most people, my past is like a dream, distant events play on my mind through a hazy mist.

Except for one chapter of my life, a span of 75 days remains as clear and painfully piercing as shards of broken glass. On March 17, , I learned that my beautiful sister, Antoinette, had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I was 23 and she was I was settling into an exciting teaching career and she was a young mother of three. During those dark days, I prayed for a miracle and my rational mind wove a story of denial — we would support her through a lengthy illness, but eventually she would get better.

Since I fabricated a false hope built on fear and denial, I lost a wonderful opportunity to accompany my sister with love and compassion in facing her death. I would light a candle and play her favorite music. I would hold her hand in mine and not let go. I would pray for her: Surround her with the light of Your infinite love, and please, send the Archangels to accompany her Home. I would kiss her and thank her a hundred times for being my sister. I would tell her how much I loved her and that we would never be apart. My sister was my greatest teacher. I learned never to make a decision based on fear.

I learned to walk towards and embrace those individuals who need our love and compassion. Eugenia Ricotta thinking of her late husband Ignazio Ricotta on her birthday when she turned Appuntamento alle ore E una di quelle sere di Dicembre che precedono il Natale di qualche settimana. Aria di festa in strada, negozi arredati di luci multicolori per attirare i passanti a fare gli ultimi acquisti. Poca neve a terra, ma attorno un po di bianco qua e la, a fare da cornice alla mia festa. I miei figli hanno riservato in un ristorante del centro citta, per festegiare i miei 65 anni.

E passata una vita, cosi di solito si commenta La vita che volevamo, o la vita che abbiamo accetatto? Perche non abbiamo afferrato le occasioni quando venivano E dunque se potessi vederti entrare da quella porta ti direi Oggi prendiamo questa occasione per noi due. Viviamo oggi la semplice vita quotidiana sensa ambizione, sensa attese, sensa tutti questi sogni da fare avverare. Faciamo come dicevano gli Antichi Latini: Questo ti direi se potessi avere anche una piccola ora insieme a te.

Perche abbiammo avuto tutto una vita e abbiamo sempre aspettato, rimandato, anche rinunciato, anche se questa rinuncia non ci pesava Patrick Frate, commonly called Pops, was a very humble man, proud of his Italian heritage and a proud Canadian. Dedicated husband, father and grandfather, he lived life with a positive attitude and always put his family first. To the end, he sacrificed himself for our benefits and never complained. But I would cherish every additional seconds with him and reiterate to him how much I love him, miss him and try to live my life by his example.

He was a brave man who endured a long and valiant battle with brain cancer. If anything, I hope I am as good a person as he was; strong, loving, moral, with the most positive attitude I have encountered. If I am half the person he was, then I am a great person. From him, I have developed a love of travel and an appreciation for the different cultures of the world. I still remember my first trip alone with him to New York. He was the best father I could have asked for and I am proud and honoured to be his daughter. Not a day goes by that I do not think of him. I know he is in Heaven, always looking after me.

I still miss him very, very much. I will always love you Pops. Cara Nonnina There was something in the air that evening, the stars shone brighter, the need to pray was more urging and a sense of peace seemed to blanket over our hearts.


By the next morning we learned that Nonnina had passed away over night. The news was sudden, yet the evening prior seemed to foreshadow the events and prepare us for that morning. There was almost a tug of war between the pain we felt of our loss and the joy of seeing old faces come pay their respects. During the wake, it was impressive to see how the old paesans from Casalciprano approached the coffin one at a time to pay their respects to Giovanna Vicario Lombardi, whom they also knew as Nannuccia. They knew her in a way I could never have known her.

Back in the paese, they saw her as a child, knew her as a young woman, a smiling bride, an expecting mother and a worried wife while Nonno was away at war. It was a little over a week before at a mass dedicated to my Nonno. Little did I know that was going to be her last mass and perhaps God prepared her for what was to come during that time. It probably was not the first time she said it but this time it seemed strangely different. Looking back at her last words, there is nothing more perfect she could have said.

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  • Giotto and Dante – Medieval Histories.

Her last words were a reflection of her life and they will serve as a reminder to be positive, life giving and holy in words and in deed as she tried to be. One more day with Nonnina would be really nice, but I am happy with the last moment God granted me with her. To my nonna Rosina Nonna you passed away March 9 To me my Nonna was everything even if she lived in Italy. I use to call her every Sunday morning. If I had one more day with her I would want her to see my children.

That the doctor had found some problems. She always told me not worry about it. And she was right. Nonna, I have 2 beautiful kids. Leanna Rosa-Maria, 21 months, has your eye color. I always think that you made sure that she would have your eye color so I could remember you. And Alexis Tommas, 9 months, a really Carlomusto.

I want to tell you Nonna: Sei sempre dentro il mio cuore. Nonna I still cry for you. I know you are with me but, It is not the same without you. La mia nonna Rosina, Anna Mariani v. She is a great woman who took care of her family. With four boys and a girl, she was constantly busy and still taught us all well with a great and loving relationship. You see, she cannot recognize me or any of my brothers.

She cannot speak anymore, aside from making nonspecific comments or speaking a word here and there. I miss her laughter. She used to be my best friend and I truly miss her. Now I feel alone. Just to get her to open her eyes and look at me with her beautiful smile. I really miss you mom and I love you. It was for some time that Rob and I were thinking of starting a family.

I come from a fairly large family. I have two sisters, Giovanna and Anna, and a brother, Aniello. We did, and in August of that year announced the exciting news that we were pregnant again. But it was the results from a blood test in October that put a damper to our happiness. I learned that I had diabetes, high potassium, severe anaemia, high blood pressure, protein in my urine, and that my kidneys were very weak. Not good news as you can imagine for any expecting mother. But then a couple of weeks later, we got even bigger news: We were ecstatic, but the doctors were very concerned.

A kidney specialist put me out of work and on bed rest starting immediately. I got transferred to Ste-Justine Hospital and on November 21st, went in for a scheduled ultrasound. When the doctor called us into the office, he looked at my husband and I in a very strange way, and said: To put it plain and simple, he said because of my health condition, my severe kidney disease, and the fact that I was carrying twins, choosing to go on with the pregnancy could be fatal for me and my babies. The doctors then tried to convince us to have an abortion.

For Gene Piccoli, September 11th began like any other typical day. He woke up, kissed his wife Angie, sipped cappuccino from his Saeco, and gathered the family for the daily commute to school and work. In reality, this would prove to be no ordinary day. Gene was unusually cautious on his daily bike ride later that day. Gene knew that any injury would compromise an incredible once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The cyclists rode 80 kilometers alongside Lance Armstrong, beginning from the Hotel Quintessence in Mont-Tremblant and completing a loop through the Laurentians. The Cedars Cancer Institute is the only fully comprehensive cancer centre in Quebec offering tertiary and quaternary care to cancer patients of all ages, from childhood through adult life. For Gene, this day was both a chance to meet one of the greatest athletes of our time, and a personal commitment to cancer research. In , during his senior year, Gene Piccoli met Angelina Lemmo.

Angie was a year-old McGill student, and Gene, 23, was studying. But something inside me just kept on telling me not to have the abortion. He found out that Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital was the best hospital for this kind of treatment, and although it was somewhat promising news, we still had a big decision to make. So on the 27th of November we went back to the hospital with our answer. We told the doctors that we were choosing to move forward with the pregnancy, and although they tried to convince us otherwise, we stood firmly by the decision. I was then transferred to Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital where I would begin my treatment.

I had four doctors following me, including one for my diabetes, and a dietician. At the beginning, I had to go to the hospital every week for tests, while at home, I had to inject myself with insulin for my diabetes, test my sugar level six times a day, and my husband gave me shots for my haemoglobin. I was exhausted all the time, and felt very weak, but I had to go on for my two little girls. But then on February 10th, , at our 25th week ultrasound, we received heartbreaking news.

We were devastated, and yet, I could not give up because I still had another baby to fight for. So they kept me at the hospital that same day to keep a very close eye on me. Everyday they took blood tests, my pressure, temperature, and an ultrasound to see if the baby was fine. Yet even if the results from my tests were really bad, I did not feel any symptoms, which all the doctors were very surprised by. On March 6th I underwent a small surgery to simply install a catheter in my neck for the dialyses, as results from my blood samples were getting much worse.

In the end, after a threehour dialyses treatment the next day, my situation was so critical I had to give birth to my baby at 29 weeks. Anna-Santina was born at 9 p. She weighed only 2 lbs. After the birth of Anna-Santina I got pre-eclampsia and was secluded for about 5 days. Once I woke up, I was not able to neither eat nor walk, so I had to exercise to be able to walk again. It was a horrible feeling, but yet, in the end, I made it.

For the next two months, I remained at the hospital from morning to night, between my daughter and my dialyses treatment, while my husband met me there everyday after work. Finally, after two months of fighting for her life, we brought our precious Anna-Santina home. Our little girl is a strong baby to have survived everything that she did. Even though we went through hell, we realize how blessed we truly are.

The only thing that could save me now is a kidney transplant or a miracle. It was love at first sight, and the happy couple tied the knot in Luckily, Angie was diagnosed as early stage, and the cancer was contained in the upper chest area; at that point the doctors were very positive. Three months of radiation was thought to have successfully treated the cancer.

Her prognosis took a turn for the worse a few months later, when a routine check up showed that the cancer had spread to her lower abdomen. Her chances for survival at this point had dropped significantly, not to mention her ability to conceive. The latter possibility upset Angie even more than the fight for her survival. In November , after nine months of aggressive chemo and a couple of hospital stays due to life threatening infections, she was declared in full remission. Luckily, Gene and Angie were spared the agony of not knowing if she could ever conceive when she became pregnant a short time later.

In September of , James was born, and two years later, Angie gave birth to Lauren. Gene and Angie Piccoli could not have asked for a better ending. However, Gene was well aware that millions of people are not blessed with the same happy outcome. He wanted to do something meaningful for those who have not been as fortunate.

The edition of the Bike Challenge was an even greater success. For Gene Piccoli, September 11th began like any other day; he got up, had breakfast, kissed his wife and kids, and went to work. This might seem like any regular day, but for Gene and his wife, every meal, every kiss, every waking hour is part of a second chance at life. For more information on the visit www. I monti solatii, le valli ombrose per vostra protezione Dio dispose.

Spirava un vento tiepido e leggero e recava novelle di mistero. Del pendolino il nido dondolava posto sul frusto della canna cava. Joli nez aux effluves de fruits noirs et de groseille suivis de notes florales. Selon lui, Terra Madre permet justement ce contact. Il est maintenant possible de changer le monde autour de la table. Whip butter and icing sugar, then add eggs a little at a time. Add remaining ingredients Refrigerate overnight. Sables can be shaped intoa log form and then cut into 1 inch circles, or the dough may be rolled out and shaped with a cookie cutter.

In a mixing bowl, add flour and sugar and salt together, then Crisco, yeast and egg yolks, add milk and mix well. Remove dough and start forming balls the size of golf balls. Flatten ball with a rolling pin, add filling and roll dough like a cigar. Add butter, crisco and sugar together and mix, then add eggs and rest of remaining ingredients.

Shape dough into a lasagna pan. Refrigerate for 24 hours. Blend ingredients together, the batter should be soft and a little liquidy. Drop batter with a tablespoon onto a baking sheet, keeping 6 inches between each cookie. Bake for 10 minutes, with a metal spatula, remove cookie and drape over a rolling pin. In a large bowl, beat butter and sugar on high, add salt and vanilla. Lower speed and add flour and cocoa powder. Bake cookies for about minutes. When cooled, using a small pastry bag, pipe a small amount of jam onto one side of cookie, and place second cookie on top.

Beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Add sugar 1 tbsp at a time, beating constantly at high speed. Fold in hazelnuts and chocolate. Drop the batter by rounded tablespoons onto prepared baking sheets. Bake for about 18 minutes, or until cookies are firm. Grated rind of 1 lemon 6 egg yolks Sugar for sprinkling over amaretti. Sift flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. In a large bowl, beat eggs and sugar until light and foamy. Add orange zest and vanilla. Stir in dry ingredients, then almonds. Mold dough into two 14 by 2 inch logs.

Bake 30 minutes until firm and golden. Transfer log onto cutting board with a large chef knife. Knead almond paste and finely chopped almonds, sugar and lemon rind. Work in the egg whites with a wooden spatula a little at a time. Spoon mixture into a pastry bag fitted with a plain dip and pipe small even dollops size of a toonie.

Let dry for 2 hours. Bake for about 12 min. In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, sugar, salt and butter and mix at low speed. In a separate bowl, combine egg and egg yolk, vanilla and orange zest, and lightly beat with a fork. Add to flour mixture and beat on low. Turn dough on a lightly floured work surface and knead dough. Wrap and chill for at least 1 hour. Dust rings with cocoa powder and place over solid circles Fill with jam or chocolate. Blend ingredients together, until batter resembles a thick oatmeal.

Take a pastry bag fitted with a star dip and pipe in any preferred shape. You may garnish with almonds or cherries. Mix flour, sugar, salt, vanilla on a pastry board, making a well. Break eggs in the center and add wine. Knead dough for about 10 min, cover dough and let rest in a cool place for 1 hour. Cut dough with a pastry wheel into 3 inch wide and 4 inch long piece, and form into a pin wheel shape. Preheat oil in a deep pan, when oil is hot fry the piece of dough.

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Light and delicate it presents a fine mousse of good persistence and nice suave and crispy flavours. By far, one the best Proseccos around. Persistent and pleasant bubbles pair perfectly with a fine, fresh and crispy acidity and lovely ample texture. Past the Knee, Please!

Canadian women agree on one thing: This classic piece is an essential whether in charcoal, burgundy, chocolate, khaki or black - and can be considered an investment. This season, designers treat us to piping, fur trim, gathers, pleats, quilting, slash pockets and belts. Luxury and elegance, in a cozy mix of wools, cashmere and nylon. There is no room for ambivalence about your winter coat. You wear it too much to feel anything but pleasure in its colour, fabric and cut. Showcase the playful side to your personality with a novelty coat. Throw on a pair of tights or skinny jeans under your purple car coat or your cobalt bomber jacket.

This is the time to get creative with hats and scarves, mixing in a second accent colour or contrasting fabric. The genius behind the concept is that you replace it next year with another eye-catching colour. Rock and Roll singer and retired banker. Communication officer city of Kirkland. Most common name in your family? Michael Anthony, three You know you are Italian when or if Your arms are sore after an intense conversation Best nightclub Buonanotte Best pizza in Montreal Focolaio You know you were raised Italian when You can tell the difference between pastasciutta and pasta fresca.

Favourite colour Green Favourite Italian song Hey cumpare! Favourite Italian saying or quote Iam uscin! Last time you went to Italy Place you must go back to at least one more time in your life Siena Dream Car Porsche Best way to feel Italian in Montreal To go to your grandparents house every Sunday to eat pasta Thing about you that would surprise most people I have a very strange sense of humour.

Giovanni, five or six Nick name? Coco Chanel Favourite colour green Memory growing up as an Italian First day of school at lunch with everybody staring at my prosciutto sandwich Favourite flavour of gelato All of them, I love gelato! Favourite thing about being Italian Learning another language by age three.

Dad and Mom both from Sannicandro di Bari Puglia. Italian, French, English and Barese. Ultimate Fighter, buttafuori e cameriere. Italiano di prima generazione. Italiano, Inglese e francese. Raised in San Remo. Best memory growing up as an Italian? You know you are Italian when or if Quando rispondo alle persone Best nightclub Santos Which Italian artist or actress would you like to meet Alberto Sordi, if still alive Favorite dessert Frutta Best memory growing up as an Italian Le scuole meddie Favourite flavour of gelato Stracciatella Favourite thing about being Italian Il saperci fare.

At 50, community officer Roberto Del Papa has a lot to smile about. Not only is he about to celebrate 25 years in the police force, but he also looks much younger than his age - the result of years of dedication to his community and an addiction to physical activity. A year later, Del Papa moved on to a community police community was his calling. That station really allowed us to young, I knew I wanted to work in a field that would allow get closer to the neighborhood.

It really gave a community. That same year, and he has worked with major radio and he took advantage of family values and hard work. Del Papa started his career television stations. Del Papa has attained the immense popularias a police officer at the old 25 every goal he set for himself and has no ty of rollerblading to station in downtown Montreal promote in-line skating intention to retire anytime soon.

At that time he while patrolling his had to prove himself as one of neighborhood of the few Italians in the force and also faced several lifeKirkland. This was an opportunity for him to combine his passion for sports with community work. He was even invited to threatening situations.

Of course, we had to officers. In , he gathered over people at Despite a few dangerous incidents, Del Papa never secJohn Abbot for a course in crime prevention for seniors. He ond-guessed his career choice. Del I never felt like backing out. Always the altruist, Del Papa participated in three peace missions in Haiti and Bosnia. These missions have left fond memories of an opportunity to witness the great impact of the Peace Corps in war-torn countries. There was no bloodshed in Haiti when we were there. I felt honored to train future Haitian policemen. His career has taken him around the world and he has worked with major radio and television stations.

Del Papa has attained every goal he set for himself and has no intention to retire anytime soon. My sensitive side brings out the best in me and it reflects in my community. Kirkland is a great town. It keeps me young. Our People, Their Words: Tom Di Blasio Occupation: Film and television production accountant Born: A long time ago, somewhere in Montreal Interview date: September 22, by Joey Franco I was born the day after la Befana We begin at the learning stage and are receptive to the lessons life provides you along the way.

However, it will be up to my peers to assess if this is true. This is a virtue shared between people. Obviously, I feel that it is earned; not a right of birth or position. Tomorrow, what are you going to do? This to me would be my measure of success. They also use their notoriety and their profession to advance humanitarian causes.

Think of the countless others, in the profession, striving to achieve similar causes, it makes me proud to be part of the film industry. I have had the pleasure of working for many major studios over the past 16 years, many Producers have placed much trust in my abilities and I have always felt appreciated and valued for my contributions. Being of Italian descent makes me proud of my heritage. When we think of all the contributions. Our influences on science, art, literature, music, fashion and cuisine one cannot help but be proud.

Children are our future Hopefully, this will get them ready to take over and better the world. They look at their surroundings and it gives them joy. I was like that once I have been blessed. As a result, I choose to share with others and help those who are less fortunate. Money could buy you a 60 inch TV set, a surround sound stereo system, top notch. It can buy you what you think are friends. Does it buy you happiness? Does it ease your pain? People think I have a pessimistic character.

So much for immortality Anything else I will support you. Is there a soul mate for us? In , he began to attend Domgymnasium in Naumburg, because his father had worked for the state the now-fatherless Nietzsche was offered a scholarship to study at the internationally recognized Schulpforta. He transferred and studied there from to , becoming friends with Paul Deussen and he also found time to work on poems and musical compositions. Nietzsche led Germania, a music and literature club, during his summers in Naumburg.

His end-of-semester exams in March showed a 1 in Religion and German, a 2a in Greek and Latin, a 2b in French, History, and Physics, while at Pforta, Nietzsche had a penchant for pursuing subjects that were considered unbecoming. The teacher who corrected the essay gave it a mark but commented that Nietzsche should concern himself in the future with healthier, more lucid. After graduation in September , Nietzsche commenced studies in theology, for a short time he and Deussen became members of the Burschenschaft Frankonia.

After one semester, he stopped his studies and lost his faith. In June , at the age of 20, Nietzsche wrote to his sister Elisabeth, who was deeply religious, a letter regarding his loss of faith. Martin Heidegger — Martin Heidegger was a German philosopher and a seminal thinker in the Continental tradition and philosophical hermeneutics. According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, he is acknowledged to be one of the most original.

His first and best known book, Being and Time, though unfinished, is one of the philosophical works of the 20th century. Heidegger approached the question through an inquiry into the being that has an understanding of Being, and asks the question about it, namely, Human being, for Heidegger thinking is thinking about things originally discovered in our everyday practical engagements. The consequence of this is that our capacity to think cannot be the most central quality of our being because thinking is a reflecting upon this more original way of discovering the world.

Heideggers later work includes criticisms of technologys instrumentalist understanding in the Western tradition as enframing, treating all of Nature as a reserve on call for human purposes. Heidegger was short and sinewy, with piercing eyes. He enjoyed outdoor pursuits, being proficient at skiing. In the two following, he worked first as an unsalaried Privatdozent.

He served as a soldier during the year of World War I, working behind a desk.

Massimo Cacciari

During the s, critics of Heideggers espousal of a Nazi-style rhetoric of martial manliness noted the unheroic nature of his service in WWI, in , Heidegger was elected to an extraordinary Professorship in Philosophy at the University of Marburg. Following on from Aristotle, he began to develop in his lectures the main theme of his philosophy, the question of the sense of being.

He extended the concept of subject to the dimension of history and concrete existence, which he found prefigured in such Christian thinkers as Saint Paul, Augustine of Hippo, Luther and he also read the works of Dilthey, Husserl, and Max Scheler. In , Heidegger published his main work Sein und Zeit, when Husserl retired as Professor of Philosophy in , Heidegger accepted Freiburgs election to be his successor, in spite of a counter-offer by Marburg.

Emmanuel Levinas attended his lecture courses during his stay in Freiburg in , Heidegger was elected rector of the University on 21 April , and joined the National Socialist German Workers Party on 1 May. Ludwig Wittgenstein — Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein was an Austrian-British philosopher who worked primarily in logic, the philosophy of mathematics, the philosophy of mind, and the philosophy of language.

From to , Wittgenstein taught at the University of Cambridge, during his lifetime he published just one slim book, the page Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, one article, one book review and a childrens dictionary. His voluminous manuscripts were edited and published posthumously, Philosophical Investigations appeared as a book in , and has since come to be recognised as one of the most important works of philosophy in the twentieth century. His teacher Bertrand Russell described Wittgenstein as the most perfect example I have ever known of genius as traditionally conceived, passionate, profound, intense, born in Vienna into one of Europes richest families, he inherited a large fortune from his father in Three of his brothers committed suicide, with Wittgenstein contemplating it too and he described philosophy as the only work that gives me real satisfaction.

His philosophy is divided into an early period, exemplified by the Tractatus. The later Wittgenstein rejected many of the assumptions of the Tractatus, ludwigs grandmother Fanny was a first cousin of the famous violinist Joseph Joachim. They had 11 children—among them Wittgensteins father, Karl Otto Clemens Wittgenstein became an industrial tycoon, and by the late s was one of the richest men in Europe, with an effective monopoly on Austrias steel cartel. Thanks to Karl, the Wittgensteins became the second wealthiest family in Austria-Hungary, however, their wealth diminished due to post hyperinflation and subsequently during the Great Depression, although even as late as they owned 13 mansions in Vienna alone.

She was an aunt of the Nobel Prize laureate Friedrich Hayek on her maternal side, Wittgenstein was born at 8,30 pm on 26 April in the so-called Wittgenstein Palace at Alleegasse 16, now the Argentinierstrasse, near the Karlskirche. Karl and Poldi had nine children in all, the children were baptized as Catholics, received formal Catholic instruction, and raised in an exceptionally intense environment.

The family was at the center of Viennas cultural life, Bruno Walter described the life at the Wittgensteins palace as an atmosphere of humanity. Karl was a patron of the arts, commissioning works by Auguste Rodin and financing the citys exhibition hall and art gallery. Gustav Klimt painted Wittgensteins sister for her portrait, and Johannes Brahms.

For Wittgenstein, who highly valued precision and discipline, contemporary music was never considered acceptable at all, music, he said to his friend Drury in , came to a full stop with Brahms, and even in Brahms I can begin to hear the noise of machinery. He also learnt to play the clarinet in his thirties, a fragment of music, composed by Wittgenstein, was discovered in one of his notebooks, by Michael Nedo, Director of the Wittgenstein Institute in Cambridge.

Three of the five brothers would commit suicide. Luigi Nono — Luigi Nono was an Italian avant-garde composer of classical music and remains one of the most prominent composers of the 20th century. Born in Venice, Nono was a member of an artistic family. Nono began music lessons with Gian Francesco Malipiero in at the Venice Conservatory where he acquired knowledge of the Renaissance madrigal tradition, after graduating with a degree in law from the University of Padua, he was given encouragement in composition by Bruno Maderna. Through Maderna, he acquainted with Hermann Scherchen—then Madernas conducting teacher—who gave Nono further tutelage and was an early mentor.

It was Scherchen who presented Nonos first acknowledged work, the Variazioni canoniche sulla serie dellop,41 di A. Nono had been a member of the Italian Resistance during the Second World War, nevertheless, it was with Boulez and Stockhausen that Nono became one of the leaders of the New Music during the s. In sections II, VI, IX and in parts of III, he turns speech into sounds, the texts are not delivered, but rather concealed in such a regardlessly strict and dense musical form that they are hardly comprehensible when performed. Why, then, texts at all, and why these texts and he rather reduces speech to its sounds and makes music with them.

At least for the sections where only the properties of speech are dealt with. And from this relationship between the words as a phonetic-semantic entirety and the music as the expression of the words. And it is nonsense to conclude, from the analytic treatment of the sound shape of the text. He likened their significance to the Bauhaus in the visual arts, Intolleranza may be viewed as the culmination of the composers early style and aesthetics.

Veneto — Veneto or Venetia is one of the twenty regions of Italy. Its population is five million, ranking fifth in Italy. Later, after a period, it was part of the Republic of Venice until Venice ruled for centuries one of the largest and richest maritime republics. The Statute of Veneto describes Venetians as a people, besides Italian, most inhabitants also speak Venetian. The current President of Veneto is Luca Zaia, elected in with At its northernmost corner it borders also on Austria, the north-south extension of Veneto is km from the Austrian border to the mouth of the River Po.

Other dolomitic peaks are the Tre Cime di Lavaredo and the Pale di San Martino, the Venetian Prealps are not as high and range between m and 2, m. Fossil deposits are abundant there. The plain itself is subdivided into the plain and the lower plain. The lower plain is both a mainstay of production and the most populated part of the region. The coastline covers approximately km, of which km are beaches, the coasts of the Adriatic Sea are characterised by the Venetian Lagoon, a flat terrain with ponds, marshes and islands.

The Po Delta to the south features sandbars and dunes along the coastline, the inland portion contains cultivable land recently reclaimed by a system of canals and dykes. Fish ponds have been created there as well, the delta and the lagoon are a stopping-point for migratory birds. The two houses form a perfect bicameral system, meaning they perform identical functions, but do so separately. Pursuant to article 56 of the Italian Constitution, the Chamber of Deputies has seats, of which are elected from Italian constituencies, Deputies are styled The Honourable and meet at Palazzo Montecitorio.

Under the Fascist regime of Benito Mussolini, from to , the Chamber is composed of all members meeting in session at the Montecitorio. The assembly also has the right to meetings of the Government. If required, the Government is obligated to attend the session, conversely, the Government has the right to be heard every time it requires. The term of office of the House is five years, An extension of the term, provided for by art, Election of members to the Chamber of Deputies is by voluntary, universal, terms last for a total of five years, unless an early dissolution of the Chamber is called by the President of the Republic, at which point a snap election is held.

Unlike the Senate, which members to be 40 years of age. The current system for elections to the Chamber of Deputies has been in operation since , the territory of Italy is divided into constituencies electing between 3 and 9 deputies depending on their size. Maria Rita marked it as to-read Apr 28, Stefania marked it as to-read Apr 19, Eszter marked it as to-read Jun 01, Methaphysicus added it Sep 02, Giuliano Cassataro added it May 17, Enzo added it Oct 07, Andrea added it Nov 03, Simone Del mondo marked it as to-read Dec 13, Steven Chang marked it as to-read Dec 28, Cecilia Vari added it Feb 17, Gazmend Kryeziu marked it as to-read Oct 29, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

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