
Wolf Among the Stars

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Wolf Among The Stars

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Return to Book Page. But now Earth is flung into galactic intrigue and war.

Wood Burning Art- "The Wolf Among the Stars"

Hardcover , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Wolf Among the Stars , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Nov 17, John rated it did not like it Shelves: Entirely routine SF, about a space navy officer discovering that an unknown alien race is observing humanity and manipulating events.

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The characters are all Types, everything gets explained--often by the Bad Guys, who feel the need to reveal all their plans and evil deeds--the battle scenes are wooden set pieces one missile ALWAYS gets through , and over and over the good guys miraculously find the right equipment or plan, or persuade the other ship's Captain or a politician to go along with so Entirely routine SF, about a space navy officer discovering that an unknown alien race is observing humanity and manipulating events.

The characters are all Types, everything gets explained--often by the Bad Guys, who feel the need to reveal all their plans and evil deeds--the battle scenes are wooden set pieces one missile ALWAYS gets through , and over and over the good guys miraculously find the right equipment or plan, or persuade the other ship's Captain or a politician to go along with some scheme.

No need to pick up more. Apr 04, Stacey Douglas rated it liked it Shelves: Decent story but not enough character development for me. Some interesting plot twists but I feel like I've read similar stories with much the same kind of props and narrative direction. This is a second story about the Lokaron, first introduced in "Eagle Against the Stars" Good sequel to Eagle Against the Stars. May 10, Melissa D rated it really liked it. Echoes of an Alien Sky. Space Battleship Scharnhorst and the Library of Doom.

Under the Ancient Suns. The Stars at War II. The Stars at War. Sunset of the Gods.

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    Wolf Among the Stars (Stars , book 2) by Steve White

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