
Metaphern in der Fußball-Berichterstattung im Radio und Fernsehen: Eine Fallstudie (German Edition)

To identify love in the described abstract games I will use the approach of cognitive linguistic metaphor theory according to which love in everyday western languages is to a large part understood in terms of space. The centrality of the love theme in the chosen examples as well as its graphical and mechanical minimalism will provide a rare counter perspective to games which usually operate with more naturalistic simulations of love phenomena like Heavy Rain, The Sims 3 or apply specific romance mechanics during the game like e. Waern or Mass Effect.

This paper makes the reader aware that there is a comparatively small and peripheral group of games which investigate the topic of love with very simple and abstract means which do consequently not result in a naturalistic simulation but in a playable concept of love. Thus, this contribution will focus on love as an abstract concept and its realization in games. It helps to understand game love as being influenced by an everyday understanding of love as it is always already pre-structured by the mostly conventional metaphors we use to talk about it as opposed to philosophical concepts of love.

The leading research questions to be answered in this article are: How can the mentioned games be understood as games about love?

Showreel Moderator Deutsche Pop_Carlos Alejos

Are they love simulations, love metaphors or simulations of a metaphorically structured concept of love? Discussing the first two options, especially the last notion will be emphasized. To tackle these questions, this article will discuss and analyze the mentioned games. It will make use of different definitions of the term simulation from the field of game studies as well as from natural and social sciences such as Frasca , , Juul , Bogost , Begy and Hartmann Furthermore, it will apply a notion of metaphor derived from the cognitive linguistic metaphor theory by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson , which considers the human ability of metaphorical reasoning as a fundamental structure of thought and experience which results from our bodily being in the world.

In doing so the article will in addition discuss earlier explicit approaches on metaphor in abstract and non-abstract computer games as there are Madsen and Johansen , Rusch Begy and specifically on love metaphors in games like Rusch and Weise However, it will criticize especially earlier approaches by Rusch and Begy who consider the games to discuss not as metaphors but for instance as simulations of love relationships only.

It will become apparent that especially metaphors which conceptualize love in a spatial manner are appropriate to describe the game states of the given games and make their theme comprehensible. Jefferson, North Carolina Publisher: Jul 1, Publication Name: This article discusses the metaphor-simulation paradox in the study of computer games.

It is derived from three observations. Firstly, often when authors use the concept of metaphor with regard to games they use it in conceptual and Firstly, often when authors use the concept of metaphor with regard to games they use it in conceptual and textual vicinity to the concept of simulation. Secondly, the concept of metaphor is often applied to signify seemingly abstract games in opposition to mimetic simulations. Both observations can be made within an artgame discourse of the study of computer games as well as within the more general discourse of the study of computer games.

Thirdly, however, the definitions for simulation as well as for metaphor are strikingly similar which culminates in the metaphor-simulation paradox i. In an attempt to reconcile both notions with regard to computer games this article will make three suggestions. Observing that simulations are often called metaphors with regard to their degree of reduction or abstraction the first suggestion argues that simulations are essentially synecdochic and hence metaphoric when following a broad notion of metaphor.

Based on the assumption that simulation is not a matter of similarity the second suggestion proposes to distinguish between a first order simulation and a second order simulation which can then be considered metaphoric. As a third and final suggestion the author offers to consider simulation and metaphor as related via the notion of the model.

Simulations are based on models and metaphors provide models such that one can speak of metaphor based simulations. Dec Publication Name: Play, metaphor and representation — a love triangle or une liaison dangereuse? This paper investigates in which way classical theories of game and play like the approaches by Huizinga, Caillois, Fink, Bateson, Gombrich, Walton have been related to metaphor by the authors themselves or by other authors.

Observations in the mentioned literature suggest that the notions metaphor, representation and play as well as instances of each are being used to explain each other so that they enter a circular relationship. This paper discusses the relationship of these terms. As a baseline for its argument it assumes that all three phenomena play, metaphors and representation are being conceptualized as figures which can be described as the unity of the difference, a concept stemming from George Spencer-Brown's Laws of Form which became fundamental among others for Niklas Luhmann's system theory as laid out in Social Systems.

May Publication Name: Game innovation through conceptual blending more. University of Tampere Publication Date: Games and Metaphor — A critical analysis of the metaphor discourse in game studies more. This doctoral dissertation critically investigates how the concept of metaphor is used with regard to games in game studies. The goal is to provide the field with a self-understanding of its metaphor discourse which has not been The goal is to provide the field with a self-understanding of its metaphor discourse which has not been researched so far.

The thesis departs from the observation that the notion of metaphor has been present in the discourse of game studies since it emerged as an academic field and focuses on questions such as: What are the motivations and effects of calling games metaphors in the game studies discourse? Which problems arise from that with regard to other established concepts in game studies such as simulation and procedural rhetoric?

How do concepts and insights of contemporary metaphor theory affect the applicability of the notion of metaphor with regard to games? Drawing on concepts from metaphor theory in particular the cognitive linguistic view on metaphor , play and game theory, cultural theory, semiotics, linguistics, philosophy, and game studies it investigates the metaphor discourse of game studies in the fashion of a meta-study. The main part of this thesis is devoted to three particular problems which have been derived from observations in the overview of the current use of the notion of metaphor in game studies.

In dieser Arbeit konnten zuverlaessige Aussagen ueber die kritischen Exponenten an einkristallinem Holmium gemacht werden. Die Untersuchung an Holmium beweist, dass das kritischen Verhalten der spezifischen Waerme nicht im Rahmen der Vorhersagen der chiralen Universalitaetsklassen beschrieben werden kann. Bei tiefen Temperaturen konnte ein Restbeitrag durch normalleitende Elektronen nachgewiesen werden, der auf eine nicht vollstaendig geoeffnete Energieluecke hinweist. Eine moegliche Erklaerung waere, dass ein Band oder mehrere Baender mit geringer Ladungstraegerkonzentration nicht zur Supraleitung beitragen.

The dragon of Kaohsiung. The new soccer stadium in Taiwan's second biggest city will generate more than one million kWh of solar power per annum; Der Drache von Kaohsiung. Das neue Stadion in Taiwans zweitgroesster Stadt soll ueber eine Million Kilowattstunden Solarstrom jaehrlich liefern. The new stadium at Kaohsiung has a spectacular architecture which raised attention world-wide.

The public and experts call it the ''flying dragon''.

stadium kritischer ischaemie: Topics by www.newyorkethnicfood.com

Apart from the sports fans, also the fans of photovoltaic power generation will profit: Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the pre-soak and of the thermotherapy in the germination and in the energy of the okra seeds Abelmoschus esculentus in different stadiums of maturation of the fruit. The design used was the entirely randomized with four repetitions, in a factorial outline 5 x 9, five maturation stadiums green, semi-hard, hard, dry and dehiscent and nine treatments pre-germination: The okra seeds originating from dry and dehiscent fruits presented larger germination performance.

Comparison of critical circumferential through-wall-crack-lengths in welds between pieces of straight pipes to welds between straigth pipes and bends with and without internal pressure at force- and displacement-controlled bending load; Vergleich kritischer Umfangsdurchrisslaengen in Schweissnaehten zwischen Geradrohrstuecken mit Schweissnaehten an Rohrbogen-Geradrohrverbindungen mit und ohne Innendruck bei kraft- und wegkontrollierter Biegebelastung. Methods for calculation of critical, circumferential through-wall crack lengths in pipes have been developed and verified by several research projects.

In applications during the last few years it has been found that the force or displacement-controlled loads have to be considered separately, and this approach was integrated into the recent methods. Methods so far assumed cracks to be located in welds joining straight pipes. The non-linear FEM parameter study presented in the paper, covering cases with internal pressure of pipes and one-dimensional bending loads, is based on current geometries of pipework in the primary and secondary loops of industrial plants and compares the conditions induced by circumferential through-wall cracks in welds joining only straight pipes and in those joining bended and straight pipes.

At the relevant, displacement-controlled bending loads due to hampered thermal expansion of the pipe system, the critical through-wall cracks lengths occurring in pipe-to-bend welds are of about the same size and importance as those in pipe-to-pipe welds. As for the case of force-controlled loads, the technical codes calculate more serious effects and require lower bending load limits. Within the range of admissible loads given in the codes, the critical through-wall crack lengths occurring in pipe-to-bend welds are similar in size to those in straight pipe welds.

It is therefore a conservative or realistic approach to apply the values determined for critical through-wall crack lengths in pipe-to-pipe joints also to pipe-to-bend welds. The relationship between stadium sportscapes dimensions, desire Leisure and sport services require spectators to spend extended periods of time in the physical surroundings of the service provider. Short circuit - How our power supply became more expensive and got worse. A critical balance after eight years ''deregulation'' of the German Energy Economy; Kurzschluss - Wie unsere Stromversorgung teurer und schlechter wurde.

Eine kritische Bilanz nach acht Jahren ''Liberalisierung'' der deutschen Energiewirtschaft. Im dritten Teil ''Netznutzung und Netzentgelte'' beleuchtet er in einem zusaetzlichen Kapitel die Bemuehungen der EU-Kommission, doch noch die Rahmenbedingungen fuer echten Wettbewerb herzustellen. Die neueste Forderung der Kommission nach eigentumsmaessiger Entflechtung der Netze deutet er als ''Flucht nach vorn'' angesichts der Tatsache, dass in saemtlichen EU-Laendern seit der Liberalisierung die Strompreise gestiegen sind und das zum Teil sogar ueber die Haelfte mit der einzigen Ausnahme Englands, und hier auch nur der Haushaltsstrompreise.

Zum einen findet man hier nun beschrieben, wie Ex-Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schroeder einen Spitzenjob beim russischen Energiekonzern Gazprom erhielt, dem er bereits in seiner Amtszeit als Bundeskanzler politisch behilflich war, und wie sein ehemaliger Wirtschaftsminister Wolfgang Clement in den Aufsichtsrat von RWE Power einziehen durfte. Zum anderen wird ein kritischer Blick auf die Werbekampagnen geworfen, mit denen die Energiekonzerne versuchen, ihr Erscheinungsbild in der Oeffentlichkeit aufzuhellen und den Energieverbrauchern ein X fuer ein U vorzumachen.

Kritische Revision der Gattung Parnassius Fortsetzung 8. Kritische emissiewaarden voor bouwstoffen. Milieuhygienische onderbouwing en consequenties voor bouwmaterialen. This report presents alternative emission limit values for inorganic components to be used in the revision of the Building Materials Decree in the Netherlands. Three key factors determine the emission limit value: De methode der rechtswetenschap vanuit kritisch -rationeel perspectief.

It may, however, also serve as an introduction to critical rationalism and its importance to jurisprudence, in. A critical assessment; Kyphoplastie - Vertebroplastie. Painful vertebral compression fractures. Osteoplastic procedures, such as kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty. Anamnestic and radiological associations of clinical complaints with the radiomorphological findings of vertebral compression fractures are required for an adequate consideration to assess whether an osteoplastic procedure should be carried out. A computed tomography CT scan allows a reliable judgement whether an osteoplastic procedure is technically feasible and promising to improve the local vertebral fracture-associated pain.

Prospective controlled trials have demonstrated a satisfactory improvement of back pain associated with vertebral fractures and parameters of quality of life by osteoplastic interventions. No prospective, truly sham-controlled blind trials are currently available which demonstrate an advantage of osteoplastic interventions compared to standard pain treatment; however, the currently published prospective controlled trials show a satisfactory pain reduction by osteoplastic interventions, such as kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty.

Painful vertebral fractures and progressive loss of vertebral height of compression fractures should be evaluated in an interdisciplinary team consisting of radiologists, spinal surgeons and internists to assess whether an osteoplastic procedure is technically feasible and promising to improve local pain and immobility associated with vertebral fractures. Osteoplastische Verfahren wie die Kyphoplastie und die Vertebroplastie. Anamnestische und bildgebende moeglichst CT Assoziation der klinischen Beschwerden Hauptschmerzbereich mit dem radiologischen Befund eines eingebrochenen Wirbelkoerpers.

Das CT gestattet am zuverlaessigsten eine Beurteilung der technischen Durchfuehrbarkeit eines osteoplastischen Verfahrens bei einer Wirbelkoerpersinterungsfraktur. Kontrollierte prospektive Studien belegen die schmerzreduzierende Wirksamkeit osteoplastischer Verfahren, einhergehend mit Verbesserung von Lebensqualitaetsparametern. Aussagekraeftige Sham-kontrollierte prospektiv-randomisierte und verblindete Studien liegen bisher weder fuer die Kyphoplastie und auch nicht fuer die Vertebroplastie vor.

Zwei angeblich Sham-kontrollierte Vertebroplastiestudien weisen zahlreiche Schwaechen auf, die eine tatsaechliche Abgrenzung der Intervention von der Sham-behandelten Gruppe nicht zulassen. Dennoch belegen die verfuegbaren Studien eine gegenueber einer Standardschmerztherapie nachhaltig bessere Schmerzreduktion durch osteoplastische Verfahren. Schmerztherapierefraktaere oder progrediente Wirbelkoerpersinterungsfrakturen sollten in einem interdisziplinaeren Team hinsichtlich der technischen Durchfuehrbarkeit und hinsichtlich der Aussichten, durch ein osteoplastisches Verfahren eine fuer den Patienten nachhaltig spuerbare Schmerzreduktion zu erreichen, beurteilt werden.

Kritische Revision der Gattung Parnassius Fortsetzung Onderzoek naar kritische succesfactoren voor een laag antibioticumgebruik bij vleeskalveren. Commissioned by SBK and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, research is carried out to identify critical success factors for low antibiotic use in veal calves. By analysis of sectoral data-bases, associations between farm and stock characteristics and antibiotics use are.

Onderzoek naar kritische succesfactoren voor een laag antibioticumgebruik bij vleeskuikens: By analysis of sectoral databases, associations between farm and flock characteristics and antibiotics use are determined. The objective of the present work was to compare the orbital images from the CBERS 2, IRS-P6 and the Quickbird satellites, for the mapping of the stadiums of ecological succession, using different methods of classification of orbital images. Full Text Available Penyakit ginjal kronik dikenal sebagai suatu kelainan dimana terjadi kerusakan dari struktur ginjal lebih dari 3 bulan yang disertai dengan penurunan LFG Designing Experiences to Increase Stadium Capacity Utilisation in Football.

The aim of this paper is to show in what way football clubs in smaller leagues with limited capacity utilisation can increase their per-game revenue by increasing the attendance frequency. A sequential mixed method research design was employed, involving both qualitative and quantitative methods Stadium disasters in Africa: The case for crowd management Singh Managers of sport and recreation facilities have numerous legal duties. One of these duties is an obligation to take reasonable precautions to ensure safe activity programmes and facilities for all participants, spectators and staff.

The responsibility of a facility manager to ensure the safety of patrons is known as premises The second life of a stadium seat: A case study for reuse and recycling of discarded stadium seats. Confronted by more and more global sustainabilityrelated challenges, society is increasingly aiming for a circular economy. Non-invasive diagnosis in cerebral ischemia by means of magnetic resonance imaging and near-infrared spectroscopy; Nichtinvasive Diagnostik zerebraler Ischaemie mit Kernspintomographie und Nahe-Infrarotspektroskopie.

Neurochirurgische Klinik; Gueckel, F. Neurochirurgische Klinik; Weigel, R. Neurochirurgische Klinik; Schmiedek, P. We describe the non-invasive assessment of cerebrovascular reserve capacity by means of near-infrared spectroscopy NIRS and magnetic resonance imaging. Both methods are compared with transcranial Doppler sonography. There is a good correlation of the three methods in the changes in cerebral oxygen saturation and in blood velocity following acetazolamide stimulation of cerebral blood flow, except found in one patient with unilateral carotid artery occlusion.

In this patient we found a decreased cerebrovascular reserve capacity, revealed by a magnetic resonance technique designed to quantify CBV and CBF. We postulate a raised oxygen extraction as raised oxygen extraction as the cause of his changes in oxygen saturation.

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Beide Verfahren werden mit der transkraniellen Dopplersonographie verglichen. Diese Uebereinstimmung war bei einem Patienten mit kernspintomographisch nachgewiesener eingeschraenkter zerebrovaskulaerer Reservekapazitaet bei unilateralem Verschluss der A. Dies wird auf eine pathologisch ehoehte Sauerstoffausschoepfung zurueeckgefuehrt.

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Ere wie ere toekomt: Een kritische analyse over de relatie tussen eer, geweld en gender. Honour, violence and masculinity are closely linked in traditional criminology, and are combined with an ethnic profile of the offender. This article discusses the conclusion of this assumptions as ethnocentric, but also as a simplification of the gendered idea of honour. Beliefs about honour, which.

Over de kritische psychiatrie van Thomas S. The aim of this study is to present a review and a critical evaluation of the work of Thomas S. The work of Szasz is to be. Die Serien wiederholen und entwickeln sich, sind Teil der Medienroutine, begleiten uns im Alltag. Full Text Available http: Van lippendienst tot tegengas: Een kritische benadering van gender in organisatieverandering.

For decades, organizations have been intending to employ more women in top positions, but with little success. Eine kritische Revision von Theresienstadt. Eine Untersuchung des Publikums der Premiere am 6. Denn in der konfliktgeladenen und Ein kritischer vergleich zwischen Alberts kritik und klassischen religionskritiken.

In this article, it is argued that Hans Albert's criticism of Christianity is stronger than the logical positivist as well as the classical, e. Feuerbachian, criticism, since it rests on less questionable presuppositions. Other than those other forms of criticism, it does not presuppose an. Is er een plaats voor voedingsmiddelen verrijkt met fytosterolen bij cardiovasculair risicomanagement?

Kritische analyse van de bewijskracht voor cholesterolverlaging. Nynke ; Brouwers, J. Koos ; Woerdenbag, Herman. Is there a place for phytosterol-enriched food products in cardiovascular risk management? Critical analysis of the evidence for cholesterol reduction OBJECTIVE To analyse the literature of the past decade regarding the cholesterol-lowering effect of phytosterol-enriched food products.

Nuclear disasters and their consequences. An information brochure for critical citizens. Atomkatastrophen und ihre Folgen. Eine Informationshilfe fuer kritische Buerger. The book is intended to serve as a source of information and a line of orientation for all people afraid of or angry about the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster.

The author describes the effects of nuclear disasters that might happen as a result of military or 'peaceful' application of nuclear energy; he explains the situation people will have to cope with, gives advice on protective means and methods and topical information with reference to institutions or authorities where assistance might be available, also including a list of addresses and telephone numbers that has been issued by the governments after the Chernobyl accident.

Critical annotations to the Lower Saxony Government's concept for abandoning nuclear energy. Kritische Anmerkungen zum niedersaechsischen Ausstiegskonzept. This experts'opinion has been worked out soundly and correctly, material statements do largely apply but need to be corrected relative to some issues. Hence, the bone of contention is not the experts' opinion proper, but the results and consequences derived there from. The author addresses these in his critical analysis. Unkonventionelle massnahmen der geldpolitik: Non-coventional measures of momentary policy: Secondly the non-conventional measures, implemented by the ECB, are observed at the background of the institutional arrangements of the Eurosystems recent monetary policy, which is characterized in short by free and unlimited allotment of central bank money.

So if there exist no shortage of central bank money within the banking system of the Eurosystem the question has to be analyzed why for example measures of Quantitative Easing should be necessary to make monetary policy more efficient. Afterwards the intensions of the ECB to use non-conventional measures are discussed in detail. Also a critical look is thrown on the background of the intended sizeable impact on the balance sheet of the Eurosystem by purchasing bonds or securities or by using targeted long term refinancing operations TLTROs. And at least dangers of the implicitly intended depreciation of the Euro exchange rates are discussed.

All in all these intensions of the ECB seems to be not the right way to lead to a proper solution of actually existing economic problems within the Eurozone. Thomas van Aquino en de Thomas van Utrecht. Kritische kanttekeningen bij de Utrechtse lezing van de Summa Theologiae. In section I this hypothesis is summarized in eight propositions. Its main elements are twofold. A Thomas does not. Full Text Available In a series of previous articles, one of the authors published designs of the AB Dome which can cover a city, important large installations or subregions by a transparent thin film supported by a small additional air overpressure.

The AB Dome keeps the outside atmospheric conditions from the interior protecting a city from chemical, bacterial, and radioactive weapons wastes. The design in this article differs from previous one as this design employs an inflatable columns which does not need an additional pressure overpressure inside the dome and is cheaper in construction no powered air pumping station and in operation no special entrance airlock and permanent pumping expense.

When dome is supported by columns, no overpressure is required inside the dome which is important when the dome covers a damaged nuclear reactor. The nuclear reactor may produce radioactive gases and dust, and, as inflatable domes are not typically hermetically sealed, the increased pressure inside the dome can leak out gas and dust into the atmosphere. The suggested design does not have this drawback. Positive pressure gradients expel dust particles—neutral pressure gradients will not. Negative pressure gradients may even be possible in certain configurations.

Of Bricks and Bats: This paper considers whether publicly-financed new facility investments encourage professional sports team owners to increase their investments in costly talent. We develop a model of a sports league that incorporates publicly-financed facility investments, the unique characteristics of the talent market, and revenue sharing to explore the complementarity between new facility amenities, the team budget decision and team performance.

Our empirical results suggest that publicly-financed new sta Security at football grounds: Full Text Available By violence, we understand the actions that an individual or a group of individuals committed with the purpose of causing harm to others or their property. In this conceptual scope of violence, we highlight the role of the attacks in the environment of football, where certain groups of fans —rather than acting as passive observers of the game— profane the statism of the viewer to manifest violent behaviors; we refer in particular to the hooligans or the ultras.

This exploratory study presents the results of a survey of the fans of LDU Quito Ecuador, a team that is considered the second with most supporters of the country. The results show that, despite the prohibitions, about four in ten fans consume alcohol before or during games. Also, a review or complaint of the sense of insecurity in the minds of the fans of this reference Ecuadorian football team, a conclusion that is provided without seeking its generalization is made, but that could serve as a starting point for further research.

Review of laparoscopic partial nephrectomy in the treatment of renal tumors, T1 stadium in adults. The T1 renal cancer in adults is made known; incidence, characteristics and management. Renal cell carcinoma has been the most common malignancy of the kidney, percentage is close to three percent of solid tumors of adults. The treatments for this tumor are analyzed: Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy has represented an alternative option acceptable, safely and with good oncological and surgical outcomes for patients, as it is used to conserve nephrons and simultaneously to resect the tumor of a complete form promoting in the future the patient present a good renal function.

Additionally, a adequate oncological control has reduced the risk of submit postoperative renal failure. An evolution of laparoscopic partial nephrectomy is presented determining the procedure for renal tumors in state T1 in the adults [es. A synthesis report of purpose and need: Attendance at large arena events is increasing, as the seats are added, and ground level activities such as tailgating attract visitors not attending the game. Access is somewhat staggered as people choose their arrival times differently. Provides an overview of collegiate trademark cases; discusses several forms of infringement, including traditional infringement on commercial products, ambush marketing, and Internet infringement; addresses available remedies; and offers practical tips for dealing effectively with trademark protection.

Full Text Available Public purpose investments constitute a special group among the construction investments. They are generally large and their construction is conditioned by the needs of the local communities. The regulations impose the need to analyze variants of this type of investment and to take into account the solutions that cause the low environmental damage. The analyzed example is a specific object, mainly due to the presence of very large groups of people during sporting events.

The analysis of the evaluation criteria should cover different location variants as well as design and construction solutions. The assessment of investment variants in this paper takes into account the specific function of the facility, and the criteria used in the analysis concern such phenomena as pollution and noise reduction, environmental impact, collisions with environmental elements, and the ability to safely park a large number of cars.

Due to the large number of factors involved in the procedure, it is necessary to employ effective methods of supporting the decision-making processes. The article describes an example of evaluating variants using multicriteria analysis methods. The obtained results confirmed the usefulness of the proposed procedure.

This study aimed to compare radiation only or chemo radiation treatment of local advanced cervical cancers by examining the initial response of tumors and acute side effects. An initial assessment employed value based medicine VBM by obtaining utility values for both types of therapy. The incidences of acute lower gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and hematology side effects in patients undergoing chemoradiation did not differ significantly from those undergoing radiation alone.

Utility values for patients who underwent radiation alone were higher compared to those who underwent chemoradiation. It was concluded that the complete response of patients who underwent chemoradiation did not differ significantly from those who underwent radiation alone.

Full Text Available Background: Patient satisfaction is used to evaluate performance and improve the quality of palliative care. Sardjito Yogyakarta based on a ranking that includes 5 subscales of satisfaction in palliative care. Type of research was mixed methods with sequential explanatory design, collecting data began from collecting quantitative data and followed by collecting qualitative data. Subject of study involved cancer patient in Central Hospital of Dr.

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Sardjito Yogyakarta during September and October number of respondent was 48 patients and 8 participants. Sampling technique in quantitative research used purposive sampling, while the qualitative research used the techniques sampling criterion. Quantitative data analysis used descriptive analysis and analysis of qualitative data used the content analysis. Integration of the results of quantitative research and qualitative used the joint displays. Cancer patients have a high satisfaction on the subscale of support in decision-making with a mean Conclusion: Cancer patient satisfaction on palliative care was high with score on every subscales above mean score.

The Gillette Stadium Experience: Mass gathering events can substantially impact public safety. Analyzing patient presentation and transport rates at various mass gathering events can help inform staffing models and improve preparedness. A retrospective review of all patients seeking medical attention across a variety of event types at a single venue with a capacity of 68, from January through September We examined events with a total of 8,, attendees generating medical contacts.

Rates were 10 presentations and 1. Concerts had significantly higher rates of presentation and transport than all other event types. Presenting concern varied significantly by event type and gender, and transport rate increased predictably with age. For cold weather events, transport rates increased at colder temperatures. Overall, on-site physicians did not impact rates. At a single venue hosting a variety of events across a 6-year period, we demonstrated significant variations in presentation and transport rates.

Weather, gender, event type, and age all play important roles. Our analysis, while representative only of our specific venue, may be useful in developing response plans and staffing models for similar mass gathering venues. Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness.

CFD analysis of natural ventilation in large semi-enclosed buildings - case study: Amsterdam ArenA football stadium. Large modern sports stadia are often multifunctional buildings that are not only used for sports purposes but also for other events such as concerts, conferences and festivities. Some of the stadia that have been built in recent years in north-western Europe are equipped with a semi-transparent roof. On the effect of wind direction and urban surroundings on natural ventilation of a large semi-enclosed stadium.

It is often expressed in terms of the air change rate per hour ACH. The pressure differences created by the wind depend — among others — on the wind. The pollen spectrum indicated vegetation representative of his period. The 4 m of overlying sediment are a repetition of different layers, submitted to pedogenic processes.

The pollen diagram as a whole showed a cycle of sterile horizons and horizons bearing the same vegetation. Conventional imaging modalities provide only morphological details and do not provide information on the metabolic status of a lesion, which is very important in differentiating a benign from a malignant lesion. Early diagnosis and reliable imaging assessment of response to treatment are essential in the clinical management of breast cancer. Positron Emission Tomography PET has been widely shown to be highly useful for the diagnosis of palpable masses, for staging, for obtaining long-term prognostic information, and for demonstrating tumour response to chemotherapy at an early phase or after completion of treatment in patient with breast cancer.

There was a positive relationship between tumour metabolic and response to chemotherapy and pathological conditions SUV provides an index of regional tracer uptake and a reduced SUV are indicative of tumour regression. Full Text Available The study was carried out to investigate the effect of gonadotropin hormone supplementation into in vitro maturation medium on maturation, fertilization and embryo development of Bligon goats. This research steps consist of oocyte collection, in vitro maturation, in vitro fertilization, and in vitro embryo development.

Oocyte and embryo morphology data were analyzed descriptively. Maturation rate and embryo development data were analyzed by using independent sample t-test. Fertilization data was analyzed descriptively. Expansion cumulus cells surrounding the oocytes might indicated the mature oocytes. Embryos obtained from the treatment, indicated uniform of blastomeres in the size, tight, compact, intact, and round-spherical shape. It could be concluded that supplementation of gonadotropin hormone into in vitro maturation medium could not increase the rate of oocyte maturation and 4 cell embryo development, but it could increase 2 cell embryo development of Bligon goats.

Hormone supplementation could improved the maturation and embryo quality. Effect of methyl jasmonate, salicylic acid, Headline and Stadium on root yield, sucrose yield, and storage properties. Methyl jasmonate MeJA and salicylic acid SA have been reported to enhance yield and protect crop plants and products against abiotic stresses and diseases. The effect of these compounds on sugarbeets, however, is unknown.

Research was conducted in and to investigate the effects of an e A critical view on statistical methods applied in health physics; Sicherheit durch Statistik? Ein kritischer Blick auf die Anwendung statistischer Methoden im Strahlenschutz. The only proper way to describe uncertainties in health physics is by statistical means.

But statistics never can replace Your personal evaluation of effect, nor can statistics transmute randomness into certainty like an ''uncertainty laundry''. The paper discusses these problems in routine practical work. What's wrong with John? Maar wat als je geliefde of iemand anders in je omgeving een paniekaanval krijgt of depressief overkomt?

Alte Thesen neu gelesen: Drei Perspektiven werden hier aufgezeigt: Es wird mithin keine immanente Auseinandersetzung mit dem gesamten Text und weiteren Arbeiten der beiden Autoren angestrebt. The critical agrarian report. Agriculture as an energy producer; Landwirtschaft The focus of the critical agrarian report in this year is the topic 'agriculture as an energy producer'. In 44 contributions, the agrarian events of the year are analyzed and the setting the points for the future are discussed.

The topics of this report are: Agricultural policy and social situation, world trade and nutrition, ecological agriculture, production and market, regional market, regional development, nature and environment, forest, animal protection and animal husbandry, genetic engineering, agrarian culture, consumer and nourishing culture. Petroleum - as far as available. Analysis and critical model calculation up to the year Erdoel - soweit verfuegbar. Analyse und kritische Modellrechnung bis zum Jahr An outline is given on the most important oil producing countries and on the petroleum reserves available there as they developed from to For the last few years, the figures at hand show a distinct decline of new discoveries i.

Prospective development factors are critically examined, and a model of potential petroleum supply is developed covering the period up to the year and requiring the adjustment of production and consumption. Until , the model shows a plateau of international oil production and of consumption amounting to 3 billion tons per year on an average, and subsequently a constant decline of output. The international average consumption being kept at a relatively high level is to give the world economy the opportunity to develop alternative energy sources.

From this detailed statement follows automatically the demand to increase exploratory activities and to lead an optimal consumption policy. In a separate section deposits of heavy oil sands and oil shales and respective production technologies are dealt with as well as their potential contribution to meet energy needs. Inflammatory bowel diseases IBD - critical discussion of etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics, and therapy; Chronisch entzuendliche Darmerkrankungen - Kritische Diskussion von Aetiologie, Pathogenese, Diagnostik und Therapie.

Aims Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are the most frequent inflammatory bowel diseases IBD with a prevalence of approximately one out of Cytokine research opened new and potent treatment options and thus stimulated clinical and basic research. However, the IBD still remain a challenge for patients and physicians,demanding close cooperation between gastroenterologists,radiologists and surgeons. The basic understanding of IBD,which is necessary for efficient diagnostic and therapeutic concepts is reviewed.

Based upon recent publications and our clinical experience we discuss aspects of etiology,pathogenesis,diagnostics,and therapy of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. A genetically influenced, exaggerated and sustained immune response against the own gut flora seems to be one of the most important factors in the pathogenesis of IBD. Not less important are environmental influences. For instance, cigarette smoking had been judged to have some negative influence on the natural course of Crohn's disease.

Now,however, recent studies show that smoking is even a significant independent risk factor in the pathogenesis of IBD. Since IBD and especially Crohn's disease can effect the whole body, detailed analysis of inflammatory organ involvement is necessary before therapy. For instance, the MRIenteroclysis technique adds a necessary diagnostic tool for the exploration of those parts of the small bowel that cannot been reached by routine endoscopy like the upper ileum and the lower jejunum. In terms of therapy, a change of paradigms can be observed: Furthermore,immunosuppressive agents like azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine will establish as central concept in the medical treatment of IBD.

Discussion IBD-therapy should rather be adapted to the patient's individual inflammatory pattern than be oriented to schematic treatment rules. New endoscopic and radiologic techniques provide the necessary diagnostic tools. Obwohl sich, angetrieben durch therapeutische Erfolge der Zytokinforschung, immer mehr medizinische Einrichtungen mit Fragestellungen rund um die CED beschaeftigen, stellen diese Erkrankungen fuer Patient und Arzt immer noch eine lebenslange Herausforderung dar.

Die enge interdisziplinaere Zusammenarbeit zwischen Gastroenterologie, Radiologie und Chirurgie ist entscheidend fuer ein effizientes Diagnose- und Therapiekonzept, dessen Grundlagen wir in unserer Uebersichtsarbeit erlaeutern wollen. Ergebnisse Eine genetisch beeinflusste, ueberschiessende und anhaltende Immunreaktion gegen die eigene Darmflora scheint eine der wichtigsten Ursachen dieser Erkrankungen zu sein.

Auch Umwelteinfluesse sind von Belang. Da die CED und insbesondere der Morbus Crohn als systemische Erkrankungen betrachtet werden muessen, setzen therapeutische Ueberlegungen eine genaue Kenntnis des Organbefalls voraus. Therapeutisch scheint es zu einem Paradigmenwechsel zu kommen: Patienten werden nicht mehr erst dann behandelt,wenn die Symptome unertraeglich geworden sind, sondern fruehzeitig in ein therapeutisches Gesamtkonzept integriert, das sich an Ort und Ausmass des Befalls, an den Moeglichkeiten des Patienten und auch des betreuenden Umfeldes orientiert.

Ausserdem etablieren sich die immunsuppressiv wirksamen Purinanaloga wie Azathioprin und Mercaptopurin als zentrales Medikationskonzept der CED. Diskussion Es ist absehbar, dass eine spezifisch auf das Befallsmuster des Patienten abgestimmte Therapie das aussichtsreichste Behandlungskonzept darstellt, das sich nicht mehr an strengen Schemata orientiert. Die neuen endoskopischen und radiologischen Verfahren bilden hierfuer die Grundlage. Symbolismus, Konnektionismus, Biologismus und Physikalismus. Neue Strukturen internationaler Zusammenarbeit Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft Aus einer globalen Perspektive analysiert die Autorin eine Vielzahl von Aspekten, zum Beispiel den Einfluss des Urheberrechts auf die Entwicklung der Buchproduktion und die herausragende Rolle der Organisationen, die den Urheberrechtsschutz institutionalisierten.

Peter; Verweij, Bon H. MRI characteristics of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage; Das kernspintomographische Erscheinungsbild der spontanen intrazerebralen Blutung. Klinik fuer Radiologie; Innsbruck Univ. Es wurden weder falsch-negative noch falsch-positive Befunde erhoben. Auf den diffusionsgewichteten Sequenzen fuehren minimale Deoxyhaemoglobinkonzentrationen bereits in dieser Phase zu Signalausloeschungen.

Das Erscheinungsbild der akuten, subakuten und chronischen IZB entsprach dem, in der Literatur mitgeteilten, Signalverhalten. Die Diffusionsgewichtung war in der hpyerakuten Blutungsdiagnose und deren Abgrenzung von der akuten Ischaemie hilfreich. Zumindest bei 1,5 T erscheint die KST somit fuer die Diagnostik des akuten Schlaganfalls geeignet und sollte, da Ischaemien besser als mit der Computertomographie charakterisiert werden koennen, fuer die Akutdiagnostik verfuegbar gemacht werden.

CFD evaluation of natural ventilation of indoor environments by the concentration decay method: CO2 gas dispersion from a semi-enclosed stadium. Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD simulations can be used to assess indoor natural ventilation by solving the interaction between the urban wind flow and the indoor airflow.

The air exchange rate ACH can be obtained from the simulated volume flow rates through the ventilation openings or by the. Full-scale measurements of indoor environmental conditions and natural ventilation in a large semi-enclosed stadium: The use of Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD to study complex physical processes in the built environment requires model validation by means of reduced-scale or full-scale experimental data.

CFD studies of natural ventilation of buildings in urban areas should be validated concerning both the wind. Coupled urban wind flow and indoor natural ventilation modelling on a high-resolution grid: A case study for the Amsterdam ArenA stadium. Wind flow in urban environments is an important factor governing the dispersion of heat and pollutants from streets, squares and buildings. This paper presents a coupled CFD modelling approach for urban wind flow and indoor natural ventilation. A specific procedure is used to efficiently and.

Change in attendance of stadiums in European leagues resulting from change in the number of clubs in cities: Full Text Available Objective to assess the external effects of the emergence of a new football club in European cities. Methods statistical methods regression analysis double difference method generalization and typologization methods. Results the article examines the problems of ensuring competition in the football market in the context of club matches attendance. The scientific researches are analyzed which cover the issues of economic theories application to the problems in the sports sphere.

It is concluded that a different economic approach is required in the countries with a low level of private capital in football since the main power there belongs not to the clubs but to the regional governments.

  1. Source code: Class german-dico.txt part of termsuite-core version 3.0.2;
  2. England look dead and buried | Masterarbeit, Hausarbeit, Bachelorarbeit veröffentlichen.
  3. Ph.D. Sebastian Möring.
  4. Miracles On The Move.
  5. The article also introduces the concept of external effects for the football market. To assess their impact on competition in football the analysis of all European football Championships since the early s till today was carried out. Basis on the performed analysis the types of the cities representatives in the highest football divisions are defined supercompetitive leagues leagues with centripetal competition leagues with distributed competition and noncompetitive leagues.

    Basing on the assessment of clubs configuration changes in different leagues a number of hypotheses were formulated about the impact of configuration changes on the attendance of matches. The assessment is conducted by the method of double difference of the external effects of the clubs configuration changes in the cities of France Italy Hungary and Greece. Scientific novelty the concept of external effect in the economics of football is applied to the assessment of attendance the external effect of the change in the number of clubs in a city was formulated and evaluated a typology of leagues according to the degree of competitiveness was introduced based on the analysis of data for the period of twenty years.

    Practical significance the basic results can be used for making decisions on the financial support for clubs from the lower divisions to enhance competition within the region for the attention of fans. To deal with the rising integration of stochastic renewables and energy intensive distributed energy resources DER to the electricity network, alternatives to expensive network reinforcements are increasingly needed.

    An alternative solution often under consideration is integrating flexibility from. Full Text Available The snakehead Channa striata extract contains albumin in its water phase and omega-3 and omega-6 in its oil phase which have been proven to be effective in wound healing process. This research was aimed to determine wound healing effect of snakehead extract-containing ointment on 6 groups of male Wistar rats. The width of the wound was measured by using Macbiophotonic Image J program.

    The AUC results of each groups from smallest to largest were normal group Full Text Available This study examined the policy evaluation of restructuring street vendors in Surakarta city. Street vendors represent the economic actors in the informal sector of urban economic activity. The study used descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The relocation of street vendors in Surakarta City is orderly and smooth without violence which may impact badly on physic and material because the government of Surakarta City, especially Surakarta Mayor, uses persuasive approach.

    Notoharjo Market is a relocation place for street vendors at Banjarsari Monument Park. In the beginning, Notoharjo Market is crowded with buyers but current days, street vendors who occupy Notoharjo Market complain about lack of buyers. The lack of buyers at Notoharjo Market is because the facilities previously provided by the government of Surakarta City are not well maintained.

    The government of Surakarta City must listening all complains of street vendors for the smoothness and orderliness of trading activity of street vendors. Not only listening, but the government of Surakarta City also gives appropriate and best solution to street vendors such that street vendors feel comfort in selling and their income is better than before. Percutaneous biopsy of non-palpable breast lesions with the advanced breast biopsy instrumentation ABBI: To compare the indications for biopsy with and without the use of the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System.

    Biopsies using the ABBI were performed in 62 patients with 64 non-palpable evident mammographic lesions. The indication was retrospectively reassessed by adopting the BI-RADS classification by three radiologists in consensus. The positive predictive value PPV of both indication strategies was assessed and compared.

    Biopsies adopting ABBI were performed without major side-effects and were diagnostic. Carcinoma was present in 14 lesions: ABBI enables stereotactically-guided procedures that result in representative and diagnostic biopsies. Radiologists should remain involved in the decision making. Alle 64 gewonnenen Biopsien waren diagnostisch verwertbar. Standardisierte Kriterien wie z. Radiologen sollten in die Indikationsstellung zur Biopsie einbezogen werden.

    Market control in the electricity production and wholesale markets. Eine kritische Analyse der neueren Sicht des Bundeskartellamts. In its sector-specific investigations in the electricity production and wholesale markets the German Federal Cartel Office continues to apply its concept of what it terms a primary sales market. The authors describe the discrepancy that exists between the beliefs about market action that underlie the Cartel Office's determination of market boundaries and market action as it actually occurs in reality.

    The legal concept of the exercise of unilateral market control by several companies as developed by the Cartel Office on the basis of an economic instrument appears unsustainable, both legally and economically. This is compounded by methodological shortcomings. It is therefore the authors' opinion that the approach taken by the Cartel Office in its sector-specific investigations does not afford a sustainable basis for its finding of electricity production companies exercising market control.

    Noch besonders strittig war die Interpretation des zweifachen Nachweises in den Preisinger Denkmfilem. Issatschenko in seiner deutschen Zusammenfassung folgendes fest S. Dialekte haben altes dl bewahrt, vgl. Reimbursement for electricity supplied to the grid and the phaseout of franchise agreements. A critical review of recent developments of the law; Einspeiseverguetung und Auslaufen der Konzessionsvertraege - eine kritische Studie zu neueren Rechtsentwicklungen. Allowing more competition in all sectors of the economy is an acceptable strategy if resulting in social benefits, i.

    If, however, such a liberalisation or deregulation ends up in a concentration of power by commercial enterprises to the disadvantage of consumers who have to pay higher electricity rates, or jeopardizes the reliability of power supply, such actionism on the part of the legislature may well adversely affect public welfare.

    This applies likewise to minor regulation, as is the Act on Compulsory Acceptance of Electricity From Renewable Energy Sources, SEG , which puts an unproportionate load on the shoulders of the public utilities in order to satisfy interests of environmental policy. The paper explains these statements by examining effects expected to result from the SEG, and by referring to problems involved in the phaseout of franchise agreements.

    Wenn liberalisierende Eingriffe letztlich aber zu hoeheren Strompreisen oder zu geringerer Versorgungssicherheit fuehren, bei gleichzeitigem Konzentrationsschub in der Unternehmensstruktur, dann kann das Gemeinwohl durch gesetzgeberischen Aktionismus leicht Schaden nehmen. Lehrer in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Education in the Federal Republic of Germany.

    The purpose of this study was to analyze the available statistics concerning teachers in schools of general education in the Federal Republic of Germany. An analysis of the demographic structure of the pool of full-time teachers showed that in 30 percent of the teachers were under age 30, and 50 percent were under age It was expected that…. Report on the interpretation of critical experiments in the Siemens-Argonaut-Reactor Graz to study water ingress into spherical elements.

    Schuerrer, F [Technische Univ. The experiments described are of interest in the study of water contamination in HTR fuel elements. Following a brief description of the SAR, planned programs are discussed in 'dry' and 'wet' cores. Detector foil types and locations are noted. A theoretical model is developed and nuclide concentrations estimated in the various spectral zones. The discussion is supported by simplified core layout diagrams and graphs of core flux distributions. Insbesondere beim Thema Musik ist neben der technischen und strukturellen Rahmung der jeweiligen Online-Offerten das Urheberrecht bedeutend.

    On the Internet, they find the appropriate structures to access their preferred music content as well as to communicate, distribute and productively manufacture this music to make it their own. Furthermore, the subjects of this study are able to transfer the Internet into a "sound space" of their exact preferences.

    By doing so, they extend their social space, which is important for their identity, into the digital area. However, the appropriation of online space is limited. Especially music does not only depend on technical und structural requirements of the online services, but also on copyright. The music industry has long tried to restrict the interactivity in Web 2. This raises the question to what extent the creative occupation of media space by its users is also inhibited.

    With selected results from two surveys, this article examines the ambivalent influence of copyright provisions on the creation of the Internet as a "sound space". Functional magnetic resonance imaging in neuroradiology; Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie in der Neuroradiologie. Forschungsschwerpunkt Radiologische Diagnostik und Therapie. Bildgebungssequenzen, optimierter Kontrastmittelapplikationen und spezieller Nachverarbeitungsmethoden wurde es moeglich, physiologische und pathophysiologische Prozesse mittels der Magnetresonanztomographie MRT zu beobachten.

    Auch eine neuronale Aktivitaet einfacher oder komplexer Natur kann mit funktionellen MR-Techniken visualisiert werden. Mit MR-spektroskopischen Untersuchungen koennen metabolische Verteilungen in normalem und pathologischem Gewebe mehrdimensional erfasst und Stoffwechselvorgaenge im Verlauf beobachtet werden. Vorteile der MRT ist die geringe Invasivitaet, die Moeglichkeit einer dreidimensionalen Darstellung der Daten und eine beliebige Wiederholbarkeit der Untersuchung bei fehlender Strahlenbelastung.

    Die bereits klinisch einsetzbaren funktionellen Methoden werden beschrieben und ihr Einsatz in der Neuroradiologie auch in Bezug auf die Wertigkeit im Vergleich zu nuklearmedizinischen Methoden diskutiert. Perfusions- und Diffusions-MRT liefern wichtige Zusatzinformationen im akuten und chronischen Stadium der zerebralen Ischaemie und werden bereits routinemaessig bei akutem Schlaganfall eingesetzt. In der Tumordiagnostik liefern die funktionellen MR-Techniken wichtige Zusatzinformationen fuer die Therapiefindung, Therapieplanung und das Therapiemonitoring.

    Die Untersuchung psychiatrischen Erkrankungen wurden durch die funktionelle MRT revolutioniert, obwohl der klinische Einsatz noch limitiert ist. JG - Metallurgy Impact factor: Review of laparoscopic partial nephrectomy in the treatment of renal tumors, T1 stadium in adults; Revision de la nefrectomia parcial laparoscopica en el tratamiento de los tumores renales, estadio T1 en adultos. An evolution of laparoscopic partial nephrectomy is presented determining the procedure for renal tumors in state T1 in the adults [Spanish] El cancer renal T1 en adultos es dado a conocer; su incidencia, caracteristicas y manejo.

    El carcinoma de celulas renales ha sido la malignidad mas comun de los rinones, su porcentaje se acerca al tres porciento de los tumores solidos de los adultos. Los tratamientos para combatir ese tumor son analizados: La nefrectonomia parcial laparoscopica ha representado una opcion alternativa aceptable, segura y con buenos resultados oncologicos y quirurgicos para los pacientes, ya que es utilizada para conservar nefronas y a la vez poder resecar el tumor de una forma completa promoviendo en el futuro que el paciente presente un buen funcionamiento renal.

    Ademas, un adecuado control oncologico ha reducido el riesgo de presentar insuficiencia renal postoperatoria. Una evolucion de la nefrectonomia parcial laparoscopica es presentada determinando el procedimiento para tumores renales en estado T1 en los adultos.