
Magdeburg. La Furia (Italian Edition)

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Fabiano is Currently Reading. Fabiano is currently reading. La casa delle catene The Malazan Book of the Fallen, 4. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Dec 13, Oct 02, Fabiano and 9 other people liked Karina Read's status update.

Altieri, Alan D. [WorldCat Identities]

Fabiano and 16 other people liked Ashley's status update. Ashley is on page 12 of of Vengeful: Tied to the Mafia? After a particularly bloody shootout, two detectives are assigned to start fresh: They find a pattern in the crimes and predict the next assault, but the special task force in Bologna is dismissive. Can they carry on alone; how far will they get?

L'uomo esterno by Alan D Altieri Book 7 editions published between and in Italian and held by 27 WorldCat member libraries worldwide.

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Corridore nella pioggia by Alan D Altieri Book 5 editions published between and in Italian and held by 13 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Alla fine della notte: A History , Oxford University Press, Begni Redona, Pier Virgilio. Alessandro Bonvicino Il Moretto da Brescia.

  • Altieri, Alan D. [WorldCat Identities];
  • Altieri, Alan D..
  • Fabiano (Fantinel) - Udine, 06, Italy ( books).
  • Anime nere.
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  • Die geschmäcker siziliens - Fisch und Fleish (German Edition).

Civic Identity in Renaissance Brescia. Harvard University Press, Journal of Women in Culture and Society , 6. Artists and Warfare in the Renaissance.

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Yale University Press, Lynn II, John A. Cambridge University Press, University of Warwick, History Workshop Journal , 44 The Just War in the Middle Ages. In Jeremy Black ed. Ashgate, [First published in War in History , 3 []: Le quale done si ernae molto utile, e tuti maschi e femine tenivane inseme con grando frevore et avevane posto tuta la roba in comune che non manchavo a nesuna persona et con granda diligentia li era provisto.

Leo figliuoli, o mariti, o fratelli, o parenti con intenzione di menarle in S. Leo, per vedere se per questa strada, col mostrarle loro, avessero potuto ottenere la terra, la qual ritenzione era seguita anco per tutto; onde ciascuno stava di moltissima voglia. Between September and August I was a Leverhulme Trust Research Fellow working on a book about the mass murder of non-combatants during the Italian Wars The Italian Wars were marked by regular occurrences of violence against non-combatants.

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The sacking of the wealthy towns of Italy by troops was often accompanied by mass murder and contemporary estimates for fatalities range from a few dozen to many thousands. Despite its impact on the historical record the origins, dynamics, and memory of such violence has not received sustained and focused examination by scholars except in the case of the sack of Rome in This project, which will be published as Renaissance Mass murder: Civilians and Soldiers During the Italian Wars OUP, , will provide the first analytical overview of mass murder during the Italian Wars and will examine what drove both soldiers and non-combatants towards violence which often horrified contemporaries but which could also be justified by the customs and demands of warfare and honour.

Let me begin with an archival text: A gripping tale of espionage and escape during the Italian Wars followed. After escaping imprisonment in Trent by paying 50 ducats Cavechia passed information from Venice to the condottiero Alvise Avogadro, whose disastrous conspiracy against French rule in the Venetian city of Brescia precipitated a bloody sack there in In flight for his life his horse died under him and he was imprisoned and again threatened with hanging for his espionage activities.

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This vivid story, and dozens more contained in supplications from ordinary men and women preserved in the files of the Ten, brings home in the most startling and personal way the human cost of the Italian Wars which devastated Venetian territory during Like Cavechia, many supplicants naturally emphasised their service to the state.

In Brescia he was taken prisoner with Gritti and held in prison in Milan for 5 months and paid a fine of ducats, while his brother served in the defence of Brescia as a soldier. For example, in her appeal Laura Berardo described how her father learnt of the siege of Padua while in Pisa and returned to defend the city at his own expense by building banks, bastions and other fortifications. For this service to the honour, glory, and utility of Venice the Ten granted her 50 ducats towards a dowry.

This canny appeal to social shame and solidarity worked and the Ten agreed to help him.

Altieri, Alan D.

Like the French pardons examined by Natalie Zemon Davis or the tales of contemporaries told by Francesco Vettori the supplications in the Venetian archives should not be dismissed as mere fictions, or even as histories largely concocted by notaries and other officials.

Finally, there is one instance where these worlds may collide. He therefore thought it advisable to move to Mantua and then Ferrara, and he now wished to return home. Giangiorgio Trissino had been banished from Vicenza because of his support for the imperialists and was now on a campaign of ingratiation with the Venetian authorities, which included an oration directed towards the doge. He was also the author of an important work of tragedy and reflections on the Italian language which may be said to be central to the reordering of Italian cultural landscape as the supplications were to the reestablishment of order in the Veneto after the disruptions of war.

In the latter case Jacomo de Modesto of Orzinuovi and an accomplice stabbed the aptly named Dr Infelice Zanucha, who was returning to Brescia from Venice, nine times and threw his body in a ditch: Archivio di Stato, Venice, Senato terra, Deliberazioni, reg. Another murder at the hands of twelve men is recorded in Archivio di Stato, Venice, Senato terra, Deliberazioni, reg.