
DreamChild Adventures in Relaxation and Sleep

Building on the success of helping children go to sleep feeling safe and nurtured, we have created a second CD for another bedtime option. We welcome children to join us on a magical journey through the colours of the rainbow, with songs and stories that capture the imagination of active young minds. Fun-filled visualizations, soothing songs and a heart-warming story lull children into a peaceful sleep.

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Ideal for ages 2—8. With each colour of the rainbow, children will enjoy a wonder-filled adventure that soothes their body and mind, while calming and balancing their energy. Join thousands of children in the nurturing night time ritual of going to sleep with Dream Child.

Dream Child was created to make bedtime more enjoyable for children and their parents. Just before sleep is an ideal time to absorb positive, loving affirmations through songs and stories.


Proper hydration, ironically, actually plays a major role in preventing bedwetting. Many children avoid drinking fluids all day, only to guzzle down large quantities at night. So having your child drink small amounts regularly throughout the day can help avoid nighttime issues. If a child's bedwetting is accompanied by poor daytime bladder control more serious medical concerns are more likely involved. Tom Jackson is a psychiatrist who has specialized in the treatment of sleep disorders and anxiety for the past thirty years. He is currently Medical Director of a public mental health clinic and in private practice.

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So it was at that time that I began developing an alternative approach to helping people with insomnia using the skills I had developed as an audio engineer through my production of music. So, my focus on treating sleep problems led me to dealing with nightmares in both children and adults because it is one of the fundamental issues that can interfere with sleep. SF- How old are children before they typically begin experiencing nightmares? But by age two nightmares are not uncommon. SF- Nightmares affect so many children. Do you find that there is anything special a parent can do to reduce the chances of experiencing nightmares?

DTJ- Yes, there are a number of things parents can do to decrease the chances of a child having nightmares. So let me outline tem for you:. SF- My grandmother, who normally knows her stuff, swore that too much sugar before bed gave kids nightmares. Any proof to that? DTJ- Your grandmother may have been very wise, but on this one she missed the mark.

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This issue has been scientifically studied and there is no evidence that excessive sugar causes nightmares. Now, that said, there is some evidence that eating too much before bedtime can cause increased brain wave activity while sleeping and it is possible this could result in more vivid dreams and, perhaps, nightmares. SF- What is the difference between a nightmare and a night terror? DTJ- Nightmares are most common during REM sleep, which happens predominantly during the second half of the night, whereas night terrors are not associated with dreaming and occur primarily in the first half of the night.

With nightmares, a child may moan softly and make small movements, but with night terrors you are likely to observe sudden episodes of screaming, crying, and thrashing around in bed or the child may get out of bed and run around wildly. The child may be sweating, breathing rapidly and have dilated pupils and remain agitated for minutes up to a half hour.

Other distinguishing features are it is nearly impossible to awaken a child having a night terror and they will demonstrate a lack of memory for the event in the morning. Not only is it very difficult to awaken a child in the midst of a night terror, this should not be attempted because even if you are able to awaken them, they will be confused and disoriented, causing even greater problems.

My Mother-Artist Turns Sleeping in The Adventure

Just let the episodes pass without intervening, except to the degree necessary to keep the child safe. There is no danger unless the child is trashing about in a manner that may cause harm, in which case you should clear the area but do not try to restrain the child. If a child gets out of bed, gently guide them back. Fortunately, night terrors do tend to go away, over time, on their own. SF- Do kids typically have more bad dreams at certain times of the year, like around Halloween?

I regularly urge parents to activate and program the V Chip that is in every television sold since the year that allows them to filter out programming that is not age-appropriate.

Coffee with Sam: The Truth about Nightmares | Talking About Men's Health™

SF- When a child is going through a traumatic event, changing or starting schools, or experiencing a loss, peaceful sleep can be hard to come by. How can we help lull our little ones into dreamland, and keep them there? DTJ- There are a number of things parents can do to promote optimal sleep, all of which come under four areas of what is referred to as sleep hygiene.