
Der Tag am Meer: Everything has a reason (German Edition)

Conversations like this are perfectly normal: Wir fahren im Sommer ans Meer. Jan 9, 7 50 Regarding "always female", "der Alpsee" is close to here. Tim yes, but that's a lake: Jan, re your last edit: The Kaspisches Meer and the Totes Meer are saltwater bodies that are lakes: In the times where those water bodies were named, people didn't have the complete overview of the world as we have now with satellite maps and such. I think they just assumed since it's salty, it's similar to that other big salty water body, so they called it the same.

I can imagine that it took mankind some centuries to figure out that the Caspian Sea really is a saltwater lake with no connection to the world's seas anymore. It's worth noting that "die See" also has a more poetic aspect, as long as it is not used for a fixed term like "Nordsee". This is partially because the word has aged and is not frequently used in modern language - except maybe in northern Germany. It doesn't have anything to do with "size" , contradiction: It doesn't have anything to do with "salty water", contradiction: Meer is open to exchange water, but Seen are usually an uncorrupted inland water.

Both Nordsee and Ostsee exchange a lot of water with the Atlantic. As I said, "usually" plus that "ostsee" is also called "Baltisches Meer ". As Jan has already pointed out, hardly anyone will understand that your talking about the Ostsee if you say Baltisches Meer. And don't forget "Zwischenahner Meer" and others in northern Germany!

Right, I just wanted to point out that there are more exceptions. You can say both Wir fahren im Sommer ans Meer. Both are perfectly OK and mean the same. Finally let me mention that another word for Ozean is Weltmeer. Hendrik Vogt 4, 15 I know that this answers the question only tangentially. Please let me know if you think it's too tangential. It's definitely useful information and too long for a comment. Dj bareena 21 1. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password.

Post as a guest Name. I'm in German only for 20 days now ,learning German German language is a kind of language that you feel you can't wait to master I feel Jealous when i hear german people speaking: MEMO more than 3 years ago. Geeze, person, entitled much? While I agree that anyone living in a country should definitely try to learn the language and that there are entitled jerks out there who believe the rest of the world should cater to their laziness, there is nothing wrong with immigrant communities speaking their native language with each other.

In every country you will find communities like "Little China" or "Little India" in which they cater to their own culture and language. Many of the people in these areas speak little or nothing of any language but their native one. It's normal to want to hold on to your homeland as it's a huge part of who you are. If you don't like English restaurants and American food, then don't go to those restaurants. Also, did it occur to you that those restaurants are a perfect place for new immigrants to work while they ARE attempting to learn the local language? Who else is going to hire them in a new country where they only speak their native language?

Try and look at from the other person's shoes. Peramia more than 3 years ago. Can you tell me about more places where there's only English speaking staff? A friend of mine moved to Berlin and is starting to learn German but in the meanwhile she needs to find a job and I guess her best option would be to find a place where she could communicate in English. Do you know any place around Bellevue or Tiergarten?

Cesar Vicente more than 3 years ago. Jacinta Nandi more than 3 years ago. If you're planning on staying you really should. I was mortified when I recently went to a cafe that was all-english: I ended up translating most things for my friend. It upset me a lot. It feels like the people come to Berlin because it's a cool city and then they miss out on so much that makes this city unique. If you're not ready to integrate into a society, just leave, please. Ik begrijp niet hoe is het mogelijk in Nederland te studeren zonder kennis van de taal.

Ik ben Duitser en heb in Amsterdam gestudeerd. Maar dat was En vanzelfsprekend was dat alleen mogelijk omdat ik Nederlands kon spreken en verstaan. Schrijven was echter altijd wat moeilijker. I can't understand how it is possible to study in the Netherlands without knowing the language. I am German and I studied in Amsterdam. But that Was And that was only possible because I spoke and understood Dutch. Writing however was more difficult. Het is echt jammer dat vooral engelstalige maar ook duitstalige buitenlanders nauwelijks nederlands leren als ze naar Nederland verhuizen.

Ik woon helemaal niet in Nederland maar ik kan het tamelijk goed spreken omdat het voor duitstalige mensen echt niet zo moeilijk is. Zo veel luie mensen in de wereld Just look at how "well" Germans adapt to foreign languages abroad or at home. No need to criticize expats on speaking English. Thomas more than 4 years ago. But I agree with you to some extent. This is the destructive pragmatic tendency of the world: Germans are as bad as Anglo-Saxons if not worse, they promote a foreign language in their own country to the detriment of their own.

Festivals close to Berlin

In Britain its the other way around: In Germany one thinks, one HAS to be ashamed of using the local language, or even apologise for using it with foreigners. Thank you very much sarcasm , people, for destroying, being ashamed or not promoting local languages! Daniel more than 3 years ago. Hier also mein Beitrag: Der Nordamerikaner darf sich seiner Landessprache bedienen … aber der Russe und der Franzose nicht. Gabs nicht genauso eine starke Verbindung zu den Russen und Franzosen wie zu den Amis? Deutschland hasst Araber, Perser, Vietnamesen, Polen und Russen, wenn die zu Hause arabisch, persisch, vietnamesisch, polnisch, russisch sprechen … aber der Einmarsch des Englischen ist erlaubt??

Wenn ja, dann muss und sollte mal ALLE Fremdkulturen sowie -sprachen gleich und nicht parteiisch behandelt werden. Und was es das Verstehen angeht: Die Sprache gilt doch als meist gelernte Drittsprache! Was es jetzt andere angeht, die nach Deutschland kommen: Senf more than 4 years ago. Ich bin mit allem, was du geschrieben hast, ganz einer Meinung. Niederlande, Frankreich, sogar Spanien!

Lustigerweise wurde ich aber in Ungarn trotz meiner elementaren Ungarischkenntnisse fast nie auf Englisch angesprochen. P Inzwischen ist mein Deutsch gut genug, dass mir in Deutschland nie auf Englisch geantwortet wird. Viele merken nicht mal, dass ich kein Deutscher bin. And yet these Americans, clinging stubbornly to the language of their birth, are probably have the same mindset as the folks in the USA who shout the loudest "Learn English" at immigrants gathering in the "Little Ethiopia", "Little Italy" or "Little Mexico" enclaves here in the States.

If you live in a country you should make some attempt to learn some level of fluency in that country's language. I've lived in 17 countries and have encountered the behaviour described here among ex-pats the word of choice for immigrants who happen to speak some English in all 17 of those countries. The funny part is that the most anglocentric ex-pats I've had the bad luck to encounter were usually not native English speakers, who somehow learned some English and felt the need to share their newfound discovery on the rest of the world.

Oddly enough, I find that most native English Speakers, like myself, many Americans, the odd Brit, and even some Aussies are often interested and keen on learning other languages. It's sad that these wannabe ex-pats need to speak English rather than their own language, or the language of their host country to feel better about themselves, and I feel embarrased for them. Ryan more than 4 years ago. I met a Russian at language meetup here in Germany who had lived here for over two years and still spoke no German! She was apparently convinced she could just waltz on through her life in Germany and just speak English with everyone which she did.

All I could do is facepalm And then these Expats get even more excited when they find out you're from an English-speaking country! They all clammer to practice their English with you. My answer is always: I've noticed lots of middle-class Americans and W Europeans here speak none, or very little German.

Yet the poor Turkish shop keepers speak their native tongue, fluent German, and a good bit of English on top. Its certainly no sin to not learn German if you really don't care. But I think what rubs people the wrong way about it is the huge sense of entitlement some people have. Annie more than 4 years ago. What a way to handle a good topic in a such a poor and limited point of view, this is not an article its just bitching out loud, so bitch please, Travel a little bit more to see what your german buddies do overseas or get a piece of understanding about globalisation and celebrating our differences instead of hating them.

Peace girl, dont go so hard on the coffes. The article is called a rant for a reason, a rant specifies that this is subjective and usually emotionally driven which is exactly what you were complaining about, the whole thing being a rant. The point of this Rant is not to make fun of other cultures but point out how people with an English speaking background are living in Germany choosing not to learn German because they feel they should be entitled to speak English for whatever reason cause they won the war or some silly self empowering opinion.

The point Julie is trying to make is that if they come over to Germany they should make some effort and learn the language instead of snobing everyone who cannot speak english, might aswell go to paris if i want to get snobbed. Jonathan more than 4 years ago. It depends on your reasons. Loads of people move there to specifically work in the English language. You really can't blame the people. You need to blame the system. If the language is so important, make it required. As long as people have free will, why would they do something that they don't have to do?

Turks in Germany - Wikipedia

Derick more than 3 years ago. I have met Germans all over the world and they all speak the native language of the country they live in - they wouldnt last two days if they didnt. Some might have naively arrived in a country with just a few words but pretty soon they go to classes etc.

Germans on holidays is a different matter. I dont understand why people get so arrogant and bitchy about this - it is common sense, you would not last long in France without French. Yes, have menus in English too as a courtesy to tourists but not only. The arrogance and indifference is sad. At the end of the day theyre the ones who are missing out! Imagine spending a few years in Brazil and all youve seen is the inside of an Irish bar where everyone speaks English, a few scrappy conversations with Brazilians and yay I know ALL about Brazilian culture and what its like to live there, ha ha!

It is, as someone else said, a question of the attitude. Betty more than 3 years ago. These debates over learning languages of host countries, always, inevitably, go back to the same negative crap of bashing English speakers for their supposed 'careless', 'arrogant', 'we don't care' attitudes toward foreign languages. What an old and inaccurate refrain. FIRST, it's based on a dated and inaccurate assumption that English speakers and dare I suggest that us Americans usually are singled out?

My other American friend from a small town speaks Spanish fluently and some French. My other friend, Spanish fluently and advanced Swedish. Has my point been made? Stale, inaccurate stereotypes are more annoying than someone not speaking a language. English is the international language of science, business, academia, etc. I, as a native English speaker, will take this moment to apologize greatly to you for this terrible reality. I did not make it so. Nor did any of the other millions of native English speakers around the world. History made it so.

However World, while I sympathize with you having to learn my terrible, awful language because I really do understand that you have to put a lot of time into it, and I really do sympathize , I can't be hated any longer for choosing to speak my native tongue when most of the world requires it, and the rest is always asking me to teach it.

Your Answer

When Arabic or Chinese or Elvin becomes the world's global language, I will have my punishment. A more than 4 years ago. My Dutch boyfriend has told me that the Germans hate to hear their language 'mangled' and so has asked me not to try and speak any German while we are here. He is fluent in German, Dutch and English.

I was very upset and embarrassed as I have worked really hard trying to learn the language as I love learning. Today we were in a restaurant where the owner was keen to use his English so he and I talked and I answered a few of his questions about vocabulary and pronunciation only to be told by my boyfriend that I probably confused him! I can already speak French, and even though he admits he cannot speak it he still corrects my accent.

Am I going mad? Is he being helpful or a control freak? Frances Taylor more than 4 years ago.

RANT! “Sorry, no German!”

He's the one being the completely dickhead here. Not the German people. And it's probably indicative of how he behaves in other situations. Walter Crasshole more than 4 years ago. Do you fail to take the effort to comprehend what you read or are you one of those overly sensitive tumblr types who flies into an incoherent rage the moment you notice something with even the slightest potential to offend? I more than 4 years ago. I merely told her to dump her boyfriend. She's the one who laid her problems on the table.

I don't get the bit about comprehension and saying I'm flying into an incoherent rage. For me, it' exactly the other way round. I really love to hear people try to speak German, especially a an American friend of my always makes me smile while trying. And I really appreciate if somebody tries to talk to me in my native language German: Plus I would never expect to have flawless conversations with expats, travellers or friends that I have.

Most of the people of other countries I met in Germany so far mainly Americans, English tried at least to impress me with some few words German - and that's cute! Actually I agree with most of A's points. Lately, I tried to learn some few words in Swedish, sma grodona ;-. Well, I guess I'm just gathering few words of any country I visit. He wants to keep you away from speaking to German men Germans are happy if you speak some German, because most foreigners don't even try.

Answer more than 3 years ago. It sounds like your Bf is jeolous People appreciate it when you put forth effort to speak their language, trust me. I'm an American, who is learning German and French for the simple joy of wanting to communicate with people in their first languages as well as read great literature in their original languages. That snotty comment from the American musician is unbelievable. I can't believe, in this day and age, that ignorance and arrogance are worn like a medal.

I refuse to travel to a country I don't have at least a survivalist grasp of the language. I feel that it is disrespectful of the culture you're visiting to not even try to speak the language. But these are expats! Jessica Rivera more than 4 years ago. I'm a student in England, I am british and monolingual despite my father and grandparents being German my dad didn't teach me or my 3 other siblings any German, he still gets ribbed for it. What I would say is that I intend on living in Germany for 3 months, but not one bit do I plan on relying on my English.

If you're upset about your expensive schooling in America, that's because America still hasn't understood that higher taxes means healthcare and education, your fault buddy, not Europe's. I am proud to have a large German family and feel very embarrassed when they go out of their way to speak English to me, so I have decided to change that and move to Germany and pick up the language as quickly as possible.

Alex Muller more than 4 years ago. It's not something to be proud of, and I've always experienced that when it comes to speaking lots of languages, English-speakers are the worst, 'cause they only speak one. You will never be part of a country if you don't learn its ways. It's not a matter of schooling, it's just trying, practicing, studying Not putting any effort into it is maybe ok in Berlin, as Germans are quite learned in languages. British expats in Spain often end up sticking to other Brits and shutting themselves out of the real world.

Michele more than 4 years ago. The tone of this rant comes off borderline racist. Many of us English speakers are not taught German growing up. Nor are we surrounded by German media in the way that Germans love consuming American and British pop culture. Even though its always translated into German Your kraut rock and cinema never really made it over the pond. Furthermore, as a American, I cannot tell you how lucky you are to be privileged with such cheap schooling. How easy it must have been to learn a foreign language when you don't have to work 2 jobs to pay for college.

If you had to pay what we pay, you would have a real issue to cry about. You don't know how good you have it. Don't be so negative. In a country begging for foreign workers, get used to it. Be a part of the solution, maybe you could help your "friend" learn a few words instead of making fun if her on your blog. Also I would never call someone a friend and then complain about them behind there backs. No wonder people are afraid of Germans. Ana more than 4 years ago. Germans hardly ever complain about English-speakers not speaking German.

Jacinta Nandi more than 4 years ago. Wow, I wouldn't complain if I was so utterly uninformed. English Language education takes place in High school for the most part. Which essentially explains why most of Europe speaks at least a little English or French, maybe Spanish or another second language. Although there are many other reason not related to university education like countries with various official languages. Just a small share of the population studies at a university and a fracture of that studies languages.

Although I do agree that American tuition fees are outrageously expensive that doesnt't justify your condescending and biased stance. Atelenor more than 4 years ago. You will live here, so learn this language. This egoism makes me sick. Also whole companies have English as company language but are based in Berlin or remaining Germany. This can't be true. Guys, learn German or try it at least. ThisCan'tBeTrue more than 4 years ago.

You DID notice that A the author's not German but a native english speaker herself, thus confronted with many of the same problems, B many people learn other languages beside English that they have not been exposed to anymore than you have to German, and C that this is about people who already live here - being in the country is the best and quickest way of learning the language PROVIDED you immerse yourself?

Besides, way to assume everyone outside the US gets their surplus education shoved up their bums.

The US side of my family? That's the same amount of foreign language education I was provided with. Kantorka more than 4 years ago. Sorry to break it to you Ana, but my schooling in my country was damn expensive. I had 2 sometimes 3 part time jobs while completing my second honours degree. So don't give me any of that crap, you're probably the same person who complains when your waiter in America doesn't speak good enough English. Oh, did I mention that german is my 4th language? I didn't start learning until I got here and after 1.

It's about having enough respect for the country that opened up it's doors to you. You adapt to their customs, language and culture - not the other way around. Make use of your expensive education and at least speak the language you'd force germans to speak properly. Bec more than 4 years ago. So I never get a change to practice my not terrible but not very good German. I've been here two years. It would be so much better if I did speak good German. Languages wax in relevence or die out all the time. I'm Irish, English killed our native tongue. English is the only true international language.

I have a job here mainly due to being a native English speaker. Now when Germans thank me for trying and tell me condescendingl that it's okay to speak Enlgish, I usually throw them a few insults in Irish before giving up and switching to English. Congrats on 'being more German than the German themselves' but I'll be giving Integration a miss.

Especially when Germans who know well I'm Irish, for some reason take pleasure in calling me German. Talk about not learning to avoid wars that can't be won. James more than 4 years ago. I feel what allows people to do this in Germany is that it is hard for Germans to move on from the past. They are putting so much effort into accepting everyone that they seem to have forgot that they can still keep their culture. I just went to Germany this past Summer, and I can't wait to go back, I would love to make a career and live there too. Germany is a great place, and the most upsetting part of it, was how many people started out by speaking English to me.

Obvious American accent here. After I explained to them that I spoke German well enough they would get very excited though and would gladly talk with me in German. The most upsetting instance wasn't actually from a German, it was an Italian at an ice cream shop, I was having trouble saying "stracciatella" It's not even a German word. Josh Absher more than 4 years ago. I don't care where it is one decides to live, but one should learn the language of the country you chose to live in. No need to have perfect grammar if you don't need ,it but common let's be honest if you don't want to learn the language of the country you live in then just move on, go somewhere else.

Like Paris, good luck telling the French you expect them to speak English in their own home country. Ella22 more than 4 years ago. Melbourne person here, while I would agree that it's a good idea to try and learn the local language demanding people MUST learn it gets in to dangerous territory. In Melbourne we have a very significant immigrant population, there are many restaurants with people who speak hardly any English at all, people here don't say 'oh at that chinese restaurant they didn't speak any english, I'll never go there again, they are ruining Melbourne!

The amount of people you encounter in Melbourne who aren't fluent in English is pretty high and somehow we cope! So maybe the German only restaurant would work rather well! Actually there seems to be a lot of German backpackers and things in Australia so maybe they should go ahead! That said a majority of the German speakers I have ever met have pretty excellent English anyway.

I would of course agree that if you live in Germany or anywhere and don't speak the language it is all your loss, it is not the full experience and certainly not the best experience you could have, but I feel this article had an aggressive and angry tone that I found uncomfortable. Most major cities have a significant immigrant or tourist population, it would be nice to try and view this as enriching the cities. In foreign restaurants here, there are usually menus with pictures of the food and often the items on the menu are numbered, and it is easy to know what things are and order for everyone.

A German only restaurant would fail in Melbourne and you know it. German backpackers want to go to "authentic Australian" restaurants and Melbournians wouldn't learn a language just for a restaurant. I would, but I'm not a majority. I'm not even in a noticeable minority. P We'd say they were "ruining our culture" and tell them to "fk off". Howard was elected on that sort of nonsense, and so was Abbott, so there's a lot of latent nationalism in Australians. CJ more than 4 years ago. I just happened upon your article as I'm heading over to Berlin for Christmas and was doing a little research.

Funnily enough I am an Australian. A tourism campaign aimed at Americans in the late 's thought they wouldn't understand what a prawn was so they were simply renamed for the target audience. I have also worked in the restaurant and varying other service industries for over two decades.

With that in mind I have a feeling even if the staff member couldn't understand German she would've clocked your body language and conceivably had the back of house staff do all manner of things to your overpriced food! I found it amusing the last time I was in Germany about 10 years back that I was accused of having a war monger president. I politely advised my accuser that Australia had a Prime Minister albeit not a good one. Every country is inherently racist and discriminatory. The United States is widely regarded as an insular society, the bulk of the populace unsure of anything happening out with it's own borders, however Germany is in a similar situation and after reading you article you have reminded me of this fact.

Traditionally Australia and the UK for that matter where I have resided for 13 years , have been poor at educating their children with language other than English unless the children were of course from migrant families. It was compulsory for us to take on a language at the beginning of high school. I was forced to 'learn' German! This was ridiculous on 2 fronts. Firstly, by the age of 12 or 13 secondary languages are extremely difficult to pick up and secondly, Australia is part of Asia and unless you're a vintner, German has little use.

I make a point of learning some choice phrases in most countries that I travel to, I think it is only good manners. I do agree with you on that front. Cheers for the heads up on the Aussie restaurant in 'Little Melbourne' , as a homesick Melburnian I'll make a point to check it out! I mean it could but it's not a very good restaurant if it does that and there's not a whole lot of people dumb enough to do that. There's so many regulations concerning food in most countries that messing with a meal is a good way to get fired without apologies or excuses.

Language education is generally pathetic but learning a new language doesn't all of a sudden become extraordinarily difficult. Sure, it will become increasingly difficult to just listen to a radio and learn a language passively as one gets older but it doesn't suddenly become "extremely difficult". There's kind of a language education push going on but it's very small key.

Arguing that German is useless since we don't trade with Germany would only make sense if we were busy learning languages we do trade with. We stick with English and act aggressively towards any and all refugees, swearing they're just lazy. If everyone in Australia learned German in school then for most kids that would be an improvement over their current curricula. I do think the author overexaggerates for the sake of provoking extreme reactions but also for waking people up!

I do not see it as a huge problem, that parts of the city are changing to English-only zones and I actually love hearing more English than German on the streets. But then in the long run, might Berlin not actually loose the charme and become like any other metropoly?

Dance-Festivals in Germany

I think this article tries to put attention to a change that is slowly happening and has not yet really changed whole Berlin but might if the internationals do not try to adopt a little bit of the city and culture when settling down. Well, I have lived in New York, London and Sydney and love all these cities, so I love the internationality around me a lot The point below, that the article is discrimatory is just exaggerated and the person clearly did not get the purposely provocative tone of the whole RANT: And another thing, I have also read the comment of fast learners and slow learners.

I think if you really intend learning basics, it is possible for everyone. Of course it depends on your priorities etc. German might be a hard language, but please do not get discouraged especially not by other peopel correcting mistakes. I do a lot of language tandems with Spanish and English speaking people. A tandem might be a good way of practicing your German while also having the other person praciticing your language. So you do not feel inferior because you are both in the same situation, and the Germans would probably be not that hard with you either: Now everyone, enjoy Berlin!

Sarah more than 5 years ago. I've been having similar problems and observations in Prague. I'm learning Czech and can communicate fine but I get replied to automatically in English from the Czechs, while many foreigners come in for the nice beer and disrespect the place and never learn even a few polite phrases. So I'm now moving to a new Czech city: David more than 5 years ago. I really liked this article. I'm an American living in Berlin, and wouldn't have gotten my job without German even though it's imperfect or really felt like I'm a part of this city.

I went to eat at one of these restaurants with English-only speaking staff, and was there with a German friend who actually speaks next-to-no English. I found it funny and ironic that I had to translate for him in his own country. I understand not being able to master German, nor wanting to master it, but speaking a little as would be the case in any country just feels polite and respectful. JR more than 5 years ago. Hey, just take it easy. In all major cities in Berlin same as in Munich you will run into people who rant.

Others take it as a welcome opportunity to practice their English. People are not uniform but the vast majority of us are kind and friendly. Actually, I would be delighted to teach Julie and her friends some high German German. Best over a good piece of veal and a bottle of Baden Riesling.

Turks in Germany

Karsten more than 5 years ago. I believe that wherever you are - you will first address an unknown person in the language of the country you are in. If you're in Italy - ask the person first in Italian - as broken as it may be. Should they not understand you in this language - offer other languages if you know them. That is the way to be courteous. Speaking in English in Germany is fine. Addressing someone in English first in Germany is not the right tone and disrespectful.

How do you know the person may not even speak English? Especially as a person in a service position it is your job to always adapt to the customer. On a personal level this should also be taken just as seriously. English may be the international language, but if you assume that everyone on this planet speaks it, and should - then you are on a very colonialist path of thinking.

People that can not speak English in a country that has a different official language are not ignorant. They have a different culture that needs just as much respect as a culture in which English is the primary language. ZZ more than 5 years ago. Sharn-Mari Luke-Harper more than 5 years ago. The writer of this article seems too smug for my liking: I have many people tell me that l shouldn't be speaking German until l am word perfect, funny that because l believe that practice makes perfect!

Nothing worse than snobbery like that. Must note that this is not from German people but from a mixed nationalities! Kind of off putting: I'm both Aussie and British. Yes, I was born in one place and naturalised in the other and I'm eternally grateful to warm-hearted attitude of my second country for taking me in. I don't expect this from Germans but I've already received similar warmth and kindness, when I evinced no grounds for their generosity other than I'm human, and I'm here, and my life could be easier.

And I do pity their oft-swallowed pride when their parents can't read signs as their capital is written in languages other than their own - walk around plenty of the old British sector and if it's not in German, it won't be in English, either. And irrespective of how the youth want to be cosmopolitan, metropolitan, and whatever attitudes are great in skinny jeans but fade as their hair thins and their Raybans require prescriptions, there's no place like home.

Especially if yours is changing but history teaches you to behave well. So, I'm really surprised how virulent some of the reactions to this article are. Ms Colthorpe has, in my opinion and no doubt hers, a few valid points in a universe of others. Rant indeed, but there's absolutely no need for prevaricated hostility.

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For the character who advised that the author's partner would break up with her - really, is that necessary? I can't imagine how it is even humane. And the worst thing is that, when we can't rant, it will bottle up and eventually explode - just when we thought what a beautiful country we lived in, how grateful we are to its culture, how privileged our kids are to be brought up here.

And after the initial shock, feel quite elated for it afterwards. And then vote for the party that promises to keep it that way. Daniel Masmanian more than 5 years ago. Take it for what it is. Me, enrolling in a German course was one of the first things I did when settling down in the city. Been here two months and I'm learning steadily. German will be my third language alongside my native Italian and my pro English. Don't be monolingual people, learning languages is good for you! Elena more than 5 years ago.

Exberliner, couldn't you find someone to write an article about this subject that puts things a bit more into perspective? This article simply doesn't do more than provoke and encourage extreme responses. My opinion, as a German speaking expat in Berlin lived here for 6 months: It also shows that she doesn't feel any understanding for people that may not be the fastest learners.

If people live in Germany for 6 months, I can tell from what I've seen around me, that for some people it is extremely difficult to learn even the slightest bit of language. As with everything, some people are fast learners, some people aren't. In this tunnel vision, a lot of hugely generalized, untargeted and irrelevant arguments are mixed up. Hell are other Australians. I couldnt believe how true that was unless I been to This article is so poorly written, I agree people ought to make the effort but you sound like such a bitter person because people aren't you.

Colin more than 5 years ago. I don't agree with the way you went about expressing your simple message, although I agree with the message. Next time please organise your 'rant' into something more formal. IF one wants to have a richer experience of Berlin, learning the language is the biggest catalyst. It creates a fundamental trust from the locals by simply attempting to speak their language, and helps out in practically any situation your in.

From keeping one ear to the ground in the work environment how is one supposed to do that when they can't understand anything to bartering in flohmarkts. Germans are becoming more tolerant, but you can't expect that to be an excuse for speaking louder and slower. Lets face it, there are worse skills to foster than learning a language. On a personal opinion I believe Germany is going to grow more and more influential in the world, not just Europe, and some people wont like this but the UK will drop.

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  8. It is showing big warning signs already: I think knowing a bit of German could be very beneficial in the long run, never mind ordering a bloody coffee. Rob Buchan more than 5 years ago. Anglos believe that English is the only language that matters. Those who speak another language are almost "intellectual material" in their home lands. I could understand someone landing a one year transfer to an abroad office not speaking the destination language, but I would still assume you would bother to at least learn the basics.

    This would be common sense for most Europeans, I believe. Many native English speakers land jobs here and there just for being a native speaker, no skills, not even the most remote basic knowledge of English grammar doing the TEFL, you would be amazed how non-native English speakers have a much better understanding of English grammar than natives, especially North-Americans.

    It's not to say all Anglos are alike, but the majority just can't comprehend why they would have to bother learning another language. Reality check, now we should all get into Mandarin courses anyway Tony more than 5 years ago. Julie colthorpe, although you may have moved here 12 years ago who the fuck do you think you are to expect anyone to speak the language you want them to in a place you aren't even from. Clearly you speak perfect english and have english speaking friends so you need to relax and think before you call your own friends pathetic. Nobody asked for your advice and you have absolutely no authority to be making these claims.

    Your german boyfriend is probably going to break up with you. LU more than 5 years ago. The author's comments about "stereotypical Australia" were supposed to be tongue-in-cheek and in no way purposely offensive. She was merely calling the proprietor of the referenced restaurant out on her lame excuse for not knowing or speaking the native language - "because she wanted it to be authentic".

    Merely laziness with a makeover. The fact that you previous commentors weren't able to understand this point is your failing, not hers. The author's assumption about the poor survivability of a German-language restaurant in the reverse situation is also quite correct. Few native English speakers will tolerate being forced to speak a foreign language on their own soil. Even though it is the fact of the matter that English is the currently the dominant international language and is nearly impossible to escape, why should Germans be forced to tolerate it? Although it's not always an absolute necessity, it's generally a point of prudence, graciousness and respect to attempt to learn a bit of the local language and culture when living abroad.

    I certainly am irked when foreigners come to my country without the slightest intention of assimilating; why should Germans be any different? Everyone is entitled to their national and lingual pride. If you don't like it, GTFO. You seem so offended by expats dismissing Berlin as a city where German isn't required Whilst you offensively dismiss Australia as a nation of stereotypes which seem to have been selected exclusively from the Crocodile Dundee film franchise And if you want them to 'be bloody Australian' then what language do you expect them to speak, exactly, if not English?

    You are aware that English is the official language spoken in Australia? And for the record, the cafe you've dragged into this whinge of an article is a lovely establishment - in addition to great food, I spoke German with several of the staff today and had no problems. BK more than 5 years ago. Funny that in a piece concerning relentless linguistic gentrification; you've cited an example of stereotypical Australian authenticity.

    Ignoring the crude generalisation for a second, I would have to point out their was firstly, a now dispossessed Aboriginal culture and language quite a bit more developed than, "kangaroos and bush hats and shrimps on barbies" mate. Kaiser-no-say more than 5 years ago. Daniel more than 5 years ago.

    Impressed more than 5 years ago. Sunglasses more than 5 years ago. Kia Waters more than 5 years ago. If you said the same thing about a chinese restaurant in say,. What a great service you've done for all of us.. Paul Hogan more than 5 years ago. As an American who has been living in Vienna since , I am totally with you, Julie. Thankfully we do not quite have the problem that Berlin does, but given that the UN has one of their HQs here, it can get pretty bad.

    There are a great number of people that have lived in Vienna longer than I have and can barely order a glass of wine at a restaurant. Even when I am talking on the phone in the trains, I make a point of slipping in some German while I am talking to let everyone know that I am one of them I'm an American but I can speak fluent Wienerisch. Dot, I hate it when locals hear me talking English. I agree with the premise that one should learn, or attempt to learn, the local language, it is simply ignorant to think one is "above" this and it shows a lack of respect for the local culture and the fact that we are visitors and visitors should never be arrogant knuckleheads who feel above the guest.

    It is a typical attitude of English speakers becasue most are not required to learn a second language, which is mandatory in most European nations, this is however no reason not to make an effort. This who sit on their arrogance and refuse are simply ignorant and missing out on so much, only when you can speak the language can you understand the culture and get along much better.

    For those who hang in the "grunge" areas of Berlin and think this is Berlin are sadly mistaken, wearing slouch hats, scarfs and striped pants makes you neither cool or hp, it makes you a follower and since your already a follower, why not follow the cultural rules and learn the damn language? SK more than 5 years ago. I don't that's a fair comment about Australians. I immigrated to Australia over 40 years ago from an asian country and whilst it's true there was a lot of discrimination a long time ago, that's not the case now.

    There may be pockets of bias here and there, but I've never been to a country where there is NOT the same. Australia is very multicultured these days and I can count people of all races who I interact with regularly asian, african, europeans, aussies and my partner is russian whom I met here. I can't comment on the restaurant as I've never been there but I would say in the case of people like this there was a little ignorance, much arrogance and a lot of laziness and apathy to learn the language. I don't think it had anything to do with discrimination.

    I do agree with the article in that even for short trips I try to learn the local language - it really does go far. In fact I will be enrolling in several german language courses before I move to Germany in a few years so I am reasonably proficient. Sean more than 5 years ago. Whilst I agree that longer term ex pats should make an effort to learn German and even tourists should try to say at least please and thank you in German , I feel that the requisite research has not gone into this rant. Whether it's an article or an op ed column, it reflects poor journalistic standards not to check the facts of what you're publishing.

    I happen to be somewhat of a regular at the restaurant in question, and acquainted with the owner. The owner does in fact speak German fluently though I'm not sure if she's a native or not. I don't know who the author happened to speak to, though there was a heavily drunken Australian woman around last year who was regaling all and sundry with stories of owning the place, and I suppose it was her. But from personal experience, the actual owner both lives here in Berlin and speaks fluent German and may be German. And also from personal experience, I have never had a problem ordering in German, or being served in German either.

    It's true that there was no German menu for a time, but I was able to get translations from staff wherever necessary. I feel like this restaurant has quite unfairly been singled out in this big debate. And I also feel like both the author and the editor should check facts before printing something so inflammatory.

    Regular more than 5 years ago. I agree with you. I moved to Berlin in , three months before the wall came down and I was trying to learn German and really had a tough time fitting in. I had a tiny baby and was alone 12 hours per day when her German Daddy was at Uni. So I had to fend for myself. There was no internet back then, no cell phones to google shit on. I took night classes and learned. It felt so liberating learning the lingo and helping myself.

    I not only learned German but I kicked serious ass career-wise in Berlin and found that the Germans love you more when you at least TRY to speak their lingo. It is so good for your confidence to learn a new language and explore another culture, in their language. Then I went through a phase of being embarrassed for even speaking English out in public, when that fuck face Bush was President. It was embarrassing to be a yank erm, sometimes it still is. Then I went through the "I don't give a FUCK" phase and went out speaking my lingo, all over Berlin and that got me some dirty looks but also some curious looks.

    Spanish only same in Miami! I lived abroad and learned the language so I feel the foreigners here should learn some English and the expats who move to Berlin and profit off their "new" ideas muffins, fuck you fries, cupa teas etc should show some respect and learn the German language too. And as far as the nasty comments you have received Julie, let it roll right off you my dear. You have said what many of us were thinking anyways. No wonder the Germans scoff at us when most of us are too fucking ignorant to learn the lingo.

    They set a bad example for the English speakers there in Berlin.

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    Your article is refreshing and remember, to be successful you have to take risks and most of all, remember: Dot more than 5 years ago. This is typical of Australians. They are discriminatory by nature. Do a google search on discrimination in Australia for verification. Max more than 5 years ago. It's like the s never happened. Nicole more than 5 years ago. I should also mention we have many regular German customers for whom our restaurant seems to be offering an acceptable service.

    Edward more than 5 years ago. I think that at least some of the outrage from the article comes from the fact that one particular expat culture, and seemingly one particular restaurant has been targeted, while other cultures are being celebrated in your magazine. I feel that the article unfairly reflected our establishment. I have worked there for about 5 months, and can honestly say that each of the staff I work with is making a real effort to learn German while here in Germany.

    Some of us are beginners to the language, having been here for just over six months, but will make an effort as best as we can with German customers. None of us are asking for 'medals', but I don't think we are deserving of being singled out in such an aggressive rant. One that inspires sentences like 'Fuck off home mates" that you can see below.

    For some time now we have also had German menu's and a couple German staff as well as one or two expats who are fluent in German. I can't help, but feel your entire argument is based on one unfortunate encounter. I entirely agree that people who live here should be making an effort to learn German, but I am really disappointed with the way this article was approached. I was even more offended when the editor defended the article and again made reference to the Australian Cafe mentioned in the article.

    It does make me wonder how much effort has gone into researching the article, and I feel you have undermined the editorial credibility of your magazine. I've put a lot of effort into learning German over more than a decade in Australia and I moved here for two reasons - because it's Berlin, and because I can use my German here and get it to the level I want it: I strongly dislike the arrogance of the monolingual English-speaking expat culture here.

    Yes, German is difficult, but it's a hell of a lot easier to learn than other languages, especially for English speakers. Honestly, I cannot understand why people move to a foreign country and refuse to learn the language at all. You miss out on so much: Ultimately, it's their loss. Jen more than 5 years ago. J-P more than 5 years ago. Lars more than 5 years ago. Great article, kudos to you!! Other Germans worked at my workplace and when we spoke a bit of German they informed us swiftly that we were in an english speaking country- fair enough i thought.

    What Berliners like me think of the others: Just fuck of home, mates! Wayoutgirl more than 5 years ago. Just hard your interview on FluxFM about how you guys got hammered for writing this article. I think you're spot on and I'm very happy you wrote it. I'm Canadian and I think it's common courtesy and respectful to learn the language of the area you chosse to live in, regardless how hard it is. I decided to be a prick about the language issue a year ago. I tell anyone I meet in a party or a restaurant that tell me they've been here more than 3 months and can't put two words of German together that I find their behaviour disrespectful and only address them in German.

    Those of you who insulted the author for telling you to get your heads out of your asses and learn German should be ashamed of yourselves and get a grip. You also need to see a shrink because you obviously have no idea of where you are, surrounded by 82,, people whose maiden language is German. Yan St-Pierre more than 5 years ago. I live in Zurich where there is a huge expat community. Most of them without a word of Swiss German and no interest or outward incentive to learn. Strangely enough, they get away with living in their aticificial little bubble of a world.

    Why bother moving to another country then?