
Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!

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Police and other security agencies have been privatized. So, there's no security--except for the rich who can pay for it. If you can stand unvarnished truth, on Kindle or in paperback, read Atlas Drugged: It puts the corporate takeover of America in perspective like nothing else. Sunday, October 28, "One nation under corporate greed. They have turned greed into a national pastime. They treat people like commodities. They dismantled the government, the government that was supposed to represent 'the people,' by exploiting crises.

They handed over public assets to private interests because they claimed the government couldn't afford to run and keep them. And once they were in private hands, corporate raiders bled the public of every cent they could.

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Then, they put their stooges in what was left of government to protect their obscene profits. So, that's where are are today: One nation under corporate greed with injustice for all but the privileged few. In other words, OCS is borderline insanity. Here are examples of some of their most twisted thinking: Government can do no good: Most victims of OCS fell under the noxious spell of actor-turn-presidential-impersonator Ronald Reagan—or others who did. For eight years, the best gig of his career—no matinees! Business can do no evil: Eve is the patron saint of business.

Medicare and Medicaid fraud; securities, investment, and banking crimes; consumer rip-offs; ponzi schemes. The Founding Fathers were capitalists who framed the Constitution to promote corporate interests: The government should be run like a business by businesspeople and for the benefit of businesses: Historically, the public sector creates jobs—police, fire, and fire rescue personnel; teachers; members of the armed forces.

Believing the unproven claim that for-profit businesses can provide better services more cheaply than government, proponents of privatization want to give them guaranteed revenue streams. Markets should be self-policed and free of regulation: Nothing need be said! The cure for OCS is facing reality: Businesspeople know nothing about running government. Ayn Rand Be Damned. Ayn Rand Be Damned, a major hurricane devastates the entire Florida peninsula. No one is spared--rich or poor; it is the great leveler. But because in the Corporate States of America, which is what the USA has been renamed in Atlas Drugged, there is virtually NO government as we now know it, people are left destitute and abandoned--unless they can pay to get even basic help.

The Florida governor, Chris Cott, and the CSA president, Ham Cooper, hold a joint press conference, telling the world that government has no role in helping people, even at times of unprecedented crisis. In other words, in the dystopia world of Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned, the "we don't need government" mantra we hear today is taken to its tragic conclusion.

We'll see if all those anti-government members of the GOP will be looking for FEMA to help if Tampa needs it--and if they appreciate the error of their ways. Ayn Rand Be Damned is available on amazon. It's a must-read, especially before the election. For Toxic Ayn Rand Syndrome: Impressionable high-school students read her with predictable devotion, finding justification for their adolescent pre-disposition to selfishness. University of Chicago Professor Milton Friedman built a whole school of economics compatible with her thinking.