
True Essences of Success, Living Pure Desire

Accept any gift with open arms and gratitude. Look at nature and receive all the gifts that surround you. Look at the beautiful sunset, a snow storm, the sound of wind blowing, the rain, or even the birds singing. There are gifts all around us. Be present and notice the beauty that surrounds you. The Law of Karma says that out of infinity of choices there is the one perfect choice that will create happiness for yourself and all of those around you.

Your body is like an antenna which will send you feelings of comfort and discomfort. For some it comes from the solar plexus and others will feel it in the heart. When we practice being present and noticing the different choices we are faced with throughout the day, it becomes easy for us to be aware of our inner guidance.

To be alert of the signs along the way will help you to make the right decision. This will then create happiness for yourself. And when you are happy, all of those around you will be happy. The Law of Least Effort can be thought of as the principle of allowing. No more struggling against the situation or circumstances that we find ourselves in. When we have total acceptance of the moment we can then come up with a creative response on what to do. Give up your need to struggle against the whole universe by struggling against this moment. In each situation good or bad, there is a seed of opportunity.

It is important to see and accept this. For example, losing your wallet may lead you into a different route then you had planned that day.

It may also help us to be more organized and present. Even being stuck in traffic can teach us patience. And on a bigger scale, the ending of a relationship will always lead us to a new and more fulfilling relationship and help us learn more about ourselves. The principle of Least Effort allows us accept our current situation as it is, so you will have more energy for things that are important and worthwhile.

The Law of Intention and Desire brings us to the awareness that we are here to manifest our deepest dreams and desires and to know that what we want is there we just have to be open to all the people and situations that are guiding us. Practicing present moment awareness take practice. The best way to be present is through the practice of meditation two times a day which calms and clears our mind.

It is important to remember the things we desire should be for the highest good of ourselves and others. The best way to manifest that which we desire is to make a list. I carry mine around with me in my wallet and look at it every day- in the morning and at night. My list starts out with things I want for myself- physically, emotionally, spiritually, and materially. What you think, you create and what you think, you become. You can have all that you desire.

Enjoy the journey of manifestation. You are supported by everyone and everything in the universe. Things will come to you under grace, in perfect ways as long as you know this. The Law of Detachment is also known as the principle of Freedom. There is so much power in allowing people around you to be natural as they are and to find what is most natural for you.

Live Pure and Free- The 90 Day Game Changer

When you are being natural, you are very attractive. If you find yourself studying to be an accountant because that is what you thought you had to be yet your true calling is that of a teacher, things will become rigid. It is important to notice what lights you up. Begin one step at a time by finding what feels natural for you.

It is understanding and accepting uncertainty. We can definitely have goals and ideas of how we want our future to be yet it is important to be open to the infinite possibilities that are out there. Your life will be full of adventure, magic and mystery.

Live Pure and Free- The 90 Day Game Changer – Dave www.newyorkethnicfood.com

The seventh Spiritual Law is the Law of Dharma. This Law says that we are here to fulfill a purpose. We all have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it. We all have a unique way of expressing ourselves while in our dharma. There are a couple of ways to discover and to be guided to your Dharma. One is to write down a list of all the things you love and enjoy doing.

Then ask yourself the question: If I can do anything in the world for my job and money is no object- what would that be? As we grow in our healing and learn more about what God has for us, this Devotion will help you see who you are in Christ, and see what great things he has done in your life. Are you ready for a change? Are you looking to step up and be who God called you to be? The 90 Day Game Changer will do just that. I want this book for all the guys I talk to about other addiction like drugs and alcohol, A lot of times when we remove those addictions we see sexual sin beneath it all.

This book will help you see that God can and will set you free and you will be free indeed. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

  1. Living The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga | The Chopra Center.
  2. Eat Vegan;
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As I read through this it helps me look at how weak I was before surrendering my pride to God. We also think its hidden and no one can see it. Killing you from the inside out and crushing marriages and destroy lives. Hitting our knees and surrendering to God is the only way out! This Book with the Word of God will Heal and strengthen. What a wonderful, heartfelt approach to sexual purity!

Dave writes from his experience: He is not ashamed to admit his departure from Christ. He does not hold back in what he went through and has encouraging words throughout the book for those who are going through, or have gone through, the same issues. I have known Dave Howe for a number of years. Dave is the real deal. He has been through the sexual purity wars and come out victorious.

He has fought against the pornography so pervasive in our world. He has seen God give him victory after victory in this arena. The 90 Day Game Changer. Both groups struggle to be sexually pure but the differences are obvious. Action is critical for change to occur. The essence of repentance is not simply changed thinking but changed behavior. He took action, got up, and began the long, humbling journey home Luke May the Lord call many of His men to do the same as they leave the pigpen of pornography and find their way home to the Father who loves them and runs to embrace them upon their return.

Live Pure and Free is a must for all men, single or married, desiring to be the Pure Bride for Christ.

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Dave discloses his wounds in his battle for purity, but reveals his victory through Christ Jesus. The African Coalition of Purity will incorporate this devotional in our material for all men that attend our purity conferences. Thank you, Dave, for your humility and honesty in providing for us this long overdue purity devotional. The results have been amazing, as Dave led them down the road of redemption, which is only found in Christ Jesus.

251st Knowledge Seekers Workshop Nov 22 2018

Live Pure and Free is an amazing book that will minister to the heart and soul of any man, and start you on your journey to freedom. The daily devotion, coupled with prayer and application is an effective combination, which enables men to experience daily results. Praise God for your obedience to this call Dave, and I pray that men all around the globe will experience freedom and peace from the pages of your book;. Dave Howe has written a gem of a resource for men who want to get serious about living a life of sexual integrity.

As one who has walked this path himself, he writes from a place of experience, not hypothetically. The daily devotional format allows for bite-sized nuggets of truth to be digested and practically integrated. Whether married or single this book will encourage and challenge you in your pursuit of purity. Dave Howe has written a fantastic resource for men who are on the recovery journey from lust, pornography, or sexual bondage. Romans 12 encourages us that we will be transformed by the renewing of the mind. This day experience gives men a tool to do exactly that. Dave combines the wonderful, freeing truth of Scripture with practical wisdom that can be put into action immediately.

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Not only that, but Dave has been living out this wisdom and field-testing it for over a decade. I believe that the minutes invested in this resource on a daily basis could create a foundation for lasting change. This book points you to real freedom! Some years ago, Dave introduced me to the path of pure living and personal integrity and, convicted and convinced that I must get help, and then help others get free, I started on my way to purity, and I now lead men to become what God made them for.

Our churches are filled with spiritually anemic guys just hiding out, wishing for redemption but not understanding themselves or why they lose every time in this arena. There is a way out, into the light, no more hiding, no more lying, no more shame. In practical action steps, and not mere admonitions, Dave gives any man something to agree with and dig into.