
Poetry in Prayer

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Gregory Orr calls himself a secular person and poet, though much of his recent work relies on religious language. He reflected, "Paul Eluard said, 'There is another world, but it is in this one. And that it's the task of language and imagination to unveil the spiritual. Like others we spoke with, Orr made a case for religious experience beyond the walls of church or synagogue or mosque. Alicia Ostriker, author of 12 volumes of poetry and a number of critical works on the Bible and feminism, put it this way: Poets, and novelists and playwrights, everywhere in our country are struggling with matters of spiritual experience.

Struggling outside of churches and synagogues, outside of doctrines and dogmas. We also interviewed poets who placed themselves within a defined religious practice and tradition. Kazim Ali described observing the fast during Ramadan, and Joy Harjo talked about the importance of Native American ritual in her daily life. Annie Finch introduced us to the term "Quagan" for someone who brings together Quaker and Pagan traditions.

Fanny Howe spoke of her marriage to the Catholic Church.

Popular Prayers

Not surprisingly, we found the converts to be among the most passionate in describing their faith. Jane Hirshfield, a practicing Buddhist who spent three years in a Zen monastery, was one of these. He had this to say about poetry and prayer: Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly, To venture on wider seas Where storms will show your mastery; Where losing sight of land, We shall find the stars.

We ask You to push back The horizons of our hopes; And to push into the future In strength, courage, hope, and love. Praying The Lord's Prayer Poet: Unknown You cannot say the Lord's Prayer and make one selfish plea, You cannot say the Lord's Prayer and even once say "me," For it's our, our, our, and it's us, us, us And the fourth time it's our, and the fourth time it's us. You cannot say the Lord's Prayer and even once say "I," You cannot say the Lord's Prayer and once say "my," You cannot pray the Lord's Prayer and pray not for another, For when you ask for daily bread, you must include thy brother.

For it's us, us, us, and it's our, our, our, As free from selfish motive as the fragrance of a flower, For others are included in each and every plea, For from beginning to the end it does not once say "me. Browning Unanswered yet the prayer your lips have pleaded In agony of heart these many years?

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Does faith begin to fail? And think you all in vain those falling tears? Say not the Father hath not heard your prayer; You shall have your desire sometime, somewhere. Though years have passed since then, do not despair; The Lord will answer you sometime, somewhere. Nay, do not say ungranted; Perhaps your work is not yet wholly done. The work began when first your prayer was uttered, And God will finish what he has begun. If you will keep the incense burning there His glory you shall see sometime, somewhere.

Faith cannot be unanswered, Her feet were firmly planted on the Rock; Amid the wildest storms she stands undaunted, Nor quails before the loudest thunder shock. She knows Omnipotence has heard her prayer, And cries, "It shall be done" - sometime, somewhere.

Prayer Poems - Poems For Prayer - - Poem by | Poem Hunter

The Mission Field Poet: But what of the souls in darkness at home? If they don't hear, they won't heed. This land of ours, so vast and wide, With blessing from shore to shore, Has run afoul of God's great laws And trusts in Him no more. This land, once founded on God's pure Word, Sang praises and walked in the truth, But today the trend has gone far astray, And we mustn't blame only the youth.

Missions and You Poet: You watch the news of foreign fields and shudder at what torture yields. A brutal mess, this can't go on, yet strife prevails from dusk to dawn. Did God not lay upon your heart that you indeed must do your part? A land of plenty and to spare, I wonder, do we really care?

You say the little that you own is scarce enough to be bestown To others on a foreign shore when you need that and even more. The cost of living grows each day, there's little left of each week's pay. You want to make that nest egg grow though be it little and be it slow; When good times come you'll really give, you'll show you care that they should live.

But not just now, at least not much, e'en though their plight your heart might touch. How can you pray? How dare you weep, and never lift a hand to keep The pangs of hunger from their door that daily greet each child once more? Christ said that inasmuch as ye have done for them, you've done for me. They too are of our human race, they too, in God's plan, have a place. What will you say when God shall ask, "Did you perform your earthly task? Your duty lies to all mankind, the path of life they too must find. Oh, friend, don't sympathize and leave, be troubled, touched and even grieved, And let these feelings fill your soul, let God alone be in control.

There's much that you as one can do for missions means both I and you. Become involved, love give and pray. Prayer pushes us through life's slumps, propels us over the humps, and pulls us out of the dumps. Prayer is the oomph we need to get the answers we seek.

"Prayer of Faith Poem"

Take from my life my own mirror image; let me reflect only on You, Cast away all my own self-importance; to your ideals always be true. Show me that life is one fleeting moment, that earthly values are vain, Instill in my heart a heavenly longing and the lures of this life to distain. Draw me aside to reflect on Your glory, that I'm but a product of dust, Bring to my thoughts why I've been created, show me in whom I must trust. Give me the insight I need to be holy, strengthen my faith day by day, Bless me with a true understanding, guide me to walk in Your chosen way.

Poetry as Prayer | Talking Writing

Open my eyes to view Your creation in the way You meant it to be, Full of great splendour, awesome in colour, majestic in glory, in pure harmony. Give me a heart that yearns for my Saviour, keep my life focused and strong, Then, only then, can I follow Your footsteps, thereby to serve You all my life long.

Theme Essay by Ellen McGrath Smith

Am I Really Free? I come and go as my heart has fancy, The evening lights will not grow dim. I travel in ease across my country, I vote for whomever I think is best. I'm free to work at my vocation, I live in a country that's truly been blessed. There's freedom to shop, invest or bargain, To worship or not is all my own choice.

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