
Rohstoffe als alternative Anlageform (German Edition)

Britain lost more than , lives. Their graveyards all over Iraq still bear witness to the heroism of our people. Die Beziehungen zwischen Russland und Irak gelten wegen enger wirtschaftlicher Beziehungen als gut. Nach Angaben eines irakischen Regierungsvertreters durchsuchten sie am Sonntag sechs irakische Einrichtungen, darunter erstmals das auf Weltraumforschung spezialisierte Unternehmen El Battani nahe Bagdad.

Die Anlage war als Teil eines internationalen Abkommens abgeschaltet worden. Im Gegenzug sollte das Land Atomreaktoren erhalten, mit denen kein Material zum Bau von Atomwaffen herstellt werden kann. WK "Ausflug nach Paris. Resultat war dann Verdun. Was hat Saddam denn schon zu verlieren?

Was bleibt ihm also? Und behaupte nun nicht, er kann diese Stoffe nicht herstellen: Die haben den verwandten Stoff Sarin in "Heimarbeit" hergestellt. Dagegen ist das Senfgas und das Zyanid, das er hortet nur Kinderspielzeug. A seller displays some gold bars for sale in the Beijing Art Building Dec. Different types of gold blocks with December 22, The Big Question for Gold: How High Can It Fly? This rally has lasted since March 30, They range from a change of heart by speculators, who now are betting on higher prices, to the three-year decline in the stock market.

The expected war with Iraq may be prompting some investors to seek gold as a haven. That floor is a result of a major decline in hedging by gold producers over the last two years. Such hedging, involving the selling of huge amounts of borrowed gold, helped to break the back of gold rallies for years.

So there is little reason to believe that this rally will abruptly disappear. Instead, the question is this: How much higher can gold go? The answer, some analysts say, will be found in the behavior of individual investors, who have yet to make a big move back into the gold market. If they make that move, the price may climb higher. Still, no big decline appears in store. Philip Klapwijk, the managing director of Gold Fields Mineral Services in London, a precious-metals research firm, said there was little hard evidence of current investor inclinations. Most information is anecdotal.

Sales of American Eagle gold coins jumped to 43, ounces in November from 31, ounces in October, according to the United States Mint. But sales for the year still might not beat the , ounces sold in , and they are far behind the almost 2. So there is interest, but no run yet. For investors in the stocks of these companies, the payoff has been even better than the rally in gold itself. But that money is not pushing up the price of gold, just the price of gold mining stocks. Based on reports from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, noncommercial traders, including speculators, held about 87, futures contracts to buy gold and about 32, contracts to sell gold as of Dec.

That is the largest since , a sure sign that the sentiment these days is to bet on a price rise — not the price falls of the past. Es kann freilich auch ganz anders kommen: Die skizzierten Szenarien haben den Risikoappetit der Anleger in den vergangenen Tagen wieder merklich reduziert. Kein anderer Marktpreis zeigt dies besser als der des Dollar.

Dort war die Leistungsbilanz zuletzt fast ausgeglichen. Dies vergleicht sich mit einem aktuellen Wechselkurs von Yen. Auf eigene Rechnung hatte Amerika auch unter Rubin nicht zugunsten des Dollar interveniert. Seither hat der handelsgewichtete Wechselkurs des Dollar gerade einmal 2 Prozent an Wert verloren. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Dezember Berlin, Ende Januar wird sich entscheiden, ob der Westen gegen den Irak in den Krieg ziehen wird.

Die Biologen, Chemiker und Atomwissenschaftler, die im Irak nach Massenvernichtungswaffen suchen, sollen nun doch US-Geheimdienstinformationen bekommen. Stahel ist aber jetzt schon klar: Bush will den Krieg gegen Irak — und die Uno tanzt nach seiner Pfeife. Wie werten Sie den Irak-Waffenbericht? Es steht Aussage gegen Aussage.

Das ist schwierig, denn wegen des Luftkriegs von gab es ja bis vor kurzem keine Inspektoren im Irak. Damit will ich Saddam Hussein jedoch keinen Glorienschein verpassen. Andererseits sind mit Sicherheit noch irgendwo C-Waffen versteckt, allerdings niemals mehr so viele wie Was B-Waffen betrifft, tappt man noch im Dunkeln. Sie sind etwas wert, wenn der Sicherheitsrat sie durchsetzen kann. Das hat sich in den letzten zehn Jahren stark akzentuiert. Vorher war Russland noch ein Gegengewicht. Die USA haben ja auch schon gegen Resolutionen verstossen. Nixon sicherte es schriftlich zu, umgesetzt wurde nichts.

Auch heute sind die USA ein wichtiger Geldgeber. Sie kann in der Generalversammlung ihre Stimme erheben. Im Sicherheitsrat kann sich dagegen ein Kleiner kaum durchsetzen. Doch wenn ab und zu von einem Aussenminister eine Verlautbarung kommt, ist das sicher nicht schlecht. Da bin ich sehr skeptisch. Das ist die Achillesferse der ganzen Geschichte. Erstens ist die Wirtschaft in desolatem Zustand, und zweitens wurde der Krieg gegen den Terrorismus gar nicht gewonnen. Ein Schlag gegen den Irak dient zwei Zielen: Kommt es zum Krieg gegen den Irak?

Alles deutet darauf hin. Man verschiebt ja nicht einfach so Soldaten und tonnenweise Kriegsmaterial. Die Uno-Inspektoren wollen irakische Wissenschafter befragen. Auf Grund meiner Informationen denke ich, der Krieg ist beschlossene Sache. Die Al-Qaida wird sich freuen. Bush hat einer Verdopplung des Kontingents um rund 50 Soldaten zugestimmt. Bei den Devisen ging der Trend zum Euro. Bei Wave Puts, die mehrheitlich gegen Wochenmitte geordert wurden, standen ein Basispreis von Punkten und ebenfalls Laufzeiten bis Januar im Vordergrund.

Der sichere Hafen profitierte von der Kriegsangst in Irak. Nov vielleicht ab und zu das Handelsblatt lesen. Die die Amerikaner brauchen uns nicht im Irak. Weihrauch, Myrre, und Gold Joseph would send them packing. But that is exactly what would have happened if City analysts had anything to do with it. How else can we explain their s fashion for dismissing gold as a "barbarous metal", which, just like any other commodity, would supposedly fall endlessly in value as production got cheaper?

Much better to rely on sophisticated paper currencies, we were told. Well, those predictions have now been proved resoundingly wrong. The return of gold as a store of value provides a classic lesson in markets. It shows they are cyclical and informed as much by human nature as by the spreadsheets of economists. This recovery came as no surprise to those who prefer history as their guide.

They insisted that gold, and not lead, fill their pencil in the war against the Taliban. When Osama bin Laden was holed up in the caves of Tora Bora the Northern Alliance suddenly downed arms and refused to go in for the kill. They demanded more payment from the US Army. In vain the Americans offered dollars and other paper currencies. No thanks, they snorted. Any old warlord can print money. Not until some nice gold had been flown up from Pakistan would the Northern Alliance advance.

By that time, it was too late and bin Laden had slipped away. Asked by a congressional committee three years ago if America should copy Mr Brown and auction off the contents of Fort Knox, he said no. Germany in could buy materials during the war only with gold. Fiat money [currency] in extremis is accepted by nobody. Gold is always accepted. On Ealing Road in Wembley, north London, there are more than 20 gold traders. Some Indian families spend thousands of pounds a year on gold, for weddings, birthdays and the Diwali festival.

Gold bangles are called "tickets" as they are worth the same as an airline ticket between Bombay and London. Whisper it softly, but tickets are obviously a cheeky way for families to move assets around the world. Women simply wear them on their wrists, or even all the way up their arms and on their ankles, Bollywood-style. Speculators and governments are now relearning the ancient gold lesson. In a world full of risks - which by definition are unknown and unquantifiable - you are better off putting your trust in a shiny heavy ingot which cannot be faked, any more than the pain if you drop it on your toe.

Which leads us to the other disease - apart from war - currently stalking global markets: Deflation undermines company profits and consequently diminishes the value of assets like shares.

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The same analysts who spent the past two decades dismissing gold as a declining asset are now fretting about deflation. They have good reason to, as deflation has already taken hold in Japan and Germany and is slowly infecting America. But the market is saying that deflation will be shortlived and the fear is overdone. For gold is a hedge against inflation.

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Inflation steadily undermines the purchasing power of paper currencies. If high street prices are rising, you get less bang for your pounds, or dollars or euros each year. But the precious metal tends to rise in price and retain its value when paper currencies lose theirs. If the price of goods is deflating round the world, why then should the gold market be worried about inflation? The answer is that it has noticed that governments everywhere are showing signs of printing money to keep their economies going.

This has weakened the dollar. In Japan, the government is borrowing so much it is planning to finance half its spending through debt next year. Japanese consumers, already worried about the banking system, are joining Indians as big buyers of gold. And in this country, Gordon Brown has pensioned off Prudence and embarked on a borrowing binge unseen for a decade. Investors evidently believe that these measures will stoke demand and hence inflation. They are buying gold just in case. Gold bugs love rumours and conspiracy theories.

The rise in the price has more behind it than mere sentiment. It is a natural result of the business cycle. During the long bear market, gold producers stopped opening new mines. Production is now falling, so there is a worldwide shortage. It takes two to three years to start a mine, so that shortage is likely to continue for a while yet.

Rohstoffe als Geldanlage

One day gold will lose its shine again. But in the meantime, wise men will tuck some away. Rallying to the gold standard 8 May Die Luzerner Altstadt war gestern um 15 Uhr voller Menschen: Die Lust zu bummeln war gross, die Lust zu kaufen gering. Der Extra-Sonntag bildet da keine Ausnahme: An potenziellen Kunden mangelte es gestern nicht: Aber wurde auch Geld ausgegeben?

Der Dezember ist noch nicht gelaufen. Vor allem der Food-Bereich wird dann profitieren — und mit ihm die Alkohol-Industrie. W scheint gerade einige technische Schwierigkeiten zu haben? Dies ist die Struktur von stern. Deutschland - Ausland - Panorama - Historie Wirtschaft: Gold shot up by Rs 45 per ten grams to finish at Rs 5, from weekend levels of Rs 5, In overseas markets, London gold resumed higher at US Dollars Xinhua Financial News Date: Vincent Chan, Head of China Economics and Strategy at the investment bank in Hong Kong, said in a research report that the gold market will be attractive to Chinese retail investors given the current low interest rates, weak stock markets and recent strength in gold prices.

Global gold prices are rising, it said, adding, there could be a strong incentive for mainland Chinese to shift some of their savings deposits to gold. This might in turn become an interesting self-fulfilling process to push gold prices higher," it said. On December 18, Beijing started to sell gold bullion to individuals at some commercial department stores in the city. This is the first time that gold bullion has been made available to Chinese individuals as an investment option since The China Daily quoted experts and individual investors as saying on December 19 that the sale of gold in this manner was regarded as a milestone for China in providing another investment avenue for the public.

You may now print or save this document. Irgenwie schein es in der Schweiz wirtschaftlich auch nicht mehr so rosig auszusehen wie uns manche immer wieder versprechen. Bis zu Mitarbeitende sind betroffen, davon in der Schweiz. Die Uno ist anscheinend schon viel weiter, und umfassender informiert, als der Mann von der Stasse. Der chinesische Kalender sagt, dass das Jahr des Schafes im Februar beginnt. Und die Schlagzeilen rund um die Welt lauten so: Ich frage keine bestimmte Person.

Eine Studie von George L. Ich bezweifle, dass die pessimistischsten Szenarien wahr werden. Hat Gold nicht mehr die Funktion eines "sicheren Hafens" in schlechten Zeiten? Er meint, dass "eine Kur gegen Deflation sehr einfach ist. Man muss einfach nur Geld drucken. Lasst uns zusammen Inflation schaffen! Bill Bonner sieht dies schon lange so: Meiner Meinung nach sollte man seine Dollar mit Gold absichern — bzw.

Nutzen Sie die derzeitige offensichtliche Goldmanipulation, um Gold auf einem verdammt niedrigen Niveau zu kaufen. All amounts are in US dollars Cambior Inc. Last week, Cambior announced that the Council of Ministers of Suriname had approved the aforesaid amendment and granted the Right of Exploitation for the project to Rosebel Gold Mines N. Cambior is currently pursuing discussions with insurers for political risk insurance to cover its full investment in the project. The Rosebel open pit gold project is located in Suriname, approximately 80 kilometers south of the capital city of Paramaribo.

Construction is expected to last 12 months. B", trade on the TSX. This press release contains certain "forward-looking statements", as defined in the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of , that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Our friend James Sinclair, chairman of Tan Range Exploration, has written an important new essay explaining how a higher gold price is likely to become United States government policy for rescuing the dollar.

You can find it here: Coeur also said that the number of shares outstanding has climbed to million as a result of these conversions. Brown has been with Hecla since HL shares have been on the march recently. They started the year at. NJMC — New Jersey reported last Friday that it hit high-grade gold and silver mineralization at its recent core drilling program at the Silver Strand mine. With two assays completed out of five holes drilled, one vein intercept graded out at 0. The company says that from to , the mine produced 13, tons of ore grading 0.

NJMC has a week low of. Headed by the father and son mining engineer team of Fred and Grant Brackebusch, the shares are quoted now at about. David recently finished a major redesign and upgrade of his website. You can check it out at http: WG -- WGI Heavy Minerals, which until recently was called Western Garnet International, announced earlier this month that its subsidiary in Sri Lanka has received environmental clearance on its heavy metal deposits.

WG is a miner, producer and marketer of industrial-grade minerals. With a week range of CDN. I need to make sure that the chimney is clean and we have milk and cookies for tomorrow night. May you and yours enjoy a Merry Christmas, the happiest of Holidays, and a peaceful, healthy and prosperous New Year. Well below and comfortably above legal import point.

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With most Western dealing points closed several days, this will probably nudge the gold price up. Japan was closed today. It is also closed much of next week. Optimism in the near term comes from unusual sources: Indeed, it is clear that this time — unlike past gold rallies — new participants have been drawn into the fray.

Buy 2 February gold at or better. Risk close under This essentially says the Administration is struggling with increasing difficulty to sustain a buoyant dollar, which is in the interests of Wall Street and no one else. Most of the gold world is trying to figure this move out since none of them were bullish these past many months. For that matter, most have been neutral to bearish the entire move up the past year.

One more time, unless you deal with and understand the manipulation of the gold price all these years, gold analysis is futile. The higher the gold price goes, the more apparent that will be. Gold was very firm all night long, did its customary US dip and then plowed its way up to close on the highs of the session.

The Comex open interest only declined contracts on Friday. That was a surprise. I thought the drop would be much greater. We know the funds were big sellers and the cabal were buyers. That tells me new buyers showed up and bought the break from fund sellers. That has to be a very bullish development. No, Hung Fat and friends have moved in to take on a seriously hurt Gold Cartel.

Once again we see gold move sharply higher without any movement in the dollar. I keep pointing this out, but few people seem to be paying attention. The March Dollar contract closed at The CRB is another story. But, there is no inflation! Prediction On gold, silver and platinum: After 36 hrs happened. Now few days in December left but they are not looking negative at all for important metals - gold, silver and platinum.

Monday is very important day for Silver, Moon rules Silver and also has very close relationship with water. Keep very close eye on Platinum. Platinum will attract toward Venus in coming days and might fall in love with new Venus for some time until another new young Venus appear. I love to make predict on unpredictable world financial market. We are very near on three important prediction, which I predicted 5 years before for Gold currency coming new faith will rise after paper currency system collapse.

World known bank or financial institution will collapse in Since January I have been advising people not to invest money in world stock market. I said after , 27 November Gold would rise, happened. Now watch power of GOLD. This will be small contributions from me to needy. Wie es scheint sind die Weihnachts Wunschzettel der Gold Bugs alle angekommen. Hat JPM noch gehedgte Goldmengen?

Was passiert bei steigendem Goldpreis? Bin nicht in Gold investiert - nur in oil-calls. Obige Fonds stiegen seit Jahresanfang um The masters of the universe are being squeezed. Word to me is that Morgan Stanley not-so-silent-anymore cabal member is being blown out of the water with their gold short position.

They are also the significant silver seller and continue to cap all silver rallies. Their efforts are going to prove futile in the very near future. The CRB continues to forge into multi-year new high ground as does gold. Silver does nothing and stands out like a sore thumb. The crooks are going to get their comeuppance. That is when the Commercials in this case the crooks get shorter and shorter as the specs get longer and longer. Eventually, the Commercials are forced to run for hills and cover in panic market conditions.

Most analyses of the gold market rarely mention this sort of factor. Then again, most gold analyses do not cover the most important gold market factor in the first place — that being the rigging. The second most important factor in the gold market is the stampeding physical market.

The gold establishment continues to report weak demand. Where do they get their numbers from, the planet Pluto? Gold demand is so strong that buyers are willing, or have to, bid up to get their physical gold. John Brimelow has been all over this for us. His input has been right on the money and invaluable. Because the physical market is so strong, Gold Cartel bear raids are not working.

They continue to suffer defeat after defeat. The big disasters for them are still to come. You can count on the gold derivatives neutron bomb going off, right now: It is the same phenomena as we see with the gold shares. The shares are not following bullion. They continue to lag as almost everyone expects gold to come crashing down again. Few investors are aware of the true gold story and what is really occurring at the moment. Those that do, are loaded up to the hilt and cannot buy any more gold shares.

The Gold Cartel is quietly being squeezed. They are in deep trouble and they must know it. Above and below legal import point. Bad news for shorts, especially as India observes no general public holidays in the next two weeks. TOCOM futures operators have some practical reason for caution: Overall volume was 34, Comex equivalent: NY traded an estimated 11, contracts yesterday.

The redoubtable Bianco Research http: Depending on which measure is used, this inflation trend began anywhere from March to November, When market-based measures of inflation reached a certain level, interest rates have bottomed and turned higher. However, this relationship broke down between July and September of this year. Since then, market-based measures of inflation have continued to rise while yields have uncharacteristically continued to decline. This divergence has resulted in an historic high in the ratio between the CRB Index and the yield of the year Treasury Note.

Either a the bond market does not believe inflation exists, b it thinks inflation no longer matters, or c some other dynamic has become more important in the pricing of interest rates. I will probably write again on Friday. Also die Seite http: Mal so ein Beispiel: Der ist auch gut: Wer sagt denn, Gold bringt keine Zinsen!

The interest rate is put at 3. Earlier, the interest rate for three-month gold deposits ranged from 1. The price of gold has slightly decreased from the year high of VND6. Jose Dubai which imports tones of gold, has the highest concentration of jewellery stores in the world. According to Tawhid Abdullah, chairman of Gold and Jewellery Group, jewellery remains the number one gift item for the visitors who come to Dubai every year with a staggering 95 per cent of all tourists purchasing gold and jewellery.

This has made Dubai the regional hub for the jewellery market. While 35 per cent of the gold imported into Dubai is being consumed in Dubai itself, 25 per cent is being exported to the other GCC countries, 20 per cent to the Arab countries. Tawhid said though there was a marginal drop in gold imports in the current year, the jewellery sales have gone up by at least six to seven per cent. This is because a lot of recycled gold has entered into the sales figures. Sales of diamond jewellery registered a growth of 25 to 30 per cent during the year.

The prestigious event will bring together senior representatives from the Government of Dubai, international and regional industry experts, senior banking officials and major institutions. It is the first major event of its kind to have been organised by the Gold and Jewellery Group, which has over members. Bush has accused Iraqi President Saddam Hussein of concealing weapons of mass destruction, saying military action may be needed to disarm the Persian Gulf country. Gold prices fell 7. War can drive gold prices higher as investors affected by the fighting seek assets that are portable and financial markets face dislocation, Kaplan said.

Economic Recovery A strengthening of the U. The dollar has weakened close to a two-year low against the euro and fallen against the yen, also helping gold by making the dollar-priced metal cheaper for buyers using those other currencies. Gold prices might gain later in if the cost to the U.

Daily Mail - London Publication date: The Bank of England sold m of its m tonnes, ending in March this year. Buyers in the September auction did especially well. A US lawsuit accuses Canadian mining giant Barrick and investment bank JP Morgan of a year plot to lower the price through massive forward sales.

The action, from coins merchant Blanchard, claims a huge amount has vanished from the vaults. Allegedly it has been lent to bullion banks, led by Morgan, who have dumped it on the market, further depressing the price. Research group GFMS says 5, tonnes have been lent. Gold bugs say it is much more. Barrick will respond formally in the New Year. Morgan declines to comment. Barrick openly sells future production at fixed prices, on contracts allowing it to defer delivery for 15 years.

These protect it against price falls. But it angrily denies any wrongdoing. It says no bullion bank has more than 15pc of its business. How can we manipulate the price? Gold has fallen nearly onefifth in 15 years, but so has silver. Central banks worldwide own 33, tonnes of gold, despite a decade of selling. In a statement Tuesday, the Toronto-based miner said it plans to offer The proposed deal is expected to be formalized by late January, pending financing.

THT has increased total gold output from 20, ounces in to , this year through acquisitions. The Toronto-based company is focused on acquiring companies with established reserves and has established operations in South Africa and Kazakhstan. Meanwhile, its Masbate project in the Philippines is forecast to begin production late next year.

In trading on the Toronto stock market Tuesday, Thistle shares fell one cent to 57 cents. They will reopen on Friday. Doch ich bekomm es auch mit. POG schon fast auf ,-- , Silber wird sicherlich bald nachziehen.

Neuigkeiten zu Gold

Anleger in Gold-Silber-Werten engagiert. Sie trauen sich ganz einfach nicht noch nicht. Die Minen werden steigen, hab noch etwas Geduld. Trotzdem, zur Zeit steigen die Minen langsam an. Gold bereits wieder bei Die von mir vor ca. Aktien, zur Zeit jetzt mit plus Beleidigungen kannst Du Dir ersparen. Abgesehen davon, dass die Minen-Indizes heute fast parallel zum Goldpreis steigen. Gehe raus aus den Minen, wenn hier die ersten User Gold mit "t" schreiben. Hoffentlich dauert es noch ein wenig bis zu diesem Moment. So ist das Leben eben. Ohne politisch werten zu wollen, aber: Ich nehme diesen Hirnschiss auch nicht mehr ernst, dass heisst ich habe ihn noch nie ernst genommen.

Er gibt vor Ja ich weiss, er hat so breite Finger und die Tastatur ist sooo klein.. Danach stellt er Behauptungen auf, die selbst einem Narren naerrisch vorkommen muessten. Mir tut er einfach nur noch Leid. Seine Familie ist mit Ihm gestraft genug. MNN war einmal falsch. Weihnachtstag kam gerade eben von GATA. Die Gold Board Mails mit dieser Meldung, sind soeben von mir versandt worden. Wollte es zuerst gar nicht glauben.

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Ist aber wirklich so. Es ist doch egal wie man Macmin schreibt. Wichtig ist, dass ihr sie habt. I love JPM P. The markets were shut Wednesday for Christmas. Thursday afternoon, the Energy Department confirmed that crude inventories rose as of the week ended Dec. But stocks were up by only , barrels, the Energy Department said, far from the 2. Industry watchers had expected levels to decline. Oil production in the South American country has dropped below , barrels a day from the usual daily of 3 million barrels, threatening worldwide supplies with exports virtually at a halt.

The Energy Department said U. And a closer look at the data reveals that "the strikes in Venezuela have reduced crude-oil imports from that country significantly, only partially offset by increased imports from elsewhere," the Energy Department said in its report, emphasizing that weekly crude-oil import data is "very preliminary" and not published. Crude inventories remain at more than 8 percent below their year-ago level, with both the government and API pegged total stocks at around million barrels.

Worst yet to come The worst is yet to come, according to Rakesh Shankar of Economy. Gasoline imports on the rise While the data from the Energy Department and API both showed a sizable rise in gasoline imports, the change in supplies from week to week conflicted. The API reported that supplies of gasoline dropped by , barrels, while the Energy Department said they actually rose by 2. The latest API data on gasoline revealed that imports are reaching a record level, said Kloza. He pointed out that gasoline production is now more than , barrels a day above where it stood one year ago, supplemented by , barrels a day of imports.

The combined figure of over 9. With demand totaling 9. Gasoline demand is up 2. Petroleum-product futures prices on Nymex made only modest moves. January unleaded gasoline was up 0. Inventory report called small potatoes "With the tensions of Iraq and North Korea in the background, the effect of the inventory report is small potatoes this week," said Todd Hultman, president of Dailyfutures. The announcement came just two days after an Iraqi representative to the U.

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