
Drunk Alien Menace

No doubt all these rehearsals were photographed as well. I am sure that there ARE places on earth where their procedures were rehearsed and photos taken. No doubt unscrupulous individuals would want to sell them as being of the mission itself. Regarding ETs — the only thing about their likely existence and behaviour that would make me suspicious is the TIMING that the media used to announce and to hype it. So what if they exist? We would have to be arrogant indeed to suppose we were the only ones living. Ultimately to me it is just the same as discovering a spectacular but previously unknown animal in the Brazilian jungle — or Bigfoot.

The only additional complication will be what action to take to address their motives. In any event — we are the local home grown boys — and thus have the advantage. A million years may pass before we see any ETs arrive here. My feeling is that it cannot happen any quicker just because we are all discussing it feverishly. Gordon, please convey this info to your sources: The naval forces are operating above the underwater Reptoid bases. This means the ships must clear the area in order for the Liberation forces, firing from higher dimensions, to clobber the bases.

Kettler has written an article on this: Well its been a bit of time. I do not see anything yet. The story just broke. Hopefully, however, the report will be clarified over time. I do wish that people would at least take the subject seriously and stop posting all of these Zecharia Sitchin and David Icke conspiracy theories. On at about It had the most beautiful round green lights underneath, I would have to say at least 15 or so. There is no way the governments can be flying something like this.

This is truly something we will never forget. We are not alone. You think all Extraterrestrials are Lovely? B videos at… YouTube. Nice way to threaten the senior editor of V. With your play on words.. Too break the chains that bind you! S I think Gordon Duff has had enough mind control for one lifetime. Who in the hell knows?!!! Worst yet, what if there is a far more sinister to our perspective reason for them showing up and commandeering our reality?

Are they in actuality predators and we are their food — not only in a physical sense but otherwise? Would it then not serve their purpose to intercede into our affairs to ensure a steady diet of their most delectable sustenance? Again, who in the hell knows?!!! All I do know is that everything I ever believed to be true is a lie. Another person who called was LaRouche at confirmation hearing for Ashcroft, and in some writings.

You folks spend too much time with these BS artists. UFO stuff is mostly crap. Greer and he was a creep. This stuff is mixed in with a lot of Hero Worship. Very little substantial information and evidence pointing to real results. I am just raising the question here of results and consistency. Very little of this. It is closer to Adult Start Trek. You protest a bit much. Black and white thinking is the hallmark of an anti-intellectual. Too much fear mongering, fear porn, rumors and unsubstantial BS.

They are promotional material for our bull horn bs artist Alex Jones. When real events happen we know of them. No one predicted or came up with the Ambassadors attack. Where was Jones, Camelot, Greer et al on that one? No one called the shootings recently. Some back tracked but no one called it before. This is all Monday night quarterbacking and easy to do.

I am just calling BS on these folks. Cooper DID call and was killed. So there you go. Others do not serve or inform much outside of the choir. Duff is one of the best but plays a careful game with the Dope Pushers. So I take what he writes with a grain of salt and look for consistency and patterns. It is only an intelligent way to approach these issues. In short, Caution and not Hero Worship. If that is hard to figure out then so be it.

Bucket Drunk Alien Bats

Kerry Cassidy cannot be found in Palo Alto her purported home town. I am from there. No one knows her. I am not sure what that means. I am a nurse practitioner and I am not rich so that is more BS from someone who wrote about it above. Just shallow and lazy thinking here. No one likes their comfort zone messed with, but reality is still that. People get killed and that is real. Video 1 — http: Video 2 — http: Almost all of these comments have at least a shred of truth behind them. What is unshakable is that sense of deep inner knowing.

When you have it… you just know. Have a look and you may agree. He views this as paralysis as he loses control of his limbs through the duration of the trance even though a part of his mind remains conscious. He views the hallucinations of the trance as a continuation of the reality he was experiencing a moment before.

Like a normal subject of hypnosis, he loses his sense of time. Time can be compressed or expanded, as in a dream. Since this is a historic process, and a continuing one, it is probable that most great leaders had a contact experience at some point in their early life. In its purest form, illumination is not a religious experience. For a few brief moments the percipient understands, truly understands, the workings of the entire universe. He perceives all of history, past, present, and future, totally. He feels he is part of the superspectrum and is one with the cosmos.

There seems to be a rule that each cosmic force has its imitators. Victims of UFO contact are often suffering from false illumination. Either their minds have misinterpreted the experience, or a lower force has reprogrammed them using the same mechanism. But they underestimated the scope of the phenomenon and its ability to manipulate humans and generate propaganda.

After spending a lifetime in Egyptian tombs, among the crumbling temples of India and the lamaseries of Himalayas, endless nights in cemeteries, gravel pits, and hilltops everywhere, I have seen much and my childish sense of wonder remains unshaken. I agree as myself when I was young actually helped make some of the parts for the Lunar Landers at my summer job during High School. What I also have come to believe is that many of the photographs and films of the events were staged before hand.

There is some very compelling evidence of this. With Stanley Kubric being a main suspect in the films. Perhaps all done because of undeniable evidence of current or former intelligent life on the surface of the Moon. I do not believe the space program moon mission as presented to the public was authentic.

Brinsley Trench — Paul Misraki — W. That unidentified flying objects have been present since the dawn of man is an undeniable fact. They are not only described repeatedly in the Bible, but were also the subject of cave paintings made thousands of years before the Bible was written. And a strange procession of weird entities and frightening creatures have been with us as long. When you review the ancient references you are obliged to conclude that the presence of these objects and beings is a normal condition for this planet. These things, these other intelligences […] either reside here or somehow remain concealed from us, or they do not exist at all and are actually special aberrations of the human mind — tulpas [The Tibetans believe that advanced human minds can manipulate the invisible energies all around us like radio waves into visible forms or thought projections], hallucinations, psychological constructs, momentary materializations of energy from that dimension beyond the reach of our senses and even beyond the reach of our scientific instruments.

They are not from outer space. In many instances the witnesses have clearly seen the objects in the process of materialization or dematerialization. A glow is observed first, usually a reddish glow marking the emergence of the object from the invisible band of the spectrum into infrared and then into the narrow band of visible light.

Or, if the object is passing through the visible band to the higher frequencies it is cyan bluish-green before if fades into blue harder to see at night and then enters the ultraviolet range. Paranormal phenomena are so widespread, so diversified, and so sporadic yet so persistent that separating and studying any single element is not only a waste of time but also will automatically lead to the development of belief. Once you have established a belief, the phenomenon adjusts its manifestations to support that belief and thereby escalate it.

Belief is the enemy. I have come to realize that we have been observing complex forces which have always been an essential part of our immediate environment. Instead of thinking in terms of extraterrestrials, I have adopted the concept of ultraterrestrials — beings and forces which coexist with us but are on another time frame; that is, they operate outside the limits of our space-time continuum yet have the ability to cross over into our reality.

This other world is not a place, however, as Mars or Andromeda are places, but is a state of energy. They are transmogrifications of energy under the control of some unknown extradimensional intelligence. This intelligence controls important events by manipulating specific human beings through the phenomenum of mystical illumination. Our religions are based upon our longtime awareness of this intelligence and our struggle to reduce it to humanly acceptable terms. Somebody somewhere does not want us to understand the true nature of this phenomenon and its true purpose.

It is the foundation of all our religious and occult beliefs, of our philosophies, and our cultures. Primary reason is that the secret government is useful as the singular scapegoat upon whom to eventually pin all crimes against humanity of which hostile aliens themselves are the ultimate orchestrators. By disposing the scapegoat through a global catharsis, alien hands are washed clean, leaving them in safe position to be presented as saviors.

Even now this agenda is visible. Through various personalities in the exopolitics field, the secret government is already being branded as a paranoid Cabal keeping mankind from open contact with alien benefactors, holding us back from our rightful destiny to enter into galactic citizenship. To defeat the agenda, mankind must not choose between peaceful assimilation and ignorant xenophobia, but rather between peaceful assimilation and peaceful liberation, liberation from both the secret government and their alien overlords.

The reason that very silly conspiracy theories are floated widely on the internet is to muddy the water and steal the thunder from those genuine voices of dissent who are protesting about REAL outrages: Wiggy — it could be a reflection of the fact that the NWO is losing ground with all their other imaginary threats and have now decided to invoke the big one. Every attempt at global power is turning into an embarrassing white elephant.

Self-educated, honest, brave and properly adjusted people worldwide — who have escaped the widespread psychological indoctrination — are highlighting and exposing their every attempt to enforce the global police state. First an Asian intelligence agency is a little suspicious as a source. We have been having foreign troops practicing joint exercises on American soil for some time, just recently UN forces were practicing invading Florida, complete with landing craft, air support etc to supposedly rescue the mayor??

Think about how ridiculous that is. What is wrong with our own police forces and swat teams or even military if need be. Next we have been having news releases that make Americans look hideous to the rest of the world as well. Some have even been released by our military themselves over the last couple of years, why would they do this, our media is the most tightly controlled on earth short of communist China. It seems like they are preparing for the take down of America.

Bring in the foreign troops mercenaries , to do the dirty bloody work and the rest of the world will be saying good kill them all because of the portrayal of Americans that has been painted over the last few years. The state media will paint a picture of anybody who resists as a domestic terrorist cell or anarchist and America dies to become just another zone on the globalists map. Could China play a part in this,,,, not impossible. Ever wonder about these aliens? Perhaps they have existed on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years, keeping themselves hidden from the human race.

Perhaps all we humans want to do is get our hands on the aliens advanced technology so we can destroy ourselves even better than before. Who do you think would come out on the short end of the stick? Would we create for ourselves an extinction level event? Tread very softly upon the rice paper for it tears very easily. What was the name of the ship again? L Today is July the 22nd , the anniversary of the second contact with the Cs.

What is it, 18 years ago? Well, it was also the last day of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy impacts. The impacts were from the 16th through the 22nd of July. We had the first session where the Cs came through on the 16th, and the second one on the 22nd. Changed our lives forever! L And when will this peace come? How is peace going to come? Okay, that leads to my… Do you have anything further to say before I get on to the questions?

I want to know if this fire in Colorado was caused by fireballs? L Yes, we noticed that feeble cover-up. You should be aware that there are swarms of missiles ready and waiting to be launched at the order of the military sky watchers so as to mask what is going on. In this case and even others there was both: A comet explosion followed by a missile launch to keep the masses calm. Perceval So basically what we were thinking.

At any given time, somebody can give the order for somebody in the right place to launch a missile to cover up the fact that there are comets. You need military activity to mask celestial events. And so it has always been. Any other questions on that topic? L What about these sinkholes?

Reader Interactions

I mean, sinkholes everywhere! This is getting to be really bizarre. I have never heard of so many sinkholes in my entire life happening all over the planet. I mean, sinkholes are kind of common in Florida, but… What the heck is going on? L Okay, so there are sinkholes, and there are lots of birds falling dead, and there are all kinds of animals that are dying in rivers, and in the ocean…. Reverb is the echo you hear on song recordings sometimes, so the lady is supposedly wearing a bucket on her head because she likes the echo it provides.

Not a very good answer, as noted by the good doctor. Next up is a dandy idea by my known colleague, Wayno of Pittsburgh. Look here to see what W of P has to say about it. This cartoon was inspired by the ten years I spent in NYC. Some are actually extraterrestrials. Times are hard on other planets, too, apparently. Our last offering of the day is about cats and bats. I love bats and wish I had an occupied bat house in my yard.

But not in my house. This idea was in collaboration with Victor The Boy Genius. They grow up so fast. Do you need this book? Do you need this image on a shirt? He once drew a precise copy of the Mona Lisa into the background of one of his strips … just because he could. We recently discovered bats in our attic — the bat comic made us both laugh out loud, for reals.

When I was young I had a cat that would catch bats and bring them into the house still alive. The dog, a low built terrier cross, would also occasionally catch bats. I joined the smart phone age at the end of and was gifted another year of our local newspaper subscription.

I love to peruse the headlines in the morning, but now I find that its very natural to do via smartphone. My dailly Bizarro fix! So my goal this year was to cut out each day of Bizarro and paste them the old fashion way in a small journal, then recycle the rest of the paper!

New Zealand is now officially closed to all immigrants. All of these countries have excellent reasons for their schemes of restriction. It is their desire and it is a worthy one to keep their stock clean and of a type that will represent an asset and not a liability to them. Why, therefore, should not England, with her congestion, slam, bolt and bar the door to the people that enter our ports from Central and Eastern Europe- — and that seething cauldron of iniquity — Soviet Russia? What is the reason why we do not take this natural, essential and practical step? Is it mawkish sentiment or some underground influence that prevents our saving ourselves politically, economically and morally?

Why should we spend large sums of money to emigrate the best of our blood in order to bring our population within the limits of our natural resources, and at the same time permit the influx of bad blood? It seems as if we are bent on national suicide. Many were undesirable and unclean in their manners and habits, many were diseased, many were criminal.

Their fire-starting propensities were such that fire insurance companies operating in East London refused to insure them. We don't want to go to other countries ; keep out the foreigners. As to emigrating our own people so that we may relieve con- gestion and not, incidentally, to make room here for the Alien it should be pointed out that any scheme that is adopted bristles with difficulties.

It is easy for stay-at- home people glibly to talk of emigrating our men, but those who have knocked about the world and have studied this question in all its bearings have come to realise that hence- forth comparatively little emigration from the British Isles will be possible. There are, it is true, good opportunities for young strong men in several countries, provided they have capital.

But for the men from the Labour Exchange, without capital, untrained, and often physically unfit, the position is entirely different ; there are few, if any, countries which will accept them. As I have said, the United States have adopted the quota system, and very shortly they will refuse immigrants without capital. Canada requires only agricultural labourers, and these for only five or six months in the year.

South America, with its bad climate, low wages, and still lower standard of living, offers no openings for British labour. In South Africa all unskilled labour — and a great deal of skilled labour — is done by coloured people. There remain only Australia and New Zealand, and in both these countries there has been a wave of un- employment that has driven labour into the towns. Where, therefore, is the great opportunity?

To my mind it is a disgrace. We are supposed to be a practical country, and this is all we have done! It is unsound and incon- sistent of our Government to spend large sums of money in emigrating our best people instead of expelling and repatriating the scourings of the earth, whose natural climate and country is the East.

Why not settle this evil horde in Palestine and the Euphrates Valley? It is true that the quota for the United States of America of emigrants allowed from Great Britain was not fulfilled during the past year, but this is accounted for by the fact that people intending to emigrate to that country knew there was no chance of employment on arrival, and they knew that if they stayed at home there was " the dole," also " public assistance " and so much welfare work to fall back on. It is a country which believes in individualism and which carries out this policy in a most practical manner.

All were deported to their native countries. The Sunday Dispatch 11 August, described a special train which arrived in New York from the West the previous week " filled with deportees, many of whom were recruited from asylums and penitentiaries. A considerable number of these men had neither the will nor physique, not to mention experience, to be of much use on these farms, where the work is very heavy and during harvest about fifteen hours per day.

Some did work for two or three weeks, but many were found useless. The original idea was that these men would remain there as settlers. But only about 1, remained, and since then some of these have returned. In several questions were put in the House of Commons to try to find out the cost of this unpractical scheme. It is difficult to get at the exact amount owing to the evasive replies of Mr.

There was evidently a great deal to conceal. Yet for many years before the Great War it was frequently seen in Western Canada that when an advertisement or notice appeared calling for labourers it contained the words ' ' no English need apply. To anyone of experience this scheme was not practicable. At once the Canadian Government protested against this scheme. It was pointed out " that a group of comparative amateurs set apart and isolated from the experience and help of the countryside could not succeed.

Such colonies, it was claimed, have never been successfully settled on Canadian soil on this large scale plan. Great harm has been done by Companies in Canada who have land for sale, especially Kailway Companies, with their emigration pamphlets, in painting exaggerated descriptions of the success of settlers. The climate of Western Canada east of the Eockies is very severe for seven months in winter. Scandinavian and North Eussian people, inured to hardship and hard work, can perhaps make a living under these conditions, but few English people can stand the life, especially our town-dwellers.

It must be remembered "that the early emigrants to our colonies were mostly agricultural labourers accustomed to hard work and rough food and weather. He was taken to the West and shown examples of failure of British settlers. In Winnipeg two hundred men recently from England under the assisted passage scheme were pointed out to him. None of these men could or would work at farm work. They were deported together with a number of criminals and imbeciles. During the past two years large numbers of destitute and mentally afflicted British people have been deported from Canada.

The Daily Mad of 22 April, , stated: James Lumsden, who has great experience of Australia and our Dominions, described in the Sunday Pictorial 29 April, what men who have knocked about the world have known for many years. It has elements of patriotism, of imperialism, of rare instinct, of great adventure, of noble endeavour. It appeals to the heroic and the strong. In Australia it is cold and callous business, often as unscrupulous and dishonest as company promoting of the worst kind. The Daily Express 12 August, , in an article from Melbourne, 11 August, stated that some 20, migrants had signed a petition to the Premier of South Australia, asking that their passages back to England be paid by that State.

The Board of Trade Journal 6 March, informed its readers that the Canadian and United States authorities had sent back 2, and persons respectively during The reasons given for the rejection or deportation of the majority of these persons was either that they were paupers or likely to become a public charge, or criminals or digeased or mentally afflicted. Lastly, in The Times of 4 April, , there appeared the following cable from its Melbourne correspondent: It is asserted in the petition that there are 10, registered unem- ployed immigrants in Victoria and South Australia, including married men with families in Great Britain.

The petitioners offer to repay their passage money, if it is lent them, by instalments when they obtain work in Great Britain. The population of Scotland has not increased much during the past decade. True, the birth-rate has gone down, but there are more and more people breeding. Our country is already greatly over-populated. The reader will now get at the truth of the terrible, one may say terrifying, state of things in this unfortunate country of ours. Why has this perilous ppsition been so carefully kept from the public?

But it is the more alarming when we consider the question of food. What will happen to us in this small island of ours? See map drawn to scale. We already import two-thirds of our food, and this proportion is increasing each year. And this imported food has to be paid for. Shall we be able to find the enormous sum spent by us on foreign food each year? The outlook is indeed grave, but it is still more serious when we consider that the leading naval authorities declare that our navy is now so reduced in comparison with other navies the result of sinister working of " The Hidden Hand " that it would be impossible to keep our trade routes properly protected in the event of war.

Few people realise that only about a month's reserve of food is kept in Great Britain. Our organisation as regards food supply is so complicated and delicate that even small happenings will greatly upset this regular daily supply from abroad on which our very existence depends. Our complacent stay-at-home people do not grasp this. But " The Hidden Hand " knows this too well, and this is its chief weapon by which the people of this country will be subjugated. When the British Legion was formed in , the author joined it on this account.

At first it seemed that the head- quarters were taking up this matter, but later it appeared that the real controllers were men of Alien extraction, working with international cranks, and little was done or at any rate achieved. The whole matter is very regrettable. Money is subscribed to that organisation and poppies are bought on the understanding that it is expended in the patriotic endeavour to assist ex-service men. Although the Legion does help ex-service men, it has not gone far enough, in my opinion, in the fulfilment of its objects.

Considering that there are in the country tens of thousands of Aliens who are holding jobs which could be done equally well by our ex-service men, one would natur- ally think that the British Legion, instead of spending large sums on international affairs that do not help our men, would have taken more vigorous action in this matter some years ago. Several patriotic members have made strong efforts from time to time to get the Legion to take up this important question, but apparently without success.

The kindest and most necessary way to help the ex- service man is to get him a job.

  1. Maisons darrêt: Parcours dune visiteuse de prison  (French Edition)!
  2. Les délicieuses vengeances dun mari trompé (Les Interdits t. 374) (French Edition);
  3. Portrait of Marcia Ball;
  4. On the Months?

For several years a few loyal members in London have been trying to get the affairs of the Legion under better business management. In November, , a small unofficial committee was formed. The Beport of this Committee, price 6d. Surely 10 per cent, should cover all administrative costs! It is also to be regretted that this Committee did not at the same time investigate the affairs and accounts of the United Service Fund and the Officers' Association, which the Bridgeman Committee state work in close co-operation with the British Legion.

This fund seems to be administered by much the same people as those who manage the finances of the British Legion. In the front of this book there is published a quotation from Mr. Baldwin's Election Address of , which reads as follows: Baldwin as a man of honour, and therefore a man of his word. When he shall have explored this question, it is not unemployment alone he will have touched.

He will have gone direct to the housing problem and the reason why so many English families are either homeless or are crowded together in most appalling conditions. Baldwin ever explore this question?

  1. First Watch: DJ Shadow, 'Bergschrund (Feat. Nils Frahm)'.
  2. Jesus Christ Cyberstar (Versatile).
  3. Advice on how to Sleep Better!
  4. ?
  5. UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco - Archives | Veterans Today!

Judging by the sad plight of tens of thousands of ex-Service men since it seems very doubtful. These latter are rarely, mentioned in Government reports. These returns do not include many thousands of the professional and clerical classes who are not eligible to be registered at the Labour Exchanges for unemployment benefit, and are too proud to apply for public assistance. The plight of such people is in many cases more desperate than that of the so-called labouring class.

How many ex-service men are included in the above returns! Three years ago there were over , able-bodied ex-service men registered as unemployed, also about 50, disabled men who were anxious to get some work. Since then these numbers have greatly increased.

Yet one never comes across a conscientious objector out of a job. In fact, these shirkers are now found by hundreds in comfortable Government jobs. Assisted emigration has been carried on on a comparatively small scale. But schemes for training ex-service men in trades in were a farce and a cruel betrayal of the ex-service men, seeing that the trade unions refused to allow these men to be employed.

Out of all these efforts nothing tangible has come; few men have secured jobs, and their time and the country's money have simply been frittered away. All that there is to be shown is a large number of ex-service men on the starvation line. Thousands of Aliens are employed in the United Kingdom as hotel and restaurant employees. Those who have spent many years in hotels at home and abroad know that an Englishman can be as good a waiter, etc. Naturally the Englishman, especially the ex-service man, does not care to serve under these foreigners, par- ticularly under Germans.

Yet there are many caseB of this latter arrangement in this country, an insult to our ex-service men. Then again, most of our hotel and restaurant employment agencies are run by foreigners. Another business which could be run more beneficially by our own people is that of " Money Lender. This, however, I will say: The Alien is omni- present in the best positions; the Briton, omnipresent at the Labour Exchanges and the relief centres. Yet it seems as if no determined effort is made to alter this scandalous state of affairs.

Title Matching "Alien" (Sorted by Number of Votes Ascending)

A number of patriotic societies have been trying to right this terrible wrong, and some progress was being made. But there was a set-back when the "Labour" Government were in office in and again in On 25 November, , the author was a member of a deputation to the Home Office on the Alien question, when he mentioned that there is really no job in this country which cannot be done by a Briton.

The Home Secretary did not agree, although he was able to quote only one trade, that of furriers. Yet there are a number of British furriers in London alone who do not employ Aliens, and surely more English people have learned and can learn this trade t It was most noticeable at this deputation that a very dark man present became exceedingly excited when the author made this statement. During the past ten years there have been a large number of mysterious robberies and bankruptcies amongst the Alien furriers in this country.

The official attitude is often beyond the understanding of the ordinary intelligent man. We foster the emigration of our best men and permit the immigration of the Alien, who, as our experience tells us and our press continuously bears evidence of the fact , is of the worst possible type. We pour out our best blood in exchange for the polluted stream of the scum of Kussia and Eastern Europe. We are merely— for no valid reason — completing vicious circles, and repeating them ad nauseam.

All this loose administration adds to our population, which, unless checked and dealt with in a comprehensive manner, must assuredly overcome us and must bring this country to utter ruin in the comparatively near future. Such a tax would be equitable, as it is surely not patriotic to employ Aliens when there is this enormous unemploy- ment and distress in our land. Referring to the declarations which are signed before a magistrate when employment is given to Aliens, Mr. Another aspect of the employment question was brought to notice by Mr. Clarke Hall, the Old Street Magistrate, 21 February, , who stated that he had " protested over and over again against the poor Welsh girls, brought from districts in Wales, where there is great distress, to become the servants of Aliens in this country, where they are unfairly treated, where goods are sold to them for which they have to pay out of their wages and where their lives are made unhappy.

Corder," the great authority on the Alien question, stated in the Daily Mail 20 October, The Jew in Dublin is becoming a most formidable factor in the city life. This will mean dismissal and hardship to many hundreds of women, old and young. A considerable number of these are wives and daughters of soldiers, and most of them belong to families which have worked at this factory for genera- tions. But what about the large sum which will have to be given in unemployment benefit?

This work is now to be given to the clothing trade in the East End of London. The employers and employees of this trade are mostly Aliens. Another effort of our Government was to plaster the whole country with millions of posters " Buy British. But it is somewhat ironic that this large contract was given to J.

And this has been especially the case since Early in the secretaries of the Musicians' Union came to see me and asked my help, as foreign jazz bands, chiefly from the U. Thanks to a few patriotic M. After this our English musicians were getting on fairly well until our " Labour " Government relaxed regulations and allowed not only more performers to enter and take up employment, but allowed them to remain for indefinite periods. Of course, the " canned " music imported from the U.

In the so-called " Labour " Government decided to subsidise Opera. This money was spent in importing foreign singers and musicians, when hundreds of our musicians and theatrical artistes have been without work for about three years or more and many were destitute. Moscow has for some years subsidised Opera, although millions of Russians have starved.

No doubt our " Labour " Government had this scheme forced on them by their dictators. In December, , the Ministry of Labour stated " that the question of tightening up the administration of the Aliens Order of , in view of the heavy unemployment and the general industrial position at the present time, is now under active consideration. The replies and promises made in recent years to representations made by the London Trades Council and the Musicians' Union are not forgotten.

A statement similar to the above was issued by this Ministry in September, Yet shortly afterwards permits were granted for more American bands to enter Great Britain. Hundreds of Alien artistes manage to get into this country as " stars "; the reason given is that there is no English artiste available to play a particular part. These Aliens have remained indefinitely, taking all sorts of parts. For several years this farce has been going on. But we must not forget that both the theatrical and cinema businesses, especially the latter, have for many years been controlled by foreigners and that the theatrical employment agencies are in the same hands.

It must be emphasised that the importation of foreign theatrical performers is often for propaganda purposes, i. Batten, Secretary of the Musicians' Union, stated on 6 September, I am convinced that they influence officials. Despite repeated deputations on behalf of unemployed British musicians, nothing is ever done to prevent Americans playing in England, although not a single English band is permitted in the States.

This Union on 5 May, , declared that cases were known where Alien musicians had stayed on in England for nine or ten years. The Daily Mail, 15 January, said " that more than 10, musicians of all classes are unemployed in this country," and again 16 February, that " five hundred applications have been received for positions in an orchestra of 35 required for a new cinema at Leeds.

Is there no power to take action outside this country? In the United States of America no foreign entertainers or even chorus girls are given a permit to leave that country until his or her income-tax is paid. For other Cases in the Courts see Appendix V. The report by the Select Committee of Public Accounts Morning Post, 27 November, revealed that the problem of how to prevent foreign artists avoiding the payment of income-tax was discussed by the Committee.

The evidence showed that the question was raised by Mr. He drew the attention of Mr. Grigg agreed that many of these foreign artists had their money paid to them here or abroad and got away with it without paying income-tax. Sir Malcolm Ramsay, Comptroller and Auditor-General, said that the arrears in that district were four times as big as the average for the whole country. Grigg added that an Alien artist was liable on everything he earned in this country. Why this tender regard for the feelings of the foreigner? Is it due to the sterility of the official mind or to some influence of which the public know nothing, but only suspects?

The Daily Mail 15 December, reported that in an interview Mr. The ease with which foreigners have come over here as " students " is remarkable. Moreover, even when they are in this country the watch kept upon them is so lax that many remain permanently and take employment, in breach of their undertaking on entry. On this subject the Evening News makes a very excellent suggestion, which is: Our Government would, of course, have to give a similar undertaking to foreign Governments to cover the case of Britons seeking education abroad.

More- over, they " study " here in our educational institutions that are supported or helped by public funds and charitable endowments. Many of these " students " are women who are possibly seeking employment. The Alien student and the Alien domestic servant seem to be closely united. The following are the statistics from the Ministry of Labour re Alien Domestics. Admitted on Ministry of Labour Year. With about 4i million people drawing doles and public assistance, the authorities should make it impossible for the above figures to increase as they are doing. As it is, the housewife of Great Britain pays wages to the Alien servant and " keeps " her, pays in taxation some part of the cost of the official machinery which brought that Alien here and " saw her through " the regulations, and pays again in taxation by way of insurance and also for the dole enjoyed by the other woman who refuses to work, and thereby perpetuates the ludicrous procedure forced upon her by authorities who seem to prefer the line of least resistance.

It is true that the Ministry of Labour has decided that Alien domestic servants shall not "under-cut " British labour, and insists that the wage shall not be below the current rate for the particular work. Nevertheless, as British housewives just now are offering high wages for domestics of our own race, this condition, altruistie as it may appear, presents yet another inducement to the Alien girl.

They are not returned to their native land after being discharged by their first employer ; instead, they may remain to take any other job, thus assisting in throwing Englishwomen on the dole, and otherwise swelling the already huge ranks of the unemployed. It is suspicious that many of these foreign girls leave their first employment after a few weeks. It is surely illogical that if a British man-servant is employed a tax of 16s.

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  • But a foreign woman can be employed without a tax. The Daily Express 12 January, stated that in December, , there were over , women drawing the dole. Yet the following notice is being issued by a new London domestic agency: It seems to me extra- ordinary that with all these respectable English girls out of work they should give permits to these foreign girls to come in. The following article in the Daily Mail 17 October, sums up this matter: Domestic servants are on the dole and foreign girls are still in the kitchens of British homes.

    These Aliens keep on coming over here in thousands — from Denmark, Holland, Switzerland, Germany and Eussia — prepared to work for nothing or next to it so long as they can get a footing in this country. And suburban housewives, as a result, are no longer worrying over "the servant problem. Girls calling themselves " students " arrive in London on the pretext of finishing their education — many of them clever girls, especially those from Eussia, who can speak two or three languages — and proceed to become domestic helps in middle-class and upper- class homes.

    In many cases they receive funds from home, which keeps them from requiring to compete with the British market. According to the immigration laws they are supposed to return to their own country after six or twelve months' residence in London. But do they go back f " Many, very many do not," admitted an immigra- tion officer yesterday. Others change their employment without giving us notice, and are absorbed in London's millions. Evidence of the ingenious methods employed by white slave traffickers in luring girls from their homes to a terrible fate abroad was given at the annual meeting of the National Vigilance Association and International Bureau at Caxton Hall, Westminster, yesterday.

    This man used notepaper bearing a fictitious business heading, and had secured the girl's confidence by obtaining for her a genuine temporary situation in Antwerp. From this she was sent to the Argentine with a letter of introduction to a man in Eosario. She had the curiosity to open the letter while she was at sea. It was addressed to the owner of several houses of ill-fame in the interior of the Argentine, and gave him full instructions as to what was to be done with the un- suspecting bearer of it.

    Mention was made of an undesirable " registry office " which had been importing Swedish girls into London ostensibly as domestic servants. Here is an example of a common method by which the " student " gets employment: Her passport was marked " student. This seemed to me to be an evasion of the regulations, and I reported the matter to a Member of Parliament, who in turn at my request put the matter forward to the Home Office. He received the following reply: ALIEN SEAMEN Even the British seaman, who dared the enemy sub- marines during the war so that England should have food, is being forced out of his job by the foreigner, who, living a lower type of life than our own men, can work for a wage on which the Briton could not even exist.

    Take, for example, the seaport of Cardiff. Cardiff is the strong- hold of the Arabs and other coloured Aliens, who are as grave a danger to public health and morals as they are a continuous cause of unemployment among our own seamen. In the Daily Mail 6 October, there appeared a letter from a master-mariner who had sailed from Fowey to Bilbao and back to Newport Mon. At the same time over British seamen were " on the dole " in Cardiff alone.

    What other country in this world would tolerate such conditions? Yet there is another example of the foreigner ousting the British seaman, that is in the case of the Thames pilots. On 7 July, , Thames pilots, licensed watermen, lightermen, and tugmen, held a mass meeting at Trafalgar Square, to protest against foreign vessels being allowed to navigate between London and G-ravesend without a licensed pilot on board, and while British pilots and water- men are unemployed.

    Now, apart from throwing our own men out of work in itself a factor of supreme importance , the foreign captains are a menace to the safe navigation of the river, owing to their reckless disregard of the rules by which the British watermen have strictly to abide. From the point of view of national defence and espionage this should never have been allowed. The following two examples are of interest: Wellington's new floating dock arrived here to-day after a record tow by two tugs of 13, miles. It left Tyneside last July.

    The dock would have reached Wellington before Christmas but for a railway strike in Queensland, Australia, where a halt was made to take in fuel.

    The crew which handled the dock on the voyage consisted of eleven men, of whom only one was an Englishman. Dutch tugs are being used to tow the British battle- ship " The Emperor of India " to Rosyth, where she is to be broken up. British tugmasters are indignant. We ask for fair play. In , 4, Arab seamen and firemen were signed on by British shipowners in British ports to man British ships. For the first six months of the present year 2, Arabs were engaged before the eyes of crowds of British sea- men standing idle and disheartened outside the shipping offices.

    But it is not only Arabs who are being given prefer- ence. We have had cases in Hull and Liverpool of steamers paying off their entire crews and for the next voyage taking none but Japanese. And there is precious little reciprocity. A British seaman out of a ship has little hope of getting work in an American, German, French or Italian vessel.

    The Governments of all these countries have laws compell- ing a certain percentage of their own nations to be carried afloat in their own ships. No Japanese shipowner dare engage a British crew. The Japanese Navy Department would have something to say about it if he did. The naval chiefs of the Island Empire of the East look upon Japanese sailors and firemen, whether employed under the Japanese flag or the British Bed Ensign, as a potential reserve for the Imperial Japanese Navy.

    He suggests the following reforms, for which legislation would be needed: Every British ship should be compelled to carry a percentage of white British crew. The actual figure would have to be fixed taking into account the number of British seamen now available, and could be increased from time to time. In vessels trading between ports of the United Kingdom, or on the short sea voyages to Europe, no Asiatic or coloured rating should be allowed, and the percentage of European Alien seamen should be limited.

    Shipowners bringing their vessels to British ports with Chinese, Asiatic, or Arab crews, and paying them off, should be compelled to repatriate the Asiatics. After a certain date no foreign officers or engin- eers should be allowed in British ships trading to home ports, provided suitable British officers and engineers were available.

    The Times 19 March, reported Mr. There were 1, unemployed white seamen in the port of Cardiff at present, of whom 70 per cent, were in receipt of unemployment benefit. At Barry unemployed white seamen numbered , practically all of whom received benefit. There was no doubt, he said, that coloured seamen were being smuggled into the country by means of bribery, and if it were not for the attitude of the Chief Constable of Cardiff and the immigration authorities the position would have been much worse.

    Unfortunately the powers of the police were limited in the matter, and unless the problem was tackled resolutely it would assume serious proportions. That the presence of such a large body of coloured men constituted a social problem of a grave kind was shown by the fact that in the south division of the city, represented in Parliament by Mr.

    Owing to the ease with which registration and discharge papers could be passed between coloured races, and the difficulty of the police in checking them, there was no doubt that there were hundreds of unreg- istered Arabs and Alien seamen in this country, and it was time that these men should be re-registered, so as 40 THE ALIEN MENACE to comply with the Order in Council issued in This Order provided that Arabs and other coloured Aliens who had not been to sea before could not be registered, but he was satisfied that there was at least 45 per cent, of this class of labour going to sea at British ports who had not complied with that Order, and who ought to be deported back to their own countries.

    It appears that Alien coloured seamen have little difficulty when in West Africa in obtaining British pass- ports from native clerks there. The Daily Express 16 June, reported one hundred of the two hundred resident coloured Aliens in South Shields were receiving unemployment benefit. North Shields had eighty-eight, Hull ninety-five, Glasgow one hundred, Edinburgh thirty-nine — all drawing " the dole. In his annual report he discloses that at the end of last year there were in the borough coloured Alien seamen, of whom 77 were not registered. Scott, a magistrate, was reported as stating: