
Courageous (Romance: New Adult)

I was expecting something else completely. So disappointed, I wanna cry. After the latest books in this series and especially after the Between the Lines series don't read that shit , I'm starting to think Easy was just a fluke. Oct 05, Syndi rated it liked it. I do adores Counters of the Heart. So when I found audio book of Brave I dived into it.

Expecting a sweet sweet love story between 2 strong characters. But then I found a different story. Erin is a strong character who tries to make a break into the real world. After a tragic accident on her past, she is not sure how to fix herself.

Courageous : Diana Palmer :

So she accepts a job in her company. She works under Isaac. Now Isaac has his own secret past. So the story begins with Erin trying to fit in and fi I do adores Counters of the Heart. So the story begins with Erin trying to fit in and figure out her place in the workplace. I can relate of some of her struggle in a work place. Hey I even had similar experience during my first years in work place. A lot of awkward situation. But I feel proud that she can finally makes a name of herself.

But this book is suppose to be about romance between Erin and Isaac. And not about the romance. So that is what missing on this book. I still like it. But I wish the romance can be more hotter and more pronounce. This is Erin's story. As in, it's focused solely on Erin, her ptsd, her Daddy issues, her family's racist past and, in a small part, her crushing on Isaac. I loved the parts about her work, how she managed to use her phycology training and degree on her job, how she proved herself worthy of the job, her dedication. I didn't like her arrogance or her relationship with her siblings.

I would like to see more of Erin and Isaac together as a couple, how they would be around each other after their relati This is Erin's story. I would like to see more of Erin and Isaac together as a couple, how they would be around each other after their relationship's establishment. That's why I don't concider this book to be about the couple but solely about Erin and her journey to find out who she wants to be in her life Mar 26, Darcy rated it liked it Shelves: This is a quiet little book that slowly builds things. The romance is subtle, which works really well.

As much as I liked the romance I liked Erin working on figuring out her life. I liked the couple of times that she talked about things with Issac, he gave her some great advice. I was almost to the end of the book and not much had happened, leaving me wondering how things would end.

Then Issac comes in with some game changing info, some of which I guessed. I loved how he relayed the info. I lik This is a quiet little book that slowly builds things. I liked how Erin reacted on a couple different levels. It made her choice at the end all the better and giving me an ending that left me smiling! This novel tackles some tough issues. It's eye-opening and will break your heart as well as make you swoon. Smart, sexy, and beautifully written. This novel has depth, compassion, and a window into this world reminding us that hatred is poison and love can transform.

BRAVE reminds us all to stand up for what's right. Jan 27, Antonella rated it really liked it Shelves: This had everything to be extraordinary romance book. Great hero; smart, courageous, honorable, handsome.

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Likable heroine, yes she is privileged, but I liked her. She also was very smart and I did not find her annoying. I liked the plot line and slow burn of this story.

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Some may find that lacking but not me. But the end Okay let's see: But the ending was really rushed. That ruined excellence of this book for me. I think over the night turnover in the story really ruined it for me. I do not mind that it was predictable. There is a huge gap that is missing for this story to be five star read. Also I should point out this is a really new adult kind of book, chemistry is there but the lead characters do not kiss until waaaaay late into the book and all the rest happens at the end, but never mind that I DO NOT, but I really felt more of a potential for this book, and sadly all I feel is lacking Where are all the pages,huh?!

Worth the wait Tammara Webber once again proves to be a masterful storyteller and the Queen of character development. It's been a long while since I've been unable to put a book down until it was finished. The characters are likeable, the story is engaging, the issues aren't shied away from. All that and the chemistry is between Erin and Isaac is palpable.

This is going to be re-read, and often. Jan 04, Erika B. I'm trying not to be disappointed, but I am. I know I shouldn't compare books but Easy is still a favorite book of mine. I'm talking multiple re-reads so that makes it shiny and important to me.

This story lacked all the shine and sparkle. I'll even shorten that last word and tell you that the spark between the two characters wasn't all that spectacular either. The butterflies in my stomach didn't come out to play. So I'm giving it three stars for the things that I did like- I'm trying not to be disappointed, but I am.

So I'm giving it three stars for the things that I did like--that being I still love Erin as a character. Overall, I am going to live somewhere between sort of liking this and probably forgetting about it all together in the end. Jan 03, MiriMama rated it did not like it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. This was beyond disappointing. The mark was sadly missed with this one. Consequently, Isaac remains relatively shrouded in mystery and very alluringly sexy but as unreadable and unattainable as Erin makes him out to be.

Jul 17, Camille Adams rated it really liked it Shelves: Good slow burn romance with a story and not just superficial sexing so horribly common these days. I enjoyed the story. The beginning is especially funny. The parts that particularly gave me pause were: When Paxton relates the story of his Black friend and him being pulled over by the police. At some points, it felt as if Paxton was coopting the discrimination the Black guy was experiencing. I get that he bore witness to it and Good slow burn romance with a story and not just superficial sexing so horribly common these days. I get the couple ending up together, but how was Isaac able to put allllllll that hurt behind him?

The end was somewhat rushed. And this is not on the author The southern accent was well done. However, it would have served the listener well to have her effect a deeper or somehow contrasting male voice. Notwithstanding, this book was good to me. Oct 18, Marja rated it it was amazing. It's been a while that I've read something from Tammara Webber, but it seems like.. The longer you wait, the better it gets! I loved Erin, she represented someone familiar, and I understood her struggles so well. We all need men like that in our lives. I'm thrilled that we finally received Erin's story.

She was a favorite of mine from previous books in this series, and I thoroughly enjoyed her journey is this book. While I understand her personal growth was the focus of the story, I did feel the romance was lacking, leaving me feeling a bit disappointed at the end.

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This was Very Good. This whole series is good, and I'd forgotten how much I enjoy it. I was surprised at how late in the book the romance started, but that's sort of in line with this series, in that the main stuff is always about the protagonist anyway. Beautifully Brave This was worth the beautiful wait. I adore everything about the words that Mrs. Webber always gives us. Accepting her new reality is a challenge.

Quinn Cooper is a wildfire fighter addicted to risk and adventure.

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He adopts a transient life style searching for the next big thrill and adrenalin rush. But he has to examine his choices when he meets a woman who needs his support. Is he prepared for the new chapter that lies just around the corner? I had a massage therapist who was a firefighter for several years before becoming a massage therapist.

One thing I learned was how well trained they were and how firefighting had changed since the local fire dept would take anyone and get them out fighting forest fires during fire season when I was growing up in a small town. I discovered that the training is very challenging and the requirements are very demanding. Thanks for dropping by today. Thanks so much Yvonne! I love firefighter heroes. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Sizzlingpages ARC provided from author for honest review.

A refreshing sweet sexy story about healing old scars, forgiving new pain and learning to love when you were never taught what love was to begin with. Abbi Abbi was broken Then comes Dominic Dominic is the true white knight who saves her from not only a bad guy but her bad life. He isn't perfect and he makes some mistakes but in the end you know she's gonna be safe with him while learning to just be herself.

Sometimes you need a story that is just right for the heart. Foxx for the opportunity to read and review this book. It was my ultimate pleasure. I eagerly await the conclusion.

Courageous Heart

Sep 08, Nance rated it really liked it Shelves: A Jezebel just like her mother. So, Abbi has struggled with acceptance practicially her whole life. So, along comes Dominic. He saves her from the impending abuse of a frat brother. So certain that he will hurt her. And, so she trusts him with her history that she knew could possibly scare him away. Fortunately, for her, he stayed, he listened, and he understood. And, somewhere along the way he again promises not to hurt her.

Abbi will have to dig deep inside of herself to forgive Dominic and understand how that emotion will impact their future. It all depends on the day. Most importantly, life is for living. The novel was fairly short, just finished reading it in under three hours. It was definitely page-turning worthy. It could be arguable since I just discovered that there will be a sequel. Both main characters were likeable. In her past she was deemed unworthy and abused verbally by a family member with enough venom and certainty that she would amount to nothing.

This would give anyone recourse to lose confidence and suffer from low self-esteem no matter how strong and courageous on the inside. Abbi just needed seriously to believe in herself and live her life with no doubt and question as to her self-worth. She was a beautiful woman with a radiant soul. Dominic was a great guy — protective, supportive, intelligent.

He, at least, had a loyal and supportive family looking out for his best interest. Whereas, Abbi was on her own.

Therefore, what she needed and required was honesty, trust, and someone to lean on when she was feeling abandoned. They both knew that they loved each, but it was just a matter of how much they would risk when it came to themselves possibly getting hurt in the end. It should be interesting to see how Ms. Foxx further progresses their story along. Or will unexpected circumstances tear them apart never to quite comletely find their way back to each other?

Even though Dominic was a somewhat experienced lover, he was patient with Abbi when introducing her to their erotically-charged intimacy. The scenes were steamy and intense but yet loving and tender. He was just such a nice guy and perfect for Abbi.