
Märchen und Spukgeschichten (German Edition)

The scientists fail, accord- ing to Goethe, to probe the Newtonian foundation of their thought.

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The difference nevertheless serves only to highlight in both cases how powerful trends, theories, and narratives take hold and shape not only our conscious thinking but also our unconscious choices and basic perception of the world, scientific or otherwise. He does so with a rather ironic series of tales. In the foreword to his Farbenlehre, Goe- the writes: In his optics, the French revolutionary agrees with Newton on most counts such as light being hetero- geneous and composed of all the colors.

Es ist nicht zusammengesetzt. Light cannot be thought of abstractly. Dem Aufmerksamen ist sie nirgends tot noch stumm [.

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One must, however, explain the sequence and system of the approach rather than the meaning of the observations. The truth of science is to be judged fundamen- tally not by checking a single experiment, nor by measurements and margins of error—these are derivative—but by adherence to a way method that cor- responds to and amplifies the encounter of human beings with nature. They act less as individual agents than as participants in an interconnected system. Because of the communal efforts, there emerges a bridge directly out of the great raging river that had previously divided the realm.

Sullivan Like ecocriticism, Goethe reconsiders our perception with an eye to- wards altering our contextualization of ourselves with the world. He was wrong about the nature of light but not about the interactivity of our perception. If the Unterhaltungen deutscher Ausgewanderten outline a development of percep- tion critiquing Newtonian science, they nevertheless do so rather elliptically.

A Goethean answer, despite its inevitable irony, may still be too optimistic considering the current environmental situation, yet it would posit a propitious emphasis on commu- nal interaction and the entanglement of perceptual processes with emerging forms of nature.

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Con- centrating on this permeable interface opens up, at the very least, a promising scenario for ecocriticism that reconfigures the dichotomy of perception versus action into a spectrum of interdependent engagement. Goethe appears to advocate here that altered monetary practices albeit not necessarily class structure may much more radically and quickly—for better or worse—alter all forms of percep- tion across the community than years of philosophical, political, and scientific labor.

Their final gesture of tossing out more gold for the crowds gathered at the new bridge and temple provides the skeptical final scene for the Unterhaltungen deutscher Ausgewanderten: Wilhelm Meisters Theatralische Sendungen. Wilhelm Meisters Lehr- jahre. Unterhaltungen deutscher Ausgewanderten Frankfurt am Main: Deutscher Klassiker Verlag, — The U of North Carolina P, Goethes und Schillers Li- teraturpolitik. Literatur- Kunst- und Musikwissenschaftli- che Studien. Goethes und Schillers Literaturpolitik. Cotta, — ; Hans J.

Scary Stories in German

Walter Veit Frankfurt am Main: Dennis Sep- per, Goethe Contra Newton: Polemics and the Project for a new Science of Color Cambridge: Cambridge UP, ; and R. Edinburgh UP, In der Mitte zwischen Natur und Subjekt: Sachverhalte, Gedanken, Wirkungen Frankfurt am Main: Deutscher Klassiker Verlag, Translation and Analysis Lex- ington: Goethes Naturphilosophie als Kunstwerk Leipzig: Eckardt, ; Ingeborg H. Wissenschaft und Kunst in der Auseinandersetzung mit Goethes Werk. Passau UP, —; and H. Please choose whether or not you want other users to be able to see on your profile that this library is a favorite of yours.

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