
Adam Born of Stars: Voyage 1 - Lost at Galaxys End

But in land sides and snow storms day by day many layers can be made or flip over drift or sink and rise but where does the excess material come from like in England where it is flat how do layers form there so fast say in just a few thousand years only oceans and wind? If the earth is so old. How can one tell? How you can get meteors compress or transform into earths many minerals and land formations by lava or magma with water going to get all this done on its own and create life naturally. A few billion years seems very fast!

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Yet a if a metaphorical 3d printer was God infused one could form it in 6 days. Why does the speed of something in formation depend on man made assumptions anyway like rates of outcomes? I would think the more powerful you are the less time anything would take and be sorted out even if it is geological and physical Spiritual art turned to minerals and life there upon we call earth.

For every action an equal an opposite reaction. There must be an absolute spirit or power with and exacting nothing at allness in order to get the wide range of all there is in existence like Quantum 1 and 0. Spiritual held at one end everlasting and blip gone at the other and all the physical forms in the mix transverse along in-between. Just there are so many parts inside parts of sub and macro world building blocks there interactions require each other at some point as well too form formation and stability. Just as the Bible says the elements will be melted by fervent heat. That when the new heavens and earth come into being sometime in the future tense.

So earth is someplace closer to a 0 than eternal a 1. It is really quite logical in a small way. If the universe is static and not now expanding, is it stable? These are questions gaining more attention these days as our knowledge data base in astronomy and astrophysics increases, and old theories are brought into question.

There is much that can be said about these questions from the Biblical revelation. Several separate passages in the New Testament make reference to the creation of the universe. He was in the beginning with God; [i. It had a definite beginning. But before that, God was. In fact, God is-because time itself was created by God. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. The Holy Spirit, in giving us this inspired passage of Scripture, explains that all things both visible and invisible in the entire universe were created through this same Jesus, the eternal Word.

We may think of the universe and its intricate design as being conceived in the mind of the Father, then spoken into existence by the Son who makes the invisible, visible. The Holy Spirit is the One who energizes and supplies life to the creation, not only at the time of creation but also moment by moment after that. We are also told that all things were created for Jesus. This implies a future accountability for all of us-history is headed somewhere-at the end of the road stands Jesus, to whom all power and authority has already been given see John 5: The teaching of the New Testament is that now, at this very moment, there is a Man in heaven appearing in the presence of God for us.

He is as certainly a man as was Adam or Moses or Paul; he is a man glorified, but his glorification did not de-humanize him. Today he is a real man, of the race of mankind, bearing our lineaments and dimensions, a visible and audible man, whom any other man would recognize instantly as one of us. But more than this, he is the heir of all things, Lord of all lords, head of the church, firstborn of the new creation.

He is the way to God, the life of the believer, the hope of Israel, and the high priest of every true worshiper. He holds the keys of death and hell, and stands as advocate and surety for everyone who believes on him in truth. Salvation comes not by accepting the finished work, or deciding for Christ; it comes by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, the whole, living, victorious Lord who, as God and man, fought our fight and won it, accepted our debt as his own and paid it, took our sins and died under them, and rose again to set us free.

This is the true Christ; nothing less will do. This passage can be applied to the structure of the atom, for example. The first two forces decrease in strength inversely with the square of the distance between two objects; the latter two forces act only at very short ranges. The nucleus of the atom contains positively charged and neutral particles-to use a simplistic model. There is thus an active force imposed on the universe, which actively holds the very atoms of the material world together moment by moment, day by day, century by century.

Similarly, accelerated electrons circling the nucleus should quickly radiate all their energy away and fall into the nucleus unless there exists an invisible energy source to counteract this. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a loud noise [rhoizedon, a rushing roar] and the elements [stoicheion, atoms] will be dissolved with fire and the earth and the works that are upon it will be burned up. This passage, like the one in Colossians, strongly suggests that the active power of God is behind the mysterious strong force that holds every atomic nucleus together.

If this is so, all the other fundamental forces of nature are likewise forces that originate with Christ and His sustaining direction of the old creation. It is inescapable that the Bible claims that God dynamically sustains the universe, including the very atoms themselves. Whatever we may think of God and physics, the Bible leaves us with no room to doubt that God does care about the sparrow that falls to the ground, the widow, the orphan, and the homeless.

He does not lose track of His children and watches over them with infinite, patient, intimate Fatherly care. Not only does He sustain the universe by His mighty word of power, God also alters the status quo from time to time and, in response to prayer, frequently changes the course of entire nations. In a future day his intrusive reinterven-tion will be very radical indeed.

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Another important claim of Scripture about the old creation is that God is the present Sustainer of the universe. That is, He is not uninvolved, remote, detached and impersonal-leaving things to run by themselves by any means. Among secular scientists today there are many who acknowledge that God exists. But He is usually considered as only a First Cause-the One who brought the universe into existence and set it into motion.

But most of these same scientists assume God was not involved after the initial act of creation. This is contrary to clear statements in the Bible that God is very much involved in every event that takes place in the ongoing history of the entire universe.

I John, your brother, who share with you in Jesus the tribulation and the kingdom and the patient endurance, was on the island called Patmos on account of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. He is the Judge of all, and He is the heir of all things. Truth from science must in the long run agree with Biblical revelation-if the Bible is true. Our moment-by-moment existence depends on His gracious sustenance of every electron, every atom, every molecule and every spiritual entity as well.

We are safe when we place our trust in Him and put our whole lives into His hands! Can we not then stand in awe of our great God and Creator, along with the Psalmist who wrote:. Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also. The sea is his, for he made it; for his hands formed the dry land. For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.

O that today you would hearken to his voice! In fact, you are still not ready, 3for you are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and dissension among you, are you not worldly? Are you not walking in the way of man? And what is Paul? They are servants through whom you believed, as the Lord has assigned to each his role.

But each one must be careful how he builds. He himself will be saved, but only as one being snatched from the fire. If any of you thinks he is wise in this age, he should become a fool, so that he may become wise. As it is written: All of them belong to you, 23and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God. So scientists, men woman, and everyone prey that your eyes in the spirit are opened to know what this means including YOU! Look into these things yourself because you now know whats waiting for you when you do.

Stuff pops into and out of existence all the time.


If more stuff pops in than pops out, the universe will expand. No need for a big bang. Comments to science articles are usually so verbose. People with their own slant on the science only being matched by the religious zealots. However, dave kruse, You are the man. Your comment is spot on. I love me some science too. Email address is optional. If provided, your email will not be published or shared. Home About Contact Newsletter Resources.

Chong Kok Fah February 24, at 2: Paul Knittle February 24, at 8: Dave February 24, at 5: George February 24, at 6: Atilla Soykan February 24, at 7: Some one who knows what is happening! Red shift help explain a lot.

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Atilla Soykan February 24, at Abubakar Funtua February 24, at 7: February 24, at 8: James Edward Nassir February 24, at 8: Littlk February 24, at 8: Stromlo Redshift February 24, at 8: AG February 24, at Future Science February 24, at 9: The wave was not a natural phenomenon. In fact, it was used by an alien entity known as the Caretaker to pull Voyager into the Delta Quadrant.

The Caretaker is responsible for the continued care of the Ocampa, a race of aliens native to the Delta Quadrant, and has been abducting other species from around the galaxy in an effort to find a successor. The Maquis ship was also pulled into the Delta Quadrant, and eventually the two crews reluctantly agree to join forces after the Caretaker space station is destroyed in a pitched space battle with another local alien species, the Kazon.

Chakotay , leader of the Maquis group, becomes Voyager ' s first officer. Tom Paris , whom Janeway released from a Federation prison to help find the Maquis ship, is made Voyager ' s helm officer. Due to the deaths of the ship's entire medical staff, the Doctor , an emergency medical hologram designed only for short-term use, is employed as the ship's full-time chief medical officer. Due to its great distance from Federation space , the Delta Quadrant is unexplored by Starfleet , and Voyager is truly going where no human has gone before. As they set out on their projected year journey home, the crew passes through regions belonging to various species: They also encounter perilous natural phenomena, a nebulous area called the Nekrit Expanse " Fair Trade ", third season , a large area of empty space called the Void " Night ", fifth season , wormholes , dangerous nebulae and other anomalies.

However, Voyager does not always deal with the unknown. It is the third Star Trek series to feature Q , an omnipotent alien—and the second on a recurring basis, as Q made only one appearance on Star Trek: Starfleet Command learns of Voyager ' s survival when the crew discovers an ancient interstellar communications network, claimed by the Hirogen, into which they can tap.

This relay network is later disabled, but due to the efforts of Earth-based Lieutenant Reginald Barclay , Starfleet eventually establishes regular contact in the season-six episode " Pathfinder ", using a communications array and micro-wormhole technology. In the first two episodes of the show's fourth season, Kes leaves the ship in the wake of an extreme transformation of her mental abilities, while Seven of Nine known colloquially as Seven , a Borg drone who was assimilated as a six-year-old human girl, is liberated from the collective and joins the Voyager crew.

As the series progresses, Seven begins to regain her humanity with the ongoing help of Captain Janeway, who shows her that emotions, friendship, love, and caring are more important than the sterile "perfection" the Borg espouse. The Doctor also becomes more human-like, due in part to a mobile holo-emitter the crew obtains in the third season which allows the Doctor to leave the confines of sickbay.

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He discovers his love of music and art, which he demonstrates in the episode " Virtuoso ". In the sixth season, the crew discovers a group of adolescent aliens assimilated by the Borg, but prematurely released from their maturation chambers due to a malfunction on their Borg cube.

As he did with Seven of Nine, the Doctor rehumanizes the children; Azan, Rebi and Mezoti , three of them eventually find a new adoptive home while the fourth, Icheb , chooses to stay aboard Voyager. Life for the Voyager crew evolves during their long journey. Traitors Seska and Michael Jonas are uncovered in the early months " State of Flux ", " Investigations " ; loyal crew members are lost late in the journey; and other wayward Starfleet officers are integrated into the crew.

In the second season, the first child is born aboard the ship to Ensign Samantha Wildman; as she grows up, Naomi Wildman becomes great friends with her godfather, Neelix, and develops an unexpected and close relationship with Seven of Nine. Early in the seventh season, Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres marry after a long courtship, and Torres gives birth to their child, Miral Paris , in the series finale. Late in the seventh season, the crew finds a colony of Talaxians on a makeshift settlement in an asteroid field, and Neelix chooses to bid Voyager farewell and live once again among his people.

Over the course of the series, the Voyager crew finds various ways to reduce their year journey by five decades: Also, the crew is not able to use other trip-shortening opportunities, as seen in the episodes " Prime Factors ", " Future's End ", " Eye of the Needle " and " Inside Man ". A final effort, involving the use of a Borg transwarp conduit, reduces the 70,light-year journey to just seven years in the series finale " Endgame ". In the episode " Captain Janeway travels back in time to study one of her ancestors.

Other altered timelines include the reduction of the journey to seven years in the season finale, and one depicted in " Relativity ". Voyager ' s journey home was essentially a trek across a large fraction of the Milky Way. A number of alternative timelines were explored due to the introduction of races possessing the ability to time travel such as in Timeless S5E6. One such timeline involves the death of the entire crew with only Chakotay, Harry and The Doctor surviving.

Only by altering the past does Voyager continue. Its tele-theater and the flexibility of the science fiction universe created by generations of Star Trek writers and production staff accommodate this and more, with the theatrical devices forming a palette of plot tools. The use of Borg technology in the final episode allowed Voyager to return home after a journey of only seven years. Events that shortened Voyager ' s travel time home:. Counting elapsed time, by the end of the seventh and final season assuming one year elapsed per season , Voyager was 28 years' travel from Federation space.

Although meant as a way of saving the Ocampa, the Caretaker's abduction caused the death of many of the Voyager Starfleet crew including some very critical roles including first officer, chief engineer, and medical staff. Voyager successfully recovers Tuvok, who was working as a spy, and he is also able to join the crew. However, over the course of the next seven years according to the theatrically exposed timeline over 40 crew are killed. The series depicts a crew stuck together for a long time and far from home, so personal attraction transcends Starfleet ranks between some officers.

Over the series, characters were depicted having romantic encounters ranging from encounters with aliens, other crew members, and holograms. An example of this is when Tuvok has a sexual encounter with a hologram of his wife when hit with the Vulcan species' Pon farr experience.

Voyager had a distinct narrative of relationships, with episodes touching marriage proposals, pregnancies, and the struggle of children dealing with various parental issues including failed marriages. Another example from the series is when Seven of Nine sexually propositions Harry Kim, instructing him to strip naked.

Her first mission is to locate and capture a Maquis vessel last seen in the area of space known as the Badlands. While there, the Maquis ship and Voyager are transported against their will into the Delta Quadrant, 70, light-years away, by a massive displacement wave. The Maquis ship is destroyed while fighting the Kazon-Ogla, and although Voyager survives, numerous casualties are suffered. To protect an intelligent species the Ocampa , Janeway destroys a device, the Caretaker Array, which had the potential to return her crew to Federation space, stranding her ship and crew 75 years' travel from home.

The reason is to stop the array from falling into the wrong hands and to protect the people the Caretaker was caring for. The show's many visitations across time and space provide a range of performances ranging from cameos to almost being interwoven into much of the show, such as when being portrayed as a love interest or protagonist of one the show's regulars.

One notable connection between Voyager and The Next Generation appears regarding a wormhole and the Ferengi. In The Next Generation season-three episode " The Price ", bidding takes place for rights to a wormhole. The Ferengi send a delegation to the bidding. When the Enterprise and Ferengi vessel each send shuttles into the wormhole, they appear in the Delta Quadrant, where the Ferengi shuttle becomes trapped.

In the Voyager season-three episode " False Profits ", the Ferengi who were trapped have since landed on a nearby planet, and begun exploiting the inhabitants for profit. In some cases, the actors play the same character as elsewhere, such as Dwight Schultz who plays Reginald Barclay.

In other cases, the same actors play different characters. In August , the main cast members except Jennifer Lien, who retired from acting in appeared together onstage in Las Vegas for the 20th anniversary of Star Trek: Voyager at the Las Vegas Star Trek convention. First Contact and Star Trek: Additionally, the Voyager ready room and the engineering set were also used as rooms aboard the Enterprise- E in Insurrection. The series consists of episodes, all 45 minutes in length, excluding advertisement breaks.

Four episodes, "Caretaker", "Dark Frontier", "Flesh and Blood" and "Endgame" originally aired as 90 minute episodes excluding advertisement breaks.

Earth's Water Is Older Than the Sun - D-brief

Almost years ago, Hubble, the astronomer, was looking at some small fuzzy patches of light hidden among all the stars we can see. No one was exactly sure what they were, but Hubble discovered that these patches of light were made of stars and, even more importantly, they were a long way away.

The stars we see in the night sky are part of the Milky Way Galaxy. The patches of light that Hubble was studying were other galaxies — each one filled with stars and planets and lots of other things too. Some galaxies are smaller than our Milky Way and others are larger. Space is big, but does it go on forever?

The part of space we can see is called the observable universe. It contains all the light we will ever be able to see because when we look across space we are mostly looking for light. The observable universe can even be measured. It is 93 billion light years from one side to the other. Or can you imagine lapping the Earth 20 million trillion times? An alien on another planet, in a faraway galaxy, would have their own observable universe. You might want to think of each of us being inside our own bubble universe.

If our two bubbles overlapped, then the alien would see some of the same things we can see.

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  7. But what about the places that are outside our bubble? Would the alien see emptiness at the edge of space? So why do scientists think that space goes on forever? Our part of space, or the observable universe, has a special shape: That means if you and a friend each had your own rocket ship and you both took off and travelled in a straight line, for ever and ever, you would never meet. In fact, you would always stay exactly the same distance apart, within the observable universe. But this is a really special case.