
Raising the Stakes

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The item with this SKU was not found. Stake Size 51 mm diameter x 32 mm length x 32 x 9. Depressed- Horn shape, ideal for working depressed surfaces Anvil- For small conical and rectangular work.

Raising the Stakes for Noble

Flat top 70 x 38mm Curved Ends- Length mm with working faces 35 mm wide. Add to Wishlist Share. Stay Informed Get informational advice and exclusive discounts from our newsletter. Contact Us Need assistance? Send us a message! Talk to us Call us at Shor Canada are registered trademarks of Shor International Corp. Combination- Anvil shaped, mm long with one cylindrical arm 83 mm long, 35 mm diameter and the other arm mm long by 38 mm wide.

Flat top 70 x 38mm. And one of the easiest ways to ensure readers keep turning pages is to thread your novel with powerful stakes. Raising the stakes means making sure your characters always have something to lose. For them, something important is at risk.

But how do you go about building powerful stakes for your story?

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And how can you raise the stakes when your story seems to be running out of steam? Every story has core stakes, something your main character risks losing for nearly the whole of your novel. Nailing these core stakes is huge because without them you risk your plot reading like a series of unrelated events rather a cohesive and thrilling narrative.

Raising the stakes at Bacchanalia, Food & Drink - THE BUSINESS TIMES

Wrap your head around that for a moment, why dontcha? After all, they're the ones readers will spend the most time with, so making sure that readers can jump into their shoes — or, at the very least, find their journey intriguing — is key. Begin by asking yourself the following questions: What does my main character want e. How does my main character plan to achieve this? In other words, what is my character's story goal? WHY does my main character want to achieve this goal? If my main character fails to achieve their goal, what are the consequences for those my main character loves?

Doing so will help you create a realistic and complex antagonist whom readers can sympathize with, skyrocketing your story's tension. Completing this exercise will still help you create powerful stakes.

Raising the stakes at Bacchanalia

Just make sure to pay extra attention to the emotional stakes outlined below. Taking extra care to amplify these items throughout your story can go a long way in continuing to engage your readers on every single page. WHY does my main character want to achieve this goal? If my main character fails to achieve their goal, what are the consequences for those my main character loves?

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Doing so will help you create a realistic and complex antagonist whom readers can sympathize with, skyrocketing your story's tension. Completing this exercise will still help you create powerful stakes.

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  • raise the stakes!

Just make sure to pay extra attention to the emotional stakes outlined below. Taking extra care to amplify these items throughout your story can go a long way in continuing to engage your readers on every single page. There should also be smaller stakes at play during individual scenes and chapters. To raise the emotional stakes, begin by identifying these three factors:.

What is your character afraid of and why?

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  6. Move beyond physical fears e. Is your character afraid of dying alone? Of losing their best friend?

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    Try to think of at least three emotional fears your character faces, then identify why it is your character is so afraid of these situations. What in their past has caused them to worry over these situations so deeply? What are your main character's worst traits? Are they quick to anger? Also, take the time to consider any traits that aren't necessarily flaws, but that your character doesn't like about themselves all the same i. Has your character done anything they wish they hadn't? Or perhaps they wish they had done something they didn't?