
Ehret & Haid London Botanical Illustrations

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  3. Botanical Prints - Ehret Plantae Selectae From oldimprints.com.
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    Men's blue adidas glide running shoes size You want millions of people all over the world to see what you're selling? You're in the right place. Snap some photos and write a great description. We'll help you price your item to sell.

    American Turk's-cap Lily | Ehret, Georg Dionysus | V&A Search the Collections

    Get paid quickly and safely. When your item sells, we make the payment process easy for you and the buyer. He met German pharmacist and botanist Johann Wilhelm Weinmann — and made nearly paintings for Weinmann's florilegium Phytanthoza Iconographia Regensburg, — , which contained 1, plates illustrating approximately 4, native and exotic flowers, fruits and vegetables cultivated in Germany. Ehret was commissioned by his life-time friend and benefactor, the Nuremberg physician, Christoph Jacob Trew — , who produced two of the most beautiful botanical color-plate works, Plantae Selectae Nuremburg, — and Hortus Nitidissimis — , both of which included several reproductions of Ehret's paintings.

    In Holland he met Carolus Linnaeus — and engraved a "tabella" for his new system of plant classification. Through Linnaeus, Ehret met the Dutch banker George Clifford — , who commissioned Ehret to illustrate the plants on his estate, and these were included in Linnaeus' Hortus Cliffortianus Amsterdam, Ehret moved to England in and enjoyed the patronage of the royal physician Richard Mead — , who commissioned him to make drawings for Transactions of the Royal Society.

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    Through his association with Hans Sloane — , founder of the British Museum, Ehret continued to receive commissions to illustrate botanical treatises and scientific journals. He made over paintings for the private collection of the Duchess of Portland, Margaret Cavendish Bentinck — , and was also much in demand as a teacher of flower painting.

    Ehret went to Leiden to meet Carolus Linnaeus and they became the best of friends. It is the Linnaen classification of plants to which Ehret subscribed. In distinguishing of the sexual systems of plants and the cross-sectioning of specimens, based on the teachings of Linnaeus, Ehret's illustrations have become the standard followed by horticulturists throughout the centuries.

    [LVL3] Wild Plants Watercolor Painting - Botanical Illustration

    Ehret is the only foreigner to be elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in England. The illustrations for Plantae Selectae were printed in black and white and painstaking colored by hand at the time of publication. The color is superb! All of the initial words of the titles were gilded; a glorious tribute to an achievement of excellence. Various scholars at the time of publication praised the book highly, singling out the excellent quality of Ehret's watercolor studies, as well as Haid's fidelity to them.