
Linda Goodmans Sun Signs: Capricorn (Linda Goodmans Sun Signs Set)

An rated it really liked it Oct 20, Neda rated it it was amazing Sep 18, Helene rated it liked it Mar 11, Diana marked it as to-read Feb 20, Sheila Blackman added it May 06, Anusha marked it as to-read May 05, Manasi Joshi added it Jul 01, Alshay Thawre marked it as to-read Oct 03, Kimberly Redditt marked it as to-read Jan 29, Vishal marked it as to-read Mar 06, Aarti Singh marked it as to-read Mar 10, Shruti Pandve marked it as to-read Mar 12, Camila marked it as to-read Jun 26, Retika marked it as to-read Jun 27, Josephine Schmidt marked it as to-read Aug 14, Alanna Opecko marked it as to-read Dec 14, Hema Gupta marked it as to-read Feb 02, Terri Heston marked it as to-read Mar 11, Summer Ward marked it as to-read Nov 08, Ella Movsisyan added it Dec 05, Sunandini marked it as to-read Jul 17, Jyoti marked it as to-read Sep 17, Monica Mojarro is currently reading it Dec 27, Silvi Neykova added it Feb 22, Amelia is currently reading it Apr 06, Nancy added it Aug 21, Jen is currently reading it Nov 28, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Each show consisted of Linda reading letters written between soldiers and their loved ones. Each letter was punctuated with a popular song of the day. While working in radio, she met her second husband, Sam O. I only did not like the part where she said Leos are boastful - we are not! We are just honest in pointing out our virtues.

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Jul 02, Kathy rated it really liked it Shelves: That is kind of a nostalgic tip of the hat four stars there, because I appreciate Linda's Aries nature and the way she threw open the doors for a generation of astrologers and people in search of a bit more insight than just that newspaper column promising a tall dark stranger on Tuesday. And the Alice in Wonderland framework of Sunsigns was cool, particularly to the children of the 60's, our long hair trailing, our embroidered gowns catching the light.

But this book was also the first one to mak That is kind of a nostalgic tip of the hat four stars there, because I appreciate Linda's Aries nature and the way she threw open the doors for a generation of astrologers and people in search of a bit more insight than just that newspaper column promising a tall dark stranger on Tuesday.

But this book was also the first one to make me realize that in all fairness yes, I'm a Libra by sunsign astrologers and writers on astrology should be required to give you their charts first. Or at least to admit to their biases. Aries Linda had trouble with the Libra people and didn't quite capture us in all our glory. It's a fun read, though, and a nice introduction to the art. Just don't take it too seriously, okay? Reading the Aquarius chapter was like reading erotica.

Linda Goodman has a good understanding of the main foundation of a person's chart: She makes it a point to remind the reader how the other signs in our charts can skew our "token" sun sign personality. I appreciated this about the description, even if reading about the "hardcore" version of every sign wasn't always fulfilling. She points out very specific and accurate details that might give a reader some insight about themselve Reading the Aquarius chapter was like reading erotica.

She points out very specific and accurate details that might give a reader some insight about themselves. However she also provides the reader with an easy understanding of the complicated aspects of other signs. I found this emotionally satisfying in terms of my own chapters. In terms of the chapters of others, I found it reassuring. Jul 24, Shikha Aggarwal rated it really liked it. Very true for us scorpions.

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Interesting even if you do not believe in them. Is an all time favourite. My dad was an astrologer and he got us to read this, hoping to get us hooked to this science I call it science, I have seen it work It sure got me hooked! Oct 19, Gabriela G rated it it was amazing. I loved this book. Suddenly this author has gotton me exited about a topic that i never fathomed would be very intresting. I have never taken any classes or took an intrest in astrology to read about it but reading Linda Goodman's writting and words she makes me feel like an expert.

You would never guess that you are learning about Sun Signs, in fact your having way to much fun to even realize your learning anything at all, she treats this "guide" like a regular book, making it fun, adding in si I loved this book. You would never guess that you are learning about Sun Signs, in fact your having way to much fun to even realize your learning anything at all, she treats this "guide" like a regular book, making it fun, adding in similies and metaphors, and in a way every chapter she intrudues a new character.

I was really intrested to learn about different sun signs because sun signs are what give most of us our characteristics and moods. So now I know more then just my birth date and sign, i know my moon moods, element, and characteristics or how people see me I was so exited to learn about asrology and now I want to know even more about it, so this book opened my eyes into a hobby that I would have never guessed i would be the least bit intrested in!

It's the hard cover published in I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to know what it means to be born during a specific time of the year. It read me like a book! Jul 26, Shanu rated it liked it. Jun 01, Adi Narayan Mandalemula rated it it was amazing. I didn't believe in Astrology until I bought this book. I just had to read the Aries the first sign chapter in the book and I knew then to my great delight that this book is genuine.

This book literally changed a large part of my life. I first went, a little bit, through her Love Signs book before taking the 'Sun signs' and buying it. I didn't care if Astrology is true when I picked up the Love signs book. I was just going through books in the store, so I just took this book and opened the Le I didn't believe in Astrology until I bought this book. I was just going through books in the store, so I just took this book and opened the Leo-Pisces chapter I'm a Pisces and I had a crush on a Leo girl. Once I read the first sentence may be even before that , I got hooked, and after a few paragraphs, I totally stopped judging this book.

I just went through it.

Linda Goodman's Sun Signs

But then, I came back to myself and couldn't believe what just happened - I was being foolish enough to take this stuff seriously. I just put back the book and never thought about it again for six months. And after six months approximately, I remembered that I read something about Leo and Pisces relationship being exactly the way it is described in that book. Now, what's that book? I didn't struggle much to remember it. And I didn't go to the shop straight away. Don't I have better things to do? Ok, after a few days, I made time for it and went to the shop.

I took the book and read the same three paragraphs again. I found the Sun signs book leaning beside it. Well, I just took the Sun signs book I know it came earlier, and that it is more basic than the Love signs , and bought it. Got back to my home, and read the chapter - Aries man there's an Aries man in my family.

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He almost always commands me around. Really frustrated with his always noisy dominating presence. But this book made me understand him try to get on well with him , and I found the traits absolutely correct. And also I found the narration witty. And the things very true. And since then I was following her with absolute devotion.

I am a big fan of Linda Goodman. And I consider her a Genius. Apr 28, Anie rated it really liked it. This book describes a lot regarding various sun signs in a very interesting way even if you do not want to believe it sometimes. It becomes very interesting when a person reads it and matches his or her qualities. It also defines the nature and characteristics of water, air and earth signs. As it was written a lot of years ago, things have changed greatly.

It is based on people belief on astrology. Some of the points that I found interesting were like: There is much more in it and most descriptions are surprisingly correct. There may be exceptions and different opinions but when I read and compared with the people, I found many of these qualities matching correctly.

May 25, Rummy rated it it was amazing. Don't believe in Sun Signs? This book's for you! This book is fantastic! My book is dog eared and falling apart - I've read it that many times. Its one of those astrology books that don't need you to fit yourself into the said characteristics. Sometimes we just don't get someone's behavior or their nature - this book clearly helps in that. Understanding that people are different and great in different ways. Linda Goodman's writing style is easy to read and holds your interest.

When Don't believe in Sun Signs? When you see the pages, full of long paragraphs, its easy to close the book because it looks boring. Start reading and you'll know why this book has been sought after so many years. Best of all, the characteristics of your sign DON'T have to fit you like a fingerprint. The book concludes with the fact that the stars only influence, not control your life. You can be who you want to be. While I have always liked Goodman's style, her books are rather dated keeping in mind that they were written decades ago and continually republished: Now it is expected that both spouses work, women can handle things independently, etc.

However, you will occasionally see the colour of dated perceptions. My favorite part s of this book? May 31, Aoi rated it really liked it Shelves: The book that started it all! An extremely fun and enjoyable recounting of the sun signs and their quirks. She has a great flair for narration, and when copied by astrologers today, comes across as stiff and unnatural.

A great book to read again and again. I was nodding and laughing at myself when the Sagittarius section came on.. Jan 23, Lenny Husen rated it it was amazing. This is the best Astrology book ever written. Not because it is any less bullshit than any other, but so elegant, fun to read, and amazingly well crafted. The descriptions are delightful of personalities that we all know. And I have to admit, my Sun Sign description, The Capricorn Woman, describes me perfectly, especially the part about how beautiful all Capricorn women are.

Ok so I only read my sign and those of the boys I was in love with at the time. But I read them multiple times! I say it counts. When I was in high school I thought this book was based on fact. May 05, Tapasya rated it it was amazing Shelves: Nov 17, Lodane rated it it was ok. The Star Review is the total of what I have to say about this book, specifically. This was the readily available faith in my household as a child.

A Snip-It from Linda Goodman's "The Woman from the High Mountain."

Additionally, I worked for a company in this field, , and had to read an ocean of this stuff to do my job. Like televangelists, and snake-oil salesman, these publishers prey on the The Star Review is the total of what I have to say about this book, specifically. Like televangelists, and snake-oil salesman, these publishers prey on the vulnerable. The authors are mentally ill: Worst of all, most of them can't write worth a damn. Llewellyn Worldwide is the absolute worst on both counts. These books are also big offenders on the the 'cultural appropriation' front.

In fact, they're in the running for worst case ever. So-called 'eclectic witches' steal aspects of other religions and mythology. They make it clear that they don't understand them, or feel the need to, before shitting in someone else's bed. The living Venn diagram of demographics for these books would look like this: She's a white, American woman. Growing up, her strict parents took her to church every Sunday. She kissed a girl 10 years ago, and likes Katy Perry. To quote Holden from Chasing Amy, "Over- or underweight [people] who don't get laid - they're our bread and butter.

They don't prime you to understand hermeticism. Hermeticism, by the way, is also total bullshit. It is, at least, historic -- and seminal in almost all spooky fiction involving rituals or alchemy. If I give one of these books anything above 2 stars, it's a decent example of this type of book.