
Intermission: A First Mothers Story

Fifth enterprise, which one critic acknowledged was once "as masterfully done as whatever within the background of the novel," could be defined easily because the lifetime of a schoolteacher named Dunstan Ramsay. Yes, I will go. When Rita finished telling her story, her mother burst into tears, but as always tried to hide her own sorrow.

What would Manfred say to all this, she moaned. In the first weeks, Manfred looked for signs of disappointment or weariness in her face. He enjoyed 29 they divided the sky 30 giving her things, a blouse that suited her, or showing her how she should wear her hair, and she followed him blindly in everything. But gradually he began to realize that she was as resolute about her goal of becoming a teacher as she had been about him.

Everything was possible, except that they lose each other. He was a tall, gaunt, dark-haired man who carried everything he needed with him in a large briefcase. She watched him with interest. He would spend the whole day on the road, sometimes calling to say where he was. So you, I feel like, still have fresh glasses on.

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What was it like while you were away? What was that part of it like? Those are great questions. It is interesting coming back. A readiness and openness. An ability to listen and notice that now I can bring to what comes next.

Do you know what I mean? And, I identify certain things that I would have been blind to before. But, before, I was just, I was a fish in the fishbowl. I sat on a beach! And with it comes a bit of, almost insecurity coming back. Like, do I have the traction that I had before? Do I have the insight that I had before? Do people know who I am? Why would I be feeling insecure? Is work giving me a sense of personal identity security? Are there other ways I can find identity and security in this world besides my work output? Did you feel that intensity while you were away? Or were you on pat leave with your four children in the beautiful hills of Kelowna, feeling some of this?

No, I was just present with family. How I can show up. What I can contribute to in ways that are meaningful. And when I see people doing a fantastic job of leading, and leaning into areas where otherwise I might have accidentally been blocking their contribution.

But now, new leaders are enabled by my absence, and that just creates an opportunity for a whole new level of game. And, what area we going to do with that? So there gets to be new things that is a push for having to find the next level of contribution. It just sounds like a really beautiful practice.

And, to imagine an organization that is accustomed to keeping in its collective consciousness, the possible contributions of everybody that is in its employ. And, no one can ever replace anyone else, in terms of what someone brings. But, in order to see what someone brings, you have to really see the person.

And then, to work in the right niche for you. How did you find doming back to Domain7 after your leave that ended in the fall? I was trying to think back now. I came back part-time. So I came back two days a week before full year was up, just to ease back in.

Intermission: A First Mother's Story by Betsey Norland

And, one of the things I benefited from, if I can say this without flattering. But with sincere appreciation, I worked very closely with you of course, and that you had held that space for me. So, we had a wonderful person come in and cover my mat leave. Just an amazing writer and researcher.

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And, she did an excellent job. But I felt like at every stage of my mat leave that I knew that I was waiting to be welcomed back, like that the team was waiting to welcome me back. And, that was very intentional on your part. Like a taking off. And that you yourself retain a bit of presence or engagement with your organization. And, it seems to be a way to just let that person return to being who they need to be, doing what they need to do, with full respect and acknowledgement that as they return, there will be that welcoming back into a present engagement.

And, I gotta say that, in terms of what makes successfully engaged employees. But what better way to grant that, than to let people have a good old, grown-up leave once in a while? Or, at least I felt that way. Well, I would identify with that. But, I wonder how this is going to all shake out, you know?

And to let things go a little bit in terms of knowing exactly what the roadmap is. So I think with my first leave, which was not with Domain7, but I was much more concerned about getting it right. Like about re-entering the workforce, and about how I was going to model this for my daughter, and how I needed to signal my commitment.

And I think with my second one, I just let go a little bit more. I am enjoying where I am at, but I am also experiencing this season of life. And I am going to experience it fully. And when the moment comes to return, we will meet that moment then. Noah is what made your heart melt. He was a good Christian boy. The son of missionaries. He had grand plans for going to London to hone his craft on stage. He just never expected to find Faith. And let me tell you, he will bring about a few tears. Faith is who this story is about. Through her, you get both parts--the good and the bad. The stressfulness of living with a mother like that.

The fact love is really at every turn. Dreams that want to be fulfilled. And maybe a love that will break your heart. She is a good, well rounded character. From sixteen to nineteen, she is solid.

Intermission: What taking a break can teach us about work

I never expected to experience so many emotions in one story that seemed simply a teen romance. There are so many levels within the story, it feels like every emotion has been touched along the way. It was a great surprise to find such depths here. I will say it wasn't a cliffie, but for a bit there, it was tense! The wads of tissues I had are proof. I just can't say if it was good or bad without ruining it for everyone. I can't leave this review without mentioning the act divisions. They were decorated with musical notes and the masks of drama.

And the fun of the image sometimes contrasted the drama of the story. Felt balanced and less stressful. I recommend this book. Just for the love story alone. The rest is just a bonus. Thank you NetGalley for the wonderful book! Nov 13, Becky rated it it was amazing Shelves: When I began reading Intermission, I expected a cute romance with a musical theatre backdrop. And that's what it is, in part. However, Intermission is surprisingly deep, dealing with abuse, finding God, and what it means to honor your parents.

I read Intermission on an airplane, and I had to fight back tears a couple of times, lest the people around me think me a basket case. Faith's relationship with her mother was particularly heartbreaking, and I found myself thanking God for the gift He gave When I began reading Intermission, I expected a cute romance with a musical theatre backdrop. Faith's relationship with her mother was particularly heartbreaking, and I found myself thanking God for the gift He gave me in my own mother, who bears not one iota of resemblance to Faith's.

As Faith's relationship with Noah progressed and her relationship with her mother eroded, I just wanted to grab Faith's mother and knock some sense into her. I know that women like her exist, but I don't have firsthand experience with them; I'm so glad I had a godly example of motherhood in my own life. The romance between Faith and Noah is sweet yet fraught with turmoil as they seek to honor God and Faith's parents.

They go through many trials, and I thought Chase handled the whole "Faith's parents are wrong, but they still are her parents" thing well. Intermission is a sweet, thought-provoking young adult romance. I absolutely loved it, and I can't wait to read more of Chase's work. Intermission contains instances of physical, emotional, and verbal abuse.

Nothing is ever graphic or sexual in nature, and I think it's perfectly appropriate for teens and older, but it may be a trigger for those who have suffered abuse. Disclosure of material connection: I received this book free from the author. I was not required to write a positive review, and the opinions expressed are my own. Dec 09, Ramisa sentrancedbookworm Chowdhury rated it liked it. Before starting Intermission, I checked it out in goodreads because I had never heard of Serena Chase nor had I read any of her books.

So, I thought of giving it a try. This is the story of Madeline Faith Prescott, who is artsy and a dreamer and completely opposite to her family. She meets Noah Spencer, someone who finally gets her, and they fall in love despite the little age difference. Her parents disapprove of the guy but Intermission is the story of how they conquer their love, in the midst Before starting Intermission, I checked it out in goodreads because I had never heard of Serena Chase nor had I read any of her books.

Her parents disapprove of the guy but Intermission is the story of how they conquer their love, in the midst of all the hurdles. The opening was a bit weird. The first few words were a little too jumbled up, almost as if the author was trying too hard sorry!! In fact, the first half of the book felt a little slow with Noah and Faith falling in love, her mother disapproving and everything.

It just felt like a sweet and cute romance. And then the drama unfolds. As the story proceeded, my hatred towards Faith's mother kept on increasing and increasing. I despised her, I hated her. I was so angry. How can a mother be like that? Her loser husband was a sorry excuse of a father. Her best friend was a lousy person. And I felt so hurt. For a teenager who wants to aspire and follow her dreams, but can't because your parents think they know everything, this book can be more than just a contemporary novel.

A cute and gushy contemporary read dissolves into a completely different plotline where hearts shatter, just not the way you think it will. This book is so deep and holds such a strong meaning and I want every teenager to read this. Intermission is a beautiful read You should definitely check this out. This book was beautiful, heartwrenching.

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I was utterly captivated. A sweet, innocent romance, an insanely unreasonable mother, and a very, very powerful story. It's honestly quite difficult to get my thoughts in order regarding Intermission. I may as well start with the characters. Madeleine Faith is incredibly strong, in a way that never makes you feel like she's contrived or unrealistic.

Her growing faith and the role it plays in what she goes through is very moving. Her strength of character t This book was beautiful, heartwrenching. Her strength of character throughout the persecution is unbelievable - believably unbelievable. Noah is every girl's dream, again, in an uncontrived manner. I believe both his and Madeleine's greatest strength as characters came from the fact that they both made mistakes in their relationship: Madeleine's mother was horrible. I found myself thinking that she must have had a streak of insanity, because she was unreasonably opposed to Madeleine and Noah's relationship.

That would be the flaw in her character - based on how she turned out in the end, it was a mite out of character. I was disappointed that Madeleine's dad didn't have more of a part to play. I feel that fathers are too often relegated to the sidelines. He barely appeared, and when he did he was weak, constantly giving in to his wife even in some of her worst moments. An undoubted favourite, and one I will revisit.

Be forewarned, it is quite a ride! But Intermission will leave you thinking hard. It explores some very hard questions - parental abuse, honouring your parents, and growing up in a permissive culture. Have the Kleenex box close by. Oct 05, Marylin rated it it was amazing Shelves: Ever since she was a young girl Faith has wanted to act and sing but her parents think this is a worthless endeavor.

This book will bring out lots of emotions in you. It will show you the ins and outs of acting on a stage and introduce you to the fun of being in a theater. It will also shows you a tender love of two young people who have many challenges against them. Chase has really touched on issues facing young people today. I received a copy of this wonderful book from the publisher to read in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I highly recommend this book to read…. Nov 11, Hallie Szott rated it it was amazing Shelves: This review is also posted on Book by Book.

A contemporary YA romance featuring musical references, sweet moments, and frustrating challenges, Intermission by Serena Chase offers readers a beautifully realistic coming-of-age story. The fast friendship that develops between Faith and Noah leads them down a road toward first love, faith in God, and dreams worthy of perseverance, amidst conflict, doubt, and injustice. Throughout Intermission, author Serena Chase addresses a host of serious and relevant issues with authenticity, sensitivity, and grace and appropriately lightens the mood with moments of humor.

Her storytelling surrounding Faith and Noah engages all the emotions, leaves readers with an uplifting message, and, perhaps, encourages an interest in showtunes.

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  5. Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung der Geburtenrate in Deutschland - eine kritische Beurteilung (German Edition).
  6. Intermission (film) - Wikipedia.

Many, many thanks to the author for providing me a copy of Intermission. I was not required to write a positive review, and all the opinions I have expressed are my own. Nov 11, Jennifer K rated it it was amazing. I had a hard time putting this book down. Serena Chase has written an engaging story with well developed characters.

She adds great Musical Theater references that even those who aren't immersed in Musical Theater will enjoy. The story involves a young woman discovering her voice while following her dream. The character faces a very difficult situation with her mother, but her faith helps her to make wise decisions. The story also involves a wonderful love story that any young woman could learn I had a hard time putting this book down. The story also involves a wonderful love story that any young woman could learn from the example.

The book does involve topics such as under-age drinking, pre-marital sex and abuse. These topics are handled carefully and are relevant to young adults today. I was given a copy of this book to review early and I hope she writes more about these characters. I recommend this book to young adults and their parents and to Musical Theater fans, you are going to love this book. Nov 18, Jordan rated it liked it.

Intermission made me rage. It made me angry, and sad, and full of righteous indignation for Faith. The most powerful and compelling aspect of this story is the subtle and systematic way that we dismiss and accept emotional abuse, especially if it is by a parent. What she subjects Faith to because she r Intermission made me rage. What she subjects Faith to because she refuses to believe her daughter despite literal proof is disgusting and mortifying. I mean, the emotions are strong in this story.

Intermission: A First Mother's Story by Betsey Norland

It totally consumed my thoughts. And that no one even tries to step in. It drove me insane. Nov 08, Carolyn rated it it was amazing Shelves: Intermission left me breathless in the best way. My internal book-rating system includes a heart-clench level, and this book made that level explode off of the charts. I had to fight off tears while reading in the waiting room of my daughter's ballet class. This beautifully-written, gut-wrenching story is not only a touching, tender, and chaste love story, but an examination of obedience, an exploration of faith, and God's magnificent plans for our lives - which may not follow our plans or our ti Intermission left me breathless in the best way.

This beautifully-written, gut-wrenching story is not only a touching, tender, and chaste love story, but an examination of obedience, an exploration of faith, and God's magnificent plans for our lives - which may not follow our plans or our timelines. The injustice Faith suffers will break your heart. Her growth both in virtue and courage will make you cheer. And God's tender mercy towards her and Noah will leave you with a song in your heart whether you're a musical theater buff or not. Feb 18, Theresa rated it it was amazing Shelves: A huge thanks to NetGalley and the publisher!

Plus, I really like the cover. Overall, this was a really enjoyable contemporary read. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a good love story! Check out my full review here: Nov 15, Jessica Laurie rated it it was amazing. This story is truly a love letter to those in the arts and also those with big dreams in any field who feel like their hopes are being strangled by the circumstances and people around them.

Sixteen-year-old Faith Prescott is a smart, talented young woman with a big dream of making it on Broadway someday. She's working hard on making that dream come true, but unfortunately, her family--a mix of athletes and doctors--just don't get it. Her mother is especially discouraging since her own sister's love of the arts led to her downfall. So when Faith meets Noah--another musical lover and Broadway hopeful--she finally has someone who understands her at a soul level. But, like any good stage drama, Faith and Noah's relationship is filled with obstacles--from an age difference to religion to her parents' disapproval to opportunities a continent away--that definitely make them star-crossed.

Intermission deals with gray areas in life with grace and heart-wrenching honesty. Noah is adorable, sweet, and wise, but I grew to love Faith as she transformed from girl to young woman through her emotional struggles. While this story is filled with drama, there's also a lot of fun, particularly with all the references to musicals, both classic and modern.

I would love to see Noah and Faith's story play out on stage. With plenty of showtunes of course! This is her first contemporary novel, and I think it's safe to say, she excels in both fantasy and contemporary. True romantics, coming-age enthusiasts, dreamers, and musical theatre peeps and fans, RISE UP, and check out this book, because this story was written for you. All opinions in this review are my own. Feb 06, Alissa Wied rated it it was amazing. I absolutely adored Intermission by Serena Chase.

This may be a YA novel that I was previewing for my daughters, but even though I'm 39, I absolutely loved it. It certainly brought me back to my theater days with all of it's show tune references.