
Phantom Menace or Looming Danger?

Phantom menace or looming danger? : a new framework for assessing bioweapons threats

She concludes with recommendations for analysts and policymakers to integrate sociopolitical analysis with data analysis, thereby making U. Students of security policy will find her innovative framework appealing, her writing style accessible, and the many illustrations helpful. These features also make Phantom Menace or Looming Danger?

Counterintelligence Theory and Practice. No Place to Hide: Surveillance State by Glenn Greenwald…. Bruce Schneier on Trust Set. Terrorism and Homeland Security. The Future of Violence. Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies. Understanding the Intelligence Cycle. National Defense Intelligence College Paper: Why Secret Intelligence Fails. Handbook of Intelligence Studies.

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Networks and Network Analysis for Defence and Security. Cyber-Security and Threat Politics.

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Phantom Menace or Looming Danger?

Spin Wars and Spy Games. Works of James Ford Rhodes. Bruce Lee Striking Thoughts.

  1. Chinas Political Economy in Modern Times: Changes and Economic Consequences, 1800-2000 (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia).
  2. Long Road Home--—The Trials and Tribulations of a Confederate Soldier.
  3. The Hare that Wouldnt Box.
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  6. Phantom Menace or Looming Danger?: A New Framework for Assessing Bioweapons Threats.

Power and Security in the Information Age. American Strategy in Vietnam. Harry G Summers Jr. The Great American University. Crimes of the Powerful. The Future of War. Intelligence and the National Security Strategist. Women and the Art of War. Routledge Handbook of Media, Conflict and Security. Colonel George Bruce Malleson. Surveillance as Social Sorting. Homeland Security and Criminal Justice.

Mastering the Samurai Sword. Unconventional Weapons and International Terrorism. Government Contractors and Human Trafficking. Intelligence Elites and Public Accountability. An Encyclopedia of Battles. Vogel argues for a major shift in how analysts assess bioweapons threats. She calls for an increased focus on the social and political context in which technological threats are developed. Vogel uses case studies to illustrate her theory: Soviet anthrax weapons development, the Iraqi mobile bioweapons labs, and two synthetic genomic experiments.

She concludes with recommendations for analysts and policymakers to integrate sociopolitical analysis with data analysis, thereby making U. Students of security policy will find her innovative framework appealing, her writing style accessible, and the many illustrations helpful. These features also make Phantom Menace or Looming Danger? Vogel is an associate professor in the department of science and technology studies and at the Judith Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, Cornell University.

Focusing on potential threats, Vogel shows in engaging historical detail that technical problems are inherently social.

She has made an important scholarly contribution to science and technology studies and to studies of intelligence. At the same time, she speaks directly to the policy world.