
Crazy Coed Summer: The Beginning (Book 1)

An adorable and fresh coming of age tale. A sweet treat of a read! And so begins this memoir that spans one summer in a girl's life. I didn't think much about the question when I started reading, but soon as I was done, I spent some time wondering which summer I would write about. At 26, there are only that many summers for me to remember, of which, of course, I barely remember the first The jury is still out on this. Summer at Tiffany is the story of Marjorie Jacobson and her best friend Martha Garrett Marty Do you remember the best summer of your life?

Summer at Tiffany is the story of Marjorie Jacobson and her best friend Martha Garrett Marty , during the summer of As luck would have it, they do not get the job. But at the end of their day-long struggle for jobs, and at the edge of desperation, they walk into the Tiffany store. Their smartness and their connection to one important person land them their job, making them the first ever women to work on the sales floor. I love books with women characters who beat the odds stacked against them. I couldn't help but cheer along with Marjorie and Marty as they were recruited by Tiffany. I was also outraged when they were paid a really meager salary with which they would struggle to pay the rent, much less build any savings.

Marjorie and Marty were definitely two daring girls! They took risks, partied and had fun. They were the envy of their girlfriends and they went to midshipmen parties, where they found their dates. They also came across various eminent figures, and were present at several historically important events - General Eisenhower's parade, President Truman's announcement on the big screen in Times Square that the Japanese have surrendered, and of course, there is a mention of where part of the atom bomb was made.

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This book was quite hilarious, such as - when Marjorie asks the elevator boy with a Bronx accent for the name of a handsome salesman, and in the process ends up pronouncing his name wrong; when Marjorie orders a "vodka daiquiri with a twist" having only once heard a lady order the same in a train; when a whole box of bouncing marbles escape in an elevator and Marjorie keeps pressing the Top and Ground buttons, praying that no one will see her while she strives to put all the marbles into the box. Marjorie writes in such a lively style that I never wanted to set the book down.

Though at times, I found it slightly repetitive and predictable, I was able to still escape into the book. Summer at Tiffany captures the life of New York very well. Imagine a city that was even then, as much any person's dream as it is today!

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The buzzing and teeming night life, the danger that rakes certain areas especially at nights, the very high rents making space a premium in NYC, the many celebrities that are a fixture at parties and prominent places day in, day out. Even though it is , even though there is a war that has not yet ended, and even in spite of the almost-missing eligible bachelor species, I could still feel the magic of the place and get a sense of the immensely crowded place.

I tried to think of cover girl Jinx Falkenburg's fashion model tips, but only remembered one: Lift your chin above the horizon. I could practice that on the way to the subway. I enjoyed this book so much that it pulled me out of my reading rut. On a basic level, this book is about Marjorie's best summer. But at a higher level, it is so much more than that. It is about looking at your own past and remembering all the people who made that summer wonderful, it is about locating some or most of those people and reconnecting with them all over.

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How do you write a boyfriend you haven't seen for sixty years? This book is about how, many years later, you won't be reminiscing about your career or education in specific, but rather how wonderful that journey has been for you. Even now as I look at my own busy life, I know that all this will not matter years later. I admire books like these which can totally change my way of thinking.

Aug 03, Lydia Presley rated it really liked it Shelves: I don't know about you - but when I think memoir I think of some of the more depressing stories I've read; stories of abuse and abandonment. I don't know when Memoir became synonymous with those subjects in my head but thank goodness Marjorie Hart was there this week to show me how different memoirs can be.

This book was one of the most pleasant, most nostalgic memoirs I've read. It almost felt like fiction in spots so fantastic were the names and the places being seen. Tiffany has always been a m I don't know about you - but when I think memoir I think of some of the more depressing stories I've read; stories of abuse and abandonment.

Tiffany has always been a magical name to me, I mean, what girl doesn't love at least looking at sparkling diamonds or watching Audrey Hepburn on the screen as she emerges from a taxi in front of the famous store. I loved getting an "inside" look at what was like in the 40's during wartime for these girls who made a place for women working in the established store.

Although there wasn't as much store talk as I had hoped there would be, I still wasn't disappointed. Marjorie has some amazing memories and brought goosebumps to my arms more than once as she described the scenes she was seeing in New York at the time of the Japanese surrender. Overall the book was a very light, perfect summer memoir to read and I highly recommend it if you are looking for that perfect story to read on the beach. First off, let me say that this book lived up to every expectation I had when I first bought it impulsively at a local bookstore.

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I am a huge Audrey Hepburn fan and love anything vintage. This book is so artistically appealing that everyone should be enticed to pick up a copy. I love the Tiffany blue on the cover and the historic Tiffany building in the background. I really don't want to say much about this book for fear of giving away the storyline. Her writing style truly captures the era of the time period and I love reading about all the celebrities she saw during her time as a page at the store. During it all she discovers more about herself and her friends who are all living in the Big Apple. Go out and buy or check out this book now.

It's a must read for anyone who wants to take a trip back in time to the hustle and bustle of NYC and see it all through the eyes of a small town girl. Jul 09, Lindsay Hall rated it it was amazing. I can't remember the last time I stayed up all night devouring a book in one sitting like I just did with this one. It took me back in time to and gave me as close a look as I've ever had into what my grandma's young life must have been like.

To a sorority girl from the Midwest, a summer job at a fancy store in NYC must have felt the height of glamour, fashion and fun. BUT in a weird and striking contrast , life also came with hardships as they made the most of what they had during WWII, an I can't remember the last time I stayed up all night devouring a book in one sitting like I just did with this one.

BUT in a weird and striking contrast , life also came with hardships as they made the most of what they had during WWII, and experienced the joys, tears and historic moments that came with its end. This book takes the reader through it all from a front-row seat. Feb 07, Kerry rated it really liked it Shelves: This was a charming light read. A perfect little postcard of a young woman's adventures in New York City during the summer of It was sweet and fun.

Not very deep, but heartfelt. Oct 22, Carolyn rated it liked it Shelves: Happy, superficial and short though it could have been even shorter. This is more what your elderly neighbor would tell you about her exploits in nyc as a college girl at the end of WW2. I happened to watch a few movies from the 40s and 50s while reading this, and that made it more fun, so I recommend that as a way to give the story a little more depth. I also find stories like this with very little drama good for when my life has enough drama of its own.

Jun 03, Gwen rated it liked it. Marjorie Hart has detailed in this memoir her experiences of her and her girlfriend, Marty Garrett, being the first female pages at Tiffany in New York City during the summer of Marjorie and Marty were born and raised in Iowa and during their summer break from college, they decided to go to New York and find summer jobs and have some excitement during the final year of World War II.

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  6. It was definitely a simpler time, which is ironic when you think that there was a world war going on. Jul 12, Lisa Mcbroom rated it really liked it Shelves: What a delightful story!!! I love NYC and if money were no object I would live there in a heartbeat. This memoir is set during World War 2.

    Looking for a jobs, because of the shortage of men in the work force they become interns at Tiffanys. Jun 27, Tara rated it really liked it. Aug 12, Colleen Mcbroom rated it it was amazing. I loved every moment of this book! I read this for my book club and it was the perfect light summer read. So sweet and charming. Marjorie Hart writes a beautiful, heart-warming and witty memoir that will take the reader back in time to Manhattan and the unforgettable summer experienced by two college students working their dream job at Tiffany's for the summer.

    Hart's novel is beautifully written, richly vivid in imagery, vibrant characters and the lure o From My Blog Hart's novel is beautifully written, richly vivid in imagery, vibrant characters and the lure of a large city on two young wealthy college students, Marge and Marty. They both were planning on attending summer school in Des Moines, Iowa when a penny postcard arrives for Marge, a fellow Kappa Sorority sister, inviting them to Manhattan for the summer. Summer at Tiffany is so rich in detail the reader will feel as though they are on 5th Avenue and seeing all the sites, hearing the sounds, and living the New York life with the characters.

    Through the use of near lyrical prose the reader is brought back in time to when women were, in every sense of the word, innocent and feminine. WWII is coming to an end and life is looking up, however, considering the year, Hart weaves in wonderful, first hand historical information. The characters are delightful and one cannot help but enjoy the antics and adventures with the girls in Manhattan. I have not read such a delightful memoir in quite some time and as summer approaches I strongly recommend picking up a copy of Summer at Tiffany.

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