
The Unholy Trinity

He believes there is a true battle going on, and it's spiritual battle. He sees the assaults on life abortion and euthanasia , marriage and family feminism and homosexual rights , and gender transgenderism as being at I have been a fan for Matt Walsh for a long time, so it's no surprise I love his book. He sees the assaults on life abortion and euthanasia , marriage and family feminism and homosexual rights , and gender transgenderism as being attacks on the sovereignty of God by Satan. He stands for Biblical truth in a society saturated with lies and distortions.

Since God created man in His own image, all life--born and unborn, able and disabled, young and old--has intrinsic value and dignity. God created marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and the family unit should consist of married parents caring for children. Homosexual marriage cannot exist because anything other than what God created is not marriage. When God created Adam and Eve, He created male and female--two distinct genders with different roles and attributes.

Neither is superior or inferior to the other, but they are complementary. Gender is binary--you are either male or female; no one can decide that his or her gender is different from his or her biological sex. Abortion, homosexual marriage, and transgenderism are the unholy trinity in the title. The church has become complacent and failed to stand for truth.

Those of us who still believe in God's sovereignty and absolute truth "should be honored that God chose us to be here, under these conditions, at this point in history, in the middle of a desert, surrounded by the enemy. Fighting against odds that seem hopeless, and may very well be.

At least in the short term.

What is the unholy trinity in the end times?

We should live as sore thumbs, sticking out from a mile away, and we should take joy in the fact that our culture will treat us like freaks and monsters. Every insult, every accusation, every finger pointed at us is a signpost on a lonely road, letting us know we're headed in the right direction. Whatever hardships we face for the sake of our faith should be considered pure joy, as the Book of James says. Or I should say God wins. Ultimately, when the story of everything is told, the side of Truth will vanquish the side of Evil, and all who fought the good fight will be rewarded for their faith and courage.

The usual crazies who think Sharia law is coming, but cannot define it. My smart, educated, intelletual liberal friends who knew I needed a good laugh. I ran out of shelves to describe this awful screed, and refuse to create more shelves just for a book the likes of which I hope never to see again. I have never heard of the author because I don't read The Blaze or visit right wing crazies web sites. But a friend whose opinion I respect reviewed this book, and I couldn't resist having a look to see if indeed it was truly that bad.

I cannot fathom the deplorable and intellectually deprived mentality that could read and agree with any book wi I ran out of shelves to describe this awful screed, and refuse to create more shelves just for a book the likes of which I hope never to see again. I cannot fathom the deplorable and intellectually deprived mentality that could read and agree with any book with an opening sentence that states "The first liberal was Lucifer," and "in his pitiful kingdom of darkness Of course, it gets worse, much worse, as this author, blinded by his unfortunate co-opting and pitiful distortion of what he thinks is Catholic theology, sinks deeper and deeper into an intellectual, political, and religious morass as he heaps hyperbole upon hyperbole until the entire mess is eminently risible, and an insult to folks with IQs in the triple digits.

I would excoriate equally any book that began in this way and continued down not a slippery slope but a veritable landslide of mud and morally bereft blathering, all the while pronouncing with pompous and unbridled hubris that conservative political and religious ideology began with the Prince of Darkness and continued on to link Ronald Reagan with Lucifer. I would say, and rightly so, that such a book had no worth beyond appealing to the warped and closed minds of the liberal establishment.

They think, apparently, that this book provides them the perfect road map to that end, as well as giving them a plethora of cogent arguments to fling in the faces of evil, satanic liberals who clearly do not know God. I believe that Pope Francis would not like the hateful, bigoted, narrow-minded, and utterly inane positions contained in this awful book from the first sentence to the last.

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I know, however, that the Holy Father would pray for the misguided fool who wrote it. View all 3 comments. Apr 13, Andrianna rated it did not like it. I picked this up knowing it was going to be bad - I'm familiar with Matt Walsh's writings through Facebook, and I'm not a fan. Circular arguments, slippery slope fallacies he even acknowledges that he's doing this, but says his argument isn't actually a slippery slope fallacy because his opinion is correct , and an infallible belief in his own superiority make this book some of the w Garbage.

Circular arguments, slippery slope fallacies he even acknowledges that he's doing this, but says his argument isn't actually a slippery slope fallacy because his opinion is correct , and an infallible belief in his own superiority make this book some of the worst writing Matt Walsh has produced so far that I've seen, at least.

We are both members of a traditional Christian church, we both believe that parents should lovingly guide their children which sometimes entails saying no or correcting behaviors , and we both believe that marriage is more than just being in love. But those few commonalities aren't enough to make me enjoy the rest of the nonsense that spews from this man's brain.

Mar 31, Andy Rectenwald rated it really liked it Recommended to Andy by: One of the best parts of this book is that it doesn't forsake good writing for easy reading. Matt tackles difficult issues with ease and his argumentation flows from each chapter to the next. Those who usually agree with Matt should read this book. It will give you new insights into these issues and cause you to evaluate how you think. Those who disagree with Matt should read this book.

You may hate what he stands for, but if you care about the issues, you need to engage with his arguments. The onl One of the best parts of this book is that it doesn't forsake good writing for easy reading. Many of the statistics, claims, studies, etc. As someone who likes to go to the source, that was slightly frustrating. May 09, Ryan Seamons rated it it was amazing. Anyone with a liberal outlook will hate it. Matt Walsh is uber conservative.

While there are times I think Matt cherry picks examples, for the most part his arguments are well thought through and defended. Much of the argument comes back to whether or not you believe in God. If you do believe in God, then much of what Matt talks about will make a lot of sense and align with how you vie Polarizing book. If you do believe in God, then much of what Matt talks about will make a lot of sense and align with how you view the world. If you don't believe in God, then you'll disagree with many things Matt says.

For those wanting to be better defenders of the values that made our country what it is today, this is for you. Everything leftists hold dear is systematically dismantled with logic and in depth studies, as Walsh does better than almost anyone else out there. This was truly a pleasure to read and is now part of my arsenal against liberal untruths. Apr 07, Kara rated it it was amazing. May 05, Jay Voyles rated it it was amazing Shelves: I've been a fan of Matt Walsh for years when I first read a blog post written by him about homeschooling.

It was one of the best defenses of homeschooling ever against the ridiculous argument about homeschoolers not being socialized. He is one of the best writers today and probably the only blogger worth following. He is also the only millennial that gives me hope for my generation. The funny thing about him is that he is famous for saying things and seeing things as they are.

Unholy Trinity

The world that we I've been a fan of Matt Walsh for years when I first read a blog post written by him about homeschooling. The world that we live in on the other hand does not see things as they are. This book is about this. Walsh's writing style is no nonsense, direct and clear. It is also thoughtful, witty and full of common sense. He has been criticized as being a harsh pessimist in general and about the culture.

He is right about the culture. It is a culture that is sick with sin and yet, as Peter Kreeft points out, doesn't believe in sin. Although I don't know him personally, I do not see him as a pessimist. If he were a pessimist, he wouldn't have written this book. He would have instead done what he criticizes conservatives of doing, which is waving the white flag and surrendering.

I see him as a frustrated idealist and a realist. I may be wrong about him being an idealist. But he certainly is what us "social conservatives" whatever that means are, frustrated with the insanity of the culture today. Yet the last and best chapter of this book, hopefully gives us encouragement towards uniting conservatives under the same principles and to objective truth. Not my truth or your truth or their truth, but the truth.

Which naturally leads towards union with God. The chapter reminds me of the scene in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers movie when Frodo and Sam are exhausted and ready to give up. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why.

But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. They kept going because they were holding on to something. Everything is this book is solid gold. The only criticism that I have is I think divorce should have been written about more. Specifically no fault divorce and the effect that it has had on families and the culture. It is the key culprit in the destruction of marriage in this country. One of my favorite blog posts of his, is the one where he thanks his parents for staying married.

I do the same for my parents and I hope my six younger siblings will as well. We're blessed to be in the minority of children whose parents have been married for 10, 20, 30 years or more. Aside from the book, other criticisms include his views on turkey bacon, which disgusts me.

The Unholy Trinity Tour: Part 1 of 3 - Matt Dillahunty

Turkey bacon is far more satisfying than regular bacon. Last year on Twitter, he put his list of the top 3 Christmas movies of all time, and number 3 is The Santa Clause 3. I wonder where Mr. Walsh will go now that the book has been published. Will he take his arguments and fictionalized them as C. Lewis knew what his latter-day foe Philip Pullman also knows; that "once upon a time" is a far more effective way of influencing your readers than "thou shalt not". Walsh can write fiction is up to him. He does, in general, have a fine taste of movies and literature.

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  • It is yet another thing I like about him, since I am a cinephile and lover of good literature. Some of the best acting I've ever seen. Because when I first started watching his videos on his Facebook page and on his YouTube channel, I thought it was real.

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    Because he's so convincing and never breaks character. The videos are excellent satire and Matt is probably the ultimate king of sarcasm. I hope he continues making them. Lord knows we all need a laugh. May 17, Hennessey rated it it was amazing. One of the most woke books I've ever read. Apr 03, Aimee Johnson rated it it was amazing Shelves: A great book by Matt Walsh with well thought ideas and discussions for every day societal misconceptions.

    Although everything written stems from common sense, it's a sad state of affairs that makes truth necessary to exclaim. The unholy trinity, as written in this book, are made up of American society's skewed versions or perhaps, aversions to life, marriage, and gender. Of course conservatives should read the book but liberals too, especially those giving it one star without dishing out the m A great book by Matt Walsh with well thought ideas and discussions for every day societal misconceptions. Of course conservatives should read the book but liberals too, especially those giving it one star without dishing out the money and reading the first sentence.

    Apr 13, Kelly Staten rated it really liked it. I've been following Matt Walsh for a couple of years now. He's a very smart, talented writer who is not without controversy as sometimes his views skew extremely conservative. Most of the time though, he is spot on with his take on what's happening in today's culture. I don't always agree with his point of view and this book is no exception.

    Everything is applied with a Christian viewpoint which is exactly how we as Christians should live in society but it can't totally be applied to government I've been following Matt Walsh for a couple of years now. Also, there are studies and statistics mentioned throughout but no bibliography?

    I think that was a grave oversight because opinion is fine but when you quote stats and studies you need to attribute them in the back so readers can cross check your sources. Good first effort but probably won't win over readers who aren't already fans of his work. Post-Christian America Solid read for the remaining and dwindling faithful living in a post-Christian and post-constitutional culture. Aside from revival in the church and an awakening in the country, the rejection of natural law, truth, and the resulting turmoil will only grow. Mar 30, Rachel rated it did not like it Shelves: May 11, Morgan Murdick rated it it was amazing Shelves: In the Unholy Trinity, Matt Walsh lays out the three defining pillars of society, life, marriage, and gender and the Left's assault on them.

    The left has redefined life as the most innocent and vulnerable members of our nation are killed off to the tune of over 50 million since Roe v. They've attempted to redefined the sacrament of marriage by removing the foundation of the procreative unity between husband and wife, man and woman. A man and a man or a woman and a woman will never create In the Unholy Trinity, Matt Walsh lays out the three defining pillars of society, life, marriage, and gender and the Left's assault on them.

    A man and a man or a woman and a woman will never create the life-giving bond of a husband and wife. Their redefinition of gender with the "transgender" movement has destroyed true womanhood and true manhood; everything unique and beautiful about men and women's differences is being crushed into the dust of transgenderism. Matt Walsh shouts the truth to our nation that has gone deaf to what is good and true and right. Any nation that believes it is their choice to choose who can live and die, whether through abortion or euthanasia, cannot last.

    Without the bedrock of marriage nations will collapse. Trying to equalize or create equality between man and woman will destroy true femininity, true masculinty. Now before any feminists out there rip into me for mentioning equality between men and women, let me stop you now. Men and women will never be equal. Do men have wombs? Can they carry life within them? Can men do everything women can do? Can women do everything men do? The answer is No. And that is the beauty of it. In fact, I also recommend it to those most in need of said wake up call.

    May 10, Justin rated it liked it. For a first book I think this was a good book. I see Matt Walsh becoming wiser and more tactful as he no doubt will come out with more books down the line. Right now I believe he's a much better blogger than a writer. But I think younger people will click better with this book. Nonetheless Matt Walsh is such an important voice in our time. He's hated by so many because he tells the truth.

    We should follow that example. My big problem with this book is that it really only told us what we've read For a first book I think this was a good book. My big problem with this book is that it really only told us what we've read in many other places. This culture is in complete rebellion against God. Against truth and here's why. What it lacks and what we in the trenches need is something more, something to show us how to negotiate the obstacles. The only book right now offering a strategy is the "Benedict Option" which to me is not an option at all.

    The faithful remnant, the ones actually passionate about God's truth are in desperate need for our leaders to help guide us rather than just tell us what we already know about the culture. We need to know how to handle the workplace, the market place, prepare our kids, etc etc etc.

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    Good things we're said in this book, but little strategy is offered. Print on the front, this is a first t-shirt in our store made with a special 3D screen print. This ensures the print is extremely durable and gets a special, unique 3d effect thickness. This is not an expanding paint. The t-shirt is of Premium Quality, it has been made in Poland especially for Behemoth and its quality and durability is far much better than most of the other t-shirts present on the market.

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