
The Single Fathers Guide To Life, Cooking and Baseball

If destiny offers me a crossroads, I pick a direction and go. I've never regretted my choices and have made the best of every decision I've made. Field's wife succumbed to cancer a few months after the birth of their son, the third child of a peripatetic family who followed and adjusted to the career choices of the father - Matthew Field.

Left as a single parent of an infant son and two growing daughters he developed a sense of what is important in raising a family and - more poignant to this book - how to make the experience of a single parent an enriching variation of the traditional family existence. And the manner in which he incorporates these rules into his writing about making a happy family is to include the messages in the midst of the recipes foe easy to prepare but nutritious meals complete with ingredients, how to cook the meal, and color photographs that show the finished product or how it is supposed to look!

Field has created, then, a well-designed Mia Kurahara , graphically sophisticated, well-photographed Kathie Austin Photography , well-illustrated by William Heatley and sincerely written with a taste of humor self help book for single fathers on parenting, on camaraderie support of the grieving father, and on cooking - with a keen eye and welcome emphasis on fine nutritional advice. This is fun book, an instructional and supportive book, a must buy for single dads, and an all around example of fine reading for the general public.

Aimee rated it it was amazing Aug 11, Frank Lowell rated it it was amazing Mar 11, Steven rated it really liked it May 16, Durling Heath marked it as to-read May 29, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Books by Matthew S. Trivia About The Single Father No trivia or quizzes yet. You slide down and put her mouth on her. You glance up and look into her eyes. Eyes locked, in your field of vision you notice two, nearly identical scars about three inches in length, one just under each of her breasts.

You would have continued indefinitely, but she has to get her son from preschool. She looks down at you in disbelief and an unexpected understanding. She seems to realize it, too. The following week, she starts to spend the mornings, during which her four-year-old son is at preschool, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and her other three are at their respective schools, in your bed. You make raspberry tea and have it ready for her every day before she arrives. From the start, you make love to her and she makes love to you with a passion, an intensity, and a familiarity that most people never achieve.

The beautiful rut you create in your bed includes some variety of patient, but intensely satisfying mutual release; followed by conversation; followed by patient, but another intensely satisfying, mutual release; followed by making the bed and getting dressed. During one naked conversation, she tells you, when she was three years old, her father left her mother. She tells you that she fears abandonment, which is probably the reason she wordlessly consented to the two decade codependent relationship with the father of her children.

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You tell her in excruciating detail the story of how you lost your wife. She adores you for it. Somehow, though, her brand of lunacy is okay with you. The internal struggle manifests in peculiar ways. She fosters a jealousy uncommon in the animal world. Although perhaps not as profound inasmuch as you have some perspective, your fear of loss originates from the death of your wife. For you, anyway, the relevance of the practical loss of a spouse, considering your responsibility for three children, is at least as great as the void created by the removal of a loving and emotionally supportive partner.

Your kind of crazy. There's just stuff people do. I hope you have enjoyed the preview of my short fiction, Second Person: My daughters lost their mother to cancer when they were seven and four-years-old, respectively. In fact, real monsters are people. They look just like everyone else. Monsters do horrible things. Only the monster is. One more think is certain. Children grow up fast enough.

I Can Prove It Dating sucks. I hadn't expected to be dating after I married my wife 26 years ago. Fate has its own plan for us and there isn't much we can do about it. This brings me to real life case of dating sucks. I met Jess on Bumble.

I've actually met a number of remarkable ladies using dating apps and services, but no, I haven't met Miss Ms. Jess and I met for dinner one evening. She looked in person the way she looked in her pictures and the two of us had fun eating tacos and talking. After dinner, we took a nice, moonlight walk. We both must have thought that the first date was pretty good or, perhaps, it was the tacos, but we decided to have a second date. Soon after the taco night, we went "antiquing" and had a nice lunch.

However, the potential I thought we had after the first date waned during the second. We didn't have a third, at least for a while. A few months later after continuing to exchange occasional, playful text messages, Jess and I decided to have dinner again. I thought, perhaps, I was too hasty in my decision to step back. Near the end of dinner, Jess asked, "So, do you want to get together again? I enjoyed dinner, but I realized that Jess and I weren't really right for each other. Here's what honesty got me. She wasn't done, though. Still, not quite ready to move on. Yes, finally, she was.

Recently, one of my PFFs, an accomplished and attractive professional woman, started using an on-line dating service. You can learn a lot about a person when you listen. The day after the date, my PFF told me about her evening. Her date took her to one of the nicer local restaurants, which she appreciated.

She described him as a very interesting guy who works a fascinating job and millions of people regularly see his work. The guy could not stop talking about himself.

The Single Father's Guide to Life, Cooking and Baseball

He talked about his Harley-Davidson. He talked about his house and swimming pool. He talked about his BMW.


He talked about Bayliner. According to the author of the book, His Needs, Her Needs: Building of an Affair Proof Marriage , Willard Harley suggests, for most women, communication is the most important part of a romantic relationship. Ladies like to be heard. Always, but particularly on a first date, listen to the lady sitting across the table from you. Look into her eyes. Acknowledge that you hear her and understand. You know, about all that crowing about your bike or zip code or your car or your boat. What is he compensating for?

So, guys, you know about empty barrels, right? Even a fly knows that much. My fellow, single father brothers, if you're responsible for cooking for you and your children and you don't have a crock-pot, get one.

The Single Father's Guide to Life, Cooking and Baseball by Matthew S. Field

Cooking in a crock-pot is one of the easiest and most economical ways to help create a healthy diet for you and your children. From the standpoint of cost-effectiveness, wait until you find a protein that's on-sale at your grocer's meat department or at your local butcher. Grab a pork shoulder or beef rump roast and, if the price is really right, grab a few.

Stick them in the freezer for when you need a quick, easy solution for a healthy. Now, let's assume it's a busy holiday season Saturday. One of your kids had been invited to a birthday party, another has basketball practice, and the third has a dance recital. Given this very realistic scenario, you don't really have time to cook when you get home and the other option is fast food.

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Grab one of those pork roasts from your freezer the night before the crazy day and let it defrost overnight. The next morning before you leave for the day, dice a couple of onions, an apple, a potato, and anything else you may have in your fridge. Toss all of that, the roast, and seasoning into your crock-pot and let it cook on high. It, literally, only takes about five minutes to make. When you get home ten hours later, well, your fairly healthy, balanced meal is ready and waiting for you.

Here's a quick breakdown of my recent crock-pot creation: Add ingredients to crock-pot. Cook on "high" setting for ten hours. Dinner is ready when you get home. However, it's easy, healthy, and functional. Click and shop using our affiliates and advertisers: Tuesday, October 23, Second Person: Only a tiny fraction of people could possibly appreciate the kind of weekend you had. You realize the woman in the black sweats is asking the question. Your eyes move down again. You look up again, realizing the statement is directed at you.

You swallow the last of your coffee. Not even one paragraph.