
Catching Stardust (Falling Stars Book 1)

I would have been furious and you would have felt that in my actions and thoughts. Maia was mad but the way it was written, I had a hard time believing it. Maia is the eldest sister of Pleiades and the object of Orion's obsession. Orion has plans for her. So she loses her place among the stars and ends up on Earth for an unexpected visit. Her father, Atlas, and Zeus decide it is the safest place for her. They cut off all contact so she is unable to call home. On her first night there she meets Zander who is an astronautics scientist and is instantly drawn to him.

Catching Stardust: A Comprehensive Exploration of Comets and Asteroids

She fights her attraction to him but at times not well. He finds her intriguing and she shares an interest in the stars. Zander knows he has met someone special. Of course the truth, of who Maia is, comes out and when he finds out the truth, he refuses to allow Jude to turn her into a science study. When Orion teams up with Jude, the chase is on as Maia and Zander make a run for it. This book was not one of my favorites. I had a hard time getting into the characters.

Catch a Falling Star

The plot was interesting but I felt that the author could have added more depth to the characters. It was too full of fluff for me.

Catching Stardust

Many of you may enjoy it, but I only give it 2 out of 5 books. I bought this ebook as it looked like an interesting read.

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Catching Stardust is exactly the sassy good story I thought it would be. The chemistry between the two main characters was amazing.

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And I liked that they did not immediately fall into bed together, but stayed true to the storyline and their personalities. That's not to say it wasn't smoking from when they met, it was. I loved the idea of 'stars' being from another planet. The plot was well thought out. For example the author lets the reader know about the protagonist early on and not as a surprise in the last fifty pages as I have read in other books. I was drawn to the characters and though the ending was satisfying, I found myself wanting to know more, which is fitting since this is Volume One.

This was a fun sexy read and I would recommend this ebook.

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I was a little skeptical at first but intrigued with a love story that crossed universes. Who would believe a sister star of Pleiades would fall out of the sky landing in Central Park and cross paths with an astronomical engineer. I was quickly drawn into this fast paced story and soon forgot that Maia and Zander were anything but two people falling in love with a few extra hurdles to overcome.

Namely,Orion hunting her down and her true identity being discovered on earth. What I loved about the book was how the author weaves Greek mythology about Maia and the Pleiades into the story. It makes the story very entertaining and adds adventure to their romance. Maia is strong willed, sassy and funny. The story is unpredictable and has a few twists and turns that will keep you turning the pages until you find out how it ends.

And off he goes. Together, they make their way back to the wall. This story could have veered into the unbearably twee, but somehow it stayed the course. But where Gaiman truly succeeds is in making that world only a setting. As our heroes escape mythical beasts and malevolent ghosts, my focus remained soley on them.

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As much as I liked the world, I was more curious about Tristran and Yvaine. I loved living in this book. Of course, fairy tales have to have a happy ending, and this one is no different. Your email address will not be published. If you are a human, do not fill in this field. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.