
Ploughshares Fall 1992 Guest-Edited by Tobias Wolff

Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Ploughshares Fall by Tobias Wolff. Mona Simpson Goodreads Author. Dan Chaon Goodreads Author. Susan Hubbard Goodreads Author. Jessica Treadway Goodreads Author. Susan Power Goodreads Author. The Fall issue of Ploughshares, guest edited by Tobias Wolff. Ploughshares, a journal of new writing, is guest edited serially by prominent writers who explore different and personal visions, aesthetics, and literary circles.

In Wolff's introduction to the issue, he says, "It goes without saying that another editor would have put together, from the same available manuscripts, a different issue. Since she has been a poet-in-residence and director of Creative Writing Brandeis University in Boston. Joshua Kryah was born and raised in St. He is the author of We Are Starved and Glean Reception and book signing will follow.

The event is free and open to the public. For more information, call Adventures at the Greek Table. Selected Poems of Titos Patrikios. He has been awarded the T. He teaches at Allegheny College.

Ploughshares Fall 1992

Sara Pritchard , Fall Thornton Writer-in-Residence, read from her work Thursday, September 27, , followed by a reception and book signing. Sara Pritchard is the author of Crackpots , a novel-in-stories; Lately , a linked-story collection; and Help Wanted: Female Etruscan Press, , a story collection.

Her novel, Butter , will be published in October by Switchgrass Books. She is currently at work on a memoir, Dragonfly Notes: In she was awarded the Academy of American Poets fellowship. Jerald Walker is the author of the memoir The World in Flames: Walker is the author of Street Shadows: Caitlin McGill is a St. Douglas Whynott has written five nonfiction books. The Sugar Season was selected as one of the best books of by the Boston Globe and won the GreenBook Festival Award for writing about the environment.

His other books are Following the Bloom , a profile of a migratory beekeeper and the beekeeping industry; Giant Bluefin , an account of the tuna sherry on Cape Cod; A Unit of Water, A Unit of Time , a story of a boatyard in Maine owned by the acclaimed boat designer Joel White; and A Country Practice , a story about a mixed animal practice vet clinic in a small New Hampshire town.

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She was twice a fellow at both MacDowell and yadoo. Are publishers creating enough books that reflect and celebrate people of color, religious minorities, the LGBTQIA community, people with disabilities, and others?

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Colin Firth stars in this biopic of famous literary editor Max Perkins, which centers on his personal and professional relationship with eccentric author Thomas Wolfe Jude Law. As Wolfe becomes consumed with his lengthy novels and begins to alienate his lover Aline Bernstein Nicole Kidman , Perkins struggles to reel in his talent in order to deliver another bestseller for Scribner Publishing during the s.

Based on the Perkins biography by A. Discussion with special guest and faculty to follow. She teaches poetry at Sarah Lawrence and lives in Brooklyn. A Walk in Provincetown.

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He lives in New York. Reading and Translation at 6: He is the author of ten books of poetry, five books essays, and has won top literary prizes in Cuba for these works. His most recent book of essays is Caminos corporales y de escritura Paths of Embodiment and Writing ; , winner of the Alejo Carpentier Essay Prize. Patricia Lockwood has published two poetry collections and is notable for her trans-genre poetics, including her series of Twitter "sexts" and the prose poem "Rape Joke," probably one of the first if not only poems to "go viral" on Twitter.

She has been called the poet laureate of Twitter. Teju Cole is a writer, art historian, photographer, and photography critic of the New York Times Magazine. He is the author of two books: Megan Marshall is an award-winning American scholar, writer, and biographer. Her first biography The Peabody Sisters: Her second biography Margaret Fuller: Danielle Legros Georges is an essayist, translator, and author of the book of poems, Maroon Curbstone Press, She is currently a Professor at Lesley University. Jon Papernick is the author of three works of fiction: Jewish Fiction from the Edge and Scribblers on the Roof.

Sara Novic is a writer, translator, and teacher. She is fiction editor of Blunderbuss Magazine , and much of her writing appears on her website. Jabari Asim is a writer and multidisciplinary artist. His nonfiction books include The N Word: His books for children include Whose Toes Are Those? Her fourth collection Ways to Spend the Night is due out in January She is also the co-author of What If? Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers.

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Issues | Ploughshares

As reading on digital devices became widespread over recent years, consumers were fascinated and charmed by the convenience of the technology. But some observers worry that reading "digitally" reshapes our brains and diminishes our capacity for concentration, retention, and enjoyment of texts. Join us for a discussion with Naomi Baron on this fascinating phenomenon. Jeffrey Renard Allen is an accomplished novelist, essayist, and poet.

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His many accolades include the Ernest J. The New York Times hailed his latest novel, Song of the Shank , as an "imaginative work only a prodigiously gifted risk-taker could produce. Richard Blanco was named the fifth inaugural poet of the United States following the re-election of President Barack Obama.