
Provoke Love

Provoke to Love and Good Deeds? - First Christian Church

We argued, we made sarcastic jabs every chance we got. In other words we acted just like the older people in our church when they lost sight of who they were. Eventually the woman who owned the house we were working on came out with tears streaming down her face. She sat us down in the grass in front the house and she stood there, shaking her stubby finger at us and speaking through the few teeth she had left.

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From that moment on, everything changed. Instead of obligation, the work became true mission. Instead of tearing each other down, we built each other up.

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When someone tells you that you are the answer to a prayer, everything changes. I came here today to tell you that you are the answer to prayer. You are the answer to the prayers of so many who dreamed of a community of faith that would really do something special. Hebrews turns the notion of provocation upside-down by imploring us to provoke one another to love and good deeds. Home Sermons Provoke One Another. Provoke One Another Hebrews Clark While reading the scripture lesson, I stumbled across this phrase that just seemed odd. Beloved let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds.

Download Sermon with PRO. I SoylentGreen I guess you're right, sex is pretty positive! One case in point, the NIV translation of the Bible swapped out provoked for aroused, although each instance was specifically in reference to anger.

Words that come to mind when thinking of "provoking" but with a positive connotation would be: Digital Chris 3, 8 How about the the word "rouse"? Louel 2, 7 15 How about kindle itself? Alternately in the "terms inspired by science" category, I'd suggest catalyze as a bit more mainstream. Chenmunka 12k 10 36 I actually like "provoke" in that context, but if you really need something different, you might try spur EDIT , to show that spur is frequently used in a positive sense.

A google search for spur to success brings up headlines like these: TecBrat 3, 4 18 I just realized that Jon Hanna included "spur" in an earlier answer. The question asked for positive words of encouragement.

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Spur is hardly positive in most contexts. Spurs look cool, but no one wants a goad in the ribs with spurs. FeralOink Please see my edit. They are somewhat masculine examples e. Pittsburgh Steelers, sports team coaches, tech start-up's which shouldn't be gender-specific, but generally are , but I'm not complaining.

I am a woman, and wouldn't find spur to be a word of positive encouragement. Most prose is not gender-specific though, so spur is probably just fine in a general sense. It is much better than "stimulate", "lure" or "arouse"! Brian Moths 5. I'd go for " spark " - it clearly has positive connotations to me at least These bright students have sparked her enthusiasm for teaching.

Provoke to Love and Good Deeds?

Danield 1, 8 Aaron Hall 4 Attending the lecture series piqued my interest in further study. Ellie Kesselman 4, 3 21 It is very similar without the negative connotations. He gave a passionate speech that invoked a positive attitude amongst the attendees. Dom 1, 7 It makes me feel happy to read this. It is ethical and fair and honest and true and just so good in every way. But to the point: Look at Proverbs They believe that when we confront and debate, we are sharpening up each other. That is not what that scripture means at all. When you sharpen a hoe to work in the garden, you get a file to sharpen the blade.

You use a file to sharpen the blade of the axe so you can fell the tree. This scripture is talking about an individual who provokes another to love and good works by sharpening his awareness. He does this by example, by a word here and a question there. He starts to think clearer and sharper because one person, who is level—headed and thinking straight, sharpens the other person into thinking straight, like a file sharpens an axe.

We can have a real impact on others for the good, but not with some kind of phony technique we come up with. It must be genuine and heartfelt. If we are sincerely living the way of true Christianity, others will pick up on that. People who are constantly concerned and caring and setting the right example by being happy and positive and filled with hope, rub off on others. Just by being respectful and offering a word of encouragement, they encourage others to be stronger.

Instead of pulling them down, they steady and strengthen them. They might cut you down or divulge personal information, thus betraying a confidence. Instead of giving in to the natural human urge to get even and treat them the same way or even uglier—you react calmly.

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