
Overpower Pain

I was working the wrong muscle groups.

The scary thing is that in doing so, I was actually making the problem worse. The woes of a weekend warrior: Longer house at work lead to increased injuries at play. We want to make sure we put on our A-game at work, so we may not have time to work out during the week. Many of us make up for it on the weekend, cramming a whole week of workouts into a Saturday or Sunday. Mitchell Yass, Farmingdale, New York-based physical therapist, author and creator of the revolutionary Mitchell Yass Pain Resolution Method, calls people who do this weekend warriors.

  • Overpower Pain - Sentient Publications.
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So what are the most common weekend warrior injuries? And how can they be prevented? Knee Pain — This is by far the joint most likely to be injured during these strenuous workouts or sports as it absorbs the bulk of the shock. To an extent, your knees are used to a certain level of stress due to walking, bending, sitting and standing, however while over-working the body, the stress results from a different type of extreme activity such as abruptly switching directions or stopping short like in sports or piling on the weight when using machines.

These actions put a tremendous amount of strain on the muscles that support and move the knee. The muscles most affected by this are the hamstrings and the quads. If the muscles fail to support the knee during aggressive and often times unstable occurrences, then the ligaments, cartilage and even bones that make up the knee are susceptible to injury.

Overpower Pain: The Strength-Training Program That Stops Pain Without Drugs or Surgery

Prevention and Treatment — To maximize the function of the knee and prevent injury, squats, straight leg dead lifts and calf raises are essential. Theu are the most effective strength-training exercise for the quads, hamstrings and calves. Be sure to stretch the quads, calves and groin muscles.

Lower Back Pain — A lower back injury is the second most common injury when exercises are not done correctly. This happens with quicky, jerky motions. Back injuries happen most often when lower back muscles strain, and can be excessively painful if the muscle starts to spasm. Prevention and Treatment — To keep lower back muscles from straining, have strong glutes, hamstrings and hip abductors. Do straight leg dead lifts and hip abduction raises to strengthen these muscles. Shoulder Pain — For weekend warriors who throw ball, the potential to strain a muscle is high. The rotator cuff sustains the arm bone in the shoulder joint and decelerates the arm during the throwing motion.

If your body is not ready for the throwing motion, expect pain in the rotator cuff as well as in the other shoulder and shoulder blade muscles. Prevention and Treatment — To maximize shoulder function and prevent joint injury, do posterior deltoid lifts, lat pull-downs in front of the face and tricep extensions lying on the back.

These exercises will stabilize the shoulder and shoulder blade, maximizing their function. This is a vital guide for raising a generation of peacemakers. Thomas Williams removes the mystery with a step-by-step explanation of the business of poetry publishing, how to get your poetry noticed, and what magazine and book editors want. Portraits of Pregnancy combines captivating fine-art photographs of pregnant women with intimate stories of their transformative journey into motherhood. This dramatic look at the dark side of our health care system is a cautionary tale for America, where being in the wrong hospital at the wrong time can cost you your health— or your life.

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The products we carry are selected with the guidance of our naturopathic experts. All supplements are professional grade and our home and body products are free from toxins and carcinogens. The Bottom Line Store. Mitchell Yass has spent the past 25 years developing his method of diagnosing and treating the cause, not the symptom, of pain. Menu Search My Account.

Account Wishlist Log In. Using the program he has d More than 55 million Americans have experienced chronic pain lasting more than three years, and even more will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives.

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Using the program he has developed in his fifteen years as a physical therapist, Yass provides a comprehensive strength-training program to help readers overcome pain and return to full functioning capacity. Unlike other books, which provide only quick fixes for resolving or coping with the problem, Overpower Pain describes in detail how muscle functions, how it causes pain, and what specific exercises can be done to relieve pain in every part of the body. Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Overpower Pain , please sign up.

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We often assume that chronic pain relates to a particular physical injury such as a herniated disc or arthritis when the real culprit is muscular imbalance. According to Mitchell Yass, author of Overpower Pain, it is often very difficult to diagnose such conditions.

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On an x-ray, the bones may actually appear to be misaligned or otherwise damaged. However, this data can be misleading. Often muscle mass is concentrated in certain areas which causes shortenings in opposing muscle groups. This can a We often assume that chronic pain relates to a particular physical injury such as a herniated disc or arthritis when the real culprit is muscular imbalance. This can actually cause the types of alignments seen on x-rays.

Overpower Pain looks at the very common problem of chronic pain being caused by muscular imbalance and weakness. The information that the author presents could save the average person a good deal of money while quite possibly relieving their pain symptoms, all without surgery. However, the thing that interested me most about this book was that I learned about how the muscles work together.

For years, I have had lower back pain. I have tried everything to strengthen my back. After reading this book, I now understand why these exercises never worked.