
Everything Counts, Everyone Matters


Our school motto again underpins the importance of mutual respect and the fact that respect is shown to everyone regardless of age, background, ability, race, gender or sexuality. Everything counts - Everyone matters - Be the best you can be. Tolerance of those of different faiths or beliefs. Britain is a multicultural, multi-faith society and we at Kilkhampton Junior and Infant School take our responsibilities of ensuring that our children learn about and understand the faiths and beliefs of others very seriously.

How would you interpret the phrase, "Everything counts but nothing matters?" : self

Being tolerant of those of different faith and those who hold different beliefs is an important part of being British. Click here for more information. The Key Values are: Through elections for roles such as House Captains Teaching in history including - The Ancient Greeks and as contrasting the democratic rights we enjoy with conditions in past societies. In assemblies throughout the year where we have learnt about 'Heroes of Democracy.


The Rule of Law We teach the importance of the rule of law to children from the moment they arrive at school. This is underpinned by our school motto: Individual Liberty Individual Liberty is an important part of being a British citizen and we teach children the importance of this fundamental right. Mutual Respect We place huge importance on the notion of mutual respect. Tolerance of those of different faiths or beliefs Britain is a multicultural, multi-faith society and we at Kilkhampton Junior and Infant School take our responsibilities of ensuring that our children learn about and understand the faiths and beliefs of others very seriously.

Depeche Mode - Everything Counts Multicam Stockholm 5th May 2017i

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