
A Premiers State

Since , such meetings occur as the Council of Australian Governments COAG , which also includes the Chief Ministers of the territories and a representative of local government. With the exception of South Australia , every state and territory of Australia has had a female head of government, all but two of whom have represented the Australian Labor Party. Of the state leaders, all but Palaszczuk succeeded male Premiers of their own party who had resigned mid-term; in three cases Lawrence, Kirner and Keneally , their predecessors' resignations occurred after losing the support of their parliamentary colleagues.

The governments led by Lawrence, Kirner, Keneally and Giddings were defeated at the subsequent elections. Anna Bligh and Annastacia Palaszczuk are the only women who have received a popular mandate as Premier of an Australian state 21 March and 31 January Palaszczuk is also the first woman to have led a party from Opposition to Government. Rosemary Follett Labor was elected as the inaugural Chief Minister of the ACT in , nine months before any woman became premier of a state.

A Premier's State

Clare Martin was the only one of these three women to lead a majority government. Of all female Premiers and Chief Ministers, only Clare Martin and Annastacia Palaszczuk have gained re-election after successfully completing a term from election to election. Rosemary Follett did win two consecutive elections, but had an interrupted term of service from 5 December when a successful motion of no confidence passed by establishing a new government led by Trevor Kaine to 6 June when another motion of no confidence was passed, this time against Trevor Kaine, re-establishing Follett as Chief Minister.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Federal electoral system Electoral divisions Political parties Recent elections Federal: List of female heads of government in Australia.

Vice Premiers, State Councilors Endorsed by National Legislature

Council for the Australian Federation. Retrieved 14 June Retrieved from " https: Heads of government of Australian states and territories. Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 25 November , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Parliament of Victoria - Premier of Victoria

Scott Morrison Deputy Prime Minister: Legislature Parliament Senate President: Scott Ryan House of Representatives Speaker: Tony Smith Opposition Leader: Bill Shorten Shadow Ministry. Last month I was able to officially open one of the largest solar farms in Queensland, constructed by Sun Metals zinc. Yesterday I joined executives from Virgin to announce that biofuel will be blended into their fuel stock at Brisbane Airport for domestic flights. Hydrogen has long been seen as a potential energy source, but one that so far has proved difficult to produce and transport commercially.

Ellen Whinnett

Japan, our second largest trading partners, is looking to Queensland for its future energy needs. Japan has launched an ambitious program to be able to demonstrate hydrogen powered vessels at the Tokyo Olympics.

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We are talking about the potential to capture Queensland sunshine, then store it, and transport it to Japan as a source of renewable energy. Today I am releasing a hydrogen discussion paper to receive your input on how we can advance this new and emerging industry in Queensland. When Holden and Toyota pulled out of Melbourne and Adelaide last year, many people saw that as the end of the automotive industry in Australia. The reward it provides is a long-term industry that needs the support of many specialised small and medium businesses as suppliers - and a highly skilled workforce.

If Enoggera is the army end of that corridor of defence industries, Amberley is the Air Force end.

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  3. No Ordinary Secret: The One With Terrible Events (#1).

Once again, Boeing will be working with a number of local partners as their suppliers, providing a constant demand for engineers and technicians. But all of them will require new skills - for our existing workforce, and for children who are only just entering school.

Steve Bracks

This is something where industry, government, universities, the skills training sector and unions must all work together. Just as we are envisaging a classroom of the future - what does a future hospital ward look like? The Institute is working out how to take tailored health care solutions to a place they have never been before. Scanning, modelling and printing replacement body parts - not just bones and joints, but patient-specific skin and cartilage.

Current Heads of Government and Opposition Leaders

In the United States, there already factories generating thousands of these personalised 3D implants. Some of that work will be done by robotics, but the opportunities that will combine disciplines of engineering and health care may well need a degree that may well not exist today. Today, the company Daniel founded, BiVaCor, is at the leading edge of a global technological evolution, building hearts that can grow within their host. BiVaCor was also an early recipient of funding through one of our Advance Queensland initiatives. Working with Siemens Healthcare and the Draper Labs in Boston, they are developing new applications for magnetic resonance that can be used to detect conditions ranging from PTSD.

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  • Premiers of the Australian states.
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  • Connecting those ideas with the capital that can turn them into reality is one of the underpinning philosophies of our deliberate decision to attract more start-ups to Queensland. And it is working - we have overtaken Victoria to be second only to New South Wales among start-ups in Australia. In the future, there will be two key areas that governments and industry need to focus on - artificial intelligence AI and blockchain technology.

    AI has turned a significant corner in its development, with the recent expansion of cloud computing. As algorithms improve and processing speeds increase, whole new worlds of possibility are opening up. In Queensland, artificial intelligence is starting to be used at the QIMR to analyse the genes of cancer patients to help doctors to develop more effective targeted treatments.