
The Wolf Who Fought for His Soul Mate [Mate or Meal 12] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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I know they're wolves, but to be such horndogs that the Big Guy can't be bothered to get off the bed long enough to fetch the lube he knows is in a bag in the room just meters away? Seriously - I am able to suspend my disbelief to the point where I can read mpreg without hesitation, but all the suspiciously vagina-like ani anuses?

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Jun 13, Kinny rated it liked it Shelves: Interfering narrow minded elders who cause major harm. Tyrell is finally dead and so is Aria Paris' mom. Problem resolved with no stupid cliffhanger. Such a wimp and push over to those who abuse him BUT such a trouble making burden of a whiny brat to the few people who do love him. Baby Daire and Jace. May 19, Phaney rated it it was ok Shelves: Space is warped and time is bendable. Well, maybe not the space thing, but timescales and ages are seriously off. And the sex scenes? I just started skimming through them in the previous book.

The Wolf Who Fought for His Soul Mate by Scarlet Hyacinth

I am all for love and affection and emotionally strong moments but the superlatives in this series never stop. As such they lose impact, as well as produce some impossible instances, Review: As such they lose impact, as well as produce some impossible instances, such as when something is supposed to be the most something-or-other or the first time for something-or-other to ever feel like that even when we know it did before.

Like no one ever loved Paris before. When we know perfectly well that both Anson and Reed already did in the previous book. I hate that kind of inaccuracy for the sake of silly superlatives. Also, I am increasingly irritated by the wrong use of words, like irradiated for radiated.

The Shark Who Rode a Seahorse [Mate or Meal 5] (Siren Publishing Classic Manlove)

And this was just one example although it occurs frequently. But where the hell was the editor in this? Anyway, not much plot in this book, although finally view spoiler [the evil people are killed hide spoiler ]. Also, one more couple is set up for their book and another, that I had forgotten about, appeared as well. I have to wonder about that, though. Since Noah and Rhys are apparently so close and have been since the attack a few books back, are they mated yet?

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I mean, Rhys is an incubus, so he has to have sex or he dies. And the whole mating thing will become apparent through that, I suppose. So… will we backtrack a long way for their book or will it basically start near the ending? Maybe this is one of the reasons these books are turning so boring: Anyway, it also appears that the third generation is being set up strongly already. It makes me sad that people who appear interesting initially turn out so disappointing in their own books.

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  3. The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg [Mate or Meal 2] (Siren Publishing Classic Manlove).
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Such as Reed and Paris. Makes me feel apprehensive about both Noah and Derek, since I am actually interested in them. Jul 30, Hc rated it it was ok Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. This just seemed too anticlimactic to me.

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  • Tyrell's storyline arc is done and seemed so with barely a battle really. He just came across too 'whiney' to me to be any kind of proper mate for Jace.

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    Would have made more sense to me for him to develop more into his own character before, 'BAM its Mate Time. I'm hoping Derek's match up turns the heat on this series back up Apr 19, Dee rated it liked it. Which I'm still skimming due to overabundance caused by reading this series too close together; not really the author's fault, more my mad OCD issues, which is why I'm not harshing the score - I think if I'd read them spread out I'd like these all as the short sexy reads they are Jul 23, blub rated it liked it Shelves: I have to admit I was a bit bored with this one for the first half of the story.

    The second half was more interesting. I'm thought Aria could have had a worst ending but the way she died was adequate enough.

    I wasn't expecting for Daire to take back his body so that was a surprise. I'm looking forward to reading about Rhys and Noah. Jul 18, Ellen rated it liked it Shelves: I have decided to stop reading this series. Not because it's bad, but because there are so many books out there that I don't need to waste my time with average when I can read excellent books.

    Ba rated it it was amazing Nov 27, But against all odds, against a force so much more powerful than the two of them, can they really succeed? Or are they just pawns to be sacrificed in a game with no rules? The Best Books of Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of Looking for beautiful books? Visit our Beautiful Books page and find lovely books for kids, photography lovers and more.

    Other books in this series. Book ratings by Goodreads. Goodreads is the world's largest site for readers with over 50 million reviews. We're featuring millions of their reader ratings on our book pages to help you find your new favourite book. Christmas posting dates Learn more.