
James Audubon: An Appreciation of Nature Unit Study

Last week was technically spring break for us, but this gentle study didn't seem like "school".

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A study of John James Audubon seems appropriate for this time of year, with all of the many birds returning to our area, and so many of them visiting our feeders in the yard. It all started with this sweet book, A Nest for Celeste. This is the story of a mouse, Celeste, and her sweet relationship with John James Audubon's young apprentice.

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This book has captured my children's attention from the very first paragraph, and the pencil illustrations are exquisite. If you are adding to your library, I would suggest it. We supplemented with a free reading online, Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans , picking out the chapters about Audubon. Looking at pictures painted by Audubon along the way has also been integral to our study. A bird viewing area was set up on our deck I placed the feeder on the table, rather than hanging so they could see the birds better! At first we had times in the morning to sit and watch the birds, but over the next several days my children would come get me to show me birds they were observing during other times as well.

Art, Contemporary Culture, and the Church

If you find your students enjoy studying animals, I recommend his series and the biography of the vet. Alexander Wilson The first individual who attempted to paint and describe all the birds of North America. First of all, provide them with a biography of the artist and resources to living books. In our own home, we also chose one or two pictures from a single artist. I then created enough biography and artist information in my teacher preparation, including the type of art produced, to springboard their own study through observation and living books.

Picture study was another avenue towards deeper learning. You can play a game though I'm not sure Ms. Mason would call it a game , where the children study the picture silently for about five minutes. Next, turn the image over and try to recall as many details as possible. Students who aren't keen to share verbally can attempt to sketch out what they recall about the picture.

In addition, the entire Audobon collection can be found here. You can also do a search for images of birds found in the Bible. Wilson's bird plates can be found here. While you read through your living books, make a note of words you'd like to know more about. A word study involves not just noting the actual definition, but defining the keywords in the definition. Also, if you want to take it a step further, you can study how the word is used in Scripture. This helps you gain God's mind about the word.

When I began this study of birds, I was surprised by just how much information there was about birds, how to study them, and ways to study them. If you'd like to make a cohesive unit study out of the information in the three posts, Why Watch the Birds , Classical Music Inspired by Birds , and this one, here are some suggestions. Regardless of how you choose to study the birds, you can be sure that God will reveal little truths along the way.

eliminating the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak

The Boy Who Drew Birds: Painter of Birds in the Wild Frontier Audubon: Nature Study in Your Homeschool: Five Favorite Homeschool Memories. Your first steps into the concept of nature study begin with your first walk outdoors. I love Charlotte Mason's words - these particular ones always inspire me: Living Books A living book, one of the cornerstones of the Charlotte Mason method, is defined as, " Living Music While I'm not sure living music is a term, we can certainly apply the definition of a living book to that of music.

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  • All music does indeed tell a story. Key Persons Knowing the key persons and their role in any subject creates friends for us in our learning. Word Study While you read through your living books, make a note of words you'd like to know more about. Here are a few to get you started: Putting it All Together When I began this study of birds, I was surprised by just how much information there was about birds, how to study them, and ways to study them.

    • Audubon’s Seeing Hand.
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    • Don't worry about a right way to do it. Let your children lead the way. Birds are an easy delight-directed study.

      Education Resources - Brookline Bird Club

      Just observing the birds can be fun, so pack a picnic and have a birding day. Begin with the Word Study elements of the articles. This lays a strong foundation for understanding and results in a God-perspective on the study. Finally, move into the autobiography and picture study, weaving living books throughout, and then sprinkle in the music.

      Start with the music. Study the pieces, the bird sounds, and the hymns.

      Audubon and the Birds of America (Preview)

      As a result, you will have a well-rounded music appreciation course. You might also like: